Jeff Herb and Dr. Greg Goins talk about reflecting and story telling through podcasting and also recap some of the highlights of the ICE 2017 Conference in Illinois.
Jeff shares his new podcast, LightUpEDU, with the ITT community. Also, new episodes of ITT are coming soon - stay tuned!
Creating with tools like Canva, Adobe Post, and Adobe Slate and a discussion about what is to come in 2016 for #EdTech is the topic of this episode. Hosts: Jeff Herb and Jon Samuelson
Learn about making a makerspace from Jeff, Jon, and their guest Elissa Malespina, who is a Teacher Librarian and the ISTE Library PD co-chair.
Jeff and Jon discuss Minecraft and its place in Education - also introduce a new 1:1 segment. Great resources discussed!
Jeff and Jon talk about blogging as a form of reflection for teachers. Also, Jeff talks with Sue Gorman and Richard Byrne about Richard's website Free Tech 4 Teachers.
Jeff and Jon talk about tips and tricks for attending (either in person or remotely) the ISTE conference.
Jeff and Jon talk about implementing a student tech support program that also affords them industry certifications. Hashtags of the week #s2n2015 and #PodcastPD
Jeff Herb (@InstTechTalk) and Jon Samuelson (@jonsamuelson) discuss the app Periscope and its future in education. The app Adobe Slate and the Apple Watch are also discussed.
Jeff talks with Stu Keroff about his middle school Linux user group, The Asian Penguins, based in a Hmong charter school in Minnesota.
Connected Toys is the topic of conversation between Jeff Herb and Sam Patterson. Learn how to teach with the Sphero robot on this episode.
Jeff Herb (@InstTechTalk) talks with Sam Patterson (@SamPatue) all about smart pens and how they can be used in the classroom and in education in general.
Learn all about Coding in the Classroom with the help of cloud coding tool Vocareum. Jeff talks with Vishal from Vocareum to hash out why cloud labs help teachers and students.
Jeff talks with Steven from Doceri all about how Doceri can be used to streamline your classroom's creation, presentation, sharing, and control using Apple's iPad.
The Summer PD Series has begun! This episode kicks off the new Summer PD series that features a couple of thoughts or tools that will help you innovate your teaching for the next school year. Join us as we talk about Road Trip PD and Evernote during this session!
Jeff co-produces a podcast with Jeff Bradbury from TeacherCast all about Podcasting and how you can setup a podcast for free.
Jeff talks about going paperless in the classroom, some great tools to enhance classroom communication, and ways to be ready for new technology as it becomes available.
Jeff talks with Zofia from Skype in the classroom to get a better understanding of what Skype is and how we can use it in the classroom.
Learn all about the ways you can use Explain Everything in the classroom. Jeff talks with founders of the app Reshan and Bart.
Jeff talks with Sallie Severns of Answer Underground to better understand how the app can be u