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Inspiring Words By Ms G
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Inspiring Words By Ms G

Author: Margaret Goodrich

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This podcast was created to motivate, uplift and inspire. We will use some biblical text and discuss real life principles on how the Bible can be used as our life coach. Messages and resources will be shared to help you stay focused throughout the day. We all have a purpose and my purpose is to encourage, motivate and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.
382 Episodes
A healthy mindset is a positive way of thinking that helps people deal with life's challenges, while also appreciating the good times. It's a collection of beliefs and thought patterns that shape how someone sees the world, things around them and themselves. This episode is to encourage you to get into the habit of focusing on positive things daily.
Positive affirmations can help you in many ways. It helps to change negative thinking into something positive. It's also a positive way to start your day. Affirmations can help you replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Ms. G as usual shares several quotes for you to repeat to start your day. Embrace each quote with positivity and grace. Enjoy.
When we continue to draw near to God, we have chosen to keep him at the forefront of our lives. It is times such as these when our faith reveals who we truly trust. Drawing near to God gives us that reassurance that God is in control and we can do nothing without him. This episode is not only a dedication to Ms. G's grandmother and mom, but it is also about so many inspiring words to encourage many to keep trusting the Lord regardless of what we face. It is the foundation of our faith that sustains us and gives us the peace we need in our own lives.
12 Friday Affirmations

12 Friday Affirmations


Affirmations are actions or the process of affirming something or being affirmed. It's a declaration or statement that we say and believe. Every day, we all have the opportunity to work on ourselves. No one is perfect but when it comes to being mindful and loving yourself it should be necessary and a priority. This episode shares 12 affirmations Ms. G would like for you to repeat and instill in your mind, spirit and soul. Make self-care a necessity and priority in your life. Start with affirmations daily to help start your day.
Self-care is a necessity we all need in our lives. When we learn to be mindful about our own lives, we all can and will enjoy life much better. Our own well-being would be at peace plus we all will be less stressed. We all live in a busy society and when we learn to make taking care of ourselves a priority, things would start to fall into perspective. Less stress and more happiness will be a big part of our lives. Our health would be much better than it was. This episode is essential and beneficial to many. Ms. G has homework so get your pens and paper ready.
Work on you challenge

Work on you challenge


Personal growth is needed when we want to create a better version of ourselves. It is a vital part of our lives when it comes to success and happiness. It allows you to learn new skills and ways of working on yourself. It gives you what I call the self-focus attention. Growth is not only limited to physical development. It also includes social and emotional development as well. Listen to this episode to be inspired and uplifted.
Peace with yourself

Peace with yourself


Peace comes from within. When you make peace with yourself, you are showing that you are not alone or perfect. Many people try so hard to fit in with society and want to be like someone else or look a certain way. We will never be perfect. We all have to learn to love who we are and if we want to see a change to step up and do what it takes to make that change within ourselves and to do it for us and not anyone else. This episode is a message to encourage you to love on yourself. God loves you. You should see yourself the way God sees you.
You are enough!

You are enough!


This episode focuses on the importance of accepting who you are. You have what it takes. You are strong and is worthy of God's grace and mercy. Many people hold on to their past hurts and mistakes and may not feel they are good enough to be forgiven or receive blessings in their life. This episode is meant to encourage you to focus on the good things in life. God created you for a purpose. Each and every day embrace life with excitement knowing God has given you mercy.
Self-care is a given when it comes to intentionally taking care of yourself. This 7-day challenge was put in place to help make yourself a better person and to make it a part of your life. Change is a part of growing and our lives.
Self-care is a necessity many of us tend to forget about. This 7-day challenge is a way to try to get you to create a routine and habit of putting herself as a priority. There is nothing wrong with taking care of YOU. Listen to this message to be encouraged to keep going no matter what. We have made it to day 6 good people. I know you can make it today 7.
Self-care is a necessity we need in our lives. Everyone should be committed to taking care of themselves and their families by practicing self-care as a routine. It's day 5 of the 7-day self-care challenge. Ms. G is on the air to motivate and encourage those who decided to be part of the challenge to keep going. Now is not the time to quit. Keep pushing and fighting the good fight of faith. Perserverance and determination is the key to success.
Today is day 4 of the self-care challenge. Self-care is not an expense. It's an investment. You have chosen to take this time to invest in yourself. When we intentionally focus on loving ourselves, it shows that we care. Taking care of yourself doesn't mean me first. It means me too. Listen to this episode to help encourage you to stay committed to the 2 or 4 things you decided to do for yourself during this challenge.
Self-care is a necessary priority many people should make part of their lives. Unfortunately, many people don't take the time to do so. This episode is part 3 of the self-care challenge. Ms. G is on the air to help encourage those who started the challenge to continue and not to give up on themselves. Listen to this message to be inspired and uplifted. Do not give up on yourself. God created you for a reason. Stick to the challenge to help become a better version of yourself.
Today is the 2nd day of the 7-day self-care challenge. This episode shares what Ms. G decided to commit to out of the 10 things shared. Taking care of ourselves intentionally will give the body what it needs daily. This series focuses on becoming a better version of ourselves while learning to be mindful at the same time. Join this 7-day challenge to help reset you to a much better life.
Self-care can be defined as a practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. This 7-day challenge is a way to keep you focused on yourself intentionally while learning to develop a healthy habit while in the process. This practice will only help you in the end.
When plants out grow their pots because of the roots, a new pot is need in order for it to reach it's full potential. Our lives are just like a plant. When we are faced with challenges and things that require a change in order to grow, we have to be willing to move to something better. In order to change, we have to step out of our comfort zone. Also, sometimes trials come to make us stronger and it could be God's will to push us to the next level. This episode focuses on the importance of growing with good soil. Listen to this message to be inspired and uplifted.
Words of affirmation along with other inspirational quotes are encouraged. Every day get into the habit of focusing on positivity and use your voice to start your day with great positive words of inspiration. Start with the 8 in this episode then add to it weekly. Enjoy!
Investing in yourself is a big part of growth. Many people want to see change in their lives but some do not want to do what it takes to get there. In order to grow, we have to do the work good people! Ms. G. shares a little information about her health journey and what steps she's taking in order to get the results she wants. In order for us to grow rather it's with our spiritual life, health, finances, relationships, work , education, etc. We have to do the work to make progress. Listen to this recording to be inspired and uplifted. Ms. G is back good people!
Peace is basically harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. Peace can also be seen as stress free, harmony, quietness and calmness when no chaos or stress is involved. This episode focuses on the importance of making peace a priority in every way when it comes to our daily lives. When peace is well managed, our health will be much better and a more joyful life we all will have.
Fear is one of the things that hinder many people from reaching their goals. This episode shares scripture and prayer on how to overcome fear. When fear steps in, we all have the ability to pray and talk our way out of it. The Word of God is very powerful. Listen to this message as well as the prayer to be uplifted and inspired. I trust this prayer and message gives you that reassurance that God is always with us, no matter what our challenges look like.