Health Matters (Video)

Health Matters (Video)

Dr. David Granet hosts a variety of professionals from the health and medical fields on a broad array of health related topics. Each half-hour program provides the viewer with current and valuable information on how to improve health and well-being.

Add Stretching to Your Daily Regimen

Foot and ankle injuries are common for both the weekend warrior and the professional athlete. Dr. Sonya Ahmed, a former competitive athlete herself, discusses the importance of adequate stretching. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 36772]


Stem Cells and Disease Modeling in a Dish Autism Research via Brain Organoids

Researcher Alysson Muotri is using stem cells to study everything from autism to the Zika virus. In this excerpt Muotri discusses stem cell and brain organoid research for possible applications to human diseases. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 36301]


Using Stem Cells to Research the Brain - Health Matters

Stem Cell research could unlock the mystery of what makes the human brain special. Researcher Alysson Muotri is using stem cells to grow tiny versions of developing human brains in his lab to study everything from autism to the Zika virus. His lab is even looking into how space flight impacts brain development. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 35077]


Understanding Kawasaki Disease - Health Matters

Kawasaki Disease is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in the developed world, but it is often misdiagnosed. Without proper treatment, 1 in 4 children will develop irreversible and potentially fatal heart damage. In this episode of Health Matters, leading Kawasaki Disease researcher Dr. Jane C. Burns explains the signs parents should be able to recognize. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 35076]


How is Testosterone Given?

Low testosterone has many health impacts - including fertility issues. Dr. T. Mike Hsieh joins host Dr. David Granet to discuss how testosterone is given to a patient. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 34530]


Testosterone Use and Fertility Issues

Dr. T. Mike Hsieh joins host Dr. David Granet to discuss the impact on men's fertility when taking testosterone. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 34531]


How Sleep Apnea is Diagnosed

Waking up in the morning still tired? Sleep apnea could be the culprit. Robert Owens, MD joins host David Granet, MD to explain how sleep apnea is diagnosed. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 34094]


How Much Sleep Do We Need?

Robert Owens, MD joins host David Granet, MD as they discuss the recommended duration of a healthy sleep. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 34093]


Sleep and Memory

Robert Owens, MD joins host David Granet, MD to discuss sleep and its benefits. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 34092]


Eating Beyond Nutritional Needs: Overeating and Binge Eating

Kerri Boutelle, PhD, joins David Granet, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P. to discuss eating habits that often result in obesity and the psychology behind it. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 33859]


Warning Signs of a Stroke

Every 45 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke. Dr. Alexander Khalessi, Director of Endovascular Neurosurgery & Surgical Director of Neurocritical Care, joins Dr. David Granet to discuss how to recognize a stroke. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 33581]


Who is at High Risk for Stroke?

Every 45 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke. Dr. Alexander Khalessi, Director of Endovascular Neurosurgery & Surgical Director of Neurocritical Care, joins Dr. David Granet to discuss who is at risk for a stroke. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 33582]


Online Strangers: Children the Internet and Parental Boundaries

Andrew Doan, MD, PhD, joins David Granet, MD to discuss internet access for children. What is the appropriate age for children to use social media and online gaming? Doan suggests healthy ways to integrate the internet into a child's home life. Series: "Health Matters" [Public Affairs] [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 32674]


Testosterone Therapy - Safety First

Dr. T. Mike Hsieh joins host Dr. David Granet to discuss what you should know about testosterone therapy. Series: "Health Matters" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 32825]


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