57. Recharge and Relate Better With Others: Take The Enneagram Test!
Alright Coaches, let's practice a little self-care this week! You spend so much time giving to others, it's important to take make some time for yourself, too! This week, I want to introduce you briefly to a "personality test" known as the Enneagram. This tool will help volleyball coaches better understand what motivates them (both positively and negatively) and can help you relate better with your fellow coaches and administrators. Learning about yourself is a great way to recharge so you can tackle another week!
Give yourself 15-20 minutes to take the test and learn more about yourself, and I guarantee it'll shift your perspective on how you approach coaching. Go to getthepancake.com/volleyball-podcast-episodes/57-enneagram for links to take a free test, and learn more about your type!