20241208 Confident - not cocky or cautious (Philippians 1:3-11)
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow
K1 What did God speak to you about today through the service, or the sermon?
G1 Try to put yourself in Paul's shoes. You're in prison. How do you write the most joy-filled letter in the New Testament? Where does his joy come from?
G2 How do we deepen our confidence in God’s work, avoiding cockiness (“I don’t need God”) or caution (“God is not trustworthy”)?
G3 Who can you think of in the Advent / Christmas story that exemplified this posture of patient confidence in God?
G4 Paul says that he’s confident God will complete what God has begun in the Philippians. How have you seen God accomplish good, albeit slow work in your life or in those around you?
G5 Sometimes people who are suffering share their suffering to complain. Is Paul complaining? What can make the difference between a positive and a negative reaction to suffering?
G6 What is something you love which you tried to learn more about? What was that like? Have you ever been drawn in a similar way to know God? What would that look like?
S1 How can you give towards the family at Waupoos that Cornerstone is adopting?