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Johnny Slick Podcast

Author: Johnny Slick

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Video games, 80s and 90s nostalgia, nerd-rants, and anything else we can think of.
8 Episodes
With all the superhero movies out this summer, Gibran and I felt this would be an excellent time to discuss... Scientology. No, really. There is a point to this, trust me! We do get into actual superheroes (note: there is no such thing as an actual superhero) before getting into what appears to be the burning question of the week: is a "weakness" to radioactive material really a weakness? Email us at and let us know! Also in this episode: more about animals, including the honey badger, who apparently has what we in the business like to call a caring deficit. Featured in this podcast: Wikipedia (srsly it's frigging Wikipedia)
We begin this week's episode with talk of sexist Mormons and things quickly go downhill from there. I AM SORRY THAT I HAVE NO TALENT, OKAY. LAUGH AT MY INEPTITUDE. Anyway, we also talk about nefarious plans afoot by the CDC, streaking, and the new official Johnny Slick Podcast eXtreme sport, which is known as Ziggying. Will you be the first person in your town to Ziggy? It may be the only thing that saves you from the impending zombie apocalypse! Websites mentioned here:
With Robert away, the Johnny Slick Podcast "welcomes" Scott, a bona fide Portlander, to the show. Scott has EXTREMELY RUDE THINGS to say about the Seattle Sounders, including an EXTREMELY RUDE NAME WHICH RHYMES WITH SOUNDERS. That is all I have to say about that. Also, we talk about planking and the rapture, two things which may well be related. Plus Ziggy of course. Websites mentioned: (did you REALLY need to know this?)
Episode 5

Episode 5


It's the pivotal 5th episode! Robert is actually here, and his presence allows us to discuss the reason he won't be here next week: camping. Yes, camping. But first, Gibran talks about his "insanity workout" he does with his wife and in the offing John gives him valuable relationship advice which Gibran will carry with him forever. Who said that the Johnny Slick Podcast had no redeeming qualities whatsoever? Oh yeah, it was Steve, wasn't it. Steve. Later, in what figures to be a recurring fixture of the podcast, at least for the next couple of months, Gibran, John, and Robert talk about two summer blockbuster movies which are already out: Thor and Bridesmaids. Also, they introduce a brand new rating system which is based on other, better ratings systems. There are nerd references galore, but they're only on the edges, which fools you into thinking that these guys aren't nerds! Websites referenced on this podcast: (not a real website)
Episode 4

Episode 4


This podcast was recorded in NEW YORK CITY. (insert "get a rope" joke here). It's John and Gibran again, waxing eloquently about the city, about the evil, evil Yankees, television, the NBC tour, and people who are suckas. So what else is new? Websites featured this week:
Episode 3

Episode 3


This time, Rob's gone, and while Rob's away, John and Gibran... no, that does not work at all. John and Gibran get into rude New Yorkness and cut to the heart of the matter: the fact that really, Seattle is freaking rude itself. Also, John mentions one potential reason why he may not be alive for the podcast next week. In the second segment, Johnny Slick and Gibran wax nostalgic, primarily about the so-called Sunday funnies but also about Go-Bots. Gibran and Johnny Slick learn fascinating facts about the histories of Heathcliff and Garfield. Will this factoid tear the very fabric of time and space? There's only one way to find out. Well, two, I guess. I mean, the fact that time and space is still together is probably a good clue that it didn't. But you know something, sir? You think about things too much. Your dad bought you Go-Bots when you were a kid, didn't he? DIDN'T HE. Websites featured in this week's podcast:
With Gibran out this week, John and Robert spend more or less the entire show speaking of John Siegerwald, his chaotic evil writing, and most of all his mustache. Other topics include: the relative rudeness of New Yorkers and Seattle-ites, postal workers who really have to go, rude pranks played by Dungeons and Dragons nerds, and Tom Selleck. John discloses yet another embarrassing fact about his life and Robert reveals himself to be a rapscallion and no-good thief.
Episode 1

Episode 1


The inaugural episode! First, Gibran talks to us about getting stuff for free when Best Buy messes up your order... or at least he thinks it might be for free. This leads into some talk about how your host once carried a television set home from a Best Buy because the taxi driver he called wouldn't put it in his car. Much hilarity ensues. Next, Johnny and Gibran tell Robert about a former co-worker of theirs, which leads into a discussion of the hierarchy of nerdosity. Then Johnny reveals that he is heading to New York City and Gibran and Robert give him some advice, not all of which is useful. Somehow, this turns into a discussion of vagrants. Finally, Johnny talks about what they'll be doing with the stuff that did not make it into the first podcast (because yes, even in a first podcast there is much to be chopped out!). Johnny, Gibran, and Robert all reveal themselves to be bad people, and that's where it ends... for now. My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-2cbb2532560cc2119a9da6eb2255dc05}