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Guided Jewish Meditations

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This channel contains guided Jewish meditations for personal spiritual growth.

What is the soul?
How does consciousness connect you with the Creator of All, the Source of all of consciousness and life?
How can spirituality help you deal with stress and anxiety, and help you live a more fulfilling life?

This channel contains guided Jewish meditations that explore these and other questions.

The meditations, which combine classic breathing and meditation techniques with the ancient Jewish wisdom of the Torah, vary in length from a few minutes to over an hour, and are inspired by the teachings of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, זצ”ל.
116 Episodes
The Hebrew word Amein - אמן - carries within it a deep, sacred union of soul to its Source. Within the letters of this word - א מ ן - and within its numerical value, 91, lies a journey of the soul, and during this visualization meditation the listener is guided along this path, leading to a deeper experience of this word, Amein.   Music credits: Borrtex - Lost & Found - Borrtex - Varietas - Nature Healing Society - Tranquil Vibes - Nature Healing Society - Sacred Frequency - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
The final letter of the Aleph Beis, the Tav / Sav - תּ / ת, completes the cycle of the letters of the Torah, the building blocks of all of existence. Join me in the final episode of this series, as we complete the cycle from Aleph to Tav, and experience a deep secret hidden within these Divine vessels.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
In the mystical wisdom of the Torah, the Shin ש contains the spiritual energies of balance and equilibrium. Containing three arms, it balances right and left with its center column. In times of anxiety, meditating on this letter can draw forth on these energies, to allow for the anchoring and balancing of the mind and consciousness. This short meditation guides the listener to experience the balancing energies contained within the Shin ש. This meditation was inspired by the meditation “Unifying” by Rabbi Shmuel Ozhekh in his wonderful meditation app Eden.    Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
In this episode of the letters series of the Aleph Beis, we focus on the Reish, ר. This letter also means head, or beginning. As such, it contains within it the spiritual potential for a new beginning, a new start. Join me as we meditate on the inner energy of this letter.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
Join me in this short meditation on the letter Kuf ק, as we embark on a deeper understanding of the dichotomy of the Divine soul within the human body.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
This is a short meditation on the letter Tzadi, צ. When it appears in the middle of a word, it appears bent over: צ. But at the end of a word, its bent over legs extend below: ץ. This meditation guides the listener to a deeper understanding of this letter, which is often pronounced Tzaddik, meaning righteous.    Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
In this episode within the short meditation series of the Aleph Beis, we focus on the letters Feh פ (without inner nekuda, dot) and Peh פּ (with the nekuda). The word Peh also means mouth in Hebrew, and this meditation guides the listener to a deeper understanding of the relationship between this letter and the mouth, revealing an inner secret.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
The letter Ayin, ע, also means eye in Hebrew: עין. This short meditation guides the listener to a deeper understanding of the connection between this letter and the human eye. Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music -
Life is filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. According to the wisdom of the Torah, the overcoming of challenges, the self-sacrifice and spiritual toil invested in the pursuit of the Divine, generates a powerful spiritual energy called Mayim Nukvin, Feminine Waters, or in short, Ma"n, that pulls upwards, and wants to be reunited with its Source. This deep and profoundly moving spiritual meditation draws upon this mystical wisdom, and on the letters of the word Mayim, Water, to explore and re-experience one's own Ma"n, one's own Divine Energy. Words used in this meditation: ם / מ - Mem מים - Mayim - Water מים נוקבין - Mayim Nukvin - Feminine Waters   Music credits: Nature Healing Society - 11 Minutes Stress Relief Healing Music - Nature Healing Society - Ancient Morning Healing Frequency - Nature Healing Society - Relaxing Meditation Music - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -  
One of the most important parts of the Jewish prayer service is the recitation of Kaddish, which contains the following short seven word prayer: יְהֵא שְׁמֵיהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ, לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא / Yehey Shemey Raba Mevorach, Le'olam Ul'olmei Olmaya   May His great name be blessed, forever and in all eternity.   The Sages of the Talmud teach of the immense importance and power of this short prayer. This meditation guides the listener into a deep state of spiritual consciousness, and from there, through a mystical secret that hides within the words of this prayer.   Music Credits: Borrtex - It Starts with Patience - Borrtex - Beyond the Horizon -  Lee Rosevere - Healing - Lee Rosevere - Self Care - 
This advanced meditation builds upon an earlier one: [83] Hayah, Hoveh, Yihyeh: A Meditation of Time. Focusing on the Divine letters of the Aleph Beis, it guides the listener into a deep state of spiritual meditation, revealing a secret of Divine Balance that lies hidden within these letters.   Please note that this is an advanced mystical meditation. Please respect the sanctity of its content.   Music Credits: Tymur Khakimov - Meditation Ambient Pad v.2 - André Lima - E Minor Pads - - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -    
87. Torah

87. Torah


The sages of the Torah teach us (Zohar Terumah 161b): "The Holy One, Blessed be He, looked into the Torah and created the world". The letters of the Torah serve as the blueprint of all of existence. This visualization meditation guides the listener into a deep state of spiritual consciousness, and from there, into these letters, leading to a profound experience with their inner wisdom, energy, and light.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music - Borrtex - Look Ahead - Borrtex - Tenui - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
There is a short morning prayer that is spoken by Jews upon waking up every morning: מודה אני לפניך / Modeh Ani Lefanecha I am grateful to You   מלך חי וקיים / Melech Chai Vekayam King, Alive and Everlasting   שהחזרת בי נשמתי בחמלה / Shehechezarta Bi Nishmasi Bechemla That You have returned my soul to me with mercy   רבה אמונתך / Raba Emunasecha How abundant is Your faith   This short prayer contains within it a deep secret of daily renewal, an awakening with praise, hope, deep purpose and contentment. This visualization meditation guides the listener to an experience of this secret.  Please note that this guided meditation is spoken in the first person.   Music credits: Dreamer - Hazy - Calming Relaxing Ambient Music - Strawberry Candy - A Minor Pads - JabonsaiTV - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -  
The meditation of the Samech, ס, is the continuation and completion of the meditation and expansion of the Nun, נ. A closed, circular letter, the Samech allows for a balanced and healthy restriction and pulling in of the energy experienced during the expansion of the Nun, thereby integrating it into the mind and soul. With both letters together, a new word emerges: נס, Nes, the Hebrew word for miracle, and with it, a deep and powerful opportunity to pray for miracles.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
The Nun has two manifestations: a regular Nun, נ, and a Nun Pshuta, ן, when it appears at the end of a word. This short meditation on this letter aims to journey into the deeper essence of these two manifestations, and how they can be used as a way to spiritually expand, grow, reach out, and return to be born anew.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
The meditation of the Mem is the completion of the meditations of the Chof and the Lamed, and within the Mem lies the spiritual tank that can be used to contain the wisdom and energy drawn down. This short meditations guides the listener through this drawing down and containing within.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
In this episode of the Letters Series, we journey within the bridge of spiritual dimensions that is the Lamed ל. Leading to prayer, it unlocks a spiritual gate of opportunity for growth, learning, and Divine intimacy.   Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
We begin the second set of letters in the Letters Series of short meditations on the Aleph Beis, the letters of the Torah. Beginning with the  Kof / Chof - כּ / כ, with a numerical value of 20, in this short meditation the listener is guided into a deeper understanding of this letter and its inner meaning and wisdom.   Please like & follow! Thank you. Music credits: Free Meditation Music 528Hz Music - No CopyRight Music - Royalty Free Healing Music - Self Care - Lee Rosevere -
In the final episode of this short series of meditations on prayer, the listener is guided towards the deepest levels of consciousness of prayer: the letters of the Aleph Beis, which are the letters of the Torah, the spiritual vessels of all of existence.   Music credits: Andre Lima - A Major/F# Minor Pads - Lee Rosevere - Alpha Waves -  
In the fourth of the series of short meditations on prayer, the paradox and essence of prayer is explored and meditated on. Through a deep understanding of the essence of prayer, the soul is ready for the last and final step.    Music credits: Andre Lima - A Major/F# Minor Pads - Lee Rosevere - Alpha Waves -