Fivex3 Radio

Broadcasting from Baltimore, MD, home of crab cakes, Natty Boh and The Wire, Fivex3 Radio is a podcast for the every person, because strength is for everyone. The host of the podcast is Emily Socolinsky, owner of Fivex3 Training, a strength and conditioning gym in Baltimore, along with one of her coaches, Rebecca Fishburne. Each week, Rebecca and Emily will discuss the ins and outs of strength training, why there is a no one size fits all approach, and why strength is so important in your daily life. Emily has been a Starting Strength Coach since 2010 and has owned and operated Fivex3 Training for the past 9 years. Emily was active as a professional dancer and teacher for over 20 years. During that time, she focused on strength training and a variety of cross-training methods that helped her grow and develop as a dancer and athlete. Her website is Rebecca has been a Starting Strength Coach since 2018. She became a personal trainer in 2008 and has been working with people under the bar since 2016. Her website is She works with individuals in person and online.

What Kind of Coach is the RIGHT Coach for YOU? Part Four

In today's episode, Rebecca and I wrap up our Four Part Series on "Coaching" and discuss what you should look for when hiring a coach to help you. Think about your WHY and choose who may be right for you. Charm City Strongwoman Contest Health and Fitness 2024


Why Hire a Coach? Part Three

In part three of our four part series on finding your WHY, Rebecca and I discuss when and why you might think about hiring a coach.


Action and Intention: Part Two

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss what happens after you have figured out your WHY? Part Two is about your intention and then action...and being realistic about your schedule and time.


What is YOUR Why? Part One

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss finding your WHY when it comes to deciding to begin a strength training program. This is the first part of a four part series on goal setting.


Recovery: Do you know how to recover between workouts?

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss the importance of recovery between strength sessions. What you do outside of the gym is just as important as what you do in the gym and finding a good balance between your strength sessions and any outside activities helps your performance in the gym.


How does one learn to get TIGHT?

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss how we help our lifters understand what tension should feel like in their bodies when learning how to get tight during a squat, press, bench or deadlift. As I like to say, you have to get comfortable with getting "uncomfortable." ;) Video of Mike T. squatting - BEST SET UP EVER FOR A SQUAT.


What does "Fitness" look like?

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss the topic of "Fitness" and what makes someone "look" fit? What does fitness look like to you?


Let's talk about Incontinence, baby.

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss the topic of incontinence and pelvic floor concerns. Rebecca explains the who, what, when, why and offers excellent advice about how to deal with this issue. Subjects like incontinence can be uncomfortable to talk about but we need to talk about it, just like menopause, menstruation, hemorrhoids, hernias, issues that will affect training and our livelihoods. Don't stay quiet. If you are having concerns, please see your doctor. Dr. Sarah Elli...


Powerlifting or Strengthlifting Meet Curious??

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss what to expect leading up to a first powerlifting or strenghlifting meet. For those who are "powerlifting curious," take a listen and email us if you have questions!!! Powerlifting https://www.usapowerlifting.comStrengthlifting


What IS the BEST strength program for getting stronger?

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss what is the best strength program out there....Hint: It's probably the one you can stick with! ;)Stronger Together: to Gilchrist- Music Therapy Program


Training during the Holidays

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss training during the holidays, why it can be a happy but stressful time for people or a solemn time for others. How do you handle your training during the fall and winter when it's cold and dark? Stronger Together 2023 to Gilchrist- Music Therapy Program


Training after an illness or long lay off

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss how we help our clients get back on track with their training after an illness or if they have been off of training for a few weeks or so. Prelude: A discussion about motor unit recruitment with Manny. Stronger Together: A Fundraiser for the Music Therapy Program at Gilchrist Hospice.


Talking Mental Health with Dr. Frederick Houts, MD

In today's episode, Rebecca and I interview Dr. Frederick Houts and discuss mental health and medication. A fantastic discussion about treating mental health and why it is important to have these uncomfortable but crucial conversations. More about Dr. Houts:


How to Spot a Bench/Squat: Do ya know how?

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss how to properly spot a bench press or squat. The spotter has a responsibility and so does the lifter. Number One Tip: Do NOT let go of your bar when benching if the spotter has to grab your bar mid set. ;) Enjoy!Stronger Together: A Partners Strength Meet will begin in November!!


Safety in the Gym: Use your spotter arms!!

We are back!!! Thanks for hanging in there while we were off for the month of August. Rebecca and I are back for another season and we are ready!!In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss safety measures you should take when benching and squatting. The gym is a controlled environment because you are the one in control of your weights and set up. It is a safe environment if you use common sense and take steps to ensure that you will get the most out of your training.Stronger TogetherOur ...


Off for August!!! See you in September!

Rebecca and I are taking the month. Yay! Vacation! We will return in September with new topics, interviews and fun. Please join us then!


Our 2nd Interview with Manny, Powerlifter Extraordinaire

In today's episode, we meet up with Manny Rechthand again to talk about his most recent powerlifting meet. Manny talks making weight, training for this past meet and most importantly, having a positive mindset while training. Join us for our talk with Manny...who will be competing in his 6th powerlifting meet in November 2023.


Training in the Heat

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss training in the summer and the heat, how to avoid dehydration as well as some considerations to think about when traveling and training. The Backbone


To Deload or Not to Deload, That is the Question.

In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss deloads and why most lifters will never need to worry about scheduling a de load because one is already built into their programs. The deload is called LIFE. ;)Do I Need a Deload Week? Article


Mental Health and Strength Training

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In today's episode, Rebecca and I discuss our personal bouts with mental health and what we and those we know and love have done to help us overcome these issues. Prelude: Monday Moments with Manny. ;)Manny and I take 10 minutes to discuss the topic of spinal stenosis. Manny is a retired neurologist. Articles dealing with Mental Health and training


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