Maryz Talk

Two cousins both named Mary, create a space of healing through experience. Connecting with like minded listeners and healing with intention. We would like to offer our listeners the opportunity to shift their thought process and expand their consciousness into a way that will ultimately serve their life. We hope that our listeners will engage in various perspectives of how we have personally dealt with real life issues.

How To Save Ourselves

Are having good days and bad days a good thing? Mary and Mary share how we can identify the health of our mental and emotional state, through their experiences. Thoughts are frequent, and they hold an abundance of power! Pay attention, and see what you can uncover! 


The Interview

We kept it light this week with a little 'interview' on eachother filled with laughs. We each prepared 5 random questions without sharing with the other, answering authentically. Learn more about about us, and perhaps think what your answer would be! Happy Holidays to all of our listeners!


Healing With Our Listeners

We have a very special guest in this episode, Suzie who is a frequent listener, and a great friend. Suzie has been on her discovery journey since birth. She shares with us what it was like leaving Poland at 18, and coming to Canada where we were brought together. She has been exploring many modalities and shares with us her experience through healing and really learning how the mind, body, and spirit are all connected!


Masculine and Feminine Energy

We are all made up of masculine and feminine energy, but are we aware of what this means? We're learning too! We thought bringing awareness to these parts of us, can open up our perspective in a new way! Take a look at some of the resources we are referring to;


Connecting With The Body

The body plays a major role in the evolution of our healing journey. Through our experiences, we have discovered a few different paths of connecting with the body, and we share how we navigate through them regularly. We really focus on the mind, body, and spirit, as everything is connected and work simultaneously in sequence with one another!


It's Never Too Late

Our path to learning is never ending, it is a constant revolving movement that connects us closer to our truth. Throughout our paths, we have been down so many rabbit holes that have added to our filing cabinet of knowledge. In this episode we share a few perspectives that have showed up on our paths with no coincidence. We discuss Krishnamurti (which Rob Preuss brought to our attention in the previous episode), Wim Hof. As well as details on the diaphragm breath. Tons of resources to send our listeners on their own rabbit hole to your own truth!Check out Krishnamurti on Youtube; Out Our Video Tutorial of Diaphragm Breath;


Remaining Curious With Rob Preuss

This week on Maryz Talk, we have a very special returning guest joining us, Rob Preuss. Rob is an artist/musician who membered in familiar bands such as "Spoons" and "Honeymoon Suite" from such a young age. He also starred in the Broadway show "Mamma Mia" for 14 years, where he spent a large part of his career. Rob gives us the opportunity to ask questions, and be curious together. He shares his experience, and a vast number of resources that have guided him down his continuous path of learning. We are so thrilled to share his beautiful energy with our community!


We All Have Our Truth, And That Is The Truth - Part 2

Consciousness is a topic that is vastly growing in our collective awareness. Mary & Mary dive into their discoveries throughout the process of finding their truth. What living a conscious life looks like with addictions, belief systems and how to make a small steps that can make the biggest difference.


We All Have Our Truth, And That Is The Truth

Curious questions are always a gateway to new discoveries. That is how we like to do it on Maryz Talk! New ways of experiencing the human cycle and understanding what your truth means to you. Is there a right or wrong answer? Well... we unravel some of the biggest questions known to man, and unfold some of our own truths along the way!


Evolving Through The Loss Of A Loved One

Mary Poulos uses this opportunity to reflect on the passing of her father in memory of his 6 year anniversary being out of his body. When the passing of a loved one happens, over time without them, it changes. Mary shares in great detail how every year it looks different for her, however the body is keeping score, and it always remembers. We are constantly evolving as people, and as time goes on, we have new opportunities to learn and reflect on what might still be painful for us. It was so hard for Mary to get to the point of acknowledging that it is okay to be sad, and to miss him. Let yourself feel what you need to feel, we deserve that validation! In Loving Memory Of Peter Poulos, AKA Dad. xoxox


The Journey Of Transition

We are humbled to introduce to our listeners Rob Preuss who is a musician/composer. He has been in some of our personal favourite bands like the Spoons and Honeymoon Suite. In this episode we welcome back Robert Hurst to share an update about himself since his last visit on Maryz Talk.  We talk about the good the bad and the ugly parts about transitioning as Robert and Rob haven’t connected since the good old days. “It’s an emotional rollercoaster” says Robert Hurst as he shares the drastic turn his journey has taken. 


Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

Join us as we discuss various tipz and tools on how to achieve more joy and less stress from a mindset that allows you to live your best life! Sharing some practices and a step by step process that creates enough momentum to start seeing results. No goal is unachievable, you just need curiosity and the will to not settle for anything less than what you deserve. ~You got this.


Healing Wrong- Is There Such Thing?

The rumor is true, we can be our own worst enemy. Sometimes we doubt ourselves, and wonder if we're on the "right path" or if we are making a "mistake". In this episode Mary and Mary share their perspective of every part of our healing path being the "right path". Trust in yourself, and trust that when it comes to healing, there really is no "wrong" way. Mary Poulos shares how going down a path that she may have considered 'wrong' in the past, is what allowed her to become who she is today. Mary Marchand shares some valuable tipz on moving forward with these thoughts. Every piece of our journey is meant for us, even if it might not seem so obvious in the moment!


Let'z Talk Anxiety

Mary Poulos uses this opportunity to normalize the feeling of anxiety. Mary believes anxiety is an emotion that all humans have the ability to feel. She shares her experience dealing with the feeling, how she personally brought awareness to it, and how she continues to move through it. Mary also shares some signs that anxiety might be present, some things that can be making the feeling worse, as well as some useful tipz! Even with anxiety present, you are in control, live within your power!


Look Forward, Move Ahead With Robert Hurst

We are so excited to share this inspiring story of Robert Hurst, who has had a challenging few years, and is using this as an opportunity to look forward, and move ahead! Robert was diagnosed with cancer in 2017, when a dental operation had taken a difficult turn. Robert has since removed the cancer, and has decided to inspire others by cycling across Canada this August. Starting the 1st in Vancouver, BC and finishing off on the 31st in Halifax, NS. Robert shares what this journey has been like for him, how he remains positive, and really has such an inspiring perspective on moving forward. You can find Robert on Instagram @ 'cycle_2_heal'. Follow along for the journey!


Yoga - Find What Works For You!

Yoga is not for everyone, and we get it! However for those who are intrigued to try a class, but don't know where to start, we have got you covered! Mary Poulos goes over the most common yoga classes you can find at your local studio, or even online! Ranging from slow, long held, deep release options - to a very fast paced, workout style class. Yoga creates a space for the mind, body and spirit to be aligned in one place, at the same time! Perhaps yoga hasn't been for you in the past, or maybe you landed in the wrong class! Learn over 5 styles of yoga with Mary and her perspectives on each practice. 


Get To Know Mary Marchand - Season Finale

It has been another full season filled with inspiring guests, open vulnerability, and we have collectively grown as a community! Mary Poulos thought it would be fun to conclude the season asking Mary Marchand some questions that she was personally curious about, and it leads to a really introspective conversation about life. Imagine a world where no one needed to have the answer to our existence? Mary Marchand shares a perspective that shifted reality for a lifetime. We love what we do, we love sharing our experiences, and most of all, we love our community! See you all in season 3!


Let'z Talk DMT

Plant medicine is rising to the surface, and is becoming a pretty hot topic! Mary Poulos shares her experiences with plant medicine, from DMT experiences, to micro-dosing psilocybin. Mary Marchand Poulos asks further questions on the experiences, and uncovers the similarities in peoples experiences. We are not professionals, we are simply two cousins named Mary, that love learning and sharing our experiences! 


Spiritual Awakening- Part 2

Mary Poulos is back this week to continue the conversation! We take away the word "spiritual" to be able to really dissect the "awakening" part. Mary Poulos shares how her experiences are working in building blocks towards bringing awareness to herself. Forgiveness, acceptance, zooming in or out, we go over all different stages and tools that allowed us to move forward through the dark times, and how it can lead to an awakened state! 


Spiritual Awakening- Part 1

Mary Marchand Poulos opens up this two part conversation in this weeks episode diving into spiritual awakenings. People want to know, how do you know if you are experiencing an awakening? Mary dives into signs, messages, and pain. Tune in this week and follow up next episode to connect with Mary Poulos!


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