
Author: Allie Rick
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Welcome to the GIRL GET REAL Podcast hosted by professional dancer, wellness junkie, and snack queen, Allie Rick. Inspired by the journey through the sometimes messy twenties, GIRL GET REAL is the perfect mixture of tough love and positive vibes where we discuss everything from entrepreneurship, overcoming self-doubt, and wellness practices. My mission is to motivate you, make you laugh, and provide the source of encouragement you’re craving. If you’re ready to put your big girl pants on and go after your dream life, this show is for you!
42 Episodes
Happy Monday fam! We are starting off this week with a new episode featuring someone who inspires me daily--Katie Reese !! Katie is a dancer, actress, model, and all around go-getter who never ceases to amaze me. We talk about her journey in the entertainment world, how she continues to push herself, and the true value of hard work. Katie also opens up about her relationship with Alopecia and how she continues to own that part of her identity and how it helped her grow into the woman she is today! Enjoy! @reesekate
Back at it with another GGR conversation with Sydney Allen of Shawty Reads & Shawty Writes. Sydney is forging a path to bring awareness to the lack of diversity within the literary world. Through her love of reading and writing poetry, she shares her unique viewpoint of the world as a POC and a woman in the space. We chat about: What is was like growing up in a biracial family Why she started Shawty Reads & Shawty Writes How to find inclusive books and develop better reading habits How we can support POC in our every day lives Check Sydney out : @lovesydneyallen @shawtyreads @shawtywrites HER BLOG BOOKSHOP & YOUTUBE Follow GGR: @girlgetreal_ @allierick Ways to
Hey GGR fam! In today's episode I open up and get VERY honest and real about my relationships--past & present. I discuss the many lessons I've in love/partnerships that I've learned along the way--from the good, the bad, and the ugly. In sharing this, I hope that you can relate and also know that you aren't alone in what you're going through. Love can be hard and a vulnerable thing to talk about, but here at GGR we just go for it, flaws and all!
Today I am so happy to have my beautiful friend Christina Barras on the pod! She is a professional dancer and makeup artist who is the QUEEN of feeling the pulse of her industry and pivoting with it. We talk about: Christina's journey into the dance industry How she builds trust and within herself & stays motivated How she pivoted into the makeup industry and built her business Christina's advice on how to gain confidence & believe in your ability to make your dreams a reality! Christina's social: @christinabarras @beatbybarras TIK TOK: @christinabarras YOUTUBE: Christina Barras Follow GGR: @girlgetreal_
Hi babes! I felt called to record this quickie little meditation off the cuff for you to tune in to whenever you are feeling anxious/stressed. Take the next 8 minutes and release whatever is weighing you down today. Let me know if you want more of these quickie mediations! xoxo, Allie @girlgetreal_ @allierick
I am so excited to share this interview with y'all! Alysia Pope of @purelypope joins me to talk all about her approach to health & wellness. We dig in to how she got into wellness into the first place, her philosophy when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, and the ways she maintains a balanced life through living in a positive headspace. Where to find Alysia: Instagram: @purelypope "Leading With Love" E-book: leading-with-love-ebook Follow Allie: @girlgetreal_ @allierick ENJOY BABES!
Hey GGR fam! Long time, no talk. Allie is here and ready to get back into it and share some content with you! In this episode I give some updates about the podcast and discuss some of my takeaways from my time in quarantine. Because let's be honest--its been a weird past few months. I want to give a HUGE thank you to Katrina for helping make GIRL GET REAL into what it is today, and I am excited to carry on what we started. (Don't worry--she will be back for episodes in the future!) Thanks again for tuning in and supporting the show! ENJOY!
Ah the month of love... Valentines Day and really the whole month of February can cause a lot of anxiety, stress, and weirdness whether you're single or in a relationship--BUT it doesn't have to be that way. In this episode we talk about our evolutions in the trials and tribulations of love and relationships through the years including-- lessons we have learned in relationships, how to show up for yourself more authentically in current relationships, and how to stay grounded on a holiday that isn't always chocolate covered strawberries and champagne. As always, screenshot and share this episode if you enjoyed it :) Follow us on IG: @girlgetreal_
Hey GGR fam! We are back in action with our weekly quarantine update! We took to the GGR Instagram and did a little LIVE chat about our week 2 thoughts and pulled the audio for all the babes who weren't there to listen to! We hope you are staying safe, washing your hands, and not hoarding TP. Peace & Blessings!
Anyone else get reallyyyy frustrated with their skin? Mysterious bumps and pimples pop up out of nowhere? Ever feel like no matter what product or remedy you try, that NOTHING works? Yup--we have been there to. Lucky for us, we have skin health coach Lindsey McKeown on the show to give the 411 on all things skincare! Lindsey debunks some of the common myths in skincare and reveals some of the sneaky ingredients in many popular skincare brands that are actually harming your skin health. There are so many nuggets of not only skin care wisdom, but just good a$$ life wisdom too! ENJOY and remember to tag us in your IG story if you liked this episode! @thrivewithlindsey @girlgetreal_
We don't know if it's all the solar/lunar eclipses this summer, or just the reality of our late twenties, but life has been throwing some curveballs our way lately. In true GIRL GET REAL fashion, we take an unfiltered look at our current transitions and the growing pains that go along with it. We get as real as possible to hopefully help you babes going through transitions in your own lives! Follow us on IG: girlgetreal_ allierick katrinarosita
We are always mentioning how much we love and are intrigued by the mind and body connection and in this episode you'll hear all about that x10! Today we interview the Vancouver Healer, fascial release therapist Margot. If you're interested in understanding how you can heal your body without pain + work on inner trauma stuck in the body .. then you're gonna loveee this one!! Be sure to check her out on instagram! @vancouverhealer
Today we got to interview mindset & gut health coach, Calie Calabrese! She shares her story about how she overcame her health issues as well as anxiety all through food and now she wants to help you do the same! You're guaranteed to become inspired and also laugh a little in this episode, so enjoy! If you want to work with Calie and go through her newest course on how to heal your gut, check her out on instagram @coachcalie
In today's episode of GIRL GET REAL, we have some much needed girl talk with makeup artist and POP Beauty / Pixi Beauty Trainer Karla Bonilla! We talk about: Her journey into the makeup industry Fears she has had to overcome in regards to public speaking why it's important to own your successes and not downplay how to deal with the dreaded career question: What have you been up to?! OR What's next for you?! PLUS...a fair amount of laughs per usual. Don't forget to send us screenshots of your rating and review to receive our GGR Mini Manifest Guide FOR FREE! Follow us on IG: karlabonillamua allierick messytwenties
Calling all Astrology-curious babes!! Man oh man, do we have a juicy episode for you :) In todays episode we talk with Raquel Reyes, an evolutionary astrologer! We discuss everything from Mercury Retrograde, Saturn Return, and how to use your chart as a tool to navigate both your personal life and career. She is incredibly wise and we loved her energy! Follow us on IG: raqreyla girlgetreal_ Don't forget to submit your rating and review to receive our MINI MANIFESTATION GUIDE for free!
Ever feel like a major Negative Nancy and you just can't shake it? Believe us--we have definitely been there too. That's why we wanted to chat all about the importance of knowing how to reframe negative thoughts in order to maintain a positive frequency. We share some quick mindset reframe tips that will help you go from Negative Nancy to the radiant, positive, and dynamic babe that we all know you are. If you dig this episode, don't forget to rate and review! Send us a screenshot of your review and we will send you our GGR MANIFESTING GUIDE! Follow us on IG : #girlsgettingreal girlgetreal_ allierick messytwenties
Ever want something so bad that you were white-knuckling it trying to control every step along the way?? Yup. You guessed it--we have been BIG TIME white-knucklers in our day and we don't want you to make the same mistakes as us. In this episode we get real about what it means to want something so bad that you end up being a total control freak (not a cute look) and how you can stop the cycle before it's too late. At the end of the day, the only thing we have control over is ourselves and our own happiness. Follow us on IG: girlgetreal_ allierick messytwenties
In this episode, Allie & Katrina discuss the "long line at Starbucks" attitude, getting parking tickets and how to just chill the F out during those everyday frustrations. If you find yourself always frazzled and getting worked up over the little things...this episode is for you baby girl!
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