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Author: Alex O‘Neill

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Ever wanted to be a changemaker in the world but never quite known how to make it happen? This is Limitless, the podcast that explores how change is created and what stops us from being the ones to make it. Join me, Alex O’Neill, as in the first series we delve into how the brain can create barriers to success and how to move past them.

I always love to hear what you think about the topics we explore, so if you’d like to talk to me and support the podcast come on over to - I can’t wait to meet you!
43 Episodes
What if you could demonstrate your skills and learning through projects you're passionate about instead of classes? Learnlife was born from a deep desire to free learning from the constrains of the standard classroom. Devin and his co-founders visited and researched 100 different schools across the globe and picked out what works and why to turn it into the first Learnlife hub in Barcelona. Now with multiple hubs and training delivered to teachers across the globe, Learnlife wants to spread the word that the future of education will not be taught - the future will guide, facilitate and help learners follow their own passions. In this episode, we are privileged to get to meet and talk with Devin and three of the learners at the hub, Sol, Lorenzo and Pep. We hear all about how the hub runs day-to-day, what the learners are working on and why it is such a different experience to a standard curriculum-based school. Check out Devin's new book, The Future Will Not Be Taught. Find out more about the Learnlife hubs and training. Follow Pep's plastic recycling project on Insta. Get inspired!   I'd love to hear from you, get in touch :) X (Twitter): @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Facebook: alexoneill17 Instagram: alexoneill_limitless Website:  The music in this episode is Indestructible by Noah Smith The episode was edited together by Ali Walker Audio
Are we looking at behaviour management the wrong way? Behaviour management is a topic all to itself when it comes to teaching, but what if we're looking at it the wrong way? Managing behaviour in a classroom often centres around rewards and punishments, from sticker charts and rainclouds for young children, to exclusion rooms and detentions for seniors, all of which can be short-lived and hard to implement. Joel Shaljean is a therapeutic trainer in Essex and worked as a deputy head in a special school for a number of years. In this episode, he shares his knowledge about seeing behaviour as a result of underlying thoughts, feelings and experiences and instilling pro-social skills in young people. Behaviour management policies in schools can have unintended negative consequences and Joel shows us an alternative way to consider how we can look after our young people in the school environment (and at home). If you'd like to get in touch with Joel find him on LinkedIn. Enjoy today's episode!   I'd love to hear from you, get in touch :) X (Twitter): @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Facebook: alexoneill17 Instagram: alexoneill_limitless Website:  The music in this episode is Indestructible by Noah Smith The episode was edited together by Ali Walker Audio
Education in the UK is "a system that is deeply unhealthy in many ways" Dr. James Mannion started his career as a teacher to change the way education was embodied in schools. However, he realised that the system was so outdated and broken that the teaching workload made it extremely hard to enact any real widespread change. So he launched Rethinking Education, an organisation that supports schools through change initiatives, challenges the status quo on a podcast, and brings education reformers together through online forums and real-life conferences. In this episode, we cover why the way the school system is set up currently just doesn't work to create healthy, lifelong learners, why fear is a problem, and we dive into "Implementation Science" which looks at how schools (and other organisations) can create change that lasts. Rethinking Education website James' website James on X (Twitter) Get inspired and enjoy!   I'd love to hear from you, get in touch :) X (Twitter): @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Facebook: alexoneill17 Instagram: alexoneill_limitless Website:  The music in this episode is Indestructible by Noah Smith The episode was edited together by Ali Walker Audio
When your child tells you they would rather be dead than be in school, it would make any parent take action. Peter Hartkamp and his wife did just that - by taking their daughter out of mainstream education and setting up their own school in The Netherlands. After some failed attempts at circumventing the education system there, they now run the successful Sudbury School in Amersfoort and this interview is all about the school and why Peter kept pushing the government in The Netherlands to allow him to create this change for his daughter and the many other children who now attend the school. For more info on the school, check out their website: Sudbury School Amersfoort Peter's book "Beyond Coercive Education" is available in various places - check it out if you would like to hear more about his thoughts on children's rights. Enjoy!   I'd love to hear from you, get in touch with me :) Twitter: @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Facebook: alexoneill17 Website:  The music in this episode is Indestructible by Noah Smith
There's a different way to educate our young people, and Dr Ian Cunningham shows us what that is. Ian is a professor, author, and educator who founded the Self Managed Learning College in Brighton. His work spans many years and the College is a demonstration of how children can find their own path in their learning without the pressure of standardised tests or a set curriculum to motivate them. In this interview, Ian goes into detail about how the College came to be, how it runs each day, and his view of a beautiful educational future. Check out the Self Managed Learning College Donate to the College to support disadvantaged young people  It sounds like such a cool place to learn! ----------------------------- How to set up a learning community If you think you'd be up for setting up something like the Self Managed Learning College in your local area, come and get some expert advice on Tuesday 4th July from Sophie Christophy, co-founder of the consent-based, self-directed learning communities the Cabin and the Lodge. You will have plenty of chances to ask questions and hear about her real lived experience of creating a free learning space.   Book now!   I'd love to hear from you, get in touch with me :) Twitter: @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Facebook: alexoneill17 Website:  The music in this episode is Indestructible by Noah Smith
If you've ever thought there was something about school that just didn't sit right with you, Dr. Naomi Fisher will probably be able to articulate why that is. She is a clinical psychologist and author and has worked with children and adults who have struggled with or fallen out of the education system for many years. She has seen the challenges young people struggle with at school and advocates for society to look at whether it might be the system itself that needs to change instead of the individuals within it. Naomi has written two books: Changing Our Minds I have read and would HIGHLY recommend and is on Kindle for 99p throughout June, and her new book, A Different Way to Learn, is just about to be released on the 21st of June. As a listener of the Limitless podcast, you can grab a copy of it from the Jessica Kingsley website for 20% off using the code NFISHER20. Get Changing Our Minds from Kindle Get A Different Way to Learn from Jessica Kingsley If you want to hear more from Naomi you can find her in the following places: Substack blog Website Twitter Facebook Enjoy the episode and get inspired!   I'd love to hear from you, get in touch with me :) Twitter: @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Facebook: alexoneill17 Website:  The music in this episode is Indestructible by Noah Smith
When was the last time you felt truly capable of changing the world? Series 4 of the Limitless podcast brings you inspiration on how to start a revolution in education. Maybe you're a parent, a teacher, a student, or a passionate advocate of bringing about change to the way we deliver education in this country. Maybe you feel stuck and frustrated at the way of things and want ideas on how you can make a difference. Maybe you feel alone in your ideas and want to hear what other people have to say. Join us for a delve into the world of education - and let's start a revolution, together! Get in touch Twitter: @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Email:  The music in this episode is In A World by Tiger Gang
We've reached the very last episode of series 3 and today I tell you about my purpose, why I keep going, and what drives me to create the podcast each week. I'll be taking a break over the summer so it's a farewell from the podcast for now, but I'd love to meet all of you so come on over to my social channels to say hi, or join my Patreon community to be the first to hear about new things that are happening. What a fab series it has been. Thank you to everyone who listens. Share and review if you want to spread the love, and I'll speak to you all in the Autumn! Get in touch Twitter: @alexoneill LinkedIn: alexoneill17 Email:  Support the podcast   The great selection of music in this episode is the following, in order of appearance: Step Up by Avocado Junkie Limitless by Grant Borland The Turning of the Tide by JCar Reflection by Moments Something Different by Reveille Limitless by Grant Borland (again!) Nocturnal (Orchestral Version) by Stephen Keech
Who is best to deliver training to educators about neurodiversity?  Neurodivergent people of course! Catrina Lowri founded her organisation, Neuroteachers, to improve the lives of children who struggle with school attendance due to autism, ADHD, and many other neurodiversities. She herself has dyslexia and bipolar, both of which have created challenges for her throughout her life, but have inspired her work to bring autistic people into her organisation to deliver autism training to educators in the UK. Check out how Catrina is championing neurodiversity in today's episode! Find out more about Catrina and Neuroteachers here: Neuroteachers website LinkedIn Twitter Neurodivergent Teachers Network on Facebook   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
You may have noticed there was a break of a few weeks during this series... a necessary one for me, as I became extremely overwhelmed with life and recognised I needed to put the brakes on a few things. In this episode, I talk about spotting overwhelm and burnout, and learning how to take a break when you need one (top tip: if you feel like you've got way too much on and are feeling stressed about it, you need a break!) Time to chill out peeps! Alex   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
What do children need to get through the direst situations such as ill-health, poverty, or displacement? PLAY! Ash Perrin started The Flying Seagull Project 15 years ago to bring joy and laughter to children who wouldn't get a normal childhood and is changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people around the world. In this interview, we discuss the importance of play for children's development (and adults too) and how Ash turned something he enjoyed into a life-saving mission. To follow the Flying Seagull Project, check them out here: Website Twitter Instagram Play research in collaboration with the University of Birmingham Enjoy this awesome episode!   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
So, I had a realisation last week that I've been defining success in the wrong way... what if I rewrote it? What if success was not what I've always thought it should be? The "Create time to make your dreams possible" workshop is running 2 - 4pm BST next Thursday 19th May. Book in now!   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
"It's not that you have to gain enough confidence to start speaking up, you gain the confidence by speaking up" Wise words that come from this week's episode with Aditi Banerjee, who is a young spoken word poet and climate activist! In her interview, we discuss how she has built a community of like-minded people where she shares her poetry and works with others to save the planet and her unusual education experience throughout lockdown. If you'd like to get in touch with her you can do so here: Aditi's LinkedIn profile Save Our World YouTube Channel Enjoy the episode!   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
Have you ever been kicking ass with a really good habit and then something just completely throws you off? Then you feel like you've failed and you kinda give up... yeah that. Well, I've been totally thrown off my normal routine recently, so this episode is about getting re-started. I also go into my fear about asking for money and announce how I'm going to tackle it - a workshop you are all invited to! If you want to Create Time for yourself and the impact you want to make in your life, come along to my workshop, 2 - 4pm on Thursday 19th May. You'll get clear on what you want to create time for and where the time will come from. Book in now! Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
Don't you just love the passion and ideas that come from kids? In this episode, we are talking to my daughter Phoebe, who is obsessed with animals and very silly! She tells us about her dreams for the future, how she would change the world, and her proudest achievement. Don't forget to check out the fantastic Rocket Career Coaching online course, available right here!   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie  
Sometimes, life throws you into a spin, and this episode is all about how to ride that rollercoaster. In the last few weeks, my brain has sent me off into a land of anxiety and overwhelm, so this is an episode exploring some of the tools I've used to ride it out until I felt better. Sometimes, there's no magic cure to a bad patch, but there are ways to stop it from becoming super destructive in your life. Enjoy this super personal episode :)   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
Getting started is sometimes one of the hardest things you can do, but once you've started something, and proved to yourself you can keep going, the rewards are SO GREAT! In this week's interview, I am chatting to Robbie Swale who is a coach, author, and blogger, and we talk about creativity, confidence, and of course getting started on that thing that you just NEED to do. Check it out! Robbie's website:    Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Ask about coaching:  Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
A personal episode this week, where I talk about creating the life you want, the power of rest, fostering creativity, and being in control of your emotions and reactions. Plus an update on my business progress, including a celebratory landmark for the Limitless Podcast! Happy days! Enjoy my friends :)   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie
Ever thought about being a campaigner? My first guest interview of the series is with Ellie Costello, director of Square Peg and a passionate and driven human being. She campaigns for policy change in education so that those square peg children who don't fit in the round holes of the one-size-fits-all system can still thrive. We talk about co-producing policies with those who are affected by them, having difficult conversations, and the hope Ellie sees for the future of wellbeing in education. Check out some of the groups we mention in the interview below and enjoy the episode! Square Peg @teamsquarepeg on Twitter Progressive Education Progressive Education Group on Facebook Not Fine In School SEND National Crisis  The Recovery Curriculum  Rethinking Education   Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie  
It's so good to be back! For the first episode of series 3, I'll be introducing you to the start of my journey, how I got to where I am now, and how it's all going. Throughout this series, you'll get an insider view of what's going on whilst I build my Limitless business, the good, the bad, and the ugly! Enjoy, and share my journey towards changing the world :) Support the podcast: Join the community: Chat to me: Music is Step Up, courtesy of Avocado Junkie