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Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-10
The One Thing: God is the Renewer (through the reading of the Word)
Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 What did God say to you through the service / message today?
G1 Why did the people gather together to hear Ezra read from the Book of the Law, and what does this reveal about their spiritual hunger?
G2 How did the people show reverence and respect for God's Word during the public reading? What can we learn from their attitude and actions?
G3 Why did the people weep when they heard the Law being read and explained? How does this demonstrate the power of God's Word to convict hearts?
G4 What did Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levites instruct the people to do instead of mourning? Why was this important?
G5 What does the phrase "the joy of the Lord is your strength" mean in this context, and how can we apply this principle in our lives today?
S1 Read Psalm 19:7-14. What is your attitude or approach to God’s word? How can you get the word of God into your life?
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Passage: Isaiah 62:1-5
The One Thing: God is the Renamer (The Power of a New Name Badge).
Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 What nicknames (perhaps funny, perhaps hurtful) did you have when you were a kid?
G1 God’s people had arrived back in Israel after years of exile. What emotional impact do you think it had for them to hear the names (Hephzibah and Beulah) that God was giving them?
G2 Is believing this idea God has new names for us nothing more than “the power of positive thinking”? Why or why not?
G3 Look up the persecution happening to the Christians in Manipur, India (helpful website include “open doors” and “the Joshua project”. Pray the names from the sheet over Manipur Christians (and others suffering).
G4 What does Isaiah 62:1-5 reveal to us about the person and personality of God? G5 Place this sheet of names somewhere you can read them and be reminded (bathroom mirror fridge, office bulletin board).
S1 Who in your life needs to hear the names that God has for them as they trust in Christ? Pray for an opportunity to talk to them about this, perhaps even giving them the sheet of names from God.
Joe Rogan Clip Reference (Wesley Huff):
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
“I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.”
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: Growing In Favour
The Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:26, Luke 2:52, Colossians 3:12-17
Passage | Colossians 3:12-17 These are the clothes you must put on, then, since God has chosen you, made you holy, and lavished his love upon you. You must be tender-hearted, kind, humble, meek, and ready to put up with anything. You must bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against someone else, you must forgive each other. Just as the master forgave you, you must do the same. On top of all this you must put on love, which ties everything together and makes it complete. Let the king’s peace be the deciding factor in your hearts; that’s what you were called to, within the one body. And be thankful. Let the king’s word dwell richly among you, as you teach and exhort one another in all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God with grateful hearts. And whatever you do, in word or action, do everything in the name of the master, Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the father. (Colossians 3:12-17 The Kingdom New Testament, NT Wright)
Step 1 | Ready Breathe in and out to reach a place of internal quiet. Breath prayer: "Speak Lord | your servant is listening"
Step 2 | Read (Lectio) During this reading we’re simply asking the question “what?”. “What do you want to say to me, God?”. And as the words are being slowly read, listen for a word or a phrase that might jump out from the page. Take this as God’s word to you. Then simply write this word or phrase down. Don’t analyze it. Simply write it down.
Step 3 | Reflect (Meditatio) As the passage is read for a second time, now ask the question “why?”. We’re reflecting. Ask God why He has brought that verse or phrase to your attention. Again, you’re listening for God’s voice. Don’t force it. Don’t analyze it. Don’t overthink. Just wait on Him and allow Him to tell you why He has brought this word or phrase to your attention.
Step 4 | Respond (Oratio) This is our chance, in the quietness of our hearts to “respond”. While the passage is being read, ask the question “What now?”. What is the step of faith that God is calling you into? As you hear from God, write down what you sense He is saying to you. “God, show me what I should do with the word or phrase that you have given me”
Step 5 | Rest (Contemplatio) During this final reading allow yourself to rest. Enjoy the quiet and the stillness. You might want to occasionally simply whisper “thank you” to God for speaking to you. This period of resting can be as long as you want. For more information visit or google “Lectio Divina”
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: A Simple Christmas
The Passage: Hebrews 1:1-4
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
K1 What spoke to you through today’s message?
G1 How does Christ's statement "a body you have prepared for me" in verse 5 relate to the concept of the Incarnation? What significance does this have for our understanding of Jesus' mission?
G2 In what ways does this passage contrast the Old Testament sacrificial system with Christ's sacrifice? How does this highlight the superiority of Christ's offering?
G3 What does it mean that Christ came to do God's will (verses 7 and 9)? How does this relate to our own lives as followers of Christ?
G4 How does verse 10 connect God's will with our sanctification? What implications does this have for our understanding of holiness and our relationship with God?
G5 The passage quotes Psalm 40:6-8 and applies it to Christ. How does this use of Old Testament scripture support the author's argument about Jesus' role and purpose?
S1 How can you “incarnate” God’s love this Christmas? What is one intentional act of kindness or service you can perform for someone in your community during the Christmas week, and how can you incorporate the spirit of giving into that act?
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
Speaker: Nate Huff
The Passage: Philippians 4:4-7
The One Thing: The Invitation of the Inbreaking
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
K1 What did God speak to you about today through the service, or the sermon?
G1 Try to put yourself in Paul's shoes. You're in prison. How do you write the most joy-filled letter in the New Testament? Where does his joy come from?
G2 How do we deepen our confidence in God’s work, avoiding cockiness (“I don’t need God”) or caution (“God is not trustworthy”)?
G3 Who can you think of in the Advent / Christmas story that exemplified this posture of patient confidence in God?
G4 Paul says that he’s confident God will complete what God has begun in the Philippians. How have you seen God accomplish good, albeit slow work in your life or in those around you?
G5 Sometimes people who are suffering share their suffering to complain. Is Paul complaining? What can make the difference between a positive and a negative reaction to suffering?
G6 What is something you love which you tried to learn more about? What was that like? Have you ever been drawn in a similar way to know God? What would that look like?
S1 How can you give towards the family at Waupoos that Cornerstone is adopting?
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: Prayers in the Waiting Room
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
K1 What did you feel God say to you through today’s message?
G1 Read verse 6-11. What can you deduce about the relationship Paul had with the Thessalonians from this passage?
G2 The Thessalonian church was a fledgling church undergoing persecution. What strikes you about Paul’s prayers. Specifically, what did he NOT pray for that you might have prayed for it you were Paul?
G3 As Paul was writing from Corinth to the Thessalonian church, what emotions might Paul have been experiencing? How do you feel this impacted his prayers?
G4 Dan highlighted three “Prayers in the Waiting Room”. The first was “Lord Jesus, clear the way”. As you waiting in silence, what did God bring to mind as you prayed this prayer?
G5 The second prayer was “Lord Jesus, make love increase and overflow”. Even if the situation doesn’t change, pray this prayer over those involved. Do you think there is a connection between the first prayer and this prayer? If so, what might that be?
G6 The third prayer was “Lord Jesus strengthen hearts”. Dan said that the opposite of a strong heart is a hard heart. How might God be using “the forge” to strengthen your heart. Imagine that your heart is in his forge. To make your hard heart strong, he must first make it soft, pliable and malleable. Give him the permission to do this.
S1 Carry these “Prayers in the waiting room” with you during this week. Pray them as God works in you and through you in the forge.
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: God’s resting face of grace and peace.
Scripture: Revelation 1.4b-8
K1 What did God say to you through the service / message today
G1 A resting face is the expression on your face when it is at rest. What is your resting face (if you don’t know, ask a friend!)
G2 What based on Revelation 1:4 what could we imagine to be God’s resting face?
G3 How do we see the Trinity represented in verse 4b and 5a? What is the significance of the 3 titles given to Christ in this verse? How can they encourage us?
G4 How do we see Christ relating to us in verse 5b and 6 – think of what Christ has done in the past, in the present and what he will do in the future.
G5 This passage begins and ends with referring to God as he “who is, and who was, and who is to come”. Why is this significant and what does the bookending tell us, particularly in the context of the readers of Revelation undergoing persecution?
S1 Imagine “Grace and Peace” being spoken from God over you (v4) and “Glory and Power” being spoken by you to God (v6). Imagine this exchange taking place. You could even pray it as a breath prayer: “Grace + peace” (as you breathe in), “Glory + Power” (as you breathe out).
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: Perfect but not complete
Scripture: Hebrews 10.11-25 (focus on verse 14)
What did God say to you through the service / message today
1. How does the author contrast the Old Testament priests' work with Christ's sacrifice in verses 11-14? What key differences are highlighted?
2. Verse 14 states that "by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." What does it mean to be "made perfect forever"? How does this relate to our ongoing sanctification?
3. According to verses 15-18, what are the key aspects of the new covenant that Christ's sacrifice established? How do these differ from the old covenant?
4. Verses 19-22 encourage believers to "draw near to God." What reasons does the author give for why we can approach God confidently? How should this affect our prayer life and relationship with God?
5. In verses 23-25, what three exhortations does the author give to believers? How can we practically apply these in our lives and church communities today?
6. Reflecting on verse 14, how does the assurance that Christ has "made perfect forever those who are being made holy" impact how we view our struggles with sin and our spiritual growth? How can we balance recognizing our perfected status in Christ with the ongoing process of sanctification?
S1 Read Hebrews 10:11-25. Memorize Hebrews 10:14 and allow God to transform you through its words.
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: Victim becomes hero in Jesus’ eyes
Scripture: Mark 12:38-44
Discussion Questions
K1 How did God speak to you today through the message, the short interview with Hazel or the worship time?
G1 Why does Jesus warn people about the scribes? What specific behaviors does he criticize them for?
G2 How did the scribes' role as experts in Mosaic Law and religious teachers influence their response to Jesus' teachings, particularly His emphasis on love for God and neighbour as being more important than ritualistic observances?
G3 How does Jesus contrast the giving of the rich people with that of the poor widow? What principle about giving does this illustrate?
G4 What do you think motivated the poor widow to give "all she had to live on"? What does this reveal about her faith and priorities?
G5 How does the widow's offering in verses 41-44 exemplify the kind of wholehearted love for God that Jesus described as the greatest commandment earlier in the chapter?
G6 Compare the widows whose houses are "devoured" by the scribes (v.40) with the widow who gives her last coins. How does Jesus view each of these situations? What does this teach us about how God sees generosity and exploitation?
S1 How can we live out the spirit of Mark 12:38-44 without it becoming a legalistic requirement?
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The One Thing: Love God and others: debate resolved.
Scripture: Mark 12:28-34 Discussion Questions
K1 What did God say to you through the service / message today
G1 Why do you think Jesus combined the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) with Leviticus 19:18 in His response about the greatest commandment? How are these two commands related?
G2 Jesus says to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. What do you think each of these aspects represents? How can we practically love God in each of these ways?
G3 The scribe affirms that loving God and neighbor is "much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices" (Mark 12:33). How does this statement reflect a shift in understanding from external religious observance to internal heart transformation?
G4 How does loving your neighbor "as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18) differ from simply being kind or doing good deeds? What challenges does this standard present in our daily lives?
G5 The Shema begins with "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deuteronomy 6:4). How does this foundational statement about God's nature inform our understanding of what it means to love Him completely?
G6 Imagine that the teacher of the law in Mark 12:28-34 is, in fact, Joseph of Arimathea (Mark 15:43). What can we learn from the way “the kingdom” is used in both cases? What is the progression we see?
S1 What verse or thought can you hunker down with Jesus this week? If you are not sure, try “I abide in you. You abide in me”. Try connecting it with your breathing in and out.
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
Speaker: Rev Nate Huff
The Passage: Mark 10.46-52
The One Thing: What kind of life are you living?
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Passage: Mark 10.34-45
The One Thing: Will the real Jesus please stand up?
Discussion Questions
K1 What did God say to you through the service / message today
G1 What do you make of James and John’s request in verse 35? What do you think motivated them to ask this of Jesus?
G2 Think of Jesus’ words: you will drink the cup (of suffering according to Mk 14:32) and be baptized (into familial conflict according to Lk 12:52-53). Why do you think Jesus told them this would happen? Would you rather know or not know if bad things were coming your way?
G3 What can you do to compare your Jesus with the Biblical Jesus? How can you know if “your Jesus” resembles the Jesus of the Bible or not? What will you do about it?
G4 Jesus asked James and John (v36) the same question he asked Bartimaeus (v51). Why did he give Bartimaeus what he asked but not James and John? What was different about the two requests?
G5 What about those who are ignorant of Jesus? They’re not actively selfish (like James and John), they’re just young in the faith, or naïve. Will Jesus answer their misguided prayers if they are sincere?
S1 Jesus asks you “What do you want me to do for you?”. Guided by Mark 10:35-45, what do you ask of him?
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Passage: Mark 10.17-31 (28-31)
The One Thing: First we leave then we receive
Discussion Questions
K1 What are you thankful for this thanksgiving?
G1 What did God say to you through the testimony of Enya and Jane or through any of the aspects of the service today?
G2 Jesus promises that those who have left things behind for his sake will receive "a hundred times as much in this present age." What do you think this means practically? How have you experienced this in your own life?
G3 Why do you think Jesus includes "persecutions" in the list of things his followers will receive? How does this challenge our expectations of the Christian life?
G4 Jesus concludes by saying "many who are first will be last, and the last first." How does this statement relate to the rest of the passage? What implications does it have for how we view status and position in God's kingdom?
G5 Compare the lists in verse 29-30. Are there any differences. Why do you think this is? Which item on the list would be hardest for you to leave?
G6 Leaving doesn’t always mean going overseas on “mission”. What is God calling you to leave (home, country, job, relationship, way of thinking?) so that you can receive from him?
S1 Is there anything you’re unwilling to release or let go of? Give it to him today. Ask him for the strength and the faith.
Questions creative by Dan in conjunction with
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Passage: Mark 10:1-16
The One Thing: Divorce, Children & Discernment
Discussion Questions
K1 What did God say to through the message today (or the service in general)?
G1 Have you been impacted by divorce (either personally or someone you know)? How did you get through this season in your life?
G2 In what ways does Jesus' reference to "hardness of heart" (Mark 10:5) help us understand the allowance of divorce in Mosaic law? Discuss its implications for modern relationships.
G3 How can the church support individuals affected by divorce while upholding Jesus’ teachings on marriage? Discuss practical ways to provide care and guidance.
G4 What is the significance of Mark sandwiching Jesus’ teaching on divorce between 4 accounts involving children? Do you think this was intentional or not?
G5 Reflect on Scot McKnight’s 7 step method of discernment regarding Jesus’ difficult teaching in Mark 10 / Matthew 5. Do you find this rubric helpful? Can you think of ways it might be abused / misused?
S1 Consider how understanding God's unconditional forgiveness and love might help individuals move past feelings of guilt and embrace a renewed sense of hope and purpose in their lives
Questions creative by Dan in conjunction with
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Passage: James 5:13-20
The One Thing: Prayer, confession and healing
K1 How did God speak to you through today’s sermon?
G1 Why do you think James emphasizes prayer so strongly in this passage, mentioning it seven times? How does this reflect the importance of prayer in a believer's life?
G2 Many believers have prayed fervently for healing or confessed their sins, yet haven't seen the results James seems to promise in verses 15-16. How do we reconcile this passage with experiences where prayers seem to go unanswered or healing doesn't occur? How might this affect our faith, and how can we maintain trust in God's goodness and power in light of these experiences?
G3 James instructs believers to pray when suffering and sing praises when cheerful (v.13). How can maintaining this practice help balance our emotional and spiritual life during different seasons?
G4 What is the significance of calling the elders to pray over the sick (v.14-15)? How does this demonstrate the role of community in a believer's spiritual journey?
G5 James states that "the prayer of a righteous person has great power" (v.16). How does this statement challenge our view of prayer and its effectiveness?
S1 How does James connect the act of confession with the process of healing in this passage, and what might this suggest about the relationship between spiritual and physical well-being? Consider the implications of verse 16, which states, "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.". Consider:
oThe potential link between unconfessed sin and physical ailments o The role of community in both spiritual and physical healing
o The holistic view of health presented in the passage, encompassing both spiritual and physical aspects
o The importance of vulnerability and transparency in the healing process
o The possible psychological and physiological benefits of confession and unburdening oneself
Questions created by Dan in conjunction with
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK LINKTREE
The Passage: James 3:14-4:3, 7-8a
The One Thing: Outsourcing Wisdom
Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 How did God speak to you through today’s message or Dan’s song of response?
G1 James contrasts earthly wisdom with heavenly wisdom. What are some examples of "earthly wisdom" you've encountered in your workplace or daily life? How does it differ from godly wisdom?
G2 Verse 3:16 says that where envy and selfish ambition exist, there will be "disorder and every evil practice." How have you seen this play out in work environments or relationships?
G3 What are some practical ways we can cultivate the qualities of heavenly wisdom described in verse 3:17 (pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere)?
G4 James says our conflicts and quarrels come from our desires battling within us (4:1-2). What are some common sources of conflict you've observed between coworkers or in the church? How can we address the root causes?
G5 Verse 4:2 says "You do not have because you do not ask God." How can we cultivate a habit of bringing our needs and desires to God first, rather than fighting for them on our own?
G6 What does it look like practically to "submit yourselves to God" and "resist the devil" (4:7) in your particular vocation or life circumstances?
S1 What's one specific area where you feel convicted to pursue heavenly wisdom rather than earthly wisdom after studying this passage?
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