Headspace Sessions

We discuss pertinent issues that plague our society and at the same time ignite the listeners through a series of awareness and well-being related content. Right from Youth Change-makers to World Leaders, our team is versatile and diverse.

Season 2 Episode 5: The Power of Mindfulness and my Story by Llauré Braun

The previous episodes have shared multiple opinions, ideas and perspectives so I round this season off with a little more on mindfulness, to remind you that, at the end of the day, what you think and how you feel matters most. I also share my journey with this season’s topic, to give you an insight to where my passion came from.


Season 2 Episode 4: Healing through Nutrition: The Power of Food by Llauré Braun

In this episode I aim to show how powerful food and your overall lifestyle can be in impacting your physical health. The episode begins with a brief, general introduction on the topic before diving into an interview with LouieAnna, a woman who overcame multiple illnesses, including cancer, through a change of lifestyle.


Season 2 Episode 3: Finding what Lifestyle works for you (Part 2) by Llauré Braun

The continuation from episode 2, “Finding what Lifestyle works for you (Part 1)”;  I promised perspectives, so here they are. To show that there is not one right way to go about the lifestyle you choose to lead, I will be interviewing three individuals (who all lead very different lifestyles) across a two part episode.


Season 2 Episode 2: Finding what Lifestyle works for you (Part 1) by Llauré Braun

I promised perspectives, so here they are. To show that there is not one right way to go about the lifestyle you choose to lead, I will be interviewing three individuals (who all lead very different lifestyles) across a two part episode.


Season 2 Episode 1: Introduction and Addressing the Toxicity of the Fitness / Diet World by Llauré Braun

After sharing the outline of this season and my idea behind it, I attempt to combat the toxic nature of the fitness and diet culture, so that we can move forward to the following episodes keeping in mind that this season is trying to achieve the opposite: creating a positive dialogue!


Season 1 Episode 5: How to get rid of anxiety by Shashank Kalyan

This episode is the most powerful episode of this season given how we are living in uncertain times and a pandemic. I am totally with you all. Sometimes, I do feel anxious about the future but the power lies in the fact of being in the present. When you really live in this moment, you cannot be worried about the future. Some of the tools I shared in this episode will really help you get rid of anxiety and stress. My favourite method is the box breathing technique, it takes only few mins to do it and this can be done anywhere. Your cortisol levels immediately gone down and you start feeling the calmness within you. All the methods work the same way, find which one works the best for you and implement it to your life. Like the great Mahatma Gandhi said ‘’the future depends on what we do in the present.’’ Be present and stay in the zone. If this episode and season really added value to your life, please like, share and subscribe to my channel. It would mean so much me. Also, follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and life wisdom @shashank_Kalyan30 https://www.instagram.com/shashank_kalyan30/ My mission is to uplift you so that you can uplift someone else. Love you all.


Season 1 Episode 4: How to improve focus and cognitive performance by Shashank Kalyan

Focus is like a super power in this day and age. The reason I say that is because of the endless distractions from social media, emails, notifications, calls, etc. All these things have trained us to more distracted and reactive in life. However, there is nothing to worry because you can rewire yourself at any moment if you desire to take your life to the level it deserves. In this episode, I shared all the ways that will really help you improve your focus, with improved focus you will be able to concentrate better. This new level of concentration will help you work on a single task with great amounts of creativity and laser like focus. I am sure during the process you will experience flow state where time becomes eternal, this is why focus is a super power because it has the ability to mean freeze time. My mission is to uplift you so that you can uplift someone else. Love you all. Also, follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and life wisdom @shashank_Kalyan30 https://www.instagram.com/shashank_kalyan30/


Season 1 Episode 3: Your thoughts create your reality by Shashank Kalyan

Like Buddha once said, all that we are now are the result of our thoughts. When you change the way you think, your reality shifts. I from being practicing mindfulness, meditation for 5 years now, I really started understanding that self- awareness is the ultimate weapon towards creating the reality we want. Once we are aware of thoughts, we now have the power to work with it. If you find yourself having a negative thought, think of the 3 things you are grateful for in your life, this immediately rewires you to be more positive. Positive thoughts create powerful actions, which then creates the results you are after. Change your thoughts and change your world. My mission is to uplift you so that you can uplift someone else. Love you all. Also, follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and life wisdom @shashank_Kalyan30 https://www.instagram.com/shashank_kalyan30/


Season 1 Episode 2: Manifesting Your Desires by Shashank Kalyan

Visualization is the most powerful method to manifest everything that you desire in life. Like I mentioned in this episode how all the successful people are using this method to manifest everything they desire, you could use it too. I truly believe that life is meant to be abundant across all areas. Only thing that’s preventing you is the mindset, change your mindset to be more positive and proactive. Your life will completely shift after that. Like they being poor is a mindset, if you want to attract more money, you need to feel like you are worthy of it. Imagine yourself already having that money, the relationship, the career, the business, the experience you desire. Imagining is the first step towards manifesting it to the physical reality. You are worthy of a great life and I believe in you to achieve greatness.  You could see for yourself how the process of visualisation is working for the other great icons using the reference below: https://www.jackcanfield.com/blog/visualize-and-affirm-your-desired-outcomes-a-step-by-step-guide/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/bhaligill/2017/06/22/new-to-visualization-here-are-5-steps-to-get-you-started/#1d3d4c5b6e3f Follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and life wisdom @shashank_Kalyan30 https://www.instagram.com/shashank_kalyan30/


Season 1 Episode 1: My journey is to help you find your journey by Shashank Kalyan

All of us have immense potential within us to achieve greatness. I truly discovered who I was and what my purpose in life was when I started spending a lot of time with myself. Like Nikola Tesla said “Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.” Most often we spend time thinking about other people, things, places, tv series, movies, past, future, etc. So, when we don’t even have time to work our inner self, how can we possibly know about ourselves then. When I started working on myself, I truly understood the power of the human mind, I started visualizing about the grades I wanted to obtain, the job I wanted to secure, the physique I wanted. With sheer belief and faith in the universe, I started manifesting everything one by one, my life completely changed the moment I obtained honours with a WAM of 75 exactly as I visualised. Using the same method, I started attracting everything I wanted in my life. I thought if I worked for me, it would work for others as well, that’s when I started my MillionDollarMotivation (M$M) page on social media with a vision of spreading wisdom and making people aware of their own potential. Since then I have had several people tell me how my videos changed their lives. So, I am requesting you to take time today and really get real with yourself. Ask yourself questions like ‘’who you are, what your purpose is, what is that you really love doing, how can I convert my passion to paycheck, how can I better version of myself, how can I make peoples life better, how can I serve the humanity?’’ Once your questions are out, the universe will provide you the answers through different mediums. Don’t worry about that, your duty is just to ask the questions. Your life will never be the same after listening and implementing the methods I shared in this episode. Follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and life wisdom @shashank_Kalyan30 https://www.instagram.com/shashank_kalyan30/


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