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Just A Guy In The Pew Podcast

Just A Guy In The Pew Podcast

Author: John Edwards

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Welcome to the pew. The place where everyday catholic guys, talk about everyday catholic things, in front of the one person that can do something about it. Jesus Christ
289 Episodes
Today, we have a super special episode because we’re welcoming our first female guest in the studio – the amazingly talented Marie Miller. Marie is not just an artist; she’s a storyteller who uses her music, humor, and faith to touch hearts. From being signed at 17 by Curb Records to having her songs featured in TV shows like "Dancing with the Stars," Marie’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Her independent album "Little Dreams" is a testament to her faith and talent, with its single "Imaginary Friend" streamed over 1 million times! In this episode, Marie shares her incredible journey – from performing for Pope Francis to opening for big names like the Backstreet Boys and The Wallflowers. We’ll dive into her faith, her upbringing in a big Catholic family, and her new album "The Way of Love." Plus, you'll get to hear Marie perform some of her beautiful music live. This episode is packed with heartfelt conversations, faith-filled stories, and a lot of fun. Marie’s story is a beautiful reminder of how God’s love can guide us through every twist and turn in life.
Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent


I’m super excited to have my co-host Victor Adams back with me! This episode is all about real-life challenges and finding God in our everyday moments. Victor and I chat about the ups and downs of life, how to stay true to our faith in today’s world, and why being present for our loved ones is so important. We share some personal stories—like my solo episodes, our recent travels, and a special moment I had with my son Jacob during a fireworks show. Spoiler: it wasn’t about the fireworks . . . We dig deep into how we often look for God in big, flashy moments when He's really there in the everyday stuff—our wins, our struggles, and everything in between. Victor talks about the pressure to make everything perfect and realizing it’s the time spent with loved ones that truly counts. We’ve been blown away by the support from our listeners! Your feedback and generosity keep us going. From writing a new book to organizing parish missions and leadership summits, your support helps us reach and help more people in meaningful ways. A big shoutout to everyone who’s reached out and supported us. If our show has touched your life, consider joining us as a Partner in the Pew ( Your contributions make a huge difference and help us expand our mission. Jump into the conversation in the comments below and let us know your thoughts! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell so you never miss an episode. _______________________________________________________________________ ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. ( _______________________________________________________________________
First off, HUGE thanks to everyone who tuned into last week's solo episode and sent in those heartwarming messages. Your support means the world to me, especially since going solo isn't easy without my friend or guests around. This week, we're diving into "Handling the Hard Stuff." Life throws some real curveballs, right? From tough medical diagnoses to personal losses, how do we cope? I'll share insights inspired by a recent episode of The Chosen and some things the Lord put on my heart. Plus, exciting news! If you're heading to the Eucharistic Congress, come find us at booth 1332 from July 16-21. We'll have merch, info on our ministry, and a chance to meet you all in person. Don't miss our live podcast on Thursday with Father Malachy, chatting about the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist. Thanks for being part of this journey. Let's get into it! 🙏 📚: Bible verses for reflection Isaiah 55:8-9 Romans 8:28 1 Peter 5:7-10 #justaguyinthepew #faithjourney #eucharisticrevival #eucharisticcongress #christianliving #difficulty #suffering #thechosen #thechosenseason4 #loss #catholiccommunity #brotherhood #communitybuilding _______________________________________________________________________ ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. ( _______________________________________________________________________
This Road I Know

This Road I Know


This week, John is flying solo in the studio after his recent Italy trip and a refreshing visit to his dad’s farm in Mississippi. In this vulnerable episode, John shares his personal struggles and reflections on finding hope and direction in life’s challenges. While riding the mower at his dad’s farm, John starts thinking about his failures and struggles. He reflects on the powerful message from Matthew 7:13-14 about the narrow road and how being a Christian is hard—really hard. He shares how, when life feels easy, he often finds himself on the wide road full of curves, sharp edges, and dangers. John also dives into a story about getting lost despite having a map and knowing the destination, drawing a parallel to our spiritual journeys. He emphasizes the importance of keeping the end in mind— knowing that the end is heaven and that there's always a place to get back to. In this episode, John talks about the peace he found listening to a Zach Bryan song while on the mower and how it reminded him that, even when we feel lost, we know where we’re going. If you’ve ever felt like you’re in a box you can’t get out of or struggled with your faith, this episode is for you. Remember, it’s okay to struggle — what matters is knowing where you’re headed and keeping faith along the way. The closer we get to our spiritual goals, the more we see and understand the journey. _______________________________________________________________________ ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. (
Made To Stand Out

Made To Stand Out


This week, John shares inspiring stories from a recent pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. James Clark and a group of 55 pilgrims. They visited sacred sites like Assisi, Lanciano, and the Vatican, experiencing the profound impact of Eucharistic miracles and venerating the relics of numerous saints. These moments not only deepened their faith but also strengthened the sense of community among the pilgrims. John recounts personal, moving stories, such as an emotional experience at the site of the Eucharistic miracle in Lanciano, where he helped fellow pilgrims create third-class relics. He also shares a memorable gelato outing in Rome with teenage boys from the group, highlighting the importance of fellowship and making lasting memories. These experiences illustrate how pilgrimage can bring people closer to the Lord and to each other, fostering a family-like bond among participants. In the final segment, John and Victor emphasize the importance of standing out in faith, inspired by Blessed Carlo Acutis and other saints. They discuss embracing one's unique calling and living boldly for Christ, despite life's challenges. John encourages listeners to strive for a deeper spiritual connection and look beyond the mundane. Don't miss out on these incredible journeys and how they can transform your faith. 📚: Bible verses for reflection Romans 12:2 1 Peter 2:9 Matthew 5:16 #faithjourney #pilgrimage #JustAGuyInThePew #community #communitybuilding #spiritualgrowth #BlessedCarloAcutis #eucharisticmiracles #religioustravel #relationships #saints #catholiccommunity #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicism #faithquotes ___________________________________________________________________________ ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. (
This week, John and Dcn. Jeff Drzycimski dive into the vital role of deacons in the church and the unique calling that it represents Get ready for some laughs as they reminisce about Shoney's gift cards, McDonald's fries, and Deacon Jeff’s amusing adventures in Italy (aka Pizza with the Pope). They discuss everything from the joy of serving in the diaconate to the importance of prayer and intercessory roles in the church. Dcn. Jeff shares his personal journey of rediscovering his faith, the fulfilling path to becoming a deacon, and why it’s crucial for men to consider this vocation. They explore the historical significance of deacons, their essential roles in modern parishes, and the unique perspective they bring to the ministry. 🎧 Check out Dcn. Jeff's podcast 👉 #faithjourney #catholiccommunity #parishlife #brotherhood #deacons #diaconate #vocations #vocation #catholicfaith #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicism #service _______________________________________________________________________ ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. ( _______________________________________________________________________
Join John for an engaging and down-to-earth chat with Fr. Jacob DuMont from the Legionaries of Christ. Fr. Jacob shares his incredible story of becoming a priest, from growing up in a devout Catholic family to his ordination in Rome. Hear about his life-changing encounter with Pope John Paul II and his profound journey of faith. Fr. Jacob opens up about the importance of spiritual direction, explaining how it helps guide and deepen one's spiritual journey. He shares relatable insights on balancing a busy life, taking time for rest and renewal, and staying connected to one's faith. Whether you're looking for inspiration or seriously discerning the priesthood, this episode offers heartfelt advice and inspiring stories for anyone on their faith journey. _______________________________________________________________________ ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. (
This week John is joined by his good friend Dcn. Jeff Drzycimski as they dive into the importance of marriage and how to strengthen it. In this episode, they share personal stories, explore the challenges many couples face, and offer actionable advice on building a lasting and loving relationship. Discover why authentic communication, vulnerability, and trust are essential for a strong marriage. John and Dcn. Jeff emphasize the Catholic perspective on marriage as a sacred covenant and the foundation of society. Learn about the significance of marriage prep and how ongoing mentorship within the Church community can make a profound difference. This episode delves into practical steps for enriching your marriage, such as daily prayer, attending Mass together, and engaging in the sacraments. John and Dcn. Jeff discuss the impact of cultural shifts on marriage and provide insights on how to navigate these changes while staying true to Catholic teachings. Whether you're preparing for marriage or looking to deepen your current relationship, this episode offers valuable insights to help you live out your vows and create a fulfilling, Christ-centered marriage. From dealing with personal struggles to fostering a supportive and loving family environment, John and Dcn. Jeff cover it all. 🎧 Check out Dcn. Jeff's podcast 👉 📚: Bible verses for reflection Ephesians 5:22-33: "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord... Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Genesis 2:24: "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Matthew 19:6: "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." 1 Corinthians 7:3-4: "The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife." Philippians 2:3-4: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Galatians 6:2: "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Proverbs 15:1: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." ✈️ Join us for one of our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. (
Your Words Matter

Your Words Matter


In this episode, we also dive deep into the importance of our words. 💬 Our words have the power to build up or tear down, to nurture or destroy. We reflect on how critical it is to be mindful of how we speak to our loved ones. Whether it's encouraging our children, communicating with our spouses, or interacting with others, our words carry significant weight. John shares personal stories, including a heartfelt moment with his daughter, emphasizing the impact of choosing kindness and understanding over harshness and impatience. Bible verses for reflection 📚 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. - Ephesians 4:29 There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. - Proverbs 12:18 Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin - Proverbs 13:3 If any one thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this man’s religion is vain. - James 1:26 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer - Psalm 19:14 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body - Proverbs 16:14 Quotes mentioned in this episode 💬 “Great are the faults committed by the tongue. The soul will not attain sanctity if it does not keep watch over its tongue” - St Faustina “I have made a pact with my tongue, not to speak when my heart is disturbed" - St Francis de Sales “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned”- Matthew 12:36 ___________________________________________________________________________ We also have some big announcements! 🎤 We’ll be heading to the Diocese of Fargo for their annual men’s retreat at a hunting lodge – you can find more details on their website. Plus, we’re thrilled to be featured podcasters at the National Eucharistic Congress in July. Join us for a live podcast with Father Malachy, meet us at our booth, and participate in fun contests to win some "Just a Guy in the Pew" merchandise. And that’s not all! We finally announce our 2025 pilgrimages: March 10-15: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with Father Zachary, a fantastic priest and friend. This affordable trip is perfectly timed for most school spring breaks. ( May 12-23: Join Father Larry and me on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and experience an unforgettable pilgrimage. ( Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to all our monthly supporters. Your generosity allows us to continue our mission to help men find authentic relationships with Jesus and each other. If you’re not a supporter yet, consider joining us – every bit helps, and we have some great gifts for new members. ___________________________________________________________________________ BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW BY THE END OF MAY AND GET A FREE JAGITP ROSARY
A Spirit Of Power

A Spirit Of Power


BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW AND GET A FREE ROSARY 📿 Today, we’re celebrating Pentecost – the birth of the Church and the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit. 🕊️ We’re diving into why Pentecost feels like celebrating everyone’s birthday at Mass. We’ll also explore the boldness of the apostles in Acts. This isn’t just a story – it's real. The Holy Spirit has been with us for 2000 years, helping us live without fear and with grace. We're here for a purpose, and the Holy Spirit reveals that. Are you open to the Holy Spirit, or are you holding back? Everyone has a gift – are you living in that truth and praying for an increase in your gifts? We’re called to live our faith boldly through prayer, wisdom, courage, and holy boldness. The Holy Spirit protects your faith – rely on Him in everything. When we bear fruit by the Holy Spirit, we find joy, peace, and contentment. Christ provides what we lack. On our own, we don’t have everything we need, but with the Holy Spirit, we do. It’s about recognizing and using what we’ve been given. Make the choice to live your faith fully. Bible verses for reflection 📚 Ezekiel 36:25-27 John 16:7 Acts 1:8 1 Timothy 1:7 Romans 8:26 John 14:26 1 Corinthians 2:13 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Acts 4:29-31 Matthew 10:19-20 Galatians 5:22-23 Quotes mentioned in this episode 💬 “He pours light into our minds, arouses our desire and gives us strength… As the soul is the life of the body, so the Holy Spirit is the life of our souls.” - St. Peter Damian "We can study the whole history of salvation, we can study the whole of Theology, but without the Spirit we cannot understand. It is the Spirit that makes us realize the truth or–in the words of Our Lord–it is the Spirit that makes us know the voice of Jesus." —Pope Francis
This week, John and Victor are unpacking a topic that hits home for a lot of us. Ever found yourself thinking, "If only I could feel a bit better, everything would be okay"? John dives into this headfirst, sharing some raw stories about the quick fixes he sought in confession and men's groups, recalling moments in his life after getting out of prison where he found himself missing the grace he felt in the jail cell. But here’s the real talk—feeling better isn’t the same as being better. John and Victor get into why Christianity is more than just a comfort blanket; it's about real, tough changes that last. They bring up some serious wisdom from St. Catherine of Siena, who said, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enduring much." It’s about sticking it out through the hard stuff to see real change. They also lean into some deep truths from St. Paul in Ephesians 4, challenging us to shift our mindset and gear up for the long haul. It’s all about ditching the cycle of feel-good moments and stepping into sustained growth. Because when you start truly becoming better, feeling better just comes naturally. So, pull up a chair, grab your headphones, and get ready to get real with us about making changes that stick. Let’s break the cycle together and find out what it truly means to transform. Join us for a heart-to-heart on turning those "I just want to feel better" moments into a journey of becoming truly better. Bible verses for reflection 📚 - Ephesians 4 Quotes mentioned in this episode 💬 "I wish not to be called a Christian but to be a Christian" - St. Ignatius of Loyola "Nothing great was ever achieved without enduring much" - St. Catherine of Siena BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝
Death By Isolation

Death By Isolation


Dive into this episode with John and Victor, where they chat about the ups and downs of supporting their loved ones through major life milestones. This time around, they're celebrating the big wins of Lily and Angela, and they don't shy away from sharing just how tough it's been to get here. In a candid discussion, John opens up about his journey with ten men who are finding their way out of some really tough times, weaving in the powerful image of the vine and branches from John 15:1-8. They talk about the tough love of pruning—how stepping away from what God wants can hurt but also help us grow, and how being alone too much can really put our spirits at risk. The guys hit home with the idea that saying "enough is enough" is a turning point. They delve into the wisdom of Proverbs 18:1 and St. Francis of Assisi, who warned about the soul's search for quick fixes when it's troubled and lonely. They also bring up insights from 1 Peter 5:8-11, reminding us that everyone's got struggles, not just us. Drawing on Henri Nouwen's thoughts, they discuss how healing starts when we share our pain and step into the fight against darkness together. They compare deep isolation to being in solitary confinement, where hope begins to fade, and stress how vital it is to stay connected to others—how we need each other to make it to heaven. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a call to anyone feeling stuck in their mistakes or swallowed by solitude. It's about finding hope and strength in each other's stories and remembering that no one has to go it alone. Tune in for some real talk, genuine stories, and a shared journey back to spiritual health. Whether you're looking for a bit of comfort, some understanding, or just a way back, this episode promises to be your companion. BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 START A MEN'S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️
Will Work For Sanctity

Will Work For Sanctity


Whether your job feels monotonous or mundane, this conversation reveals how it can still serve as a profound act of worship and transformation. Join us as we unpack how even the simplest tasks can glorify God and change our lives, making every day an opportunity to live out a testament of faith and purpose. He leadeth me by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek S.J. provides a pathway to discovering how we can live and work within God's will, turning every workday into a step towards spiritual fulfillment. Get Fr. Ciszek's book 👉 Become a Partner in the Pew 👉 In this episode, we discuss topics like: - Responding to workplace irritations as chances to grow in sanctity. - Understanding work's higher purpose and aligning it with God's plan. - Embracing total abandonment to God's will in our professional lives. - The impact of complaining about work and how it might contradict our faith. - The necessity of dependence on God to guide our work efforts. - The risks of living life in wait for its end, and appreciating the present as a gift. - Drawing lessons from Adam's work in the Garden of Eden and working "unto the Lord." - Recognizing the trap of ego in work, where "I" becomes a barrier to experiencing work's true glory. - Insights from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on viewing work as a gift—not a burden but a means to enrich others' lives.
Stop Settling For Less

Stop Settling For Less


This week John and Victor discuss the true purpose of life . . . and it isn't anything the world offers us. Many men today are wrapped up in a materialist culture, putting their careers and possessions above everything else, only to realize later in life that they missed out on some of the most important things in their lives. Others think that it's enough just to show up to church on Sundays and go about their business. Maybe for some they fear that what they would get if they gave everything up wouldn't be better. Men, it's time we dare to believe! Jesus promises us so much more and to settle for anything else is to settle for less. It's not wrong to have questions or doubts, but we have to take those directly to our Lord and trust in Him. Our faith isn't something. It's everything. Get in the Scriptures. Go to Mass everyday. Join a men's group. There's work to be done. Fulton Sheen quotes mentioned in today's episode: “We shrink therefore from God, knowing that he wants to enrich our being, rather than our having - that He wishes to elevate our nature, not to submerge and to lose it in trifles. He has called us to the superior vocation of being His children, of partaking of His nature, and of being related to Him as branches to a vine. Few of us completely want that elevation; it is our petty desire to have more, not to share the glory of being more. We want the poor shadows, not the light - the sparks, and not the sun - the arc, and not the circle.“ “As for the desire for the world and things increases in us, God makes less and less appeal. We hold back, our fists closed about our few pennies, and thus lose the fortune He holds out to us. That is why the initial step of coming to God is so hard. We cling to our nursery toys and lose the pearl of great price." Scriptures for further reflection: “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life” - Mark 8:36 “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” - John 6:27 “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. - 1 John 2: 15-17 “So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-2 “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus”. - Philip 3:14
You Can't Stay There!

You Can't Stay There!


This episode brings you an in-depth exploration of men's ministry and personal development, filmed against the backdrop of our recent leadership summit in Columbus, Ohio. Join John and Victor as they unpack the transformative experiences of the summit, where men gathered to deepen their faith and leadership skills. The duo shares stories of reconnection and inspiration, reflecting on the powerful moments of community building and spiritual renewal. They delve into the importance of maintaining momentum post-conference, advocating for continuous engagement in faith through regular meetings and shared activities that foster a supportive environment for growth. Throughout the episode, John and Victor highlight the critical role of authentic relationships in personal and spiritual development. They discuss strategies for overcoming the isolation that many men face today by building strong, supportive networks that empower individuals to actively participate in their communities and churches. The conversation also turns to the practical aspects of leading a men's group, offering listeners valuable insights and actionable tips on how to initiate and sustain these transformative gatherings. From the logistics of organizing regular meet-ups to the emotional aspects of fostering open, vulnerable communications, they cover all bases. This episode is not just a recount of an event but a call to action for all men seeking a deeper, more connected spiritual life. Whether you're a long-time follower or a new listener, this episode promises to inspire, challenge, and equip you with the tools needed to make a lasting impact in your life and the lives of those around you. Tune in to discover how stepping up as a leader in your community can lead to profound personal and communal transformation.
I'm Going Fishing

I'm Going Fishing


In this week's episode, John and Victor take a look at the journey and life of Peter in the 40 Days after the Resurrection. As they reflect on the Scripture readings from the first Friday of the Easter season, John and Victor draw parallels between the biblical stories of Peter's denial and his subsequent redemption, exploring themes of vulnerability, forgiveness, and the endless capacity for personal growth and healing in the light of Christ's mercy. This episode is a raw look at the moments of despair that can lead to profound transformations through faith and community support. This week's episode is not only a narrative of personal struggle but also a testament to the power of surrendering to God's will, the importance of community, and the ever-present hope that faith in Jesus brings. It's a reminder that no matter how far we may stray, redemption is always within reach, inviting us to cast our nets once more into the waters of faith, hope, and love. Whether you're struggling with personal demons, searching for meaning in the midst of chaos, or simply seeking a deeper connection with your faith, this episode offers a message of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of God's love. Follow us! 👇 BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 START A MEN'S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️ DOWNLOADS 📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
This week John is joined by one of his favorite brothers in Christ, fellow evangelist Hector Molina. John and Hector have been friends for many years now and are finally getting a chance to meet in studio to talk about their mutual love of the Scriptures. Hector is a brilliant evangelist with a story, just like the rest of us, that led him to a relationship with Christ and a deep love of Scripture. Listen in this week as Hector shares his journey to the faith, his love of biblical typology, and the profound place love of the Scriptures should hold in each of our lives. CHECK OUT HECTOR"S YOUTUBE CHANNEL HECTOR"S WEBSITE BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! START A MEN'S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! DOWNLOADS Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
A Blessed Holy Week to you. Join John and Victor as we conclude the Lenten journey with the 7th Deadly Sin: Pride, the root of all sin. "In that sin man preferred himself to God...He chose himself over and against God, against the requirements of his creaturely status and therefore against his own good" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 398). How do we return to God? Humility. "Humility is truth or the recognition of gifts as gifts, faults as faults. Humility is dependence on God, as pride is independence of Him" (Archbishop Fulton Sheen). This is the way. This is the remedy. Scripture passages to pray with: - Proverbs 11:2 -James 4:6 -Philippians 2:3 -John 15:5 In this episode: -"Pride is an inordinate love of one's own excellence, either of body or mind or the unlawful pleasure we derive from thinking we have no superiors." ~Archbishop Fulton Sheen -The key to offset pride is humility and surrender to God BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! START A MEN'S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! JOIN US IN ITALY! DOWNLOADS Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
The journey continues as John and Victor dive deeper into the 7 Deadly Sins. This week's focus is Lust, the "disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure" (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], paragraph 2351). According to Archbishop Fulton Sheen, the key word is inordinate. God Himself associated pleasure with the flesh. Pleasure becomes sinful when we use it as a means instead of an end. Lust distorts the gift of sexuality and causes us to gaze only upon ourselves and our desires. What is the remedy? "The only real escape from the demands of the flesh is to find something more than the flesh to love" (Archbishop Fulton Sheen). Scripture passages to pray with: -Matthew 5:28 -1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 -Romans 8:6 -Psalm 51:10-12 In this episode: -Lust is selfish or perverted love -Acknowledging the gift of our sexuality -Chastity,"the successful integration of sexuality within the person" (CCC 2337), is the virtue that combats lust -There is hope! Call on Jesus and His Mother, turn your gaze from yourself to the ones you love, & view temptation as an opportunity to choose the good
Join John and Victor as the Lenten journey continues on the 7 Deadly Sins. This week's focus is Gluttony, or overindulgence of food and drink. How we live and the way we treat ourselves matters. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Scripture passages to pray with: - Romans 12:1 - Romans 13:14 - 1 Corinthians 10:31 - John 4:13-15 - Matthew 6:25 In this episode: - "A Glutton does not eat to live, he lives to eat." ~Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Addressing the places in which we live in excess - Learning to practice temperance (the virtue of moderation)