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Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux | Podcasts 3000-3499
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Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux | Podcasts 3000-3499

Author: Stefan Molyneux

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With host Stefan Molyneux, podcast topics range from philosophy to economics to art to how to achieve real freedom in the modern world. Passionate, articulate, funny and irreverent, Freedomain Radio shines a bold light on old topics - and invents a few new ones to boot!
591 Episodes
Question 1: [1:14] - “Venezuela is hell; Death, hunger, sickness, and violence are galloping across the entire land. There are no prospects and no safety. Many are still hopeful for a change, but I don't see it happening any time soon because of the level of entrenchment of the regime against an ineffectual opposition. Additionally, most people don't even care to understand why we reached this sorry state. Do you really think the creative, intelligent Venezuelans should remain here to waste their lives?”Question 2: [57:24] - “With a very young daughter, is it better to have her in daycare part time, but living in a better home and neighborhood, or, should I quit my job and move to a smaller home in a neighborhood of less quality but be a stay at home dad?”Question 3: [1:21:13] - “I'm a recent college graduate and landed a job in my field, though I have slowly come to realize that I do not want to pursue it further. Considering the large amount of debt and time I have put into this, it has left me feeling bitter and frustrated. I am acutely aware that my career indecision is now using up valuable time that should be spent building up work skills. I have always felt that the right career lies at the intersection of what you have an aptitude for, what the world needs, and what you enjoy. I just can't seem to get there. In your experience, how did you find the right career and do you have any advice or pitfalls to avoid along the way?”Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
What is the reason behind the drift of western culture into empty nihilistic materialistic hedonism? Dr. Jordan Peterson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the complicated nature of cultural division, the reduction of personal responsibility, the danger of not "having meaning" in your life, the nature of ideology, developing a sense of efficacy in the world, suffering as an intrinsic component to human nature, the argument for free will and much more!Dr. Jordan Peterson is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist and the author of “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief.”Website: http://www.jordanbpeterson.comYouTube: Course: http://www.selfauthoring.comFreedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, based in the Sanctuary City of San Francisco, upheld a lower courts restraining order against President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily banning visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without extreme vetting.Sources: Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
The leading Internet television network with over 93.8 million members has decided that their audience needs more racism, bigotry and stereotypes - and the public reaction to Netflix's "Dear White People" trailer has not been pretty. Dear White People | Date Announcement Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
President Donald Trump’s recent immigration related executive orders temporarily ban visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without “extreme vetting” and stop the intake refugees from these countries for at least 30 days.Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Why is skepticism important? What methodology do you use to determine the difference between truth and falsehood? Dr. Michael Shermer joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the nature of human belief, removing the intensity from the climate change discussion, the disembowelment of religion without constructing a new system of ethics, replacing god with large government, delaying gratification, the importance of impulse control, ending poverty worldwide, why determinism fails and much much more!Dr. Michael Shermer is the Founding Publisher of Skeptic magazine, a monthly columnist for Scientific American and Presidential Fellow at Chapman University. He is the author of many popular books, including his most recent “Skeptic: Viewing the World with a Rational Eye.”Website: http://www.michaelshermer.comTwitter: Magazine: http://www.skeptic.comSkeptic: Moral Arc: Believing Brain: Mind of The Market: Darwin Matters: Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Introduction: [1:58] – Stefan Molyneux responds to listener feedback on “the end of arguments”Question 1: [8:27] - The University of California at Berkeley was in flames on Wednesday after violent leftist rioters shut down the finale of Milo Yiannopoulos’s college lecture tour. Innocent supporters of President Donald Trump were assaulted, property was destroyed and free speech disgraced on the infamous site of the 1960’s student Free Speech movement.Question 2: [1:18:03] - “As the product of teenage parents, I struggle with the fact that I've turned out "alright" but hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of children from broken homes don't share the same fate. With the statistics out there showing the wide majority of children from "broken homes" ending up in poverty, jail or worse, what makes the difference in those like myself, and is there anything one could do to assist the majority?”Question 3: [2:07:23] - "Do you think that there are dangers in taking an apologetic or conciliatory stance toward organized religion and faith-based religious attitudes? Do you think that faith and reason can coexist peacefully if faith becomes the dominant entity in the dichotomy? What qualities do you see manifested in an individual governed by faith, as opposed to those found in a person governed by reason?"Question 4: [2:30:30] - “As an atheist who maintains Christian values, how and when should I tell my new Christian girlfriend about my lack of faith? I met her online after indicating a religious status as ‘Christian.’ Is it possible for an atheist man who maintains Christian values to be happily married, and to have children with a Christian woman? If so, is it wise?"Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Hamlet is the greatest play in world literature – listen to a trained actor and Professor of Shakespeare talk in depth about what the play means, why its power endures, and what it reveals about the deepest parts of each of us. The glory of this tragedy is how it wakes us up to death, reminds us of the power - and danger - of passion, and brings to life the potential and paralysis of our own thoughts. Philosophy, nihilism, god, heaven, hell, revenge, love and life and death – Hamlet has it all! Dr. Duke Pesta, tenured professor, and Stefan Molyneux, trained actor, delve deep into the themes and meanings of the greatest secular story ever told.Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School. For more from Dr. Duke and the FreedomProject Academy, please go to: https://www.fpeusa.orgFreedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Question 1: [2:06] - “Your definition of forgiveness resonated very strongly with me and made more sense than any other definition I’ve heard, but it doesn’t relieve the pain and damage that was done. It seems to only give relief to the perpetrator. How does forgiveness provide relief to the person doing the forgiving?”Question 2: [1:01:27] - ”I am getting divorced. Years ago, I married a woman who had betrayed me once, and recently I discovered she betrayed me again. During that betrayal, I was also quite sick. I want to explore with you, and understand, why I would commit the mistake of falling in love, and then marrying, an unfaithful person and what I can do in the future to secure the loyal love and happiness I want for myself?”Question 3: [2:43:50] - "With the recent events of the 2016 presidential election and it's results I find myself as a former Marxist completely shifted on most issues I use to have a firmer stance on. Went from a militant anarcho-communist to a principled anarcho-capitalist and now find myself leaning towards concepts of nationalism and Americanism. I do not believe in nationalized healthcare, believe in the unregulated free market and I supported Donald Trump's bid for the Presidency just to name a few, how can I engage with and still respect friends and loved ones when met with a surprising amount of hostility and hate concerning my new positions?”Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
The University of California at Berkeley was in flames on Wednesday after violent leftist rioters shut down the finale of Milo Yiannopoulos’s college lecture tour. Stefan Molyneux is joined by Kiara Robles who attempted to attend Milo's speech only to be pepper-sprayed by leftist rioters for wearing the "wrong" clothing. Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
The University of California at Berkeley was in flames on Wednesday after violent leftist rioters shut down the finale of Milo Yiannopoulos’s college lecture tour. Stefan Molyneux is joined by Katrina who attempted to attend the event only to be smashed in the head with a flagpole, pepper-sprayed and blinded with terror as her husband was assaulted to the point of hospitalization. Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
The University of California at Berkeley was in flames on Wednesday after violent leftist rioters shut down a shut down the finale of Milo Yiannopoulos’s college lecture tour. Innocent supporters of President Donald Trump were assaulted, property was destroyed and free speech disgraced on the infamous site of the 1960’s student Free Speech movement.Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
In the midst of the European Migrant Crisis, Sweden is on the verge of societal collapse under the weight of mass immigration. Ingrid Carlqvist joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the current state of Sweden, the shocking Facebook livestream rape case, demoralization of the Swedish people, being faced with a true rape culture, next years Swedish elections and what the future looks like for the Swedish people. Ingrid Carlqvist is an independent journalist based in Sweden.For more from Ingrid Carlqvist, please go to: Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
I watch Hollywood awards ceremonies where a supposed artist screams out for punching people in the face for political disagreements, and the entire horde of Botoxed brain zombies leaps to their feet in an ungodly and unholy howl of rampant bloodlust approval.There is a storm coming, it is being summoned by the words of the vicious and ignorant, of the hateful and horrifying – it is a time-storm, it will throw us back through history – and that is if we are lucky. If we are unlucky, it will throw us back through history to prehistory, perhaps even to the history before we were here as a species.This is the storm.Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
The mainstream media spent the weekend lying about President Donald Trump instituting a Muslim ban, lying about the contents of the recent executive order, lying about those impacted by the new guidelines and lying about why seven specific countries were included in the travel restrictions.President Trump was painted as a monster for placing a temporary ban on accepting Syrian refugees - while other world leaders bent over backwards to virtue signal and express their willingness to destabilize their countries.While the mainstream media, politicians, corporations and Hollywood celebrities were virtue signaling - President Trump made a few phone calls and may have just saved Western Civilization. Reuters Article: Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
President Donald Trump’s recent immigration related executive orders temporarily ban visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without “extreme vetting” and stop the intake refugees from these countries for at least 30 days. Is this a "Muslim Ban" as is being reported - or is the mainstream media lying to you once again? Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Question 1: [2:44] - “Recently I have been hearing a lot about this new wave feminist movement and I'm confused as to what they are actually trying to accomplish. What is the purpose for the divide among men and women using the feminist movement? Also, how is it so easy to brainwash young women into believing that men are inferior and the cause of all of their problems?”Question 2: [44:40] - “When I first started listening to Stefan regularly I didn't even realize he was a staunch Atheist. Stefan advocates the two parent family, personal responsibility, free will, limited government, and capitalism. As many of his views parallel those held by most mainstream Christians, does he have any objections to Christianity other than the existence of God?”Question 3: [1:18:45] - “If you assume there is free will, there are still a lot of factors that influence or determine the perception upon which you make choices. Your body performs a lot of unconscious actions at different levels. A decision cannot "feel" the same to different people. What do people really consider when they make decisions? You can find a rational reason, if you look long enough as an outside observer. Yet, can that really be the direct cause for a person's behavior, if they are not aware of it at any level?"Question 4: [2:12:30] - “I am a Hispanic/white/cis/male American and have experienced prejudice and dishonesty from the left first-hand. For example, I recently applied at a Non-profit Bicycle co-op on the less favorable side of town, and was denied employment for reasons being that I am a male; despite spending more time at the shop and demonstrating a superior work ethic to the two employees who were ultimately hired. Both women. I was told they were hired because they ‘need more females in the shop.’ One major question comes to mind. Does my barring of employment breach the NAP? If so, aren't they just exercising the right to choose how to operate their business? If not, why do I feel like it does?”Question 5: [2:36:08] – “What is the relation between tragedy and intimacy? In a shallow culture, is it necessary for something traumatic to happen in order for people to connect?”Question 6: [2:51:11] - “There is a core truth to reality, which is that it is infinitely definable. The realization of this truth, I think, leads to a set of self-evident principles about reality that have the potential to reshape the narrative of why we exist, what 'it' all means, and how we go about interacting, manifesting, and reconciling our personal perspectives with the broader Reality we all interact in. With that said, what besides cognitive dissonance is to blame for people ignoring, avoiding, and/or rejecting reality? I want to believe that we are all capable of accepting reality as our definitions of it are refined, changed, and discovered—but I feel like too many people accept narratives as opposed to questioning them: do they not realize what a disservice they are doing to themselves, others, and the legacy of our ancestors by not probing deeper into the mysteries of what is manifestly real? Do they not see the danger in blindly accepting what-at least possibly-could be misrepresentations of what is real?”Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Question 1: [2:24] – Two different firsthand accounts of the violent protests outside Milo Yiannopoulos’s recent University of Washington speech – including the aftermath of the shooting and the experience of what nearly turned into a violent riot. Question 2: [51:17] – "If no other appeal to the child for obedience is functional, and the threat to the child is the child's certain death or severe harm, then would you find spanking justifiable in order to prevent such an event from occurring?"Question 3: [1:18:59] – “Recently, I saw a video where Stefan was denying the existence of ‘inalienable human rights’ based on they justify force or government coercion to come to fruition. This was the core problem with the conversation all the way through the talk. A ‘right’ as defined by the founders and recognized in the 'bill of rights' is that in which you can express by yourself in a free market. for example, freedom of speech is an inalienable right, because you don't need to use force or exploit anyone by exercising it. same with the right to self-preservation, you don't need to exploit anyone else to defend yourself in a free market, please tell me why I and the founders are wrong in the definition of inalienable rights?“Question 4: [1:39:37] – “I have always held the belief that morality is primarily objective without differing much from person to person. This belief has carried me so far in my brief adult life but it seemed sound up until recently. The kidnapping and torturing of the mentally disabled white boy in Chicago has made me very concerned about the influence and interpretation of morality on each person. Is morality objective, and if not, what kind of outside factors are powerful enough to change one's moral compass to where kidnapping/torturing is okay, or the acceptance of this as just 'kids being kids' is okay?”Question 5: [2:01:11] – “I find that many of your beliefs are in line with Biblical truths (e.g. marriage, gender roles, rationality, social injustice, etc). You even accept that religion gives people a sense of purpose and are sympathetic to Christians. Why are you not a believer in Christ yourself?”Question 6: [2:16:18] – I’m a relatively new listener, and over the last couple months I’ve heard you make what sound like disparaging remarks about stepping into a relationship with a woman who already has children, or raising another man’s children. However, I’ve also never heard you say to never do that. Since you often ask people ‘Why didn’t you call me sooner?’ I’m asking now.”Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Newspapers worldwide are failing in spectacular fashion. As panicked media conglomerates lose millions of dollars annually, a think tank has recommended that Canada create a federally funded agency to distribute $400 million a year to failing news organizations which "can no longer afford to fulfill their civic duties." Yes, really! Sources: Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:
Resistance creates strength. Stefan Molyneux joins Vox Day to discuss the escalating emotional and physical resistance from the feral regressive leftists against those to their political right. Vox Day is a multiple-time Hugo Award nominee who writes epic fantasy as well as non-fiction including “SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police” and “Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America.”Vox is also a professional game designer and maintains a pair of popular blogs, Vox Popoli and Alpha Game, which average millions of pageviews each month.He is the lead designer of next-generation Wikipedia replacement Infogalactic and also runs Castalia House publishing - which just released Mike Cernovich’s new book “MAGA Mindset.”Vox Day's Books: Day's Blog: http://voxday.blogspot.comCastalia House: http://www.castaliahouse.comInfogalactic: https://infogalactic.comVox Day on Periscope: Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police How "Conservatives" Betrayed America Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: