Game Changers, powered by

Watch and subscribe on<a href=""></a> or <a href=""> Youtube</a><br><br>Go deep with mobile gaming’s top influencers to learn about the latest opportunities. Game Changers is powered by to deliver actionable intelligence for executives, product managers, and marketers.

Mistplay reimagines gamer experience

Jason Heller, Chief Growth Officer at Mistplay joins us on Game Changers to discuss the growth and retention of their gamer community. In this true win-win story, Mistplay took off as a loyalty reward system for gamers and evolved into a platform helping developers create the best gaming experience possible based on their vast player behavior data.Looking for more content? Visit our Game Changers page! to learn more about In-App Purchase Behavior? Get in touch with us today about Total App Revenue:


Snap is innovating ad units to drive high-quality conversions for their customers

Meena Kallu (Head of Gaming, North America - Advertiser Solutions at Snap Inc.) and Chris Uglietta (Gaming Marketing Lead, discuss:Major Trends in the Mobile Ad SpaceThe Gen Z and Millennial AudienceHow Snap thinks about consumer privacyTesting & CreativeSnap's Approach to the AR experience and user engagementWhat's next for Snap and its customers


Jo Kim - what's a company?

Come get to know Jo Kim, founder of Lila Games and host of Game Makers. Jo shares his career story,  passion for company culture and hiring "right." Learn why you should consider founding your next studio in India. Jo also shares his thoughts on what a "company" is and how that might change - sooner than you think!


How AI drives better mobile data insights

Melania Calinescu (Head of Data Science, discusses how to harness the power of artificial intelligence to drive deep, actionable insights for the mobile app ecosystem.


When will Web3 Gaming go mainstream?

Gaming and Web3 experts; Eric Kress (Gossamer Consulting), Nico Vereecke (BITKRAFT Ventures / The Metacast) and Junde Yu ( join us to discuss the timing and speed bumps for Web3 Gaming to go mainstream. 


Founding a game studio and building a genre-hybrid game, with Shelby Moledina

Shelby Moledina (co-founder & COO of Double Loop Games) shares her insights on building and leading remote teams, founding and funding a game studio, and building a new genre-hybrid game.


Special SXSW Panel "Everyone's a Gamer Now"

Listen to the 2022 South by Southwest Festival panel about the state of mobile gaming with Travis Boatman (Founder & CEO of Carbonated), Lucy Hoffman (Co-Founder & COO of Carry1st), Shelby Moledina (Co-Founder, COO & Game Director of Double Loop Games), and Chris Uglietta ( With a variety of backgrounds and stories, this group touches on a range of topics from emerging markets and new growth models, to building new games with new technologies and mechanics. Listen to the end to hear some great questions and participation from the audience!


Growth and opportunities in the Web3 space, w/ Eric Seufert

Eric Seufert (Mobile Dev Memo, Investor, Strategist) and Chris Uglietta ( discuss growth and opportunities in the Web3 space.Please visit the Game Changers page or our YouTube Channel to watch and subscribe to video content:


Creative A/B Testing: We review the latest post-IDFA best practices for mobile user acquisition creative A/B testing.

Learn how to efficiently optimize mobile user acquisition creative in light of Apple’s IDFA tracking deprecation. Including:Facebook: Android Testing, iOS TestingGoogle: A/B TestingTikTok: A/B TestingMedia Buying ModelPost IDFA Campaign StructurePlease visit the Game Changers page or our YouTube Channel to watch and subscribe to video content:


Creative is King: How to efficiently develop user acquisition advertising creative in the post-IDFA world.

In our second episode, we review how to efficiently develop mobile user acquisition creative in light of Apple’s IDFA tracking deprecation. Including:Manage the Creative JourneyAnalyse Competitive VideosDevelop Persona-Led CreativeMaster the Ad Concept ModelPlease visit the Game Changers page or our YouTube Channel to watch and subscribe to video content:


User Acquisition: The on-going impacts of Apple’s IDFA tracking deprecation.

Brian Bowman (co-founder & CEO of Consumer Acquisition) shares his view on how the deprecation of Apple’s IDFA has impacted:Traffic QualityLookalike Audience ImpactOnboarding Flow ImpactPlease visit the Game Changers page or our YouTube Channel to watch and subscribe to video content:


Welcome to Game Changers powered by App Annie!

Hi - I’m Chris Uglietta and welcome to Game Changers - a mobile gaming video and podcast series powered by App Annie. App Annie is the leader in mobile market intelligence and we are excited to bring you a new outlet to go deep with mobile gaming’s top influencers and leaders to learn about the latest industry trends and opportunities. With a variety of influential guests and hosts, Game Changers is your spot for actionable intelligence for executives, product managers, and marketers.Each episode will typically be 10-20 minutes and go deep on a specific, current issue or question in the market. We will also have special episodes on-location at the mobile gaming industry’s top events and conferences. Don’t miss out - please subscribe now!


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