Time = 19:46. Use this longest version of Embrace Effortlessness & Ease whenever you can to further develop the habit of effortlessness. There is more silence throughout the meditation allowing you to go deeper and become more self-sufficient.
Time = 10:00. This second of a series of 3 meditations, is a longer version which will allow you to go deeper into the experience of effortlessness and ease and develop a habit of effortlessness in meditation.
Time = 10:11. Use this meditation to relieve stress, especially when it is affecting your stomach or bowels. So many of us feel the effects of stress in our gut. Any of our guided meditations can help reduce stress, but this latest podcast episode goes straight to the belly. It’s designed to direct relaxation and relief to where it’s most needed.
Time = 9:22. In this time of anxiety and stress, our Self-Soothing for Coronavirus Pandemic guided meditation can help you learn to soothe yourself. In this time of social isolation, it can help you learn to be your own best friend. The meditation gently guides you to hold your feelings and yourself with tenderness and compassion.
First of a series of 3 meditations. The essence of meditation is effortlessness. This guided meditation is designed to help you experience greater ease in meditation. You will learn to let go of effort when it comes up so that you can flow easily with whatever you experience.
Time = 12:17. Learn to relax when anxious with this simple, soothing meditation. Belly Breathing is an especially relaxing and grounding practice than you can learn and do on your own. Our gift to you from our At Ease — Anxiety & Worry Relief app.
Time = 15:52. Let this simple Autogenic Relaxation technique help you relax. This version does not have words to guide you out of meditation, so it is ideal for relaxing into sleep. Our gift to you from our iSleep Easy app.
Time = 18:04 (4 min of voice guidance with music continuing for 14 more mins) A brief meditation to help you reset and fall back to sleep when you awaken in the middle of the night. Useful when your emotions and thoughts are running wild. Calming and reassuring.
Time = 24:10 Relax completely and release tension from every part of the body. Can be used anytime of day or when you are ready for sleep. Remember relaxation is not something you can "do". It's a letting go of doing. Let this meditation help you to let go.
Time = 17:44 This meditation helps you to be fully present to all of the experiences you have while walking -- what you experience within yourself and in the world around you.
Time = 10:38 (with music) Find a calm and centered place when anxiety has been triggered by a stressful situation.
Time = 20:24 (voice only) Enjoy this beautiful, reflective meditation to find perspective, balance and peace in the midst of change.
Time = 21:42 (voice only) Experience and celebrate life’s gifts and plant the seed of your deepest desire going forward. An opportunity for gratitude and remembering what really matters.
Time = 17:50 — (voice only): Experience stillness in the midst of busyness. Find the quiet, still center in your own awareness.
Time = 20 min (no music) This meditation will be especially helpful when you feel scattered and ungrounded. It will help you relax deeply, becoming centered and calm.
Time = 18:16 (last 5 mins music only) Enjoy this meditation to fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly. (A gift from our iSleep Easy app.)
Time = 8:54 (no music) A reflective meditation inviting relaxation into the changes of life.
Time = 20:19 (no music) Every moment is new and different. Open to the energy of life, allowing it to renew your body, mind and spirit. Use this meditation when you want to feel refreshed.
Time = 19:50 (last 5 mins. music only) Loneliness can be a doorway to deeper connection with yourself and others. Go deep into the feeling of loneliness to find that connection.
Time = 24:52 (last 6 mins. music only) This meditation is designed to help you visualize a healthy body. It focuses on the heart, lungs, circulation and digestion, all of which give the body energy and nourishment for health and healing. Read the Show Comments and Tips for more about this meditation.
Greg Zanchelli
starts 00:37
Greg Zanchelli
begins 1:10
Greg Zanchelli
start 1:14
Greg Zanchelli
begins 1:41
Greg Zanchelli
starts 00:52