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In Conversation With...

Author: INSEAD Executive Education

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An INSEAD Executive Education podcast series in which our guests share their stories, insights and thoughts with us.
22 Episodes
"Do you want to die in blissful ignorance? Or do you want to know a little bit more about what it's like to not be just truly human, but what it's like to be truly you. We tend to get caught up in the tide of the life that we're leading and as result of that we not only miss certain things about the activity in which we are occupied but we also miss thing about ourselves." Professor Graham Ward explains why self-exploration is crucial for senior leaders if they want to effectively lead other people. Learn more about The Challenge of Leadership programme here:
"Being the head of risk management in Asia-Pacific and my company going onshore in China, I wanted to gain more business acumen, experience and knowhow about the business environment in china. TIEMBA really spoke to me with that east, meets west programme and ability to study at two universities." Camille O'Sullivan explains what drove her to apply for the Tsinghua-INSEAD Executive MBA (TIEMBA) and embark on a deep learning journey.    To learn more about the TIEMBA programme, do visit the programme page here:   To connect with Camille, visit her Linkedin profile:    
For Maiza Goulart, being able to balance family life with work life is a top priority. When it comes to her commitment to learning, it is no different. Taken into a programme bubble of 4 weeks on the Advanced Management Programme, Maiza had to balance bringing her daughter to France from Brazil and committing her time and energy to the INSEAD learning.  Thankfully, she found at INSEAD a very inclusive environment which allowed her to divide her time between developing my career and participating in her daughter's growth.   Discover more about the Advanced Management Programme: 
Emiko Adachi enrolled on the Executive Master of Change at a pivot in her life and career. Seeking guidance on where to head next, and how to get there, she went through a process of transformation and transition.  Here is her story of change.  To learn more about the programme, click here: 
What is creative thinking? Are we all born creative thinkers and is it a skill that can be honed over time with practice?  With creative thinking fast becoming a sought after skill in the workplace, how can it be used in an organisational sense? If so, how, why and to what end?    In this episode I am joined by Professor Manuel Sosa and together we explore just what we mean by creative thinking and why it matters.    To learn more about INSEAD's Design Thinking and Creativity for Business programme, click here.     
In this episode, Professor Karel Cool explains why engaging in sustainability matters for organisations. Why they should do it, how they can do it and the strategic opportunity it presents.  Want to learn more on the topic? Have a look at the INSEAD Business Sustainability Programme
Hear from participant, Jonathan Yeo, about what makes INSEAD's Executive Master in Change a truly transformational experience.   To learn more about the programme, click here:  And to learn more about Jonathan's work, click here:  
What makes communication a form of art? For Steve Knight, communication is indeed that, mixed with in a large dose of science. Message clarity, quality of voice, body language and gift of you - like a recipe, all these ingredients come together to make for good communication.   In this episode we dive into what what makes for good communication and how to get it right.    To learn more about communication programmes at INSEAD, visit the Leadership Communication with Impact webpage. To learn more about Steve, don't hesitate to visit 
In this episode we're back with Heidi Hauer, a holistic health and leaderhip coach for women and past-participant of the INSEAD Coaching Certificate Programme.  We focus on how how Heidi, through her coaching, is helping women meet their career aspirations, giving them a sense of belonging and boosting their confidence to deliver quality work.  To learn more about Heidi's work, click here:  To learn more about the INSEAD Coaching Certificate, click here:   
In this episode we focus on the art and science of negotiation with Professor Horacio Falcao. Professor Falcao argues that negotiation is a skill that can be taught, learned and honed with practice and that in doing so can make a meaningful difference to your life.  To find out more about negotiation at INSEAD, you can visit our website to discover our programmes: - INSEAD Certificate in Negotiation  - Negotiation Dynamics programme
Is there more to good leadership than performance measured in numbers? Or should we be looking at leadership in a more holistic way where wellbeing and health are of critical importance?  In this episode we speak with Heidi Hauer, a leadership and holistic health coach and past-participant of the INSEAD Coaching Certificate programme. Heidi explains how good leadership and performance starts with the mind, body and spirit. To learn more about Heidi and her work, you can visit her website:  And to learn more about the INSEAD Coaching Certificate, you can click here: 
In this episode we hear from Steen Buchreitz Jensen, CEO of the Scandinavian Executive Institute, an organisation that has for a long time partnered with INSEAD for governance education. He explains what he thinks sets Scandinavian Boards apart and why Board education matters and how INSEAD fits into this.  For more information on the Scandinavian Executive Insitute please visit and for more information on INSEAD Executive Education's Corporate Governance programmes, you can visit 
"We're not here to fix you because you're not broken. What we're here to do is help you know you better so you can bring your best self to whatever it is you want to do." In this episode we're with Mary Carey, Regional Director for the Americas at INSEAD Executive Education. We speak about the importance of coaching for your leadership development.
"Upskilling is not so much about the destination, as it is about the journey. And hence, it’s always going to be a lifelong learning concept, because it’s never about the job you are doing today; It’s always going to be about the job you will do in the future." Dean of Executive Education, Professor Sameer Hasija, shares his thoughts on the importance of lifelong learning and why having a curious mindset is key.  If you would like to learn more about what we do at INSEAD Executive Education, please do not hesitate to visit our website: 
In this episode, we talk with Andreas Beisswenger, holder of INSEAD's Online Certificate: Leading in a Transforming World and Founder and CEO of Simblexify. We speak about his journey to obtaining the Certificate and his passion for lifelong learning.  To learn more about the INSEAD Online Certificate: Leading in a Transforming World, head to our website here.  You can find more about Simblexify at You can connect with Andreas at his LinkedIn.
"Life is about people. You can't split what you do professionally and who you are personally. The International Directors Programme gave me a new perspective in my daily work. I learnt a lot of what I search for in people. It enriched me with a wide network of highly engaged people and you create deeply personal connections." In this episode of In Conversation with..., we are with Hagen Schweinitz, Board Search and Governance Advisory Consultant and Aline Eibl, Entrepreneur and Advisor.  Both Hagen and Aline are Alumni of the International Directors Programme and are holders of INSEAD's Advanced Certificate in Corporate Governance. They share their thoughts on their INSEAD experiences and how they feel the role of Boards has changed in recent years and what makes for a good Board.    If you would like to know more about INSEAD's governance programmes please visit the following link. You can find more information on the INSEAD Advanced Certificate in Corporate Governance here. 
“Lifelong learning is like reading a book. It’s not about reading the book or telling people the content of the book. It’s who you become after reading the book." In this episode we are with Samia Elfekih, Research Scientist, Project Leader, Human Health Program, Health and Biosecurity at CSIRO Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness. Samia shares her passions in life with us. Her passion for business, entrepreneurship; For learning and upskilling. She also shares how she came to enrol on virtual executive coaching at INSEAD, its impact on her and the journey she has been on since.  
In part two of our podcast with Professor Andy Yap, we continue to explore hidden levers of leadership that play an integral, and often unconscious, role in inspiring confidence in others, gaining trust and drawing people in. 
Is there more to leadership than the setting of goals? More than the demonstration of technical abilities to get the job done? Or is good leadership more nuanced than that? In this episode we explore the hidden levers of leadership; The levers that play an integral, and often unconscious, role in inspiring confidence in others, gaining trust and drawing people in.
In this episode of In Conversation With... we dive back into the world of corporate venturing with INSEAD Senior Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, Claudia Zeisberger.  In part 2, we look at how corporates can go about selecting the right start-up partner and the skills needed to build a successful corporate venturing unit. For more information on what INSEAD is doing in the space and to find about our new Corporate Venturing and Innovation programme, co-directed by Professsor Zeisberger, please visit  You can also find much more information on Professor Zeisberger's work on her website: 