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Move Your Mind with Nick Bracks

Author: Nick Bracks

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Join Actor and mental health advocate, Nick Bracks, as he explores the mindset of people who have excelled in their given fields: from their beginnings, obstacles, and how they created a mindset for success. Real conversations, real people, real advice…

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

182 Episodes
Evolutionary biology and social dynamics play a key role in our mental health. To thrive in modern society we need to learn how to best look after ourselves amongst the challenges of contemporary society. Today I am speaking to J. Anderson Thomson about evolutionary psychology and it’s principles to understand depression, suicide, substance abuse, violence & suicide. Anderson is a psychiatrist in Charlottesville, Virginia.In this episode we discuss how you can master your mental health in the modern world. TOPICS:Understanding Mental Health in Modern ContextsStrategies for Mental Well-beingJ. Anderson’s Perspective and InsightsMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM J. ANDERSON THOMSON Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you ever been told that it is hard to achieve optimal fitness after a certain age? Would it excite you if you found out you can actually achieve your best results later in life? Today I am speaking to Allan Misner about the importance of mindset, nutrition and exercise routines after the age of 40. In this episode we explain How To Achieve Your Best Ever Health & Fitness Results later in life. TOPICS:Mindset Nutrition ExerciseMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM ALLAN: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you find it hard to stick to a workout routine? You can have good intentions but that will only take you so far. Today I am speaking to Shanna Nelson about the mental and physical benefits of exercise and how to overcome the barriers to starting a workout regimenIn this episode we discuss why you should make exercise part of your daily routine…now. TOPICS:The mental and physical benefits of exerciseOvercoming barriers and maintaining a fitness routineBalancing personal and professional life while prioritizing healthMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM SHANNA: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you feel that your insecurities and shame are preventing you from having authentic relationships? Societal expectations can discourage you from showing vulnerability, leading to suppressed insecurities and shame.Today I am speaking to GS Youngblood about how Men can address their insecurities and shame to build authentic relationships, improve emotional safety, and develop a grounded presence.In this episode we discuss how you can address your shame to become the most authentic version of yourself.TOPICS:Addressing shame and insecurities.Building emotional safety and authenticity in relationships.Developing a grounded and present masculine energy.MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM GS: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you ever struggle to understand and communicate your true worth? This can take a lot of self awareness, self reflection and outside intervention and we often do not know where to begin. Today I am speaking to Casey Brown about time management, balancing creativity, pricing challenges and societal pressures on mental health.In this episode we discuss how you can turn your personal struggles into career growth and success. In this episode we discuss how you can learn to discover and communicate your true worth. TOPICS:Time management & pricing challengesOvercoming fears and building confidence in decision makingSocietal pressures on mental health MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM CASEY: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Low self esteem, mental health issues, stress, misaligned values, overthinking, addiction. Have you ever felt like something was wrong but have not known how to address it? It takes being brutally honest with yourself to get clarity on how to become more aligned. Today I am speaking to Jim Cocks about his personal and professional transformation while addressing themes such as overcoming addiction, aligning with personal values, perseverance, and the impact of mentorship. In this episode we discuss how you can turn your personal struggles into career growth and success.  TOPICS:Personal transformation  Overcoming adversity  The importance of continuous learningMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM JIM: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Binges. Blackouts. Bad decisions. Anxiety. Regret. Shame. Resolving to quit drinking entirely. Making "rules" to limit drinking. Trying and failing again and again. Have you ever talked about wanting to change your relationship with alcohol, only to fall back into the same habits? Unless you have a tangible and practical approach, it can be near impossible to make these changes. Today I am speaking to Jonathan Hunt-Glassman about his journey from heavy drinking to moderation with the help of medication and the influence of peer groups on drinking behaviour. In this episode we strategies for reducing alchohol consumption and the positive-changes it brings to your life.  TOPICS:Jonathan’s personal story Strategies for moderating alchohol consumption Influence of peer groups on drinking behaviourMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM JONATHAN: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you ever noticed signs of burnout & anxiety, only to ignore it? Pushing mental health related issues to the side only makes the problem worse. You need to Today I am speaking to Nick Gorman about his chronic struggles with burnout and anxiety & the turning point that lead to him finally confronting his mental health struggles. In this episode we discuss how you can confront issues such as anxiety & burnout head on.TOPICS:Personal journey and reflectionsCoping strategies and self careGender norms and vulnerability MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM NICK GORMAN: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you ever felt like the world is working against you? Life is not always fair and sometimes we have to dig deeper than we thought possible to create a life worth living. Today I am speaking to Adam Blum about overcoming obesity, born health issues, ADHD & extreme bullying and how he came close to ending his life.Adam is a firefighter & mental health advocate. In this episode we discuss how you can build inner strength and self worth.TOPICS:Overcoming adversity and building resilienceBreaking down the stigma surrounding mental healthFinding purpose and fulfilmentMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM ADAM: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you ever feel like you never have enough time to keep on top of things? In this episode we discuss how to use boundaries as a tool for time management to gain control over your life and avoid burnout. Setting boundaries is one of the most important things you can do to give yourself back that time. Today I have Dr Michelle Woodhouse joining me. She is a medical doctor and is sharing how to develop stronger boundaries and other practical tools that can help you to avoid burn out.TOPICS:The importance of practical skills like boxing in developing resilience.The impact of societal pressures on mental healthThe role of sports in promoting mental resilience and well-beingMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM MICHELLE: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you find it hard to navigate the challenge of making changes in your mental health journey due to many aspects feeling intangible? Keeping things simple and practical can be a powerful way to take daily steps toward building a stronger mindset, and exercise is one of the best methods to achieve this. In this episode, my guest Michael Cordner will share his story of overcoming drug addiction, to competing in boxing, while offering practical strategies for building resilience against mental health.TOPICS:The importance of practical skills like boxing in developing resilience.The impact of societal pressures on mental healthThe role of sports in promoting mental resilience and well-beingMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM MICHAEL: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Does fear ever get in the way of backing yourself and going for what you want? Are you afraid of the unknown? Betting on yourself and leaning into uncertainty often leads to finding out who you really are. In this episode, Nathan Grant and myself highlight the societal stigma surrounding men's mental health while he shares his story of betting on himself to follow his own path and how this not only lead to profound personal growth, but ultimately, the life of his dreams. If you feel like your holding yourself back from the life you want, then make sure to stay tuned….TOPICS:Redefining masculinity through vulnerability.Overcoming societal stigma around mental health and men's emotional expression.The transformative power of betting on your dreams for personal growth.MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM NATHAN: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Does societal pressure have an impact on your mental health & wellbeing? The expectations, norms, and standards imposed by society can leave you feeling stress, anxiety, and more often than not, inadequate. This all has a negative effect on your mental well-being.In this episode Jason Warne joins me to discuss the legacy of his famous brother, coping with challenges, promoting mental health awareness, the significance of personal achievements and family in finding happiness & what it was like to grow up in famous families.TOPICS:The impact of societal pressure on mental health.The essence of masculinity and its modern interpretation.Strategies for maintaining mental well-being, such as setting achievable goals and creating a supportive environment.MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInCHECK OUT RUN THE TAN: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you put off doing the things you want because of your obligations? You can often prioritise obligations over your own desires due to societal expectations, fear of failure, or a lack of self-compassion. In this episode we explore self-compassion in personal growth, overcoming societal barriers for men & building resilience in the face of global challenges. TOPICS:The importance of self-compassion in personal development and mental well-being.Encouraging men to embrace self-compassion as a source of strength and resilience.Overcoming self-imposed pressure and finding sustainable enjoyment in your pursuits.MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM KRISTIN: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you find it hard to be effective in your work while also maintaining peace of mind? We can often feel like it has to be one or the other. But what if there was a way to achieve both? In this episode we explore strategies for maintaining effectiveness at work while prioritising mental well-being and personal fulfilment.TOPICS:Strategies for personal and professional development.The evolving understanding of gender roles and their impact on work-life balance and well-beingTips for navigating change, boosting teamwork, and embracing neurodiversity at work.MORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInMORE FROM Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you ever wanted to share something vulnerable but you felt too afraid of being judged? Sometimes it takes hearing a similar story to remind you that you are not alone in your thoughts. In this episode we discuss the cultural restraints and societal pressures that hinder men from expressing their emotions openly while looking at what it means to be successful as man. TOPICS:Challenges of modern masculinity Benefits of men’s support groups Personal fulfilment & authenticityMORE FROM NICK:Find all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInLINK TO MELBOURNE MEN'S GROUP: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Are you conditioned by your past or afraid & anxious about your future? Maybe you have a passion burning inside of you but are too afraid to take that first step. We often become stuck when we ignore our conditioned behaviour and just go through the motions. In short, it is the easy way out. In this episode we explore not only how to identify your passion, but how to create integrand end-to-end processes, tools and techniques to ensure you stick to it long enough to get results.TOPICS:Tools & techniques to pursue your passions and get resultsReframe the narrative of your story from focusing on the worst thing that could happen to focusing on what could actually go right! Healing your past and mastering your mindset MORE FROM NICKFind all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInLINKS TO MOUSTAFA HAMWI the code 'Nick' to get access to bonuses Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Are you stuck in your ways with no idea how to make a change? Maybe fear is keeping you there. I have been sober for 16 months. It initially started as a one month experiment, but the benefits were so great that it stuck. Here I will share some of the lesson’s I have learnt on this journey.TOPICS:- How to become unstuck - My StoryYou can find the interview with Alcohol expert, Kathryn Elliot here: FROM NICK up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Are you looking to change your relationship with alcohol? Maybe you’ve been avoiding quitting or minimising your drinking because you don’t want to make changes to your lifestyle. Because let’s be honest, alcohol is present more often than not when in social situations. Maybe you’re accustom to looking forward to those afterwork drinks. In this episode, my guest alcohol mindset coach, Kathryn Elliott, and I talk about the effects alcohol has on your brain & body, the health & career benefits of living a low-alcohol or alcohol free lifestyle, and how making the change won’t require you to give up anything...worth keeping.Topics DiscussedThe effect alchohol has on your brain and bodyTaking the first stepThe health & career benefits of living a low-alcohol or alcohol free lifestyleMORE FROM NICKFind all links here: up to the website: nickbracks.comConnect with Nick on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedInLINKS TO KATHRYN ELLIOTTWebsite: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Luis Garrotti is a graphic designer and entrepreneur who founded 292 creative. On todays episode we will talk about finding the courage to pursue your passions and how to align your skill set with opportunity. We will also cover the importance of taking care of your wellbeing while dealing with the ongoing demands of building a career. You can find more here: for listening! We would love your support so we can keep growing this show! Please sign up to to receive a free chapter of my book. We would love you to subscribe, review, share and comment on the podcast to help us make a difference!The Move Your Mind book is available globally in audio, ebook and hardcopy! You can order here: Move Your Mind Book or on my site: links here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Mar 14th


great audio

Feb 17th