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Internet of Things with Game Changers, Presented by SAP
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Internet of Things with Game Changers, Presented by SAP

Author: VoiceAmerica

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Game-changing technology strategies are transformational, exciting and disruptive for a reason. They shake up your status quo. They get you thinking about new ways to scale, compete and grow. They move you in amazing new directions.brbr
Join host Bonnie D. Graham as she invites you to take an additional coffee break with game-changers for our special series on totally new sources of information that will change the way you run your business, on Internet of Things with Game Changers.brbr
Learn how you can become the savvy Transformation Leader who leads your company to analyze and act on the hidden data that permeates everyday business activities. Internet of Things with Game Changers, presented by SAP, can be heard live on Wednesdays at 11 AM Pacific Time / 2 PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.
93 Episodes
The Buzz 1: Data governance the organizational framework…to understand where your data originated, how it was handled, and the goals your AI platform and machine learning models set out to achieve.” [https://www.datarobot.
The Buzz 1: “We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.” (Francois Hollande) The Buzz 2: “It’s a collective endeavor, it’s collective accountability and it may not be too late.
The Buzz: On August 20, 2014, Maamar Ferkoun (AP IBM–Cloud Computing & Cognitive Technologies) wrote, “The flexibility and scalability of the cloud acts as an ideal complement to business intelligence activities.
The Buzz: “Data! data! data …I can't make bricks without clay” (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, #12). Intelligent Enterprises know how to use their data assets to achieve desired outcomes faster and with less risk.
The Buzz 1: “Simply put, a data ecosystem is a platform that combines data from numerous providers and builds value through the usage of processed data.” (mckinsey.
The buzz: “It’s imperative that you find the right balance between automation and human intelligence within your business. Automation is shy; it’s great for boring, repetitive tasks behind the scenes, but not so much when it comes to the frontlines.
The buzz: Big Think (https://bigthink.
The buzz: What drives IT executives to initiate cloud migration? Deloitte’s survey of more than 500 IT leaders and executives reveals that security and data protection is the top driver. With 58 percent of respondents ranking it No.
The buzz: Big Think (https://bigthink.
The buzz: “CEOs are looking ahead to their post-Covid challenges. Nowhere is this challenge more daunting than figuring out if the global pandemic and its far-reaching impacts have created a temporary shock to their markets or a permanent shift in them.
The buzz: “Many organisations are looking to make significant investments in data assets, but without the appropriate strategy, they run the risk of putting the cart before the horse and making poor and regressive investment decisions.” (pwc.
The buzz: “AI is developing at whirlwind rates.
The buzz: “Why do only 13% of data science projects, or just one out of every 10, actually make it into production?…Data scientists have been around since the 1950s — individuals sitting in a basement working behind a terminal.
The buzz: “The term Experience Economy was first used in a 1998 article by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, describing the economy after the agrarian economy, industrial economy, and most recent service economy.
The buzz: “APIs are the unsung heroes of the connected world.” ( Cloud migration continues to accelerate, with AWS’s 1M business customers in 2015 growing to 2.6M+ today, and Google and Microsoft not far behind in market share.
The buzz: Big data is a familiar term. Data exhaust is less widely known, tends to be raw, unstructured, and even bigger. In some ways it's an evil twin brother. (computerworld.
The buzz: “The graph paradigm goes well beyond databases and application development; it’s a reimagining of what’s possible around the idea of connections.” (neo4j.