Get The Pancake: A Podcast For Volleyball Coaches

Get The Pancake: A Podcast For Volleyball Coaches
Author: Whitney Bartiuk
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© Whitney Bartiuk
Let's talk volleyball! Topics range from coaching philosophy to interviews with former Olympians. Perfect for your drive to work, volleyball practice, or to binge listen to on the way to a tournament!
If you're a new volleyball coach and you want to learn more about how to coach volleyball, this podcast is sure to keep you entertained! I know that not everyone has a volleyball background, so I keep it as beginner friendly as possible!
If you're a new volleyball coach and you want to learn more about how to coach volleyball, this podcast is sure to keep you entertained! I know that not everyone has a volleyball background, so I keep it as beginner friendly as possible!
71 Episodes
Tryout time is here! Are you ready? Listen in as I walk you through some "best practices" for running volleyball tryouts and share my honest opinions on what makes a successful tryout.
The technique in question: Should players be engaging their legs to pass the ball? Listen in as I break down when players should (and shouldn’t!) use their legs while passing.
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+ Proper passing form for young players.
+ Passing techniques for older players.
+ Access to the new Volleyball Coaches Mastermind Group!
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+ Volleyball Coaches Corner Facebook Group:
+ Passing With A Focus (Platform Work):
+ Passing Progression Drill (Video):
+ Volleyball Coaches Mastermind Group:
Peer pressure is a great substitute for game-like pressure! This week I discuss a few ways to incorporate one of my favorite teaching tools in practice to help my teams succeed when game day rolls around!
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Identify what might be holding your team back from communicating... and learn what you can do about it!
See the Show Notes on for links mentioned in this episode:
Practice can be productive AND fun... but first you need to discover what "fun" means to you! Listen in as the case is made that by figuring out what makes you smile can lead to a more productive (and of course, fun) volleyball season.
Learn how to promote yourself in person to find clients for private volleyball lessons.
Order your copy today: Private Lessons: A Volleyball Coach’s Guide To Getting Started
This episode is packed with actions that volleyball coaches can take to step up their game. I learned so much in this episode and think you will, too!
Be sure to check out “The Sideline” podcast by Annie DeLoid and Matt Stolz to hear exciting stories from college volleyball coaches.
Power volleyball is great... but finesse can be a secret weapon when used appropriately! Watch and listen to this podcast for volleyball coaches to learn more about how to improve your offense, get in the heads of your opponents, and increase the number of situations your players are prepared for.
Why cue words + hand signals are important while coaching volleyball:
1. Allow you to coach volleyball with a mask on.
2. Help quiet coaches communicate better in loud gyms with their teams.
3. Teach players the basics of volleyball in an easy-to-understand manner.
4. Replace long technical descriptions of techniques and coaching philosophy into just a few words.
I love aggressive volleyball! And I bet you do, too! Teach your team to be more aggressive and competitive with this quick but fun volleyball drill that teaches players as young as 5th grade to hit downballs and back row attacks.
I guarantee your cheering section will go crazy once your team hits one of these aggressive shots in a match!
Aim for the "Goldilocks Zone" with your volleyball drills in practice! We're going for drills that aren't too difficult, aren't too easy, but are just right.
Pushing your players at the right level of difficulty will result in a steady increase in performance while keeping players engaged.
Club coaches and Directors, I can guarantee you will finish this podcast feeling inspired and motivated! Listen in as a family out of Corpus Christi shares how they’ve come together to build a volleyball program that is elevating the level of play in South Texas.
+ The road to starting a volleyball club.
+ The type of athletes coaches love to work with.
+ What Club Directors at top programs look for in volleyball coaches.
+ Areas of focus to take your club to the next level.
+ The key to a successful social media strategy for volleyball clubs and businesses.
+ Club program add-ons: Fast 4’s, Mini-Leagues, Camps, and Performance Training.
+ Running a volleyball club during a pandemic.
Have you ever thought to yourself, "Taylor could be such a great setter, she just needs a little fine-tuning and she could be the best in her league. If only I had more time to work with her."
If so, you could probably run a great private lesson!
Many coaches haven't considered running private volleyball lessons before... despite the fact that they'd make a huge impact on their players! Listen as I discuss why I love running private lessons, plus I share tips to help you get started by next weekend!
Alright Coaches, let's practice a little self-care this week! You spend so much time giving to others, it's important to take make some time for yourself, too! This week, I want to introduce you briefly to a "personality test" known as the Enneagram. This tool will help volleyball coaches better understand what motivates them (both positively and negatively) and can help you relate better with your fellow coaches and administrators. Learning about yourself is a great way to recharge so you can tackle another week!
Give yourself 15-20 minutes to take the test and learn more about yourself, and I guarantee it'll shift your perspective on how you approach coaching. Go to for links to take a free test, and learn more about your type!
*As a head’s up, some parents may be uncomfortable listening to this episode with their children at first since we cover some sensitive topics. To respect every parent’s decision on how they address these topics with their kids, I encourage you to listen to this podcast first before listening with your child or talking to them about the topics in today’s episode.
While the sport of volleyball is growing to include more participants than ever, many players are being left out. The high cost of club and limited access to equipment, dedicated coaches, and issues with the standard uniform prevents many children from ever stepping foot on the volleyball court.
I am THRILLED to address the topics of equity, inclusion, and discrimination in volleyball with the one and only, Koko Volley. Coach Koko has built a tremendous library of videos for volleyball players, all free to watch on her YouTube channel: Koko Volley.
Have you been put in charge of the social media accounts for your volleyball program? Are you hoping to grow your volleyball club or reach new fans for your high school and college programs? Listen in this week as Amy Jo Opsal from Sports Marketing Coach shares a TON of tips for coaches and administrators looking to grow their Facebook and Instagram accounts for their programs.
Contrary to popular belief, coaching volleyball is about more than just running good drills. In fact, a lot of your success as a coach is based on what happens OFF the court. Team bonding activities, being organized, and communicating well with parents… these are the things that truly make a difference. And this podcast is all about advice for volleyball coaches, sharing new ideas, and bringing on guests who offer new perspectives.
I hope you enjoy the podcast and want to be the first to say, “welcome” to the Get The Pancake community.
Learn more about how to coach volleyball and find valuable coaching tools at
We often think that athletes have the perfect life. They’re looked up to and seem to have it all together. But as you’ll learn in this episode, that’s not the case!
Taylor Treacy, creator of The Virago Project, talks to us about mindset shifts she made as a player, her goal-setting routine, and advice she has for athletes hoping to play in college.
Show Notes:
Man, are we going through some stressful times or what!? Since about mid-April after things started shutting down, I've been feeling a lot of stress and anxiety related to the future of our sport. And I know I’m not alone!
Even though times are tough right now, we WILL get through this! In this week’s episode, I share different strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety as a coach. Because even after we’re all back on the court and our seasons go back to normal, there are still a lot of stressful situations that arise while coaching… And I want you to be prepared!
We all know that developing the athletes in our volleyball programs is important... but when it comes to deciding HOW to do that best, we can be left scratching our heads. That's why I am SO excited to share this week's episode of the podcast with you!
Brett Lewis, Technical Director and 17/18U Head Coach for the Moncton Chargers, shares the steps he's taken to not only help grow the club he coaches for, but to also help the new coaches in his program understand the goals of the organization.
Show notes can be found at
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