Inner Peace and Power

<p>Welcome to Inner Peace and Power with Dr. Rashmi Schramm -  the essential podcast for humans navigating busy lives and seeking a deeper connection with their inner peace and power. <br><br>Inner Peace and Power is hosted by Rashmi Schramm, MD, your friendly board certified physician and coach with expertise in meditation, mindfulness and Ayurveda. <br><br>We dive into transformative practices, share uplifting stories, and offer easy-to-implement tips that fit seamlessly into your hectic schedule.<br><br>Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just beginning your path to self discovery, we are here to support, inspire and empower you on your journey to living a more balanced and vibrant life. <br><br>Subscribe to Inner Peace and Power now and embark on a more peaceful, powerful you.</p>

30: Trusting the Journey with Dr. Vanessa Calderon

Another MUST listen episode, friend!In this powerful conversation, Dr. Vanessa Calderon and I talk candidly about so many big and small aspects of life that can impact us and our paths. What we discuss:- How self trust is the starting point that we can strengthen and return to, over and over again-How control is an illusion, whether we realize it or not-How boundaries are a lifelong process-How not knowing what comes next in our journey is what opens up new possibilities-Generational tra...


29: Fearlessness is a Myth

I used to think that I had to become fearless. And now I know for sure that fearlessness is not something I can achieve. What else is there to explore about fear?We'll talk about fear from a curious, mindful perspective. I invite you to consider befriending fear in all forms. I'm sharing stories and practical tips on ways we can lean into courageousness, which is not the same as being fearless. Ultimately, we don't need to wait until we are fearless to take courageous actions. ...


28: There's No Finish Line with Dr. Gretchen Bruno

This episode is a beautiful, raw and fun conversation with the inimitable Dr. Gretchen Bruno. Gretchen is a board certified OB/Gyn physician, a certified coach, a mom and finisher of multiple full distance Iron Man races. Fun fact: Gretchen and I went to medical school together and have enjoyed a nearly 30 year friendship. What we discuss:- How having her son late in life helped Gretchen awaken to more presence- How her previous achievement had been fueled by "I am not Enough" ...


27: Courageous Trail Blazing with Dr. Ritha Belizaire

Dr. Ritha Belizaire is a double board certified colorectal surgeon, a single parent, and a highly successful entrepreneur. This episode is a deep and honest conversation about what life is like from the standpoint of someone who is a trail blazer. We discuss:-How to make intentional decisions-How mindfulness changed everything for Dr. Ritha-How perspective is everything-How having your own back helps you be more courageous-How to operate outside of the OR with precisionand so much m...


26: Sleep is Your Superpower with Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown

This is a MUST listen episode, friend. In this beautiful conversation, I talk with Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown about all things sleep, rest and tapping into our inner peace and power. Dr. Funke drops so many gems!What we discussed:-how to set and keep internal and external boundaries-how to prioritize sleep and rest in a high speed world-how sleep affects every aspect of our lives-how gratitude can shift our days and nights-how to harness the power of light exposure-how to befriend the ...


25: Celebrating Self Love with Dr. LaToya Luces Sampson

"Remember, you are your first love" says Dr. Toya. This is only one of so many gems that she drops in this deep conversation. This episode is to help each of us remember that even though self neglect is often rewarded by society, that we always have the option to remember and practice our own self love. We also talked about...⭐️All the ways stress and burn out can show up. ⭐️Returning back to our inherent value and worth⭐️Self Expression as an act of self love⭐️Reclaimin...


24: Harnessing Post Traumatic Growth with Dr. Shideh Shafie

Heads up, friend! This conversation contains a few f-bombs so please keep that in mind as you listen - especially if you have sensitive ears or are perhaps sharing the episode with someone who may be sensitive to explicit language. Shideh shares her truly harrowing story of sustaining life threatening traumatic head injury at one of the world's most iconic monuments - the Taj Mahal. When she fell off a high ledge at the Taj Mahal on the first day of her honeymoon, she had such signi...


23: How Not to Eat Your Feelings with Dr. Heather Awad

This conversation is so good, friend!Dr. Heather Awad is a physician and a weight loss coach. She helps professional women over 50 to lose weight for the last time. She shares her own story as well as many other inspiring and empowering stories in this episode. There are so many real life challenges in mid life and we can find ourselves in the habit of emotional eating, which can keep us on a perpetual cycle. Heather helps us break down the steps to move from feeling overworked to feelin...


22: Redefining Success and Power with Dr. Sogol Pahlavan

This episode is truly pure gold, friend. Dr. Sogol is a pediatrician, a mindful coach, a mom and a highly successful entrepreneur. Dr. Sogol shares her story of moving beyond staying busy for the sake of achievement but feeling a vacuous lack of calm on the inside. She shares how she transformed her exhaustion into surrender, trust and ultimately abundant success - both inner fulfillment and outer success. You'll find yourself chuckling at Dr. Sogol's candid descriptions of her inne...


21: Affirmations to Rewrite Reality + Bonus Affirmation Meditation

In this episode, we dive into the fascinating world of Affirmations. We explore how and why they work. I share personal stories and ways that you, dear listener, told me how you use Affirmations in your life. And...there is a BONUS Affirmation meditation here again! You can save this episode and practice this powerful meditation practice consistently to see big shifts in your mind and in your life. Let’s connect!Website: www.rashmischramm.comYoutube:


20: The Power of a Pause to Reclaim Ourselves with Dr. Nwando Anyaoku

This is a conversation you definitely don't want to miss!We're talking with Dr. Nwando Anyaoku, who is a physician executive, a speaker, a coach and consultant based in Seattle, WA. Dr. A drops so much wisdom into this packed episode. One major theme I took away is how powerful pausing can be in our lives. When we slow down, we often are able to return back even faster and more purposefully than before. You can find Dr. Nwando Anyaoku here:https://www.nwandoanyaoku.com


19: Yoga Nidra/NSDR - Unlocking Restoration + Bonus Practice

In this episode, we're exploring the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep in depth. This practice is also sometimes called NSDR, or Non Sleep Deep Rest.I'll share personal stories and ways in which Yoga Nidra has helped my students and clients over the years. We explore the scientific benefits of this deeply restorative and rejuvenating meditation practice. And...My gift to you is a BONUS mini NSDR practice that begins at minute 21! If this episode is helpful, please...


18: Reclaiming Joy with Dr. Kirin Palmer

You're really going to love this episode, friend. In this beautiful conversation with Dr. Kirin Palmer, we discuss ways we can reclaim our joy and our peace. Dr. Kirin is a pediatrician and the founder of Pure Joy Pediatrics in Portland, OR. She shares her powerful story of finding inner peace and power. She talks about how she found ways to intentionally slow down, and the ways she practices mindfulness. We got granular about how every day practices can lead us to find moments...


17: The Polyvagal Path to Inner Peace and Power

You won't want to miss this episode, friend! We dive into the world of Polyvagal Theory and how we can apply practical ways to bring ourselves into more flow, deeper connections and move into thriving on a daily basis.Discussed here: My amazing experience and what I learned from Stephen Porges and Deb Dana in person. I break down what can sometimes feel like a complicated theory into a very palatable and actionable step-by-step healing process. Of course, there are many similarities...


16: Self Healing with Dr. Malathi Acharya

This is such a fantastic episode, friend. We get to hear Dr. Malathi Acharya’s story of how she felt disconnected and not exactly healthy even though she was a practicing physician helping others heal. She tells us the story of how her training led to self healing and how this was a powerful source of energy and inspiration for her. Dr. Malathi Acharya is an integrative medicine physician and founder of Ayur Integrative Medicine. She is passionate about all elements of integrative m...


Episode 15: Busting the Biggest Meditation Myths

In this episode, we journey into the heart of meditation, where we explore how powerful this ancient practice is - and I dive into the 3 biggest meditation myths that I think hold folks back from making this practice a part of their lives. Let’s debunk some myths!Myth 1: Meditation Requires a Thought-Free MindReality: Meditation isn't about silencing your mind but learning to observe your thoughts without attachment. Like any skill, it becomes more effortless with practice, focusing not on th...


Episode 14: Thriving Together with Dr. Colin Zhu aka The Chef Doc

In today’s episode, we enjoy a candid and super interesting conversation with The Chef Doc, Dr. Colin Zhu. We’ll explore ways we can thrive as individuals and as a society. We talk about what we’ve learned about human longevity from the Blue Zones and how our lifestyles can be the vehicle for living longer, healthier lives. ABOUT DR. COLIN ZHUDr. Colin Zhu is Board-Certified in family practice/OMT and lifestyle medicine. Passionate about the intersection of medicine, food, and nutri...


13: Why You Should Cry More

In today's episode, we delve into the transformative power of "Crying Tears," exploring the deeply ingrained societal norms that often compel us to hide our emotions and the stigma surrounding the act of crying. There’s a prevalent misconception that crying signifies weakness. This episode is dedicated to dismantling that myth, armed with scientific insights and enriched by yogic wisdom. We journey through the realms of yogic philosophy and neuroscience, shedding light on the yogic persp...


12: Movement, Meditation and Creating Connections with Dr. Michelle Quirk

This episode has something for everyone! Please share this widely. Today’s special guest is Michelle Quirk, MD. She is a board certified physician and run coach. Michelle is the founder of Mindful Marathon where she helps make running easy and fun for busy professionals. We had a great debrief about our recent sold-out in person Movement and Meditation Retreat in Florida. You can find Michelle here:Website: httpts://www.mindful-marathon.comYoutube: @mindfulmarathonIG: @mindful-...


11: “What’s Joy Got to Do With It?”

In today’s episode, I make the case for joy - that sense of expansion, connection - and why our very essence is joy. I’ll share my stories in trying to lean into joy and what I’ve found in my adventures. We’ll talk about some of the benefits of leaning into Joy. And how joy is different than toxic positivity and very different from spiritual bypassing. I’ll give you 3 of my favorite ways to access and nurture joy in our every day lives. I make the case for meditation as an acce...


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