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Meditation Changes Everything
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Meditation Changes Everything

Author: Craig Hamilton

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We’ve all heard that meditation is good for us — studies show that it reduces stress, improves concentration and makes us more resilient to life’s challenges. But what if these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg? What if meditation could actually change everything

Pioneering meditation teacher Craig Hamilton has been practicing meditation for 40 years and teaching it over the past two decades to students in more than 90 countries. In this podcast, Craig reveals how this powerful, ancient practice can transform every aspect of human life. He shares key insights from his personal practice as well as on-the-ground research at the leading edge of spiritual practice and inquiry. As a listener, you’ll discover a mix of in-depth talks from Craig on key aspects of meditation, his responses to common questions from students and guided meditations, so you can experience a variety of meditation practices for yourself. 

If you appreciate what you hear in the podcast, Craig invites you to download his free ebook, Unlocking the Power of Meditation, to learn about the five common mistakes most of us make in meditation and how you can avoid them. Download your free ebook at

19 Episodes
A Mind Like Water

A Mind Like Water


“From one point of view, the only reason our thoughts are a distraction in meditation is that we're interested in those thoughts. We're more interested in thought than we are in what's beyond thought. We're more interested in the mind than in discovering who we are beyond the mind. So, the key to liberating ourselves from the prison of the mind is to become genuinely interested in that which is beyond thought entirely. When we fall in love with the unknown, the mystery of awakening will overt...
“When we let go of our attachment to the separate self, we can begin to discover who and what we really are, which is so much bigger, so much deeper, so much more extraordinary than we could have imagined. At that point, a much larger, more meaningful life begins to unfold through us that’s no longer a personal journey of accumulation and achievement. It’s an experience of flowing with and participating in something grand. We discover that we are a fluid, dynamic piece of this much greater un...
“Meditation isn’t something we generate. It’s not something we make happen. It’s something we make room for. It’s something we open to. When you really get this, meditation will be the easiest thing you’ve ever done.” —Craig HamiltonWelcome to our latest podcast episode, "Four Portals to Enlightenment: A Guided Meditation Workshop." In this transformative practice session, Craig explores four meditation techniques—true gateways to awakened awareness—that he teaches in his courses.We recommend...
“Spiritual awakening is a force that turns our world upside down. It reveals to us that everything we thought we knew, and every way we thought things worked, and what we thought was important was in fact a construction of our culture and our mind. It shows us that there is so much more to this existence than we ever imagined. So perhaps the most important quality that we can bring to spiritual practice is a profound humility–which is an openness to the unknown.” —Craig HamiltonWelcome to Epi...
“Meditation offers us a rare opportunity to practice having an open heart in a truly safe environment where there's nothing we need to protect ourselves from. In meditation, we can practice letting down our guard, allowing ourselves to feel life fully and completely in each moment. This opens the door to deep and profound experiences that were previously inaccessible to us.” —Craig HamiltonWelcome to Episode 12 of our podcast series! In this episode, Craig takes us on a journey into the depth...
“As people awaken, they become ambassadors for good. For an evolved morality that cares infinitely, and burns with a deep love for the greater good. Inherent in that care is an impulse toward oneness, unity, and wholeness. It feels like nothing is separate from me. I'm not separate from this whole. I care about the whole thing equally. That's how it manifests.” —Craig Hamilton In this episode, Craig explores one of the truly great mysteries of awakening—the profound truth of non-duality, or a...
“Anybody who aspires to awaken to their true nature must be willing to let go of everything that provides them with security, certainty, and familiarity . It doesn’t mean it all goes away. We just have to let it go. We have to let go of our grasping onto anything at all. And that requires a passionate drive to awaken. We have to really want it.” —Craig Hamilton This episode is the first in a 3-part series where Craig explores what it means to anchor your practice in a set of foundational pill...
“Spiritual awakening or enlightenment is about the discovery that we don't just have a human nature and an animal nature. We have a supernature. Which means there's another dimension of who and what we are that is a spiritual essence, a super essence.” —Craig HamiltonIn this episode, Craig explores what may be meditation’s greatest promise: the remarkable discovery of our superhuman nature. We’re all familiar with the idea of human nature. It governs our behavior as individuals and as a speci...
“Spiritual equanimity is not about feeling content with the world, it’s about being content no matter what you’re feeling. It’s about being at ease whether you feel easeful or not. And we all have access to this. It’s part of our true nature.” —Craig HamiltonNearly all of us aspire to be more centered and grounded, especially when the strong winds of chaos or crisis threaten to pull us off track.On the spiritual path, this quality is often referred to as equanimity. When we learn how to acces...
“As we get deeper into it, we begin to realize that the real benefits of meditation ultimately transcend any of our personal wants, needs, and desires and we’re really awakening and evolving as part of a greater process that's happening in consciousness and in life and in the cosmos. The real benefits are for the whole.” –Craig Hamilton For many of us, the desire for inner peace, greater wisdom or spiritual enlightenment is what called us onto the spiritual path. However, meditation teachers ...
“Spirituality is no longer about leaving the world. It's about letting go of the world inwardly so we can become a spiritual revolutionary in the world. So we can bring forth a revolution of the human spirit and become an evolutionary actor.” –Craig Hamilton Letting go of our attachments can free us to do the right things for the right reasons. But it doesn’t stop there — there's a bigger reason to let go! Ultimately, we let go to become available to a source beyond our personal wants. As Cra...
“When you’re awake to your true nature…there’s a fundamental satisfaction that’s untouched by anything that happens. It doesn’t stop you from being an evolutionary force in the world — quite the opposite. It can make you quite the evolutionary revolutionary but all from a place of profound contentment with what is.” There are hundreds — possibly thousands — of different kinds of spiritual experiences. They can be wonderful and transformational, and propel us on the spiritual path. Spiritual a...
“The main event of a human life is the fact of awareness, and yet we almost never notice its existence. We’re always focused on things that arise within awareness. But something extraordinary happens to us when we learn to bring our attention to the seat of awareness itself.” At the heart of meditation lies the mystery of our own awareness. When we allow our attention to release its fixation on the outer world of objects, we begin to become aware of the vast expanse of awareness itself. In th...
“Meditation is not about having a profound experience every time you practice. It’s about consistency and openness to possibility. It invites an ongoing revelation that arises mysteriously until it ultimately overtakes us with its power.” – Craig Hamilton Spiritual practice offers us various gateways through which we can directly experience the profound freedom of awakened consciousness. In this episode, Craig leads us through a series of “meditation experiments” that guide us beyond th...
“You don’t need to have a quiet mind to meditate. In fact, having a quiet mind really limits the potential of your meditation because meditation isn’t about just sitting in a still, calm, empty place. It’s a path for gaining insight into the nature of the mind — insight into the nature of reality.” – Craig Hamilton In this episode, Craig explores what it really means to be “free from the mind” in meditation. You’re probably familiar with the idea that meditation is about going beyond th...
“Meditation contains the seeds of a revolution that can transform every aspect of our lives, and ultimately all life on Earth.” – Craig Hamilton Can meditation really change everything? It’s a big claim — and in our inaugural podcast episode, Craig invites us on a journey into this possibility. He guides us beyond meditation’s many practical, emotional, cognitive, and relational benefits to the “supercapacities” of awakened consciousness that can serve us and our world. What...
“Meditation is not about having a profound experience every time you practice. It’s about consistency and openness to possibility. It invites an ongoing revelation that arises mysteriously until it ultimately overtakes us with its power.”Spiritual practice offers us various gateways through which we can directly experience the profound freedom of awakened consciousness. In this episode, Craig leads us through a series of “meditation experiments” that guide us beyond the mind’s obstructions into this remarkably accessible experience of inner freedom. He then shares how meditation practice allows us to access and express awakened consciousness more consistently in our daily lives.In this episode, we’re offering something experiential. As Craig leads us through several inquiries and periods of guided meditation, he encourages us to notice that meditation is actually always already happening. In any moment, we can recognize that nothing is ultimately missing and that nothing needs to be known by the mind for us to access the freedom of our true nature. Please don’t attempt to listen to this episode while driving or doing anything else that requires your attention. To get the full benefit of the guided meditations, we encourage you to listen when you are in a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. To access the full transcript of this episode and more resources, visit the episode page on If you’re interested to explore more of Craig’s meditation experiments, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at
“You don’t need to have a quiet mind to meditate. In fact, having a quiet mind really limits the potential of your meditation because meditation isn’t about just sitting in a still, calm, empty place. It’s a path for gaining insight into the nature of the mind — insight into the nature of reality.”In this episode, Craig explores what it really means to be “free from the mind” in meditation. You’re probably familiar with the idea that meditation is about going beyond the mind, but how do we actually do this? And why does it often seem so difficult?Craig shares three perspectives on one of of the most common confusions people encounter when starting a meditation practice—the misconception that the goal in meditation is to have a quiet mind.  Craig confronts us with the fact that the only reason we find it hard to let go of the mind is that we’re interested in what the mind is telling us. What if we became even more interested in what lies beyond the mind?To access the full transcript of this episode and more resources, visit the episode page on Craig’s website. For a deeper experience of Craig’s approach to meditation, consider joining our Awakened Life membership program which offers in-depth guidance, a meditation workshop, and a live online retreat with Craig. Register today to receive your first month for 50% off at
“Meditation contains the seeds of a revolution that can transform every aspect of our lives, and ultimately all life on Earth.”Can meditation really change everything? It’s a big claim — and in our inaugural podcast episode, Craig invites us on a journey into this possibility. He guides us beyond meditation’s many practical, emotional, cognitive, and relational benefits to the “supercapacities” of awakened consciousness that can serve us and our world.What happens when we shift our relationship to meditation itself — from seeing it as a practice for health and wellbeing to a daily doorway into spiritual awakening? What changes in our lives when we begin living from the depths of our true nature, in touch with the inherent meaning of life and connected to our highest virtues?In this episode, you’ll hear about some of the extraordinary capabilities that start to emerge when we awaken. You may also sense how our actions in the world can become exponentially more significant than they were prior to the emergence of awakened consciousness within us. Craig also explores why meditation is one of the most potent practices we have to catalyze spiritual awakening and how it offers us an opportunity to give all of our attention to practicing being awake.To access the full transcript of this episode and more resources, visit the episode page on our website here. For a deeper experience of Craig’s approach to meditation, consider joining our Awakened Life membership program. Each month, you’ll receive four guided meditations, a meditation workshop, and a live online retreat with Craig. Register today to receive your first month for 50% off at