Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Podcasting, Marketing, Psychology

<p>What separates today's top podcasts from the ones that go unnoticed? Spoiler alert: It’s not high-quality audio, great content, or "staying consistent." (If that were enough, then every host with a $100+ mic who gives their best stuff away for free would be ranking in the Top 100 every week. And we both know that’s not how it works.)</p><p> <br><br></p><p>Here on the show, we’re breaking down over 15,000 hours of study into what today’s top podcasts are doing differently to reveal the exact strategies you need to launch and grow a profitable podcast that listeners can’t ignore.</p><p> <br><br></p><p>So, if you're an established coach, consultant, or service-based business owner who wants a bingeworthy Top 100 podcast that dominates the charts on Apple and Spotify, positions you as the go-to expert in your niche, and drives real business growth — you’ve come to the right place.</p><p> <br><br></p><p>As a Forbes-featured Top 1% podcast educator dubbed “The Podcast Whisperer'' by CEO Weekly, Courtney Elmer is known as the leading authority on the psychology behind what makes podcasts succeed (or fail).<br><br><br>By applying the science of human behavior and psychology to podcasting, Courtney and her team have helped more than seventy six- and seven-figure business owners and experts launch and grow Top 100 podcasts that turn listeners into clients.</p><p> <br><br></p><p>So, if you’re ready to launch a successful podcast that actually gets noticed...<br><br><br>Or if your existing podcast is stuck in “less-than-200-downloads-per-episode-jail" no matter how consistently you publish…</p><p> <br><br></p><p>Or if you’re tired of searching Google and listening to other podcasts that preach worn-out, outdated podcasting advice like “podcasting is a long game” or “keep showing up”…</p><p> <br><br></p><p>And you’re ready to learn the exact strategies you need to get listeners choosing your podcast over the competition, turn those listeners into loyal clients, and use your voice to create meaningful change in the world...</p><p><br><br></p><p>Hit play and let's dive in.</p><p><br></p><p><br><br><br></p><p>Guests Include: Jordan Harbinger, John Lee Dumas, Alex Sanfilippo, Seth Silvers, Kelly Mosser, Adam Adams, Grant Baldwin, Josh Elledge, Deirdre Tshien, Gay Hendricks, Hal Elrod, Brandon Lucero, James Wedmore, Kate Northrup, Stacy Tuschl, Katherine Beck, Jennifer Kem, Sara Wiles, Kate Erickson, and more.</p><p><br></p><p>Popular Episode Topics Include: Starting a Podcast, Growing a Podcast, Increasing Listener Engagement, Creating Bingeworthy Podcast Content, Podcasting for Business, Podcasting for Profit, Ranking Your Podcast in The Top 100, Podcast Launch Strategy, Podcast Monetization Strategies, Podcast Messaging, Podcast Positioning, Podcast Audience Growth</p><p><br></p>

Which Podcast Ad Strategies are Right For Your Show? | Mike Wiston

Podcast ads can be powerful for growing your show, but success isn't just about picking any ad strategy and throwing money at it. You need to be intentional: understand the different podcast ad types, know how to target the right audience, track your results, and refine your approach based on what’s working.In this episode, I’m back with Mike Wiston from MowPod to dive into the tactical side of using paid ads to grow your podcast. Mike breaks down the different types of podcast ads and explai...


The Biggest Mistakes Podcasters Make with Paid Ads | Mike Wiston

Wondering if paid ads are the right move to grow your podcast, or if they’re a waste of your time and money? In this episode, I'm joined by Mike Wiston, co-founder of MowPod, to dive deep into the right (and wrong) ways to use paid ads to grow your show.We tackle why jumping into paid ads too soon can lead to wasted dollars and disappointing results, and how building a solid organic growth engine is the key to making your ad dollars count. Mike also shares insights on understanding your metri...


Q + A | Should You Script Your Podcast Episodes?

Should you script your podcast episodes, or is it better to outline? It’s a valid question, and the answer ultimately depends on what’s more important to you: converting your listeners to leads and clients, or simply sounding polished and professional.In this episode, we’re diving into the pros and cons of scripting vs. outlining so you can decide which approach is better — not just for you, but for your listeners. We’ll also look at why building real influence as a podcast host has less to d...


The Psychology Behind Bingeworthy Episode Titles

Ever notice how some podcasts make you drop everything to hit play while you scroll right past others without giving them a second thought? In this episode, I’m diving into the psychology behind why this happens — and why bingeworthy episode titles are the crucial trigger to getting new listeners to actually press play on your podcast.Listen now to learn what makes an episode title impossible to ignore, why using AI for your titles is doing more harm than good, and how to craft episode titles...


How to Train Your Podcasting AI to Sound Like You | Michael Katz

AI can be a game-changer for scaling your podcast, but it’s only going to work if you take the time to dial in your core message and train the AI to reflect your voice.In this episode, AI expert Michael Katz returns to show you how to train AI to reflect your voice — not churn out the same generic content everyone else is creating. You’ll learn how to use podcasting AI to streamline your content creation without losing the unique tone and personality that makes your show stand out. So if you’...


Could AI Be Hurting Your Credibility as a Podcaster? | Michael Katz

Think AI is making your podcast sound smarter? Think again. In this episode, Michael Katz joins us in the studio — a former AI skeptic turned founder of a different kind of AI company — to talk about why leaning too hard on AI could be doing more harm than good for your brand.We’re unpacking the common mistakes podcasters make when they let AI take over their content, the ethical concerns of sounding like everyone else, and what it really takes to use AI without losing your unique voice.So if...


How to Make a Bold Comeback After Hitting Pause on Your Podcast

Wondering how to make a bold comeback after hitting pause on your podcast? In this episode, we're breaking down what to do when there's been a shift in your podcast — like a business pivot, a change in audience, change in topic, change in leadership of the show (i.e., you lost a co-host), or if you simply had to pause your show for whatever reason and you want to bring it back, but you aren't sure the best way to do it.Should you start fresh with a new podcast? Should you keep the old feed an...


The Right & Wrong Way to Take a Break From Your Podcast

We're diving into a rather taboo topic in the podcasting world: taking a break from your podcast. *Gasp!* Yup, we're going there. I’m showing you how to take a real break without losing your listeners and without anyone ever realizing you’re on hiatus (or sipping a marg on a sunny beach somewhere — who said anyone has to know?).Whether you need a 90-day breather or a longer pause, I’ll break down the steps to stay top-of-mind with your audience while you take the time you need, without riskin...


Are Podcast Sponsorships Worth the Effort for Small Shows? | Joe Casabona

Many podcasters think, "If I want to make money, I need sponsors." But if you’re a business owner who podcasts, you’ve likely wondered, "Should I have sponsors if I’m already promoting my own stuff?" Here’s the thing: not all podcast sponsorships are created equal. While the right sponsor can help cover production costs and bring in extra revenue, the wrong one can undermine the trust you've worked hard to build with your listeners.In this episode, we’re clearing up the confusion. Whether you...


Steal This Episode Planning Framework to Cut Your Prep Time in Half | Joe Casabona

You’ve probably heard all about how to save time editing, uploading, and promoting — but the real time-suck for most podcasters? Planning the dang episode before you even hit record! But what if you could cut your episode prep time in half, reclaim that mental energy, and never stare at a blank screen wondering what to talk about again?In this episode, podcast productivity guru Joe Casabona shares a simple framework that’ll help you capture ideas wherever you are (yes, even mid-shampoo) and s...


5 Ways to Get Your Podcast on the Top Charts

Getting on the podcast charts is like ranking on the first page of Google. It's an incredibly powerful way to get found by new listeners, and surprisingly? It's easier than you might think.In this episode we're unpacking why charting is key for discoverability beyond word-of-mouth or organic search, and why it's not out of reach for you even if you're just starting out or have a small audience. You’ll also learn how to stop stressing over your download numbers and start using them as data poi...


Q + A | How Do You Make Listeners Stay Longer? (and Why It Matters)

Want to know how to keep your listeners hooked from start to finish? In this episode, we’re diving into the psychology of how platforms like Netflix and Hulu create bingeworthy content — and how to apply these same principles to your episodes to keep your listeners hooked and coming back for more. Learn how to open loops that leave listeners hanging (in a good way), the best way to tease future episodes, and how to increase that all-important listener consumption rate that signals to pla...


Why You Don’t Need Big Numbers to Rank Your Podcast | Zach Kristensen

Think you need a massive number of downloads to rank your podcast? Think again. In this episode, fellow podcaster Zach Kristensen reveals how he relaunched his podcast and landed on the Apple Podcast charts with fewer downloads than you'd expect.We’re unpacking the challenges that led him to rethink his show, the unexpected lessons he learned about crafting the right message, and the specific changes he made that helped him connect with the right listeners, convert them into leads, and redefi...


Why Your Podcast Isn’t Getting Found (and How to Fix It)

If you want your podcast discovered by new listeners, you need three key things to stand out in today’s increasingly crowded space. In this episode, we’re unpacking what it really takes to attract new listeners daily — and revealing the one growth metric most podcasters aren’t tracking (but should be).Ready to learn how to get listeners choosing your show over the competition and go from unheard expert to binge-worthy thought leader in your niche? Hit play and let’s dive in.0:02 - Three...


Q + A: Can You Have a Successful Podcast Without Video? | Dave Jackson

Can you have a successful podcast without video? Short answer: Absolutely.But are you missing out on podcast growth by sticking to audio only? It depends.Podcasting hall-of-famer Dave Jackson is back to set the record straight on video podcasts. We’re tackling questions like: Is it worth putting a podcast on YouTube? What advantages are there to having a video podcast? Can you start with audio and add video later? When's the right time to add video? And is this video podcasting trend here to ...


How to Monetize Your Podcast Even With a Small Audience | Dave Jackson

People often say that monetizing a podcast is all about growing your audience and landing sponsors and advertisers. But if it were that simple, then why are so many podcast hosts still struggling to make real money?The truth is, there are over 20+ ways to monetize a podcast *without* sponsors or ads — yep, even if you have a small audience, don't have a business, or are just a few months into your podcasting journey.Podcasting Hall-of-Famer Dave Jackson is in the studio with me to break down ...


The Untold Secrets of Building a Multimillion Dollar Podcast | John Lee Dumas

It’s easy to look at today’s top podcast hosts and think, "Wow, they had it easy." But deep down, we know that’s not the case. Even the biggest names in the game started from zero and faced the same doubts, fears, and setbacks as you. That’s why I invited John Lee Dumas to join me for this episode and unpack the REAL story behind Entrepreneurs on Fire, how it almost didn’t happen, and how he battled massive self-doubt to turn his vision into one of the most successful podcasts in history...


The Exact Strategy Behind 15M Downloads a Month | Jordan Harbinger

What does it REALLY take to become a top podcaster? (And are today’s top podcasters gatekeeping the real secrets to podcast growth?)In this episode, I’m sitting down with the one and only Jordan Harbinger—a podcasting legend with over 15 million downloads every month and named Apple’s “Best and Most Downloaded Podcast” back in 2018.We’re pulling back the curtain on the exact strategies that helped Jordan build his podcasting empire—from letting go of the obsession with analytics to finding su...


How to Hit Every Podcast Goal You Ever Set | Hal Elrod

Ever set a podcast goal and feel like no matter what you do, you just can't hit it? You're putting out great content, lining up awesome guests, and promoting like crazy on social media, but the downloads just aren't moving in the right direction — and you’re not alone.Multiple time best-selling author of The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod, joins me in this episode to share how he went from struggling to sell books to creating a global movement — and how podcasting played a significant role in the...


Q + A | How Do You Build a Podcast Audience that Converts?

Wondering how to grow your podcast audience and increase conversions at the same time? Is it really possible to do both, or should you put your energy into one goal over the other? In this episode, we're digging into the strategies to help you expand your listener base and turn those loyal listeners into hot leads for your business. So if you're ready to make your podcast work double-duty for you, hit play and let’s dive in.2:54 - Why Growing a Podcast Audience Doesn’t Automatically Mean More...


Karen Lake

enjoyed Courtney!

02-18 Reply

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