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Author: JB Glossinger

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JB Glossinger is one of the top, new motivational thought leaders in personal development and performance. His website, MorningCoach®, has encouraged many people to come together and make positive changes in the world. His best-selling process, The Sacred 6, has helped thousands of people find more happiness, joy, and peace in their lives. Subscribe to hear JB's to start your week with ENERGY! Motivational Mondays will help you get going every week.
137 Episodes
Good morning, everyone! Welcome to another episode of MorningCoach® with your host, JB Glossinger. It's May 27th, 2024, and we are diving into episode 5344. Today, we’re talking about building massive friendships—how to foster genuine connections that transform acquaintances into true allies. JB shares insights on the importance of being positive, authentic, and vulnerable, while also setting boundaries to nurture and protect these relationships.Along the way, he gives us a glimpse into his own experiences of connecting with people worldwide through MorningCoach® and emphasizes the value of being an active listener and showing genuine care. Plus, stay tuned for some exciting plans for the rest of the week, including discussions on clapping for others’ successes and handling difficult relationships. Let's get ready to kickstart our week with some powerful and inspiring content!Tune in and let’s start building those massive friendships!
Welcome back to another illuminating episode of MorningCoach®! Today is episode 5337, and we're diving into a topic that touches all our lives: dealing with difficult and toxic people. JB Glossinger is here to guide us through understanding and managing interactions with challenging individuals, helping us to maintain our positivity and peace. He'll share personal anecdotes and actionable advice on avoiding judgment, setting boundaries, and transforming negative encounters into growth opportunities.Whether you're navigating personal conflicts or professional obstacles, today's discussion aims to empower you with strategies for remaining calm and compassionate in the face of adversity. Join us as we learn not just to cope, but to thrive amid life's inevitable challenges.Let's get started and make today a great one with MorningCoach®!
Welcome to MorningCoach®, where each day is an opportunity to elevate your life! In today's episode, titled "You Are The Mirror," JB Glossinger reignites our enthusiasm for personal growth and intentional living. This is Episode 5330, recorded on May 13, 2024, and JB starts off by reminding us of the 7 P's—Perspective, Priorities, Performance, Patience, Posture, Presence, and Persistence—tools that keep us aligned with our goals and mindful of our daily actions.In this episode, JB shares personal insights from his own life, particularly his recent commitment to improving his 5K run time, demonstrating how dedication to small tasks accumulates to achieve significant changes. He emphasizes the mirror concept—how our internal state reflects outward and influences our environment. JB discusses the impact of our actions and attitudes on those around us, especially our children, highlighting the importance of self-awareness in personal and familial relationships.Additionally, JB lays out the week ahead, packed with exciting topics such as overcoming imposter syndrome, understanding the needs of family members, and exploring leadership in daily life. Each day is designed to provide actionable insights and deep reflections to help you live more consciously and joyfully.Join us to explore how you can adjust your internal reflections to make impactful changes in your life, ensuring that what you project into the world aligns with who you aspire to be. Let's learn, grow, and start each day with purpose here on MorningCoach®. Get ready to transform your life from the inside out—stay tuned!
Welcome to another energizing episode of MorningCoach®! Today, with your host JB Glossinger, we dive deep into the theme of "Family First," shedding light on the intricacies of family dynamics and personal growth.JB reflects on the profound impact of his interactions at his father’s celebration of life, exploring how being an economic outlier can shape relationships with family members. He discusses the importance of presence, authenticity, and setting healthy boundaries even with those closest to us.Furthermore, JB will look ahead to upcoming segments including an in-depth discussion on Mike Lee Kanarek's "Machine of Life" and the vital role of empathy and understanding in today's society. Join us as we navigate through these compelling topics, striving for a stronger, kinder self in the midst of life’s complexities. Get ready to start your day with insight and inspiration right here on MorningCoach®!
Welcome back to MorningCoach®, where we kickstart your week with energy and insights to live your best life! In today’s Episode 5316 titled "Joy Of Great Relationships," JB Glossinger touches on the importance of nurturing the first and foremost relationship we have – the one with ourselves. In the midst of discussing the practicality of our planning systems and reminding us that there's no one-size-fits-all approach, JB opens up about personal struggles and the path to overcoming them.He also shares wisdom on how to set realistic expectations and celebrate our small victories, emphasizing the need to appreciate all aspects of oneself, including the aging process. Plus, JB gives us a sneak peek into the upcoming topics this week, including the conclusion of our 'E Squared' book study and diving into ‘Life Lee Kinetic's Machine of Life.’ So, Ready to embrace yourself and build a more joyful life?Stay tuned for an episode filled with motivation and the power of self-love!
Welcome back to another energizing episode of MorningCoach®! Get ready to start your day with positivity because, on this fantastic 22nd day, JB is here to light up your Monday with Episode 5309 - "Creating Instead of Surviving." If you're all about seizing the lucky number on the 22nd day, like JB, this episode will resonate with you deeply.As we embark on our metaphysical morning rituals and set priorities, JB highlights the importance of self-care and structured planning, which can transform your day. He invites you to share your planning progress and get involved in the community for support and accountability.Looking at the week ahead, you won't miss the array of topics in store, from book studies and asking JB to cash flow creation and anchoring life moments.But the heart of today's discussion revolves around resisting the pull of instantaneous gratification and focusing on manifesting our deeper goals. JB challenges us to identify what steals our power and how to reclaim it for a fulfilling and mission-driven life. So, if you're ready to transcend survival mode and create the life of your dreams, this episode is your stepping stone.Let's dive in, rise above the everyday obstacles, and be fueled by the passion to make every moment count! It's time to rock and roll with MorningCoach®, where we're not just dreaming it, we're doing it.
Welcome to MorningCoach®, I'm your host, JB Glossinger, and you're tuning into Episode 5301 – Living And Thriving In Capitalism. Today, we've got an invigorating session ahead as we dive into the heart of April, a month designated for action and implementation within our structured annual system. Whether you're joining us for the first time or you're a seasoned listener, there's something for you in our rich, empowering discourse that's been igniting minds for 19 years.Setting the scene for the week, we'll maintain our focus with our morning ritual, an essential self-care and planning method involving our 7 P’s: perspective, priorities, performance, patience, posture, presence, and persistence. We understand life's growth can sometimes feel imperceptible, but with disciplined habits and unwavering consistency, success is inevitable.Moreover, we're not just energizing your days; we're empowering you with tools and community support, from using our planner to engaging in our upcoming community meetup. At MorningCoach®, we're a blend of forward-thinking and practical action, combining metaphysics, critical thinking, and a grassroots approach to personal and professional evolution.This week’s theme circles back to our financial framework – understanding and mastering the capitalist system we operate within. It's crucial to adopt a non-judgmental stance and employ strategies to create value and wealth. Looking forward to taking this journey with you, if you haven't yet, make sure to engage with our resources. So, let's roll up our sleeves, prepare to play chess in a world of checkers, and kick some ass. Gear up for a transformative week, and remember, as long as you show up and do the work, you're on the path to greatness. Let's jump into it!
Welcome to MorningCoach® where we strive to bring you valuable insights and motivation to kickstart your day. In today's episode, JB Glossinger discusses the controversial topic "Is Money The Root Of All Evil?"In this engaging episode, JB shares inspirational anecdotes from his own life, emphasizing the importance of understanding the true nature of money as a metric. He delves into the significance of knowing your numbers, organization, and the relationship between money and time.Tune in to discover a fresh perspective on money and learn how to leverage it as a tool for a fulfilling and free life. So grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and get ready to start your day with a dose of powerful wisdom from MorningCoach®.
In this episode, JB Glossinger dives deep into the theme of "Moving from Lack to Prosperity," setting the stage for a week filled with valuable content and learning opportunities. He shares insights on the importance of aligning goals with mission, embracing new challenges, and seeking prosperity beyond just financial success.JB also opens up about personal challenges but emphasizes the power of having a plan, patience, and persistence in navigating through difficult times. Listeners are encouraged to focus on the 7 P's and morning ritual, providing a foundation for personal growth and success.With engaging topics lined up for the week, JB's wisdom and energy set the tone for an inspiring and impactful episode.
This is an important message from me, and THANK You for being a part of the MorningCoach® family.
Welcome to a new episode of MorningCoach® with JB Glossinger. In today's episode, titled "Addiction & Recovery (New Habits)," JB shares insights on changing habits to lead a better life. He emphasizes the importance of positive energy, coaching, and making the world a better place through small, daily efforts.JB announces upcoming events including a meetup and offers tips for financial organization. The focus is on understanding patterns of behavior, the stages of change, and the significance of getting support from like-minded individuals. Listeners are encouraged to make incremental changes and embrace the process of personal evolution.Tune in for JB's practical advice and motivational message to start your week on the right note.
Welcome to MorningCoach®! In today's episode, JB Glossinger shares valuable insights on building massive self-esteem. With over 5,000 episodes under our belt, we dive into the power of energy and the importance of starting your day right. JB provides practical tips to enhance self-esteem, such as avoiding comparisons, identifying strengths, and being open to change. Join us as we explore the significance of surrounding yourself with a support squad and prioritizing positivity. Get ready to kickstart your week with a boost of confidence and energy. Stay tuned for an empowering discussion on professional intelligence habits, the 369 exercise, and more. Don't miss out on this invigorating episode of MorningCoach®!
In this episode of MorningCoach®, JB Glossinger discusses the age-old question: Should you work on a strength or weakness? He delves into the strategic approach of personal evolution and highlights the importance of self-awareness in identifying what areas need improvement.JB draws from his own experiences to demonstrate how personal and business life can require different approaches to addressing weaknesses and strengths. He emphasizes the significance of consistency and key performance indicators in tracking personal growth. Listeners are encouraged to align their efforts with their life's mission and vision.Overall, this episode offers valuable insights on the ongoing journey of personal development and the importance of taking meaningful action to evolve and grow.
Welcome to the MorningCoach® podcast! In this episode, JB Glossinger discusses the power of knowledge and how to utilize it in our lives effectively. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and not overthinking while also highlighting the necessity of gaining knowledge and skills to reach a point where actions become second nature.JB shares personal experiences and insights, drawing parallels from sports, investments, and personal development to illustrate his points. Join us as we delve into knowledge as power and learn how to implement it for personal growth and success. Tune in to MorningCoach® for practical wisdom and motivation to kick-start your day!
In this episode of Morning Coach, JB Glossinger kicks off the week with a powerful message about taking massive action and adapting to change. He shares insightful stories about resilience and growth, emphasizing the importance of having the proper perspective and focusing on improved performance. Encouraging listeners to embrace the journey, JB reminds us that success follows imperfect action and that facing challenges head-on leads to victorious achievements. Tune in to discover the seven key elements to navigating life's ups and downs and gain valuable insights on staying resilient in the face of change.
Welcome back to MorningCoach® with your host JB Glossinger. In today's episode, we dive into the power of willpower and discipline. JB shares his personal experiences and insights on building willpower as a muscle and the role of delayed gratification in strengthening discipline. He also discusses the importance of day-by-day focus and shares practical strategies for enhancing productivity, including time blocking and the use of SOPs (standard operating procedures).Join us as we explore the key principles of willpower and discipline, and discover how to integrate them into our daily lives for greater success and fulfillment. Get ready to be inspired and equipped with actionable tools to enhance your willpower and discipline.Tune in now to start your day with a fresh perspective and valuable insights!
Welcome to the MorningCoach® podcast. In today's episode, titled "Stop Procrastination," host JB Glossinger dives into the key concepts surrounding the challenges of procrastination and how to overcome them. JB sets the tone for a powerful week ahead, addressing the importance of sticking with a system and the value of taking consistent action. He emphasizes the significance of finding clarity and prioritizing goals while sharing personal insights and experiences with the Morning Coach community. Tune in to gain valuable tips and inspiration for putting an end to procrastination and pursuing an inspired and fulfilling life.
Welcome to MorningCoach® with JB Glossinger! In this episode, JB gets us fired up and motivated as he delves into the topic of staying motivated amidst the daily grind. With insights into the power of good planning and the importance of checking and adjusting our plans, JB shares his excitement for this crucial time of the year.He also details upcoming episodes, including a new book study and discussions on finding big energy, handling apathy, and financial motivation. Offering practical advice and personal anecdotes, JB keeps the energy high and the motivation flowing.So grab your daily dose of inspiration and let’s dive into this episode to get the week off to a powerful start!
In this episode of MorningCoach®, host JB Glossinger dives into the importance of dealing with expectations and disappointments in our lives. He shares personal experiences and offers valuable insights into how navigating these emotions can impact our goals and overall happiness. As JB reflects on his own disappointments, he encourages listeners to focus on learning from past experiences and staying present in the pursuit of their dreams.Throughout the episode, JB emphasizes the significance of maintaining proper perspective and setting daily priorities to overcome disappointments and move forward with determination. Join JB as he guides listeners through the process of turning disappointment into motivation and taking control of their lives. Stay tuned for an empowering discussion on fostering resilience and striving for personal growth.
In today's episode of MorningCoach®, titled "Embracing Technology," host JB Glossinger dives into the topic of technology and its impact on our lives. With a focus on how we can use technology to improve our lives, JB discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with embracing new technology such as AI, cryptocurrency, and more. He emphasizes the importance of staying mentally fit and aware in a rapidly changing technological landscape, highlighting the benefits of being a Morning Coach member. Throughout the episode, JB provides practical insights and encouragement for listeners to adapt to and make the most of evolving technology. Join us as we explore the role of technology in shaping our daily lives and empowering personal development.
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Austin Peek

Good morning... Coach!

Feb 27th
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