Lift & Learn

In this podcast you’ll be listening to me explain and dive deep into various health and fitness topics. I’ve trained hundreds of clients throughout the years and with this podcast, I try to reach even more people who are looking to change their life in a positive way. You’ll hear about new information and solutions to your weight loss and fitness journey that will actually help you. It might not take 4-8 weeks to reach your goal and that’s just the truth. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss or strength gain, it’s just about doing things properly and consistently and you’ll learn a lot more about this when you hit that play button!

#136: How to Reverse Upper Crossed Syndrome, The Benefits of Pilates

After talking about my week, Black Friday in the US, playing basketball, the latest on my diet and exercise habits, I talk about how to reverse the effects of Upper Crossed Syndrome along with the benefits of Pilates. Upper Crossed Syndrome (7:57) Benefits of Pilates (14:05)


#135: How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle, Circuit Training vs Straight Sets

After talking about my lengthy hiatus from the podcast game, I talk about how to lose fat without losing muscle and the difference between circuit training and doing straight sets. How to lose fat without losing muscle (7:45) Circuit training vs straight sets (19:25)


#134: Is Sodium Actually Bad For You?

After talking about the Super Bowl, and my life for a bit, I talk about sodium intake, and if you really need to eliminate it from your life. Importance of sodium (6:32)


#133: What to Know Before Going to the Gym for the First Time, How to Start the Year Off the Right Way

After talking about going golfing in the Winter, Alone on Netflix, and reviving my Kindle, I talk about what you need to know before going to the gym for the first time and how you can start this year off the right way. What to know before your first day in the gym (6:00) How to start the year off on the right foot (15:38)


#132: Why You Should Stop Weighing Yourself, Changing Your Eating in 2024

After talking about the past few weeks which involved a trip to Buffalo for the Chicago Blackhawks game, family parties, and going to Barrie for Snow Tubing, I talk about why you need to stop weighing yourself with a traditional scale and you can change your eating for the better this year. Why you need to stop relying on the scale (8:01) How to change your eating this year (12:54)


#131: How To Improve Your Sleep, What to do When You’re Too Stressed to Workout

After talking about Christmas holidays, I talk about what you can do to improve your sleep and what exactly to do when you’re too stressed to workout. How to improve sleep (9:24) What to do when you’re too stressed to workout (21:35)


#130: Eating Better to Improve Skin Health, How to Sit Less and Be More Active

After talking about why rest is important, the Movati Gala, and iOS 17.2 with the Journal update, I talk about how you can eat better to improve your skin health and how to sit less and be more active. Eating better for skin health (6:38) Sitting less and being more active (13:06)


#129: Why and How to Drink More Water, How to Get Back Into Exercise After Some Time Off

After talking about why protein shakes might be more necessary than you think, and some family life, I talk about why and how to drink more water and how to get back into exercise after some time off. Why and how to drink more water (8:31) How to get back into exercise after a break (17:20)


#128: Using IF to Lose Weight Properly, Benefits of the Sauna

After talking about Hawaii again, I talk about how to use intermittent fasting properly and the benefits of regular sauna use. Using IF to lose weight properly (10:48) Benefits of sauna (18:28)


#127: How to Build Great Shoulders, Best Strategy to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

After talking about why getting outside is important for your health, my trip to Hawaii, and Ted Lasso, I talk about how you can build aesthetically pleasing shoulders and the best strategy to lose body fat and gain muscle mass. How to build great shoulders (8:15) Best strategy to lose fat and gain weight (16:01)


#126: Why Compound Lifts are Important, Diet Adjustments to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

After talking about how to prevent sickness, my journey to Pittsburgh for the Chicago Blackhawks game, and the rest of my week, I talk about why compound exercises are so important and tweaking the diet to lose weight and burn fat. Why compound lifts are key (15:08) Diet adjustments to succeed (22:54)


#125: How to Train With Minimal Equipment, What to do When Clients Don’t Listen

After talking about what to do when you’re mentally drained, an interesting party, and the recent Apple iPhone event, I talk about how to train properly with minimal equipment and what to do when clients don’t listen to you. How to train with minimal equipment (10:15) What to do when clients don’t listen (15:31)


#124: How to Improve Grip Strength, Can Yoga Be a Proper Mobility Substitute

After talking about the importance of being consistent and my life these days, I talk about how you can improve grip strength and if yoga is a proper substitute for targeted mobility work. How to improve grip strength (8:57) Yoga and mobility talk (15:12)


#123: Best Resistance Band Exercises, About Post Workout Stretching

After talking about creatine, the Chicago Blackhawks, and my Summer so far, I talk about the best resistance band exercises and if you should stretch after a workout. Best resistance band exercises (10:10) Post workout stretching (17:00)


#122: Why Warming Up Is So Important, How to Improve Your Squat

After talking about WWDC, Apple’s conference, the end of the NHL and NBA season, my own training, and Threads, I talk about why warming up is so beneficial and how to improve your squat form. Why warming up is so important (12:46) How to improve your squat form (20:49)


#121: What Your Plate of Food Should Look Like, When to Increase Weights in the Gym

After talking about why balance is so important when it comes to improving your health, the NBA playoffs, and bowling with the boys, I talk about what your plate of food should look like and when to increase the weights you’re using at the gym. Ideal plate of food (10:39) When to increase weights in the gym (17:28)


#120: How to Bring Up a Lagging Body Part, How to Overcome Lower Back Pain

After talking about why consistency is so important, my new injuries and life with the family, I talk about how you can bring up a lagging body part and how to overcome lower back pain which affects millions of people. How to bring up a lagging body part (12:44) Overcoming lower back pain (17:02)


#119: Training for Cardio vs Muscle Growth, Food Staples You Should Be Eating

After talking about why the weekends could be holding you back, my finger injury update, and sports, I talk about how training for cardio and muscle growth are different and then I talk about some food staples you should be eating to be the best you. Training for cardio vs muscle growth (7:50) Food staples (14:29)


#118: Avoiding Muscle Loss While Cutting, How to Deal with Achilles Pain

After talking about how important water can be, training through injury, and Summer plans, I talk about how you can keep your muscle while doing a cut. And then I’ll talk about how you can deal with achilles pain. Keeping on muscle while cutting (8:11) Dealing with achilles pain (15:26)


#117: How to Overcome Knee Problems, How to Improve Shoulder Mobility and Stability

After talking about how slow negative reps can give you increased muscle gains and my new job that I’m super excited for, I talk about how you can overcome knee problems and ways to improve your shoulder mobility and stability. Squat University post: Overcoming knee problems (12:53) Improving shoulder mobility and stability (17:45)


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