DiscoverIndia Dunn and Company - Burnout Prevention for the Beauty Expert
India Dunn and Company - Burnout Prevention for the Beauty Expert
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India Dunn and Company - Burnout Prevention for the Beauty Expert

Author: India Dunn

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Supporting beauty professionals to break the cycles of burnout, own their potential, and thrive creatively, spiritually, and professionally.

Hello my name is India,
I am a burnout preventionist and selfcare advocate for the Beauty Expert, the Creative Compassionate: those who serve their communities through their creativity and compassion.

I believe you are an extraordinary group of creatives gifted with an incredible role in your communities. 
You are not just hairdressers, aestheticians, lash experts and barbers.
Compassion, care and healing starts with you.
26 Episodes
In this conversation I’m speaking with Dr. Lara Langdon. She is a doctor of physical therapy, orthopedic specialist and has 20+ years of experience studying the human body. The past 10 years she’s been exploring the inner workings of the body, shaping her unique view of the body and has elevated her skill set in addressing difficult and complex cases. Her work is intuitive and grounded in the belief that we are empowered physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually when we can be supported to heal. She shares her simple yet effective tools for beginning a healing journey and innovative ways to support your path. Find out more at and @laralangdon.dpt
This is the first episode of a series of conversations I will be having with healers, visionaries, leaders of thought, and experts in life’s unique expression. In this episode I bring you Melanie Weller, Vagus nerve expert, physical therapist and medical intuitive. Beyond what is on paper she is multi faceted with mysticism, astrology and a deep understanding of the language of the body and the stories that it can tell her. Sometimes called the body whisperer Melanie brings us a full spectrum view of how she treats the wholeness of the individuals she cares for in her practice.
It has been my experience that it only takes a few breaths to come home to center, to come home to the bodies capacity to heal. Just 10 minutes of meditation allows self compassion to guide us back to center when life feels unstable. I will guide you into breath and grounded enlightenment in this simple meditation. My hope is that it will give you some comfort in these tumultuous times. - Your selfcare advocate, India
A look back at 2019, the intensity of our current times and looking forward to our endeavors for 2020.
Kara Richard

Kara Richard


Kara Richard has been one of my Insta faves for quite some time. I have loved watching her embody who she is online and off as her career and community has expanded. As a sister on the same path to bring awareness and more support to our industry, her independent education has become more focused on the whole human. She is creating space in the work place and outside for hairdressers to get treated to mind, body and spirit support and enlightenment. Thank you for this wonderful chat Kara, I truly love who you are for us here and now.
Brenda Amaral

Brenda Amaral


A long awaited conversation with Brenda Amaral reveals more about her work, her life and inspiration. Being a ABCH Certified hair colorist she has gained an insight into how knowledge empowers and inspires. How it gives beauty professionals what they need to be able to use any color line and feel confident. Giving back to our industry is her motivation and inspiration as she shares her experience and expertise behind the chair, on the stage and in the salon. She speaks of her journey of clearing a path from distractions and unhealthy habits to make room to create more of the life she desires. Brenda has been a cheerleader and an inspiration to me and continues to be that for so many in her community! Thank you my friend!



In this vibrant conversation with Bri we get right to it. Fast pace life in the salon, behind the camera and on the stage and what that can lead to: burnout and evolution. Bri gets right into the causes and conditions of her burnout and how it a molded her new path to awareness, self love and how she cares for herself and her community. Her evolution out of the realizations show how what we thought was the worst thing at the time creates needed expansion for our true purpose.
In the forth episode of the series I bring the idea of reward being non material, non consumption, and non compensation (in private, aka "you don't get to boast" or get paid). I have found that the kind of reward and replenishing that fills the internal well beyond a new shiny toy, a sweetie treat, or a big glass of wine is a non negotiable for well being. You can feel the reward of being of service, you can feel reward in movement. You can feel reward in being in action for your well being. As always I hope you gain insight into your own personal journey towards wholeness, and inspiration for your creativity. Thank you for listening!
Teresa Tran

Teresa Tran


Teresa Tran of Treat LA speaks with me about her creativity, motivation and intentions. For her being a beauty professional gives her an amazing opportunity to express her artistic nature and her deep desire to nurture. Having a beautiful space that she has cultivated and opened to her patrons brings her even more joy and inspiration. I loved this conversation and hope you will too.
Megan Lorson

Megan Lorson


Megan Lorson speaks deep love of the beauty business in this episode. Straight from high school to beauty school, making big decisions. With a bright mind for a future full of extraordinary dreams she has created the life she envisioned. Building a salon with a culture that brings creatives and patrons who love being in community together. Megan shares her experience with overwhelm and how her Spiritual life, family and relation to mindset have given her momentum to cocreate a full and fulfilling life.
3rd part to the 4 part series. “Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame.” -Brene Brown. This episode is about creative expression and why we need to continue to expand into our true nature as creatives. Artist and creatives can become detached from their creative intuition when there are blocks around expressing through other outlets. May you recognize and take stock of your own nature and come home to your creative intuition in all areas of your life.
Kelli Mason

Kelli Mason


Speaking 2019 goals and inspiration for being here NOW. Kelli Mason shares some of the experiences that brought about Limitless Hairdresser. How her own journey as a hairdresser gave way to bringing it into the industry for tribe passion and purpose. She speaks of the mindfulness that birthed her curriculum and how self awareness continues to bring her more of the life she envisioned.
In the 2nd episode of this 4 part series I share how to set yourself up for success and emotional freedom. I speak of creating a strategy for change through incremental additions and subtractions. That your daily routine can be your path to creating a new experience. Change your thoughts, change your life. Change your mind and your actions will follow.
Sarah Mac

Sarah Mac


The Spiritual Hairdresser aka Sarah Mac has a conversation with me about her hair journey, family and magical manifestation moments turned real life. She tells about making room for what matters and the sacrifices needed to make impactful changes.
In this 1st episode I speak about the multifaceted functions of the Beauty Expert. Finding the gentle curiosity to seek harmony in all four bodies: spiritual, physical, emotional and mental, as they are constantly working with us for the betterment of the communities we serve.
Evan Stowers

Evan Stowers


In this conversation with Evan I learned about his incredible journey to becoming a professional hairdresser. From an early age Evan was gifted the fearlessness to cut and bleach and teach, yet he still didn’t feel his future behind the chair. By living life through different professions and moving cities, and with the support of his family and beautifully adventurous wife he made his way to being an amazing hairdresser, educator and salon owner. Thank you for sharing the inspiring journey of your life Evan!
Nicole Chichocki

Nicole Chichocki


Nicole Cichocki speaks about being an Embeautyment hair stylist, consultant and coach. Passionate about bringing needed change to the current state of the beauty industry, she views wellness as the most important marker of beauty. Pioneering change in the way we experience beauty services, at Truth, Beauty, and Goodness,
Melissa Jaqua

Melissa Jaqua


Educator, TV and Movie union hairdresser Melissa Jaqua leads us on a deep dive into her lengthy and successful career as a artist born to be behind the chair. This conversation is full of insightful and inspiring life knowledge, and wisdom of the professional world of hair in the TV and movie industry.
Diana Osborne

Diana Osborne


Holistic hair expert Diana Osborne speaks about her journey through multiple health opportunities that threatened to keep her from her love of hair and beauty. How she found a way back behind the chair through a more natural approach and holistic solutions.
Erin Svalstad

Erin Svalstad


Make up artist and stylist Erin Svalstad shares her experience of growing into her natural ability to create beauty and ease on the set and behind the scenes, how she discovered her own individual power of presence and how it has come to influence those she works with. That who she is as an artist and empath has accompanied her rise to success in an industry of constant competition.