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MSG of Hope

Author: MSG of Hope

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We want to be your non-judgmental online friend to help you get through your week with content shared on our podcast on subjects of the Holy Bible, life's experiences, and struggles. Our desire is for you to know you are not alone in your challenges because others have perhaps felt, done, or thought the same thing and offer you encouragement that may help you to move forward and past it with the content we share.
50 Episodes
Peters Vision - #53

Peters Vision - #53


Send us a text Today we are reading from Acts Chapter 10 and part of Chapter 11. This reading is about Peters vision while in a trance like state where he saw something resembling a sheet being lowered from the sky with a variety of animals on it. Previously, I had not understood the meaning of this vision for myself. I had been taught it meant that Yehovah GOD changed his previous dietary directives for mankind and we could now eat whatever meat we wanted. After examini...
Send us a text Today we are talking about taking our mask off. I'm not referring to the mask we began wearing in 2020. The mask I'm speaking of is the mask we have hid behind for years, the mask of pridefulness. This mask is how we portray ourselves to others as the person we want them to "think" we are, not the person we truly are. Scripture References 1 John 1:8 John 8:31-32 2 Chronicles 7:14 Romans 3:10 James 5:16 1 Corinthians 13 Ephesians 6 John 3:16-21 Matthew 16 Revelation 21 Our po...
Send us a text Today we are studying Genesis Chapter 6 and discussing what brought Yehovah (God) to the point of destroying everything and everyone on earth except for one family and two of each kind of animals. Scripture References Genesis 6:1-22 Romans 8:13-16 Philippians 2:12-15 1 John 3:1-2 Genesis 4:25-26 Jude 1:11-19 1 Peter 3:1-7 James 1:12-16 Galatians 6:1-10 Psalms 37:4-6 Jonah 2:1-10 Our podcast is also available on most podcast player apps. Support the show https://www.facebook.c...
Send us a text I am on a journey to find out for myself what GODS word says. Actually read it for myself, to study, and do my best to understand and to live according to what Yehovah instructs me through it. If others want to study along with me, thats great! I share what I believe to be truths with you from studying I have previously done however, be aware as I continue to study throughout my life, it's possible my understanding of any scripture may change over time because GOD's word is li...
Send us a text I am on a journey to find out for myself what GODS word says. Actually read it for myself, to study, and do my best to understand and to live according to what Yehovah instructs me through it. If others want to study along with me, thats great! I share what I believe to be truths with you from studying I have previously done however, be aware as I continue to study throughout my life, it's possible my understanding of any scripture may change over time because GOD's word is li...
Send us a text I am on a journey to find out for myself what GODS word says. Actually read it for myself, to study, and do my best to understand and to live according to what Yehovah instructs me through it. If others want to study along with me, thats great! I share what I believe to be truths with you from studying I have previously done however, be aware as I continue to study throughout my life, it's possible my understanding of any scripture may change over time because GOD's word is li...
Send us a text I am not a scholar, not a teacher, just someone who is studying The Holy Bible to know and better understand what it says because I realized I was believing a lot of things just because it was a tradition I had been taught, and honestly I had no idea "WHY"?! I share what I believe to be truths with you from studying I have previously done however, be aware as I continue to study throughout my life, it's possible my understanding of any scripture may change over time becau...
Send us a text I am not a scholar, not a teacher, just someone who is studying The Holy Bible to know and better understand what it says because I realized I was believing a lot of things just because it was a tradition I had been taught, and honestly I had no idea "WHY"! I share what I believe to be truths with you from studying I have previously done however, be aware as I continue to study throughout my life, it's possible my understanding of any scripture may change over time becaus...
Send us a textI share some of my thoughts I had while reading some Bible scriptures and how they helped me to re-focus on what was most important to me.Support the show
Send us a text I am used to getting what I want when I want it. I have lived life assuming everything I need or want will be available to me on a whim. That, every day I'm given life will be the same as the day before it. However, we all NOW know how quickly and unexpectedly our complete world can change. For goodness sake the thing I thought the least about in my wants and needs prior to this time, was toilet paper!, but now it too, has become a precious and rarely found commodity! Ano...
Send us a text Surely others must ask themselves this question and like me, desperately seek to have some assurance on the most important part of life which is our death, because life is short but eternity is forever! I was raised attending and being actively involved in church my whole life. I feel I have tried to be a good person each day of my life by treating others the way I would want to be treated, by helping others when I have the resources available, attending church, and just genera...
Send us a text Because I love to eat (and you can tell that if you looked at me) I want to talk to you about food. So if you will allow me, I will start at the beginning. I'm not sure exactly how I came to think like I do now about food and food insecurities. In my adult life and spending a few years as a single mother of three we definitely had times that there was little food to choose from and no money to obtain any. I thank GOD for other people who had somehow understood that we might ne...
Send us a textToday I want to talk about grace.I found some vitally important scriptures (in my opinion) that we should all take time to think about and use them to apply in our lives so that when we stand before our GOD (Yehovah is his actual name) to answer for how we lived our lives, we won't be condemned to the eternal fires of hell.So let's do this.Support the show
Send us a text Do you hold any grudge against yourself or someone else? Merriam Webster Definition: Grudge: to give, do, or allow (something) in a reluctant or unwilling way: to dislike or feel angry toward (someone) for something. I tend to internalize and beat myself up for things I've done that are wrong or mistakes I have made, or in areas where I failed at something. I was trying really hard to do well, but sometimes I carry the guilt, shame, and disappointment around with me like a sch...
Send us a text Today I want to talk about something that has happened to me many times and maybe it has to you as well. Have you ever eagerly set out to meet a friend and you genuinely want to find out what's going on with them since you saw them last because you have missed their company, but you also have a desire to have that rendered back to you and them show a genuine interest in you and what you have been up to and get their input or advice in your life because you respect their opinion...
Send us a text Today I want to talk about how important it is to choose the right friends. The people we choose to hang out with. In times past I have spent way too much time caring what other people thought of me and have been guilty of choosing friends by the way they made me feel or because I thought they were cool or they were popular and I had a lot of friends. I sought attention and self-worth from what others thought of me so much so, that at times I did or said things I wouldn't norma...
Send us a text I woke up very early this Saturday morning. I felt as though I needed to spend time alone with GOD, like he wanted to tell me something or for me to do something. It started yesterday morning actually. I had prayed that GOD would use me that day to do something meaningful for him. I started the day strong working on a variety of things I had on my to do list for this podcast outreach. But last night as I was about to fall asleep I realized I had gotten majorly distracted ...
Send us a textHave you ever done things for the church or for other people to impress them, so they would see you as a “good person”?I want to talk about something critically important to everyone on the face of the earth (in my opinion) and I will explain as I share.Support the show
Send us a textToday I want to share a story from my childhood that I remembered today.It is about a time when I chose to let jealousy consume me and in turn it caused me to respond in negative ways as I allowed my emotions to rationalize and dictate to me that she deserved being beat up. It's a story I am not proud of, but one that needs to be told.Support the show
Send us a text Do you ever feel like you are a fly on the wall? Like your observing what's going on in a room but you don't really belong there? So many times I feel like I don't understand anything or any body in this world today. I feel like I am an alien here on this earth, that I don't really fit in, and at times can feel utterly alone in a room full of people even while engaging in activities and laughter. Let's consider some scriptures to help us to possibly understand why we may...