Meet At The Bronze

Meg (the Buffy Expert) and Quetina (our Buffy virgin) watch the entire series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We start with a perfectly themed and paired beverage, watch the episode, drink, talk, drink, research, drink, sing, talk, drink. We look into the stories, the characters, the actors, the lore and pretty much anything else that we feel like (we're self-produced and lack self-control or verbal filters). 90's fashion and music? We talk about it. Hotness of characters? We talk WAY too much about it. Irreverent, rarely sober, usually entertaining. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Episode 17: Reptile Boy

In which we get super angry about men, Buffy and Cordelia go to a frat party, Willow lets both Giles and Angel have it and we have THE WORST beverage this show ever featured. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 14: Some Assembly Required

In which we hang out with the Lovely Ladies from Loaded Literature and discuss Gothic literature, Frankenstein, and OF course, lots of Buffy fashion, music and Giles. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 13: When She Was Bad

In which Meg accidentally deleted the first 7-ish minutes of the episode and had to re-record it all by herself, but it's ok, the Corpse Reviver is super delish. Also, in the show Buffy is dealing with the aftermath of you know, dying and all in the season finale. Xander has some great quotes (Quetina still hates him), Cordelia is really funny and there is ANOTHER DANCE (WTH???) --- Support this podcast:


Episode 18: Halloween

In which Lady Q is super into the episode, and Meg accidentally tries to seduce her. They drank Tall Dark Stranger Malbec- a sexy, masculine bottle with some interesting flavors.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode 12: Prophecy Girl

In which we have hit the finale of Season 1 and the episode kinda makes Quetina shook. We opened a bottle of Prophecy Wine Red Blend and get into the end of Buffy's Sophomore year at Sunnydale High. Xander gets up the nerve to tell Buffy how he feels and ask her out- which doesn't exactly go his way. So what does he do? Double down on being an idiot and asks Willow to go to the dance, as friends. Yeah, she doesn't take it so well. Giles manages to translate the Codex and discovers that Buffy is in a prophecy- if she fights the Master, she will die. Unfortunately, as Giles is telling Angel about this, Buffy hears and tries to quit being the Slayer. We get some Miss Calendar, some Angel, we talk about Buffy's super 90's prom dress... it's a full episode for us. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 11: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

In which we have our first guest! Nichole from Unearthly Paranormal Pod joins us to discuss this episode in which a student feels so ignored that she LITERALLY turns invisible (and murderous). We also attempt to figure out WTF is with "May Queen" and Cordelia trying on her gown with her "maids in waiting" at the school- head scratcher. Also, Buffy bumping into Cordelia and spilling all of those medieval weapons and trying to pass it off as research for History (not weird Librarian kink) was a strange moment for the show. Paired, in honor of our May Queen, we enjoyed some Royal Bitch Shiraz, learned a lot about the grape and Chilean shiraz growth- delicious! --- Support this podcast:


Episode 9: The Puppet Show

In which Giles is forced to run the school's talent show, the Scooby Gang is forced to participate in it, we get an incredible Star Trek: DS9 actor crossover (and Meg geeks out over that for at least 2 hours). Also, we meet a dummy who sounds like Jerry Lee Lewis, is he evil? Is he good? MOST importantly, is he actually funny? --- Support this podcast:


Episode 8: I Robot, You Jane

In which Meg has her best pairing EVER! Named after the jazz musician, but sharing the same name as the Monk in the opening sequence, we drank Brother Thelonious from North Coast Brewing. This was a delightfully malty brew with the flavors of dried fruit (raisins, prunes, etc). Beyond the pairing (that Quetina did NOT hate!) we got into Moloch the Conqueror, from the Bible. We also talked about cyber predators (that is some scary ass shit, if we're being totally honest). Then we got into the episode- Willow meets a guy Malcolm online (online for what?) and Buffy is concerned... turns out for a good reason, it's a demon in the internet. Whoopsie! --- Support this podcast:


Episode 7: Angel

In which Quetina just can't even with how sexy Angel is and the tension practically kills her. But we're also joined by friend of the podcast, JR Merrac, who knows more about vampire mythology and lore than any normal human being should... maybe he really is a Watcher? Is that possible? And boy do we get into it- not just the amazing hotness that is the kissing of Buffy and Angel, or even the way that Darla is back and so freakin' horny to kill someone (or multiple people); but also what is a vampire? What are the best ways to kill a vamp? What is the best way to keep a vampire away from you (since an age difference of 200+ years clearly isn't the answer), and we learn about Meg and her love-hate relationship with Twilight. Join us for another episode (yeah, it's a long one, more to love, right?) --- Support this podcast:


Episode 6: The Pack

In which Meg and Quetina learn ALL about Hyenas, cannibalism, Xander's ironic friend-zoning of Willow while being annoyed that he's been friend-zoned by Buffy. Meg learns the meaning of "tea" and "Keke" (or is it "Kiki?) Oh, and if you thought we WOULD NOT talk about a 7 inch pseudo-phallus, it's almost as if you don't know us at all. This is the episode wherein Xander and a group of five other obnoxious high school bullies are possessed by the spirits of hyenas while on their zoo trip. It takes sometime for Willow and Buffy to convince Giles this goes beyond just the fact that high school boys are mean and obnoxious- but his attempted rape of Xander really helped get Giles on board with exploring alternative explanations. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 5: Never Kill A Boy On The First Date

In which Buffy meets Owen, a super hot guy who is completely obsessed with death, Emily Dickinson (and we're just guessing) Scream-o music of the 90's. Unfortunately, meeting Owen, with his "certain Owen-ocity", comes at the same time that The Master is trying to raise The Anointed One, so Buffy's date gets hijacked and moved to the local funeral home- a venue change Owen is WAY too into. So Quetina and I discuss this over Dogfish Head's Namaste wit beer (big win for Meg, Quetina... well, she finished it). We get into poetry, whether Xander is "smashable" and WHAT THE HELL IS THE BRONZE? Seriously, is it a coffee shop? A club? A bar? A brunch place? --- Support this podcast:


Episode 4: Teacher's Pet

In which Xander is pursued by a "ho-ass teacher", we drink grasshopper cocktails (they're from New Orleans, did you know that?) and learn so much about the Praying Mantis and sexual cannibalism- we swear, Buffy has never been more relatable to our every day lives in high school as this exact episode. Join the Watcher's Council for a discussion of episode 4 of Buffy- an episode all about a creepy sexual predator set loose in a high school... AND a giant praying mantis... ;) Xander is totally taken by the new Bio substitute, but not all is at it seems. Will Buffy be able to figure it out and vanquish the evil? Also, side note: Meg and Quetina try to figure out how to use new, much fancier recording equipment (not Meg's phone), Meg's dog Fiona becomes somewhat obsessed with licking said equipment and Meg's husband is once again horrified by the things that we actually DO NOT record. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 2: The Harvest

In which we find out what happened to Jesse, hear some brilliant speeches by Giles, get into the Vamp situation in Sunnydale and so much more! --- Support this podcast:


Episode 3 The Witch

In which Meg and Quetina argue over who was a witch when, high school cheerleading auditions- what should they look like? Oh, and is Xander creepy or cute while exploring a little bit of voodoo- but in a fun, lighthearted, non-murdery kind of way. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 1: Welcome To The Hellmouth

Our inaugural podcast in which we are joined on the Watcher's Council by J.R. Merrac (not his real name) to discuss episode one of the AMAZING show that is BtVS! We get into it right from the beginning, Principal Flutie, Cordelia (love/hate- there is no in between), what's going on with the Master (is he a Nazi?) and is Giles adorably British or obnoxiously pompous? Get it all here in episode 1! --- Support this podcast:


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