ILX Podcasts

Welcome to ILX Podcasts! As a professional training provider, our podcasts cover everything from in-depth looks at some of our most sought-after project management certifications, to discussions around why diversity and inclusion and education around social issues in the workplace is so important.

S4E15 Diversity & Inclusion at work: disability pt. 2

Content warning: discussions around discrimination.This week, we’re continuing our discussions around disability, hearing more from our guests and exploring how the diversity within the disabled community means that raising awareness is fundamental to becoming more inclusive.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’: Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’:


S4E14 Diversity & Inclusion at work: disability pt. 1

Content warning: discussions around discrimination.This week, we’re discussing disability. We’ll be discussing preconceptions around disability, how these often skew our view of others, and why it’s important that we break the stereotypes around disability and talk about it more, both in and out of work.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’: Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’: https://freemu...


S4E13 Diversity & Inclusion at work: age pt. 2

Content warning: discussions around discrimination.In this week’s episode, we’re going deeper into the societal attitudes towards age, at both ends of the spectrum, and how the taboos around talking about women’s health are having a negative impact on older women in the workplace.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’: Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’:


S4E12 Diversity & Inclusion at work: age, pt. 1

Content warning: discussions around discrimination.While our age shouldn’t matter at work, it seems that however old we are, there are still stereotypes and assumptions that often have a negative effect on us all.In our discussions around age, we’ll be delving into everything from not being taken seriously as a younger person, to the hormonal and physiological changes that affect us as we get older, to answer the question of why, with regards to diversity and inclusion, age deserves more of o...


S4E11 Diversity & Inclusion at work: religion, pt. 2

Content warning: discussions around discrimination.For part two of our discussions around religion, we’re hearing more from our guests on why it’s important that we allow space for people to talk about their faith when they want to, and how workplaces can become more accommodating to different religions. This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’: Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’: https://...


S4E10 Diversity & Inclusion at work: religion pt. 1

Content warning: discussions around discrimination.Naturally somewhat polarising, religion has long been a topic of conversation that many of us choose to avoid. With our beliefs being such a personal thing, there is perhaps a presumption that discussions around religion will lead to heated debates. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. For the next two episodes, we’re talking to a variety of people about how their faith forms part of their identity, and why it’s important that they’re a...


S4E9 Diversity & Inclusion at work: mental health, pt. 2

Content warning: discussions around mental illness and mental distress, with frank conversation around suicide.Discussion around suicide starts at 5:13 and ends at 11:01.Following on from last week’s episode, today we’re continuing our discussion around mental health. As we’ve said, it’s different for everyone, so how can we spot when we or those around us are struggling? And from that, how can we then create better support systems, both at work and at home?This episode was produced by Alice ...


S4E8 Diversity & Inclusion at work: mental health, pt. 1

Content warning: discussions around mental illness and mental distress, references to suicide.Mental health is different for everyone, so in the next two episodes, we’ll be hearing from a variety of perspectives and experiences to discuss why, ultimately, it’s crucial that we create environments where people can talk about how they’re feeling, if they want to, and how we can take better care of our own and others’ mental health when things get tough.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree...


S4E7 Diversity & Inclusion at work: sexuality, pt. 2

Content warning: discussions around experiences of homophobia, mention of and references to discriminatory terms that some may find offensive.In today’s episode, we discuss coming out, homophobia, what’s it’s like to have to hide your sexuality, and what the future looks like.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’: Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’:


S4E6 Diversity & Inclusion at work: sexuality, pt. 1

Content warning: discussions around discrimination based on sexuality.For today’s episode, we’re discussing sexuality. Whether it’s through blatant homophobia, or through seemingly innocent yet often intrusive or uncomfortable questions, we discuss how much sexuality already comes into the workplace for members of the LGBTQ+ community, and how we can all become more aware or this, and therefore more inclusive.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’: h...


S4E5 Diversity & Inclusion at work: gender identity, pt. 2

Content warning: discussions around trauma, references to abuse, suicide and gender-based discrimination.Following on from last week’s episode, we’re exploring gender identity and, specifically, the challenges and issues that affect trans and non-binary people today, and why it’s important that these discussions are more commonplace.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’Both are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0All interviews were con...


S4E4 Diversity & Inclusion at work: gender identity, pt. 1

Content warning: references to gender-based discrimination This week, we’re talking about gender identity. From the importance of gender-neutral language and recognising microaggressions, to how to be better allies to one another, we explore why it’s crucial that we respect how others identify, and why talking more about gender is fundamental to moving forward.This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’Both are licensed under ...


S4E3 Diversity & Inclusion at work: race & ethnicity pt. 2

Content warning: references to trauma and discrimination.For part two of our discussion around race and ethnicity, we’re delving deeper into the challenges that people of colour face in and out of the workplace today, and what needs to change going forward. If you haven’t already, do go and give part one a listen as well!This episode was produced by Alice Crabtree.Music used: Ketsa - ‘Ascend Dub’Ketsa - ‘Good Vibe’Both are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0All interviews were conducted remot...


S4E2 Diversity & Inclusion at work: race & ethnicity pt. 1

Content warning: references to trauma, discrimination, and verbal and physical violence.In today’s episode we talk about race and ethnicity. From racially charged attacks, to being the only person of your ethnicity in an entire organisation, to the daily microaggressions that go unseen by so many, we ask the question: how can we all do better? And going forward, what can organisations do to make their culture more diverse and inclusive to all ethnicities?This episode was produced by Alice Cra...


S4E1 Diversity & Inclusion at work: starting the conversation

Content warning: references to trauma, discrimination, and verbal and physical violence.In this series, we’re discussing diversity and inclusion in the workplace – why it’s so important, how far we’ve come and where we’re headed next. We reached out to as many people as possible in our personal and professional networks, with the aim of having honest conversations, where those involved could share their experiences, thoughts and opinions on various areas of diversity.This episode was produced...


S3E5 Women in Project Management: what does the future look like?

ILX’s Women in Project Management series, episode 5: what does the future look like?For the final episode of this Women in Project Management series, we’re looking ahead to discuss the future and what it holds for current and upcoming generations of project managers.Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe for more episodes!Find out more about the women in this podcast via LinkedIn:Anita Phagura (join Anita's online community on Facebook), Nurjahan Khatun, Sheilina Somani, Sarah Bostock, So...


S3E4 Women in Project Management: education, innovation and representation

ILX’s Women in Project Management series, episode 4: education, innovation and representationIn the penultimate episode of the series, we’re discussing the crucial role that education, innovation and representation play in the future of project management, and the future women of project management.Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe for more episodes!Find out more about the women in this podcast via LinkedIn:Anita Phagura (join Anita's online community on Facebook), Nurjahan Khatun, S...


S3E3 Women in Project Management: diversity, part 2

ILX’s Women in Project Management series, episode 3: diversity, part 2As we continue with our Women in Project Management series, we’re here with part 2 of our diversity discussion – if you missed the first part, be sure to go and give that a listen, too. We discussed why diversity is important, as well as why sharing knowledge and experiences is crucial to helping others.For part 2, we explore the crucial role of mentoring, how we can pick our battles and assert ourselves appropriately, and ...


S3E2 Women in Project Management: diversity, part 1

ILX’s Women in Project Management series, episode 2: diversity, part 1For episode two of our Women in Project Management series, we’re delving into the importance of diversity. There’s so much to say on this topic, so this is part one of two! From gender to age to mental health, differing skillsets and levels of experience even, why is it so crucial that we open up the conversation around diversity and share our experiences with each other? Why is diversity so important?Don’t forget to rate, ...


S3E1 Women in Project Management: where do we begin?

ILX’s Women in Project Management series, episode 1: where do we begin?To celebrate International Women’s Day this year, we’ve put together a special podcast series dedicated entirely to women in project management.In this episode, we explore what it’s like working as a woman in project management, the various avenues you can go down, and why it’s important that, although there are many challenges that women face, we celebrate each other’s achievements.Don’t forget to rate, review and subscri...



Fantastic podcast. All the right info for a quick introduction. Looking forward to hearing more podcasts about Managing Successful Programmes. And more from Steve Boronski.

04-13 Reply

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