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Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
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Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love

Author: Noelle Van

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Journeys Through Change inspires women to step into change with ease and grace. Your host, Noelle Van, an empowerment and change management coach who spent years coaching innovators and leaders at Apple and Sony, brings a fun and engaging perspective on how to navigate change along with inspiring and provocative conversations with women who have taken a leap into the unknown to create a life of greater joy, fulfillment and success.

Whether you’re contemplating a change in your career, relationship, health, lifestyle or anything in between, nothing is off the table. If you think you’re ready for change but need that extra little nudge to make it happen, this will motivate you to let go of the excuses and say yes to possibility in all areas of your life. 

60 Episodes
For any of us who have experienced a pivotal moment in our past and made a decision that (over time) proved to be of greater significance than we ever thought possible, we understand what true transformation feels like. Today’s guest is no stranger to this feeling after her decision to get sober mixed with her sheer drive and determination led to a series of serendipitous moments on her path to success. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Kelsey Moreira and I are talking about how ...
Have you ever noticed how a single negative thought can create a cascade of self-doubt, crushing your courage and curiosity and derailing everything in its wake? That’s because our mind is SO powerful. One of the biggest tenets of becoming a changemaker is mastering your mindset. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m sharing how to create a mindset that propels you forward!Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you sign up now AND use the discount code NEW20 for 20% off your Day by Dayboo...
Content Warning: This episode has a brief mention of suicidal ideations and sexual assault. When you think about your life, do you ever wonder how many twists and turns got you to where you are today? Thinking about the richness of our lives is not often easy. But if you were to recognize some of the experiences you've had along the way for what they really were, stepping stones to get you to where you are today, would even the painful ones feel worth it? The truth is, there are no mista...
We talk a lot on the podcast about listening to those subtle whispers that call to us to step into unfamiliar territory and see what’s on the other side. For some, these whispers come out of nowhere leading them to make sweeping changes. For others like Linda Sivertsen, they may have been there since childhood, increasing in volume as they grow closer and closer to their destiny. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Linda Sivertsen shares how she went from being a college dropout to...
One of the first key tenets of becoming a change maker, or in other words, someone who invites possibility into your life, is being able to make and keep a commitment to yourself to make it happen. Keeping a commitment is one of the most important things you can do to strengthen your resolve and start building the muscle you need to stick with the process of any change long enough to get to the other side and reap the benefits. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m sharing how to make a c...
Content Warning: This episode mentions sex trafficking, sexual assault, and violence. Sex trafficking, sexual assault, and violence are an all too common reality for individuals working in the adult entertainment and sex work industry. After hearing the stories of countless individuals in her chair as a hair and makeup artist, today’s guest Joy Hoover set out to do something about it and has been on a mission to empower and protect women ever since. This week on Journeys Through Change, ...
We talk about change all the time on the podcast and listen to other women’s stories of change, but hearing others' experiences is one thing, and learning to navigate change in your own life is quite another. That’s where the Change Maker Series comes in! This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m giving you a preview of my 6-week series designed to help you build confidence and resilience, tackle life changes effectively, and become a Change Maker in your own life.In this episode, I’m sh...
Content Warning: This episode discusses thoughts of death as a result of a traumatic brain injury. When we think about “having it all” it brings to mind being at the pinnacle of our career or at an ultimate high in our life where we feel we have reached the summit. But nothing in life is promised and what happens when that all comes crashing down leaving us to rebuild our life? That is exactly what happened to Mercedes Maidana after a surfing accident changed the course of her life in a ...
Understanding your drive type is important, especially as you create an action plan for change. Knowing what motivates you is the first step in choosing the behaviors or activities that keep your mindset, engagement, and stamina strong when you need them most. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m talking about unlocking your motivation by discovering your drive type.Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Day Book, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort of those ...
When women prioritize their joy, they become more magnetic and create greater fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Today on the podcast, Megan Walrod joins me to share how she came to terms with what was missing in her life and took the leap to find ultimate joy by stepping into her truth. Walking us through her personal journey from living her maybe to finally living her YES!Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Day Book, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort ...
When we talk about change, we often refer to something we self-initiate to make our lives better or to push us forward toward our goals. But what happens when change hits us unexpectedly from behind? These changes can come in the form of a diagnosis, relationship change, lifestyle shift, the list goes on. Whatever it is, the way you cope with these circumstances can either set you up for success or lead you down a rabbit hole that can be difficult to get out of. Thats why this week on Journey...
I bet if we were to see a show of hands with our listeners, there would likely be a significant amount of self-proclaimed overachievers. Whether we were born with that relentless drive or it’s something we learned along the way - the internal pressure we put on ourselves to do – do – do, can often feel relentless. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Dora Rankin and I are talking about how life’s ups and downs led her to empower women to live their purpose. Change is inevitable...
Monumental change is typically born from something simple– an inkling, an urge, or a feeling that something is not quite right and needs our attention. Paying attention to these feelings can lead to the courage to take that step toward something that can truly be transformational. I certainly found this to be true over 12 years ago when a faint little whisper told me that my drinking was getting in the way of my life. So I wanted to dedicate this episode to those of you who have heard th...
Sometimes life shows us that the experiences we’ve had were the building blocks to get us to a place we are meant to be. Our guest today shares her story of how an idea can come out of nowhere, leading us toward alignment with what we know we were meant to do and living on purpose with ease and flow. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Lauren Schmidt shares how a love affair led her to create A Tree That Grows- an organization committed to global impact. Sparked by her interes...
Have you ever wondered how many lessons there are left to learn until you’ve gained the power you need to live your life to its fullest? The truth is, none of us know. Internal strength often results from time, experience, and sometimes adversity throwing us into challenges we never thought we’d ever have to face– let alone overcome. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Alison Evans and I are talking about how her sobriety and lupus diagnosis taught her to make self-care non-negotia...
As you may know, this podcast is about actively creating change in our lives. Some of us know we’re ready for change; others might be hesitant but are interested in exploring it further. Regardless of where you fall, this podcast is a place of exploration, not obligation. This week on Journeys Through Change, I am talking about building the foundation for change and asking yourself what you want. Change happens all of the time and we often don’t realize the impact it has on us until we’r...
Have you ever felt so captivated by an interest or pastime that it drew you in and wouldn’t let you go or toyed with the idea of creating something bigger out of it, only to shake your head and pass it off as an unrealistic dream? Life can take us on a wild, yet rewarding ride when we surrender to the persistent little tug inside of us, even when the outside world may be pointing us in a different direction. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Kai Chase and I are talking about the ...
Have you ever felt like you “know” something, even though you can’t explain how you know it? That’s your intuition at work! This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Karen Hager and I discussed how she left seminary to become an intuitive guide. Sharing a gift she’s had since childhood, we talk about tapping into your intuition and following your inner guidance. Today’s guest Karen Hager has an incredible life path. As she prepared for ordination into the priesthood she made a life-...
The dictionary definition of hope is the feeling of trust or expectation- a desire for something to happen. When we think about hope, we can often feel like it’s an aspiration or yearning but in reality, hope is the first step in becoming a believer in your ability to overcome life’s challenges. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Rebecca Boedges and I are talking about how hope guided her through the pain of loss and into the world of emerging artists. Rebecca is a coac...
Sometimes it takes us several detours to set us on the path we know we were meant to travel and listening to our bodies is part of the journey. It’s not always easy but it can be so critical when it comes to recognizing what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Sarah Tamaya and I are talking about how listening to her body led her toward greater joy and fulfillment! Sarah Tamaya is a former career accountant who has taken several paths to fi...