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Let's Talk Business

Author: Meny Hoffman

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Today, there are more opportunities than ever to create a business and succeed. But with all of those opportunities also come challenges, questions, and confusion. “How do I rise above the competition? How do I manage my growth? How do I attract and retain top talent? How do I drive my business forward?” Meny Hoffman, CEO of Ptex Group and founder of the Let’s Talk Business Platform, will interview some of the world’s most successful business leaders about their no-nonsense advice to help you learn, grow, and lead. Offering fresh insights for turning ambition into action, blunders into breakthroughs, and passion into profits, these leaders will open up about the challenges they’ve had to overcome, how they’ve reached success—and their candid advice for how you can do the same.Meny lives by one simple belief – that every person should be given the opportunity to succeed in life. This burning belief inside of him from the age of fourteen has allowed him to collaborate with growing businesses and leaders all over the world to help them realize their potential. Now, as the CEO of Ptex Group, an award-winning marketing agency headquartered in Brooklyn, NY, his work centers on creating sophisticated marketing solutions for emergent brands, spanning a variety of industries to help them achieve new milestones in growth. A firm believer and fervent advocate for business education, Meny created the Let’s Talk Business email series, a business advice column with tens of thousands of subscribers. The success of the series prompted him to create a larger Let’s Talk Business platform, a one-of-a-kind business education hub for entrepreneurs and leaders. This game-changing movement continues to help entrepreneurs flourish, equipping them with the tools they need to learn, grow, and lead.Meny frequently shares his strategies for success at public-speaking engagements for regional corporations and trade associations, and is a published business author with two books ranked as Amazon best sellers. More recently, he’s fused his business development experience into the role of angel investor. By investing in promising startups and walking them through the exciting but challenging journey of growth, he is helping his fellow business people succeed, fulfilling a lifelong entrepreneurial passion.Whether you’re looking to take your business to the next level or tackle a specific business challenge, join Meny on the Let’s Talk Business podcast, where he’ll share the strategies he’s learned with audiences in various venues, from conferences and universities, to corporate meetings and summits. He will also be giving practical business insights and actionable tips and strategies that will put you on the fast-track towards serious growth. Likewise, his successful entrepreneur guests will give you the courage to make bold moves in your own business and life. Don’t miss out on all of this and more, right here on the Let’s Talk Business podcast.
206 Episodes
Sometimes, we like to imagine that business success can be separated from success in other areas of life. But as Meny Hoffman, host of the "Let's Talk Business" podcast, often says, life is like a car with four wheels: the wheels of spiritual goals, financial goals, health goals, and family goals; if one wheel is flat, the others won’t do much good. In this conversation with international speaker, bestselling author, business coach, and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy Rabbi Shmuel Reichman, Meny and Shmuel discuss the importance of personal development as a part of business success, the need to create an integrated life, the necessity of having a vision and the ways to divide that vision into bite-size goals, avoiding irrational fears of failure, having partners to whom you can be accountable, and much more.   In our episode, Rabbi Reichman emphasizes the necessity of accountability and having a supportive network when pursuing new goals or personal development. Our conversation highlights the need for balanced growth across spiritual, financial, health, and family aspects to sustain long-term success. We discuss the value of involving spouses in business endeavors and how shared missions and communication transform personal and professional relationships. Lastly, we discuss the role of coaching and mentorship in overcoming obstacles and guiding personal and professional development, including Rabbi Reichman's approach to integrating therapy, coaching, and consulting. This and so much more on the "Let's Talk Business" podcast... Let’s dive into our conversation with Rabbi Shmuel Reichman. Timestamps:  06:05 - Devoted life to ideas and wisdom, blending worlds. 07:45 - Mission to synthesize personal development and business. 11:33 - Achieving balance across life's dimensions ensures success. 15:13 - Discovering and achieving personal and professional potential. 17:46 - Developing a vision for self-improvement and success. 22:12 - Self-improvement without needing validation from others. 24:42 - Discover and express your true self's purpose. 30:50 - Breaking down ambitious goals into manageable steps. 33:12 - Having an exercise partner is essential accountability. 36:03 - Essential hardcore success: identity, belief, mindset, persistence. 40:50 - Appreciate timeliness and impact of personal growth. 44:51 - Set a six-month deadline to transition careers. 46:01 - Embrace, control, and surround yourself for success. 49:41 - Spouse commitment surpasses business partnerships and values. 52:17 - Diverse coaching program covers therapy, coaching, consulting. 56:07 - Recognize and overcome irrational fears for success.   Practical Pointers: You often hear people say that we shouldn’t mix family and business. But that’s not necessarily the case. Your spouse is committed to you for the long term, has the same mission and goals as you do, and is 100% trustworthy, supportive, and cheering you on to succeed. Even when you have bite-size goals on the way to the big vision, you still need accountability. That’s why having a partner is essential: a spouse, a coach, or someone else who will make sure that you’re doing what you set out to do.  It’s important to have a big and impressive vision; but you’ll probably get discouraged if the goal appears beyond reach. Instead, divide your time into bite-size goals so that you can reach for the first step before trying to get to the second.  Learn to recognize the difference between rational and irrational fears. Too often, people are afraid of failure even though there’s no reason to believe that failure is likely.  You accomplish this by thinking of a realistic time frame for something very big, then orienting this year towards one step of that goal, and this month towards one step of the yearly goal, and this day towards one step of the monthly goal. Connect with Schmuel on LinkedIn and Instagram. Visit his website to think deeper, leave inspired, and achieve the extraordinary!   Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn   LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts!
This is episode rerun with Seth Godin from Episode 157 In a world that changes at blinding speed, the difference between success and failure is often a question of learning to adapt in a way that will serve your customers. What are some of the most important differences between marketing in the past and marketing in 2023, and how can you utilize these changes to grow your business?  Join Meny Hoffman as he asks entrepreneur, best-selling author, world-famous blogger, and marketing guru Seth Godin about why advertising doesn’t work anymore, Seth’s fascinating innovations, the difference between permission marketing and interruption marketing, how to limit your audience in order to grow your business, why being first is overrated, the reason that you should lead your company like a surfer rather than a golfer, ways to integrate AI into your operations, and much more.  Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 21 best-selling books, including The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What To Do When It's Your Turn (And It's Always Your Turn). His book, This is Marketing, was an instant bestseller in countries around the world. In 2013, Seth was one of just three professionals inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and he was also inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame as well in 2018. (He might be the only person in both.) Practical Pointers: Embrace the Purple Cow Concept: Seth Godin's idea of the purple cow emphasizes creating products or services that are truly remarkable and stand out in the marketplace. Focus on innovation and uniqueness to capture attention and drive word-of-mouth marketing. Craft Remarkable Experiences: Invest in creating memorable and exceptional customer experiences. This can differentiate your brand and foster loyalty, encouraging repeat business and positive referrals. Leverage Permission-Based Marketing: Build a marketing strategy that prioritizes obtaining permission to communicate with your audience. This approach respects customer privacy and increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Cut Through the Marketing Clutter: In a saturated market, it's crucial to develop clear, compelling messages that resonate with your target audience. Use storytelling and emotional connections to make your marketing efforts stand out. Target Specific Audiences with Unique Offerings: Focus on creating products or services tailored to the needs and desires of a specific audience. This targeted approach can lead to higher customer satisfaction and stronger brand loyalty.   Timestamps: - Purple Cow by Seth Godin: 00:01:03 - Seth Godin's books: 00:02:21 - Permission Marketing by Seth Godin: 00:08:15 - Phone automation for restaurants in New York City: 00:17:58 - The Long Tail concept: 00:19:06 - The Song of Significance book: 00:20:19 - The Carbon Almanac: 00:26:23 - AI and its impact on businesses: 00:29:45 - The blog of the speaker: 00:34:25 - The Song of Significance: 00:20:19 - The Zen Master story: 00:32:00 - The new Mission Impossible movie: 00:31:45 - AI, electricity, and their impact on the world: 00:30:52 - The Art of Possibility by Ben Zander and Roz Zander: 00:36:23   Key Quotes:   “Marketing is telling a true story that resonates with your smallest viable audience that they want to hear, that causes them to take action and to tell their friends.” - Seth Godin “Sales is what happens when we add unscalable human emotion to the marketing equation.” - Seth Godin “Leadership is voluntary. Leadership is about lighting a path forward and seeing who will follow you.” - Seth Godin   Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn   LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts! 
Everybody knows that company culture is important, but that’s a lot different from actually building a culture that sticks, makes your business better, and gives your employees a sense of mission. How can you build a meaningful and deep-rooted company culture that will also make your business stronger and more successful? Mike Beckham, the co-founder, and CEO of Simple Modern has created one of the most successful drinkware companies on the planet while also fostering a mission-based culture. In this episode of Let’s Talk Business, Meny asks Mike about the secrets of his success, the ways we can all inculcate a positive and productive culture in our companies, what entrepreneurs need to look at when trying to start a company, and much more. Listen and enjoy!   Mike Beckham is the co-founder and CEO of Simple Modern, one of the largest and most successful drinkware companies in the world. He also helped found several e-commerce businesses which have together generated over a billion dollars in revenue and has been involved both in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors.   Key Highlights:   [00:01 - 14:45] Opening Segment • Mike shares his backstory and career path leading up to founding the company - Simple Modern • The importance of a company's mission is something that is often overlooked but is essential in order for it to be successful Mission-driven companies are more beneficial to society than those without a sense of purpose • It is the leader's responsibility to create an environment in which their team can thrive and achieve their goals   [14:46 - 29:44] How to Create a Culture that's Idealistic & Practical • Diversity is good when it comes to having different perspectives and skill sets, but can be unhelpful when values are different • A company with shared values and a shared mission will be stronger than one with diverse values or no values at all Having core values and focusing on a mission helps to create a culture that is self-fulfilling and attracts employees who share those values • Why a company's culture cannot be created without deep convictions from the leader about what they believe in • How Simple Modern uses transparency to attract and retain ton talent   [29:45 - 44:32] Transparent Leaders Build Trust • Transparency is the exercise of allowing other people to see what you're thinking • When you build a culture where both relationally and organizationally, people are transparent, trust is fostered Leaders should be transparent about their weaknesses and get feedback from team members to improve • The mindset for a startup entering a new market is to look at the best players in the space See where players may be white space that they can enter   [44:33 - 1:00:50] Closing Segment • How to create a long-term sustainable competitive advantage • Mike on the rapid-four questions • Q&A: How can I figure out the best way to use the money to maximize its effect on growing my business?   Key Quotes:   "The world doesn't need another water ball company, but the world definitely needs more mission-driven companies." - Mike Beckham   "I want to be in environments that add to my quality of life, where I am working with other people who are trying to be about the same things and are trying to accomplish the same mission." - Mike Beckham   "Great founders and great cultures, start with deep convictions." - Mike Beckham   Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn   LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts! 
In today's episode, we dive deep into the transformative world of business automation and effective leadership with our esteemed guest, Clate Mask, co-founder of Keep (formerly Infusionsoft). Join us as we uncover valuable insights from Clate's journey in revolutionizing small business operations through automation and his latest book, "Conquer the Chaos 2.0." Clate Mask shares his inspiring journey from developing a CRM tool for direct response marketers to creating a comprehensive automation platform that empowers small business owners. He emphasizes the importance of achieving not just growth but also profitability and freedom, providing key takeaways that can help entrepreneurs elevate their operations to new heights. In this episode, we also explore the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, focusing on the critical aspects of mindset, personal vision, and the rhythm of execution. Clate and I delve into personal stories and research-backed strategies to help you navigate the highs and lows of running a business. Learn how setting personal goals separate from business objectives can ensure a fulfilling life beyond the dream of your enterprise. Finally, we dive into the essence of leadership and building a culture of excellence within your organization. Clate discusses the co-creation process between leaders and their teams, iterative planning, and inclusive decision-making.  Tune in for actionable insights that promise to uplift your entrepreneurial journey and provide the tools you need to master small business automation and leadership.   00:04:20 - Frustrated by manual processes, found Infusionsoft software. 00:08:27 - Update book on marketing automation for small businesses. 00:10:53 - Entrepreneurship is exciting but has a dark side. 00:16:13 - Upgrade to Pandadoc for efficient document management. 00:19:50 - Establish purpose, values, mission, set goals. Balance in physical, spiritual, social, business, financial. 00:20:45 - Balance business, financial, social, physical, spiritual goals. 00:26:34 - Balancing leadership between dictatorship and democracy. 00:28:29 - Iterative process of drafting and refining. 00:32:24 - Automation drives profit; people, products, process produce. Leadership is about establishing clear culture. 00:37:00 - Focus on balance, reduce chaos in business. 00:39:39 - Free resources for personal and business success.   That’s my conversation with Clate Mask. My takeaways from this one:  Embrace Automation: Automate various aspects of your business operations, from marketing and sales to internal processes, to achieve growth, profitability, and freedom. Use Comprehensive Tools: Utilize platforms like Keep to centralize and streamline your business processes, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. Understand the Evolution of Technology: Stay updated with technological advancements like AI to leverage new tools and strategies for business growth. Develop a Personal Vision: Separate your personal goals from your business objectives to ensure a fulfilling life beyond the dreams of your enterprise. Implement Customer Lifecycle Automation: Automate customer follow-up processes to ensure consistent and effective engagement, leading to higher satisfaction and retention.  
In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of Jewish marketing with our esteemed guest, Menachem Lubinsky, a trailblazer and founder of the leading marketing firm, LUBICOM. Join us as we explore various facets of marketing, branding, and the burgeoning kosher food industry through insightful conversations and expert analysis. Menachem Lubinsky shares his inspiring journey from writing newsletters in a bungalow colony to founding LUBICOM, a prominent marketing firm. He emphasizes the significance of professionalism, precision and offers valuable insights into the evolution of the marketing industry and the enduring principles of strong leadership and high standards. Delving into the fundamental role of messaging in advertising, this segment explores the differences and connections between branding and marketing. Using Coca-Cola as an iconic example, Lubinsky discusses the importance of having a robust product before investing in branding efforts. He also highlights the commitment required to maintain consistent brand positioning, particularly for startups, to avoid market confusion. This segment focuses on the process of developing and evaluating business ideas, emphasizing the importance of preliminary research and cautious investment. Lubinsky discusses the pitfalls of presenting undeveloped ideas and the necessity of ensuring an idea is novel and marketable before seeking professional consultation. The conversation also introduces his new podcast, "Kosher Today," which provides updates and trends in the kosher industry. Join us for a fascinating journey through the intricate world of Jewish marketing, branding, and the dynamic kosher food industry, guided by the expertise and experiences of Menachem Lubinsky. Menachem Lubinsky is president & CEO of LUBICOM Business Consulting, which includes a full-service public relations, advertising and marketing firm he that founded in 1984. Mr. Lubinsky is a seasoned business executive whose successes have spanned many industries and is particularly known for his role in the growth and development of the kosher food industry. He is first and foremost a strategic business professional who is frequently consulted by businesses of all sizes. For more than 30 years, LUBICOM Marketing has provided services to a broad cadre of clients in diverse areas, including MCI, Sprint, Coca Cola, Dannon Yogurt, Lea & Perrins, Welch’s, Frito-Lay, Hospital for Joint Diseases, Maimonides Hospital, Brookdale Hospital, Metropolitan Jewish Health System, the Luggage and Leather Goods and Shoe Industries, and more than 500 other businesses and not-for-profit organizations.  Mr. Lubinsky is the recognized authority on the kosher food market.  Mr. Lubinsky writes a weekly “The Business Monitor” column for Hamodia and lectures extensively on business topics. His business consulting division has grown significantly in recent years, providing business consulting services to some 100 businesses in the past few years, ranging from start-ups to large multi-national companies.     00:04:12 - Precise, perfectionist, role model, influential community leader. 00:09:25 - Effective advertising requires delivering a clear message. 00:12:33 - Branding is essential but can be risky. 00:15:43 - Brand positioning and commitment crucial for success. 00:18:37 - Branding requires professional input and commitment. 00:19:56 - Beware of taking divisive stances in business. 00:23:25 - Missed sales opportunities in Jewish communities, marketing. 00:29:32 - Various countries eager to produce successful kosher wine. 00:31:12 - Prioritize quality service for long-term success. 00:35:37 - Before pursuing an idea, do thorough research. 00:37:53 - Initial investment without proper interest risks loss. 00:40:30 - Podcast covers kosher industry trends and news. 00:44:04 - Growing trends in kosher market, quality products.   The success of marketing campaigns hinges on a clear and compelling message. No matter how visually appealing, advertising efforts will fall flat without strong content and a focused message. Marketing’s core goal is to get products on and off the shelves. While the mediums may evolve, such as the rise of social media, the essence of marketing remains the same. Major brands often overlook opportunities by not fully engaging with the Jewish market. Expanding beyond just kosher certification can unlock growth by better reaching this community. There is a growing trend towards healthy eating in the kosher market, with increasing demand for organic, gluten-free, and sugar-free products. This shift, driven largely by younger generations, mirrors broader market trends. The Jewish community has shown remarkable creativity in producing quality kosher products that appeal not only to Jews but also to non-Jewish consumers who see kosher as a mark of higher quality.   lubicom
In this episode, we sit down with Dobbin Buck, the visionary founder of Get You Wired, as he shares his extraordinary journey from military service to marketing mastery.  Buck reveals how his diverse background, including his time in the US Army and building museum exhibits, shaped his leadership approach and business acumen. He emphasizes the necessity of a clear agenda and a competent team, and provides a gripping account of empowering middle management to foster innovation and growth. We delve into the substantial impact of building a strong company culture in a remote work environment. Buck shares invaluable insights on strategies implemented at Get You Wired to maintain team cohesion and support, such as morning meetings and quarterly team-building events, enhancing communication and productivity. Reflecting on leadership principles, he discusses the balance between humility and accountability, comparing these values with effective leadership practices. Buck highlights the importance of setting clear goals and metrics to maintain effectiveness and foster creativity within the team. Join us as we uncover the secrets to Dobbin Buck's leadership and the principles that have driven Get You Wired to become an award-winning marketing agency. This episode is rich with practical tips, inspiring stories, and a deep dive into the world of business management and company culture. Don’t miss out on this enriching conversation!   00:01:50 - Two careers: soldier, museum builder, worldwide projects. 00:03:48 - Transitioned to marketing, now leading agency for 22 years. 00:07:49 - Current team more advanced, should lead company. 00:16:14 - Efficient processes, close attention to details maintained. 00:19:56 - Getwired has won several awards for its culture. 00:23:26 - Quarterly activities, December party, focus on relationships. 00:27:01 - Challenges of transitioning to remote work culture. 00:31:35 - Howard Schultz emphasized investing in people's retention. 00:33:45 - Efficient talent sharing and organized team structure. 00:38:35 - Fishing in Georgia, limited in summer temperatures. 00:39:35 - Fishing, reading, and meditation for mental balance. 00:44:22 - Effective leadership, remote work management, communication, team building. Linkedin PandaDoc That’s my conversation with Dobbin Buck. My takeaways from this one:  Effective leadership requires balancing humility and accountability. Leaders should recognize that they don’t have all the answers and must rely on their team’s expertise while maintaining clear metrics and goals to ensure everyone stays aligned and productive. Transitioning to a fully remote work environment can be challenging but manageable with enhanced communication strategies. Regular morning meetings, mentorship programs, and team-building events can help maintain a strong company culture even when working remotely.  Regular and transparent communication is key to synchronizing vision and operations within a company. Weekly and daily meetings to discuss goals, performance, and potential optimizations help keep everyone on the same page and moving toward common objectives. Deep relationships within teams are fundamental to a thriving company culture. Investing in team-building activities and events fosters connectivity and collaboration, crucial for a cohesive and motivated workforce. Training and empowering middle management to become optimizers within the company is crucial. By giving them ownership and responsibility, you foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, essential for long-term success
  In this episode, we sit down with a three-time Governor of New York, who narrates his extraordinary journey from being the Mayor of Peekskill to leading New York State through its most testing times. He reveals how his formative years in a small town shaped his leadership approach, emphasizing the necessity of a clear agenda and a competent team. The Governor also provides a gripping account of his leadership during the 9/11 attacks, highlighting the critical importance of unified coordination between city, state, and federal agencies. His decision to centralize all response teams in one room epitomizes the essence of unity and effective communication during crises. As the discussion progresses, we delve into the substantial impact of government policies on sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and healthcare. Our guest shares invaluable insights on how the private sector can align with governmental goals to drive progress. Reflecting on New York's contemporary challenges, he voices concerns over rising crime rates and high taxes, comparing these issues with previously successful policies. The conversation also touches on the current political climate and the media's role in shaping public perception. Despite the challenges, the Governor remains hopeful about achieving unity and overcoming obstacles. This episode is rich with historical insights and current affairs, all viewed through the lens of seasoned leadership. We explore the critical moments of the 9/11 attacks, as he recounts his decisive actions and the necessity for unified coordination between city, state, and federal governments. His decision to centralize all response teams in one room exemplifies the essence of unity and seamless communication during crises. Moreover, we discuss the impactful role of government policies on various sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and healthcare. The Governor offers his seasoned perspective on how the private sector can align with governmental goals to drive progress. Reflecting on New York’s contemporary challenges, he voices concerns over rising crime rates and high taxes, comparing these issues with previously effective policies. We also delve into the current political climate and the influential role of media in shaping public perception. Despite these challenges, the Governor remains hopeful about achieving unity and overcoming obstacles. This episode is rich with historical insights and current affairs, seen through the lens of experienced leadership. Let's get right to our conversation with the Governor. That’s my conversation with Former Governor George Pataki, my take away from this one: While planning is crucial, leaders must also be prepared to pivot and respond effectively to unforeseen events.  Despite current challenges, maintaining a hopeful outlook can inspire resilience and motivate individuals to strive for positive change, even in difficult times. Effective communication involves being transparent and truthful, especially when things go wrong. Acknowledging mistakes and explaining how you plan to address them builds trust and credibility—essential qualities for any leader. A clear long-term vision is essential for sustained success. Leaders should not only focus on immediate goals but also consider how their decisions will impact the future. In any leadership role, knowing your top priorities and surrounding yourself with competent individuals can help you achieve your goals effectively.   00:05:29 - Governor recounts 9/11 emergency response, ignored security. 00:07:23 - Unified response across federal, state, city governments. 00:10:34 - Be open, honest, and transparent in communication. 00:15:24 - Federal workers inefficiency, Biden's lack of capability. 00:16:19 - Media protecting insiders, distorting news for agenda. 00:20:15 - Proud of government record, accomplishments and investments. 00:22:58 - Encourage optimism, unity, and involvement for progress.  
This is episode rerun with Rabbi Steven Burg from Episode 159 When Rabbi Steven Burg took over the Aish HaTorah institutions, the organization had accumulated serious debt and was three months behind in payroll. Now, eight years later, Aish has become a massive success story, with new ventures, increasing numbers of students, a bigger budget, and positive cash flow. How did he do it - and what lessons can you learn from his experience in turning Aish and other failing organizations around? Listen to this episode of Let’s Talk Business as Meny asks Rabbi Burg about his management philosophy, how to hire the right employees, why you need to learn how to delegate, the importance of ignoring the noise, the difference between vision and implementation, how you can revamp your business while simultaneously keeping it open, and more. Rabbi Steven Burg is the Director General of Aish HaTorah. Before joining this internationally renowned institution, Rabbi Burg held senior leadership roles in other prominent Jewish organizations, with a focus on outreach.    In our episode, Rabbi Steven Berg emphasizes the necessity of accountability and having a supportive network when pursuing new goals or personal development. Our conversation highlights the need for balanced growth across spiritual, financial, health, and family aspects to sustain long-term success. We discuss Rabbi Berg's journey through various leadership roles in Jewish organizations and the techniques he uses for transforming struggling nonprofits into thriving entities. Rabbi Berg shares insights on setting visionary goals, including his mission to connect 3 million Jews with Jewish wisdom.   0:02:15 - Turning Around Failing Jewish Organizations 0:05:30 - Importance of Organizational Structure 0:09:23 - Shifting from Chaos to Structure 0:11:45 - Self-Funded Projects and Their Challenges 0:14:20 - Implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) 0:18:43 - Overcoming Obstacles with Hard Work 0:19:30 - Importance of Delegation in Leadership 0:20:10 - Unique Challenges in Nonprofit Organizations 0:22:47 - Trusting Talented Individuals for Success 0:24:05 - Inspiring Story of Family Reconnecting with Heritage 0:27:15 - Books and Mentors Influencing Rabbi Berg 0:30:50 - Essential Strategies for Business Success 0:31:30 - Combining Vision with Effective Implementation 0:32:45 - Hiring Humble and Relentless Employees   Want to connect with Rabbi Steven? Follow him on LinkedIn. Visit his Aish Global to live more thoughtful, spiritual, and impactful lives! Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts! 
Coming to you from the Ptex headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, this podcast is for no-nonsense advice to help you learn, grow, and lead.  Today, I’m so excited to welcome our guest, Nesanel Moeller founder of Purple Stairs Nesanel Moeller has extensive experience in operations and management consulting, specializing in driving business growth. At the Penguin Group, he led the establishment of a recruiting department to source top-tier talent, facilitating numerous successful placements and significantly enhancing client performance. In our episode today, we delve into the world of recruiting and career enhancement with special guest Nesanel Moeller. He shares insights into the challenges of job hunting, building a job marketplace platform, and the balance between attracting candidates and companies. Nesanel discusses the importance of systematic onboarding processes, emphasizing the need for clear roles and contributions within a team. We also talk about the current tight job market, overpaying for talent, and the impact of automation and streamlining on the recruiting industry. Moreover, Nesanel talks about his transition from social work to operations and recruiting, as well as the lessons he has learned from his experiences in building a software SaaS business. He shares advice for business decision-making, common misconceptions about automation, and his vision for the companies he works on. This and so much more only on the Let’s Talk Business Podcast. Let's get right to our conversation with Nesanel Moeller. LINKS To watch or listen to this episode, visit: Listen via WhatsApp: For all other episodes or to view all other ways to subscribe, visit PRACTICAL POINTERS:  Focus on honesty and realistic evaluation when advising individuals on their potential for increased value in the job market, promoting trust and credibility within the recruitment industry. Implement systematic onboarding processes to ensure a positive employee experience and facilitate a smooth transition for new hires, ultimately contributing to higher employee retention. Maintain a balance between automation and personalized interactions in recruitment processes to efficiently handle a large volume of candidates while preserving the human element in the hiring experience. Take a step back and carefully assess decisions before making them to minimize potential setbacks and ensure strategic, well-informed choices when building and expanding companies. Learn from successful business principles, such as those found in "Profit First" by Mike Mikalowitz, to optimize financial strategies and savings within a growing business venture. TIMESTAMPS :  00:00 Podcast episode featuring Nassan Muller on recruiting. 03:49 Transition from consulting to recruiting in Penguin. 07:23 Automation reducing value, budget cuts affect job market. 10:08 Recruiting challenges due to lack of clarity. 13:00 Purple Stairs: solving recruiting pain points online. 17:34 Questions about platform benefits for non-traditional recruiting. 21:32 Seeking job satisfaction and fair compensation concerns. 25:18 Economic challenges make job market tough. 27:47 Create profile, attract candidates, benefit companies' needs. 30:41 Software project involved investors, planning, design, development. 33:42 Developing systems for new employee onboarding challenges. 36:53 Communication before starting job is important. 40:15 Nisana Muller's advice for job market success. GUEST BIO : Nesanel Moeller has extensive experience in operations and management consulting, specializing in driving business growth. At the Penguin Group, he led the establishment of a recruiting department to source top-tier talent, facilitating numerous successful placements and significantly enhancing client performance. Recognizing shifts in the recruitment market, Nesanel founded Purple Stairs to address the need for a more efficient recruitment process. This innovative platform eliminates traditional recruitment fees through a subscription model, providing employers with direct access to a comprehensive candidate database. Nesanel's dedication to optimization and market responsiveness continues to drive his passion for helping businesses thrive.  
Coming to you from the Ptex headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, this podcast is for no-nonsense advice to help you learn, grow, and lead.  Today, I’m excited to be chatting with former Chief Automation Officer of the Ptex Group and good friend Nathan Weill Nathan Weill, a self-identified tech geek, He founded Flow Digital in 2018, providing headache-free automation support so business owners could stop struggling with SaaS tools and repetitive tasks and direct their full energy toward growth. In our interview, I discuss the importance of automation in business processes by identifying repetitive tasks and setting clear objectives. Then Nathan highlight examples of automation for lead generation, internal processes, and follow-up procedures. I also discuss the common misconceptions about automation  - such as automation equals job loss, too expensive for small businesses Then we discuss using automation to save time and energy, improve efficiency, and enhance client communication This and so much more only on the let’s talk business podcast…  let’s get right to our conversation with Nathan Weill LINKS To watch or listen to this episode, visit: Listen via WhatsApp: For all other episodes or to view all other ways to subscribe, visit PRACTICAL POINTERS: Identify Repetitive Tasks: Start by listing out all repetitive tasks in your business processes. These are prime candidates for automation and can significantly reduce manual workload. Set Clear Objectives: Define what you aim to achieve with automation, such as reducing errors, saving time, or improving customer satisfaction. Clear goals will guide your automation strategy. Lead Generation: Use tools like chatbots on your website to engage visitors and capture leads automatically. Platforms like HubSpot can automate email campaigns to nurture leads. Choose the Right Tools: Research and select automation tools that align with your business needs. Consider factors like ease of use, integration capabilities, and customer support. Freemium Models: Take advantage of freemium versions of automation tools to get started without a significant upfront investment. Tools like Mailchimp offer free plans for small businesses.   TIMESTAMPS :  04:01 Appreciation for team involvement and automation benefits. 07:04 Custom software takes time, but off-the-shelf works. 10:57 Efficient lead management crucial for sales productivity. 15:54 Automate lead tracking, notification, and response oversight. 18:18 Scheduling made simple with shared booking links. 23:26 Automate functions, enhance employee experience, streamline onboarding. 24:33 Automate systems for cost-effective and efficient onboarding. 28:30 Streamlining reporting processes for executives using automation. 33:37 AI drives automation with increased operational relevance. 36:39 Human interaction is important but automation essential. 37:38 Seek Zapier blog for full case study. 43:28 Started without standard procedures, had to catch up. 45:21 Use chatbots and automation tools for lead generation.   GUEST BIO : Most businesses lose massive amounts of time and money to routine business tasks and technology struggles. While directing operations at Ptex Group, a New York-based marketing agency, Nathan Weill, a self-identified tech geek, set out to eliminate his own company’s losses by sharpening his SaaS expertise. After winning massive savings and growth for his employer, Nathan made it his mission to bring the same freedom to other businesses. He founded Flow Digital in 2018, providing headache-free automation support so business owners could stop struggling with SaaS tools and direct their full energy toward growth. Ranked as the #1 certified expert worldwide on Zapier's marketplace and certified by Keap, Pipedrive, Airtable, and many other tools, Flow Digital offers workflow, sales, and marketing automation as well as CRM implementation. Nathan and his team save clients around 45,000 hours per month and have generated over $10 million in ROI to date.
Welcome to another exciting episode of "Let's Talk Business"! In today's conversation, our host, Meny Hoffman, sits down with Pinchas Engel, founder of Pinit Bookkeeping, to delve deep into the world of e-commerce and financial management.  Pinchas shares invaluable insights on how to stand out in the competitive e-commerce landscape, the pivotal roles of bookkeepers, controllers, and CFOs, and the importance of delegating tasks to elevate your business. From understanding key financial metrics and their impact on profitability to navigating the challenges posed by COVID-19, Pinchas brings a wealth of knowledge to help business owners align their vision, financial strategies, and marketing efforts. Whether you're an early-stage entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, this episode is packed with practical tips on improving your financial literacy, creating a structured business model, and hiring the right financial support to ensure success. Tune in to learn why understanding your finances is crucial and how you can leverage expert advice to make better decisions and grow your business profitably. Let's talk business with Pinchas Engel! BIO : Pinchas Engel founded Pinit Bookkeeping, a firm dedicated to helping established e-commerce sellers. Pinchas's main mission is to give his clients clear insights into their finances, turning complex data into simple, actionable strategies. With a knack for making numbers make sense, he’s helped many clients boost their profits, making Pinit a trusted place for sellers looking for financial support. LINKS : To watch or listen to this episode, visit: Listen via WhatsApp: For all other episodes or to view all other ways to subscribe, visit   TIMESTAMPS :  06:20 Business owners must know key financial metrics. 08:08 Key business metrics: return on investment, profitability. 13:10 High product profit gives room for contingencies. 17:12 New companies need strategy to succeed. 19:31 CFO focuses on future; bookkeeper, controller on past. 21:46 Marketing spends should align with company objectives. 26:33 Outsourcing services for business growth and efficiency. 29:54 Start with pricing, then justify cost. 32:55 Prefers business conversation over transaction categorization stress. 35:46 Create a clear business roadmap for success. 39:34 "Assess skills, seek support, and plan growth." PRACTICAL POINTERS: Identify tasks you are not proficient at or do not enjoy and delegate them to your team. Make a list of tasks to delegate and assign them to team members or outsource as necessary. Implement systems to track and manage inventory and sales data, especially important for e-commerce. Invest in analytics tools and review inventory data weekly to avoid over or under-stocking. For early-stage businesses, consider outsourcing bookkeeping and hiring a fractional CFO to manage finances cost-effectively. Research and engage a bookkeeping service and fractional CFO to ensure professional financial oversight. If you're a business owner, objectively assess your financial skills and seek support where needed. Take a financial literacy course or workshop, and consider consulting a CFO to get a professional audit of your financial strategy. Develop a structured business model and a hiring roadmap that evolves as your company grows. Draft a business model that includes your long-term goals and a phased hiring plan based on projected growth milestones.  
Coming to you from the Ptex headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, this podcast is for no-nonsense advice to help you learn, grow, and lead.  Today, I’m excited to welcome back my good friend and past speaker of the Let’s Talk Business Conference, Eric Lofholm Eric Lofholm is a Master Sales Trainer who has taught his proven sales systems to thousands of professionals around the world. He is President and CEO of Eric Lofholm International, Inc., an organization he founded to professionally train people on the art and science of selling. Eric has been teaching people how to make more sales since 1999. In today’s insightful discussion, our host Meny Hoffman sits down with master sales trainer Eric Lofholm to delve into the intricacies of achieving sales success. Eric shares his expertise on the pivotal "inner game" of sales, emphasizing the importance of mindset and beliefs in driving performance. From viewing selling as a service to overcoming the fear of rejection, Eric offers practical tips and strategies to elevate your sales game. Tune in as we explore the transformational sales triangle, uncovering the critical roles of mindset, technique, and consistent action. Eric also shares his personal journey from struggling salesperson to top producer, highlighting how proper training and a positive outlook can revolutionize your career. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, salesperson, or sales manager, this episode is packed with valuable insights on goal setting, planning, and the art of closing deals. Join us and learn how to master the inner and outer game of sales, leverage content creation and technology, and most importantly, fall in love with the sales process itself. Get ready for a transformative conversation that will reshape your understanding of sales and set you on the path to success! This and so much more only on the Let’s Talk Business Podcast…  Let’s get right to our conversation with Eric Lofholm Links : TIMESTAMPS :  05:34 Explore strengths and passion for successful sales. 06:32 Being in sales is universal, skills essential. 11:13 Negative beliefs create roadblocks, especially in sales. 14:51 Prepare presentation with clear desired outcome defined. 18:43 Adapt communication and processes to each client. 21:52 Self-acknowledgment boosts sales success and confidence. 25:09 Transition from salesperson to manager requires different skills. 26:55 Consider compensation, leads, and text marketing efficiency. 30:35 Free goal-setting classes offered twice yearly online. 33:50 Key sales tips: positive mindset, action-based goals. PRACTICAL POINTERS: Eric Lofholm emphasizes the crucial role of maintaining a positive mindset in sales. He suggests the importance of being mindful of your thoughts, advising you to catch and replace negative thoughts with optimistic ones.  Focusing on actions rather than outcomes is another key lesson. Lofholm encourages setting action-based goals, such as making a certain number of prospect calls daily, instead of fixating on sales numbers.. Regular and structured planning is vital for sustained success. Eric highlights the importance of conducting mid-year and annual reviews to set and adjust your goals. By using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) framework, you can make your goals clearer and more actionable. Understanding and being flexible in the sales process is essential. Mapping out the stages of your sales process and reviewing them periodically ensures that you stay in control.  Effective sales management involves understanding and facilitating your sales team. Knowing what motivates each salesperson and understanding their specific challenges allows you to customize your management approach. 
Welcome back to another insightful episode of "Let's Talk Business."  Today, our host Meny Hoffman dive deep into the intricacies of happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Naftali shares his perspective on why fleeting happiness should take a backseat to the enduring pursuit of meaning and satisfaction. Drawing from his experience as a managing director and financial advisor at JPMorgan and his best-selling book "You Revealed," Naftali emphasizes the importance of living authentically, harnessing unique skills, and practicing gratitude. In this episode, we'll explore essential financial wisdom, such as the importance of budgeting, responsible spending, and understanding investments to avoid risky ventures. We'll also hear Naftali's thoughts on economic cycles, adjusting standards of living, and prioritizing savings for the future. As Naftali and Meny tackle the challenges of modern financial pressures, they provide actionable advice for those living paycheck to paycheck. We'll also illuminate personal development themes, like recognizing one's potential, focusing on self-improvement, and steering clear of futile comparisons. With discussions on self-esteem, the success of "You Revealed," and Naftali's plans for further contributions to self-development, this episode promises to inspire and empower you on your journey toward a fulfilling and responsible life. Tune in now to gain valuable insights into making meaningful changes in your financial and personal life. Links :  Buy his book :   Episode Timestamps : 05:29 Think twice before spending to avoid regret. 07:19 Choose long-term enjoyment through disciplined financial decisions. 09:44 Save, budget, and plan for financial security. 13:03 Importance of budgeting for understanding expenses and value. 18:07 Stocks yield 6-10% above risk-free treasury. 19:09 Questioning 14% return as less risky than stocks. 25:16 Comparing people is ridiculous; spurs personal growth. 26:48 Focus on your own potential, not others. 31:03 Professional perspective on personal development and growth. 33:18 Do you communicate, keep promises, seek shortcuts? 38:09 Gratitude is vital for happiness and fulfillment. 40:32 Be grateful for what you have, always. 44:19 Book changes lives, inspires self-development and learning. 46:20 The impactful Torah book is challenging yet popular. 50:01 Closing remarks encouraging sharing and subscribing. Practical Pointers Understanding and navigating economic fluctuations are crucial for maintaining financial health. By being aware of these cycles, individuals can make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending, which can lead to more stable and secure financial outcomes. Early financial planning is key to long-term stability. Initiating savings, investments, and retirement plans at the start of one's career can compound over time, providing a robust financial buffer and enabling greater financial freedom in the future. Achieving financial balance is essential for a satisfying life. It's important to enjoy the present while also ensuring future financial security. This involves making conscious choices about spending and saving, allowing for both immediate enjoyment and long-term financial goals. Breaking free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle requires deliberate financial action. By setting goals, reducing unnecessary expenses, and increasing income through various means, individuals can create a more sustainable financial situation that allows for savings and investment. Budgeting is a powerful tool for uncovering financial vulnerabilities and creating opportunities for advancement. By regularly reviewing and adjusting a budget, individuals can identify areas where they can cut back on expenses and redirect funds towards career development or other investments that can lead to increased income.   Happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, purpose, unique skill sets, gratitude, perspective, Naftali Horowitz, Meny Hoffman, Let's Talk Business podcast, personal development, economic cycles, financial advice, responsible spending, budgeting, comparing oneself to others, potential for growth, JPMorgan, Yu Revealed, investment risks, self-esteem, financial planning, retirement savings, reckless spending, fraudulent investment schemes, career advancement, time management, communication skills, self-improvement, book readership, Torah learning
Welcome to "Let's Talk Business"! In today's episode, host Meny Hoffman sits down with entrepreneur Jon Darbyshire to delve into the intricacies of software implementation and AI-driven business solutions. Tune in as they explore why so many software projects fail, the pivotal role of AI in transforming everyday tasks, and how Darbyshire's Smart Suite is setting new standards in project management. They also share insights from the startup grind conference, discuss how to vet the best project management systems, and the critical importance of customer feedback and company culture in driving growth and innovation. Plus, get inspired by exclusive stories from Darbyshire's journey, including the successful sale of Archer Technologies. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a business leader aiming for greater efficiency, this episode offers a wealth of practical advice and forward-thinking strategies.  Jon's Links and Etc  ( ( ( The book that changed my life : Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Advice I'll never forget : follow the customer. Topics within this episode :  ### 1. Factors Contributing to Software Implementation Failures - Overly simple or complex processes - Need for automation to streamline tasks ### 2. Utilization of AI in Smart Suite - Enhancing user experience and improving client work - Automating content generation, summarization, and management - Creating custom workflows and CRM systems - Enabling data analysis through chatbots and dashboards ### 3. Insights from Startup Grind Conference - AI's potential impact on various industries - Exponential growth and utilization of AI in businesses ### 4. Importance of Using AI for Task Automation - Automating disliked or inefficiently performed tasks - Leveraging AI for improved productivity and time-saving benefits ### 5. Selecting Software and Considering Tech Stack - Importance of the tech stack for younger employees handling day-to-day activities - Vetting the proper system for project management   - Understanding available features   - Mapping out the process   - Utilizing free trials for comparison ### 6. Involving Team in Decision-Making Process - Creating ownership and involvement in chosen systems ### 7. Client Feedback and Product Development - 90% of feature growth from direct client feedback - Public roadmap and customer-inspired development - Building relationships through regular customer meetings - Involving customers in development processes for better outcomes and adoption ### 8. Archer's Referral Program and Hiring Practices - $2,500 offered for referrals leading to hires staying for a year - Assessing cultural fit through lunch meetings with existing team members ### 9. Long-term Versus Short-term Hiring Practices - Prioritizing culture fit and internal referrals - Differences between bootstrapped companies and venture-backed companies ### 10. Archer's Acquisition by EMC - Negotiations with multiple parties - Adjustments due to differences in company culture - Post-acquisition operational and community involvement changes - Archer's culture ultimately prevailing ### 11. Development of Smart Suite - Inspiration from Hoffman's break and startup investments - Need for a single platform to manage various processes and projects - Native integrations with over 6000 products - Eliminating the need for multiple point solutions ### 12. Data Integration and Management Reporting - Solving the problem of disparate point solutions - Importance of accessible and consolidated data for decision-making - User-friendly and collaborative interfaces for younger users ### 13. Use Case and Customer Experience with AI - Rebranding PTAC's group website focusing on UI/UX, coding, and analytics - Significant cost savings and efficiency improvements within 20 days of implementation ### 14. Future Strategic Goals for Smart Suite - Integrating AI in a non-intrusive and understandable way - Simplifying interfaces for general users while adding features for advanced users ### 16. Rapid-fire Questions and Personal Insights - Book recommendation - Memorable advice - Future traveling aspirations ### 17. Hiring Practices at Archer - Hiring individuals with specific experience levels - Focus on consulting backgrounds - Prioritizing employee referrals for cultural compatibility - Balancing hiring top talent with maintaining company culture This sequence encapsulates the primary and sub-topics discussed in this episode, providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of the content.   Keywords :  software implementation failures, AI in business, automation in tasks, Smart Suite AI, custom workflows, CRM systems, data analysis, startup grind conference, AI impact, employee tech stack, project management system, free software trials, team decision-making, customer feedback, public roadmap, customer-inspired development, recruitment strategies, culture fit, internal referrals, bootstrapped companies, venture-backed companies, acquisition negotiations, Archer Technologies, EMC acquisition, direct-to-consumer product, managing processes, no-code platforms, data integration, user-friendly interfaces, Microsoft Clarity, cost savings and efficiency.
Leading a purpose-driven life is now a lot easier to do through the help of the wisdom of Barry Shore from The JOY of Living as he breaks down his acronyms. When you lead a purpose-driven life, you can go MAD—Make A Difference. This is just one of the acronyms guest Barry Shore from The JOY of Living has under his sleeves, helping people live a healthier, wealthier, and wiser life through his memorable wisdom and insights. In this episode, he joins Meny Hoffman to impart some of those with us by breaking down the three fundamentals of life and giving some tips on how to take care of them to live our best lives. Barry also shares with us his story, one that many would have given up on, but still, he managed to overcome. He talks about what caused that mindset shift and how he built and preached it to many. From the personal to the professional aspects of our lives, Barry digs up some great tips and tools about being profitable, overcoming stress, living inspirationally, and more. The Power of Joy to Transform Your Business—with Barry Shore Our guest is Barry Shore also known as the Ambassador of JOY. I’m not going to read the full bio that Barry prepared because I want you to read this episode. This episode is contagious with the amount of positivity and joy shared and much no-nonsense advice on how you could be a better person in your life. Read Barry’s story and how he turned that story into a lifelong mission. Without further ado, here is my interview. Links Mentioned: @BarryEShore – Twitter Episode Timestamps : 00:00 PTEX Group CEO supports business growth mindset. 04:10 Spreading happiness, purpose-driven life leads to success. 07:18 2020 pandemic will be remembered for years. 10:10 Seven-foot walking wand made by a Zen master. 15:33 Reflecting on past success and mindset shift. 17:51 Barry involved in business and sense of wonder. 19:54 Questioning existential suffering and search for purpose. 23:55 Show interruption to emphasize the shift happens. 28:43 Barry, how can we be more positive? 30:20 Book titled "Joy of Living" promotes positivity. 33:57 Emphasize kindness and wisdom in all interactions. 35:24 Two ways of looking at a situation. 39:43 Don't wiggle toes for 8 seconds. 44:06 Find links in show notes for gifts. 46:44 Closing remarks from Let's Talk Business podcast.
Growing up in Williamsburg, Chaim Berkovic learned the importance of having a vision; years later, as the president and founder of Skyscraper Insurance, he was able to actualize that vision, even though the ways to achieve it were sometimes unclear. In this fascinating conversation, Meny asks Chaim about some of the methods he used to create and grow his business, as well as his strategies for being an effective leader. Listen in as they talk about transmitting passion to employees, how to maintain “brutal accountability” while also creating a positive company culture, the role of inspiration in leadership, what can be learned from failure, why feedback is indispensable, and more. [00:01 - 05:00] The Visionary's Journey Chaim’s transition from early failures to founding Skyscraper Insurance The importance of learning from mistakes and taking calculated risks How personal challenges fueled Chaim’s entrepreneurial spirit [05:01 - 15:00] Risk Management and Client Trust How Skyscraper Insurance approaches risk management differently The significance of understanding client needs and building trust Insights into the complexities of the insurance industry [15:01 - 25:00] Leadership Beyond the Boardroom The role of inspirational leadership in building a successful team Balancing company culture with high performance and accountability Strategies for nurturing a positive, growth-oriented workplace [25:01 - 35:00] Mastering Growth and Scalability Chaim’s perspective on business growth and strategic acquisitions The impact of community and relationship-building in expansion Learning from industry shifts and adapting for scalability [35:01 - 46:08] The Mastermind Effect The benefits of participating in mastermind groups for business leaders How shared knowledge and accountability drive success Chaim’s personal experiences and gains from mastermind involvement   Want to connect with Chaim? Follow him on LinkedIn. Head to Skyscraper Insurance for a better tomorrow! Key Quotes: "The biggest risk takers are the ones that know back end the calculated risks behind it." - Chaim Berkovic "If your circle doesn’t inspire you, you’re in the wrong circle." - Chaim Berkowick   Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on  Spotify,  Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts!   Watch this episode on Youtube   Find it on your favorite podcast app: Direct link:   WhatsApp:
So many people simply can’t break through and find success in sales; is there any way to help them get better at it? What if there are words, patterns of speech, questions, and phrases that can immediately help anyone become not just adept at sales, but a master? Join Meny as he speaks with Phil M. Jones, author of the bestselling Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact and one of the world’s most accomplished sales coaches, for an enlightening conversation about the magic words that can change your life and quickstart your sales success.   You’ll learn why sales is the art of making a recommendation, and the process you must follow in order to earn the right to make that recommendation; what are some of the most important questions you can ask in order to move the conversation in the direction you want, and to guarantee a positive response; how to stick to your process when your potential buyer keeps interrupting; methods of instilling curiosity in your client; the importance of slowing the sales process down to get fast results; ways that potential leaders can use communication to actualize their leadership potential; and much more.      [00:01 - 10:02] Early Beginnings to Sales Mastery Phil's entrepreneurial spirit from a young age Transition from business ventures to sales expertise Introduction to the concept of "magic words" in sales   [10:03 - 20:46] The Art of the Pitch Strategies for effective selling and communication. Importance of understanding customer needs before pitching Case studies illustrating successful sales conversations   [20:47 - 30:58] Language as a Tool for Influence Discussion on the power of specific phrases and questions How language can steer conversations and outcomes Phil’s approach to teaching effective communication skills   [30:59 - 40:50] Leadership Through Words The role of communication in leadership and team dynamics Techniques for providing feedback and inspiring action Stories of transformative leadership through strategic language use   [40:51 - 49:12] Real-world Applications and Closing Thoughts Examples of language's impact in various professional scenarios Phil's personal insights and experiences with communication Final takeaways and the universal applicability of the discussed principles     Want to connect with Phil? Follow him on LinkedIn. Head to his website to understand the power of words!       Key Quotes:   "Selling is earning the right to make a recommendation." - Phil Jones   "Success in selling has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with how you can help people realize that what you have will help them with the problem that matters in their world." - Phil Jones   "Understand that you can change your world by changing your words. Everything that leaves your mouth is either helping or hurting." - Phil Jones       Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn   LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on  Spotify,  Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts!
Unless your business is growing fast, you probably haven’t thought seriously about Human Resources. But Izzy Friedman, an expert in HR and Senior Director of Human Resources for MEDRITE Urgent Care, thinks that you’re making a big mistake - and he’s ready to tell you all about the Human Resources issues you need to consider right away, no matter how big or small your business is. Check out Izzy’s conversation with Meny, which addresses HR issues including processes that will help you avoid liability, the correct and incorrect way to interview a potential hire, the difference between company culture and perks, how to encourage employees to become engaged in the company’s success, what to look for when hiring an employee (and the high cost of making the wrong decision), the right and wrong way to do performance reviews, what makes a good HR department tick, and more.     [00:01 - 15:18] Transitioning Paths: Sales to HR Izzy's career shift from sales to HR The impact of managerial experience on HR roles Recognizing the value of employee engagement and conflict resolution   [15:19 - 30:39] HR Essentials for Business Success The evolution of HR's role in modern businesses Importance of legal compliance and structured processes Employee-centric strategies for enhancing company culture   [30:40 - 45:12] Cultivating a Positive Work Environment Implementing effective employee feedback and recognition systems The role of HR in building a supportive and inclusive culture Strategies for consistent employee development and satisfaction   [45:13 - 58:02] Performance Management and Growth Discussing the nuances of performance reviews and employee growth Balancing quantitative metrics with qualitative personal development Aligning employee objectives with company goals for mutual growth   [58:03 - 01:06:37] Navigating Challenges in HR Addressing the complexities of employee negotiations and terminations The significance of succession planning and organizational resilience Embracing change and fostering adaptability within HR practices   Want to connect with Izzy? Follow him on LinkedIn.     Key Quotes:   "As a business owner the more involved you are in the direct culture will actually give you an advantage to be more involved in the growth of the company in a positive way." - Izzy Friedman   "People are holding once you know where your employees are holding is when you can start to make decisions on a corporate level." - Izzy Friedman       Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn   LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on  Spotify,  Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts!
Do you want to start an entrepreneurial journey, but you’re doubtful about having the skill set to build a successful business?    In this week’s episode, our guest is Gino Wickman, an entrepreneur since the age of 21 who has had an obsession with learning what makes businesses and entrepreneurs thrive. At 25 he took over the family business, which was deeply in debt and in need of help. After turning the company around and running it for seven years, he and his partners successfully sold the company. Gino then set out to help entrepreneurs and leaders get what they want from their businesses. Based on his years of real-world experience, he created the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a practical method for helping companies achieve greatness. Gino is devoting time and energy toward helping entrepreneurs-in-the-making get a huge jump-start on taking their entrepreneurial leap, which is why he created Entrepreneurial Leap. The mission of Entrepreneurial Leap is to find all of the entrepreneurs-in-the-making, at any age, wherever they are—to help them realize their purpose and live the life they were born to live.   In our interview, Gino discloses how he identified in their family-owned business that systems were needed, which eventually became the EOS system. He also shares how he could identify the real core focus that will drive him to success. He went into detail about the six essential traits of every entrepreneur and what happens if you're missing any of those traits. Most importantly, he provides us with practical tips on how to actually find a mentor and touches on why being patient, but still taking action is key for an entrepreneur. If you think you’re an entrepreneur in the making, this episode is definitely for you!   [00:01 - 08:55] Opening Segment Gino Wickman’s background and work  His passion for what makes companies great, and entrepreneurs successful His experience creating an operating system The pure evolution and a journey of obsession Make sure to check Entrepreneurial Leap   [08:56 - 29:25] Getting The Leadership Team on The Same Page  The business mindset before and after EOS The leadership team gets 100% on the same page with a clear vision Getting clear with your core focus Why does the organization exist? What does it do in the world? What motivated Gino going from the EOS to identify the entrepreneur Gino’s definition of what an entrepreneur is The entrepreneurial range   [29:26 - 48:48] The Six Essential Traits of a True Entrepreneur Gino breaks down the six essential traits of a try entrepreneur What happens if you know there might be missing one or two of those traits You’re not an entrepreneur. It's all or nothing Understanding the glimpse and what you're good at  Paint a vivid picture of what the life of an entrepreneur looks like Gino’s outlook on the point of mentoring Find a mentor who is where you want to be The mentor tracks Take action and be patient   [48:49 - 54:51] Closing Segment What Gino could share for entrepreneurs about notetaking in general Learn more about Gino with the Rapid Fire Questions!     Connect with Gino   Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Head to  Entrepreneurial Leap, find clarity, and create a customized plan with the 1-2-3 Roadmap for your start-up!     We’re a passionate bunch. Together, we help your business flourish. Visit:     Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn     LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts!       Key Quotes    “It's not that you don't have a vision, it's that you don't agree.” - Gino Wickman    “If you're someone who is absolutely passionate about entrepreneurship and want to be surrounded by entrepreneurship, but don't have the six essential traits, then, by all means, attach yourself to a true entrepreneur.” - Gino Wickman   “There's so much science on the power of writing from a standpoint of retention and creativity and what it does for your brain.” - Gino Wickman
How can you implement Amazon’s leadership principles so that your business can become more efficient, more effective, more profitable, and more enjoyable? Chaim Landau, Principal Cloud Delivery Architect at Amazon Web Services in Tel Aviv, has become an expert in these principles - and in this episode of Let’s Talk Business, he shares some of them, along with practical examples of how you can make them work for you. Join Meny and Chaim as they discuss how to make meetings more efficient, the real meaning of frugality, the importance of taking additional risks (even if you might lose big), the difference between one-way-door decisions and two-way-door decisions, what customer obsession means and what it doesn’t mean, why you need to have a mentor as well as why you should be a mentor, the place of personal development outside the office, and more.   [00:01 - 05:12] The Heart of Innovation: Customer Obsession Customer obsession drives success The importance of customer feedback Balancing business needs with customer priorities   [05:13 - 10:29] Cultivating Agility: Decision-Making at Amazon Quick decision-making fosters innovation The one-way and two-way door decision framework Learning from failures to accelerate growth   [10:30 - 15:41] Leadership Principles in Action Bias for action in everyday tasks The role of leadership principles in shaping culture Accountability and growth through principle alignment   [15:42 - 20:16] Meeting Culture and Efficiency Efficient meeting strategies at Amazon The significance of narratives over slides Streamlining participation to enhance productivity   [20:17 - 31:41] Personal Development: Beyond the Professional The intertwining of personal growth with professional success The value of mentorship and giving back Scaling impact through personal and professional avenues     Want to connect with Chaim? Follow him on LinkedIn and visit Amazon Web Services (AWS)!     Key Quotes:   "If you obsess over your customer, they will obsess over you in return." - Chaim Landau   "You need to fail because if you don't fail, your experience will not grow." - Chaim Landau     Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn   LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on  Spotify,  Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts!