National Polygamy Advocate

Mark Henkel is the National Polygamy Advocate ™, presenting polygamy to the public for over 25 years to show why your own values compel you to repeal all Big Government Marriage Control laws that anti-Constitutionally ban UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy. . In consideration for his participation in all media interviews, all such interviews were conducted under the irrevocable terms and conditions that Mark Henkel retained and retains full and complete rights to broadcast elsewhere any of such interviews on any media in which he participated. . Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

The Ten Commandments Movie - Corrections -5- May 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares Part 5 of "Corrections" to the movie from 1956, titled, "The Ten Commandments." Summarizing the corrections shared in the previous 4 episodes of this podcast, Mark Henkel shares (in this Episode #320) the connections of these corrections to the start of the Christian Polygamy movement on July 4, 1994, which made it possible for the overall larger movement of UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


The Ten Commandments Movie - Corrections -4- Apr 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares Part 4 of "Corrections" to the 1956 movie, "The Ten Commandments." Adding yet more to the previous 3 episodes' "corrections," this Episode #319 reveals how Zipporah (mis-named as "Zephra") from the tribe of Midian did not descend from Ishmael (born unto Abraham of Hagar the handmaid of Sarah), but rather of Abraham's third wife, Keturah. While the movie failed to recognize this, the Bible shows that Abraham was a polygamist with three wives, the third of whom bore Midian. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


The Ten Commandments Movie - Corrections -3- Apr 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares Part 3 of "Corrections" to movie, "The Ten Commandments" (1956). Building upon the previous 2 episodes' "corrections," this Episode #318 reveals how, not only was Moses' first wife not named "Zephra," but Moses actually married at least one more wife. That movie did not show that Moses was actually a polygamist, according to the Bible. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


The Ten Commandments Movie - Corrections -2- Apr 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares Part 2 of "Corrections" to the 1956 movie, "The Ten Commandments." Adding to the previous episode's "correction," this Episode #317 reveals how the movie itself self-admits why we must remember "The Ten Commandments" Movie is NOT an accurately actual account of the Biblical story. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


The Ten Commandments Movie - Corrections -1- Apr 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares Part 1 of "Corrections" to the 1956 movie, "The Ten Commandments." Christians and others watch that TV movie each year on Resurrection Sunday (aka "Easter"), even though the topic of the movie is actually NOT about the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mark Henkel had watched this movie back on April 3, 1994, and recently again on March 31, 2024. This podcast Episode #316 was released on April 3, 2024 - exactly 30 years after he had watched the movie back on April 3, 1994. Starting this multi-part mini-series, Mark Henkel also teases that these corrections do specifically connect to the movement of Christian Polygamy which led to the overall movement of UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


The 7th year of Weekly Podcasts BEGINS - Mar 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel begins the coming 7th year of weekly episodes of this podcast. Since the actual 6th Year Anniversary of March 21, 2024, this episode formally begins this next year of episodes. Mark Henkel shares some sincerely personal information, references some of the ongoing subtopics that will continue, and invites listeners to share ideas that could be addressed in future episodes of this podcast. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


Celebrating 6 Years of National Polygamy Advocate Podcast - Mar 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel personally celebrates the milestone of 6 years of weekly episodes of this podcast. The podcast’s first episode premiered on March 21, 2018. Mark Henkel also celebrates the new 1 year anniversary since the podcast transformed from archiving his numerous past media interviews into being directly-spoken tools for history, teaching, lessons-learned, personal details, and more. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


SCOTUS Decision: Reynolds v. United States of 1878 -5- Mar 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares the 4th of the 6 Questions that the Supreme Court of the United States addressed in (this Part 5 of this multi-part mini-series regarding) Reynolds v. United States Decision of 1878. That "Question 4" to be determined by the Supreme Court in the case, asked, "4. Was the testimony of Amelia Jane Schofield, given at a former trial for the same offence, but under another indictment, improperly admitted in evidence?” This is the episode that asks all listeners to "Imagine a world where your wife or husband -against their will- could be compelled to testify against YOU for marrying YOU!" ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


SCOTUS Decision Reynolds V. United States of 1878 -RECAP 123- Mar 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares the RECAP of Questions #1, #2, and #3 of the 6 Questions that the Supreme Court of the United States addressed in (this RECAP 123 of this multi-part mini-series regarding) Reynolds v. United States Decision of 1878. By having this consolidated understanding of the first half of the 6 Questions, listeners will be hereby more prepared to contemplate the next 3 Questions to be shared in future coming podcast episodes. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


SCOTUS Decision: Reynolds v. United States of 1878 -4- Feb 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares the 3nd of the 6 Questions that the Supreme Court of the United States addressed in (this Part 4 of this multi-part mini-series regarding) Reynolds v. United States Decision of 1878. That "Question 3" to be determined by the Supreme Court in the case, asked, “3. Were the challenges of certain other jurors by the government improperly sustained?” Chief Justice Waite's response continued yet again with the same clever nuanced word-game, applying a double-standard in hypocrisy that revealed the Court's bias. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


SCOTUS Decision: Reynolds v. United States of 1878 -3- Feb 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares the 2nd of the 6 Questions that the Supreme Court of the United States addressed in (this Part 3 of this multi-part mini-series regarding) Reynolds v. United States Decision of 1878. That "Question 2" to be determined by the Supreme Court in the case, asked, “2. Were the challenges of certain petit jurors by the accused improperly overruled?” Chief Justice Waite's response continued with the same clever nuanced word-game that he had already started with "Question 1" and that he would still take even further as he later addressed the remaining questions. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


A Happy Valentines Day 2024 - Year of the Toilet - Feb 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares how a TOILET made a truly Happy Valentines Day for a precious wife and his whole family. With storytelling style, Mark Henkel shares how he and his family will always remember this happy memory as the "Year of The Toilet" on Valentine's Day 2024. Listeners will also learn of a tactic that the government uses to bypass the Constitution that poses a "terror for polygamists." Without revealing anything that could be perceived as breaking any law against polygamy, this episode also reveals a deeper and more personal insight into Mark Henkel's deep love for a wife and for his whole family. Happy Valentines Day 2024, the "Year of the Toilet!" ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


SCOTUS Decision: Reynolds v. United States of 1878 -2- Feb 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares the 1st of the 6 Questions that the Supreme Court of the United States addressed in (this Part 2 of this multi-part mini-series regarding) Reynolds v. United States Decision of 1878. That "Question 1" to be determined by the Supreme Court in the case, asked, "1. Was the indictment bad because found by a grand jury of less than sixteen persons?" Chief Justice Waite's response opened the overall decision with a clever nuanced game that he would take further as he later addressed the remaining questions. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


SCOTUS Decision: Reynolds v. United States of 1878 -1- (INTRO) Jan 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel provides the INTRO (as Part 1) to new multi-part mini-series of the Reynolds v. United States Decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in 1878. In previous episodes, Mark Henkel has shared Step 1, Step 2, and "The INTERIM" of the originating 4 steps of the "Government Subterfuge of Anti-Polygamy Laws." For this Step 3, "SCOTUS Decision: Reynolds v. United States of 1878," Mark Henkel will share all of Step 3 as a multi-part mini-series of several podcast episodes. In this Part 1 / INTRO episode here, Mark Henkel shares the specific "6 questions" that the 1878 SCOTUS was asked to address in the case. To be more fully prepared for this mini-series, listeners will want to have first listened to Episode #306 (the last previous one) for the RECAP. ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


Government Subterfuge of Anti-Polygamy Laws - RECAP pre-Step 3 - Jan 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares a RECAP of recent past episodes of the larger mini-series, "Government Subterfuge of Anti-Polygamy Laws." He refers to Episodes #297, 298 (Step 1), 299 (Step 2), and 301 (The INTERIM). Mark Henkel explains that sharing Step 3 will require more comprehensive information. He explains that he will thus create a multi-part mini-series (within this larger mini-series) for detailing Step 3, to be identified as "SCOTUS Decision: Reynold v. United States of 1878." That coming mini-series will be concluded with a "WRAP-UP" episode before then sharing Step 4. Listeners will find this episode as a helpful resource for finding the previous information in this larger series of the originating 4 Steps of the "Government Subterfuge of Anti-Polygamy Laws." ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


Why Poly-Monogamy & Democracy Are Alike - Jan 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel explains why the two terms, "poly-monogamy" and "democracy," are similar in their juxtapositions of meanings - when they are right to use and when they are not. Mark Henkel teaches how America is based on "democracy" in DESCRIPTION but is not "A democracy" in APPLICATION. Mark Henkel then shows how the same contrast applies to "poly-monogamy" in regard to polygamy. Although brief, this episode offers much deeper insight and information than many listeners might have otherwise expected. ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


Sister Wives Show was NOT a Failure of Polygamy - Jan 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel explains why the implosion of the family on the "Sister Wives" TV show was NOT a "failure of polygamy." Despite anti-polygamists trying to propagandize that false notion, Mark Henkel not only shows that calling it a "failure of polygamy" is a lie, but he succinctly and directly shows why. Quoting himself from what he said on Polygamy Day ® 23, Mark Henkel lists out the three key events that provided foresight of the family's inevitable falling apart. Pro-polygamists will find this episode as a useful resource and important tool for proving this point and showing what kind of failure it actually and only proves. Anti-polygamists, if they allow themselves, will surely be educated with a deeper understanding. ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


Mark Henkel Shares His Past 2023 - Welcoming 2024 - Jan 2024

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares his personal stories, showing how difficult and tragic the Year 2023 had been for his family. Mark Henkel both finds and inspires hope as he welcomes the coming Year 2024 and wishes all a Happy New Year. Connecting this Episode #303 of January 3, 2024, to the episodes of the previous year 2023, listeners may learn and understand what Mark Henkel was personally going through at the times when various episodes of this podcast were created and posted. Some who listen to this episode might find it both inspiring ad well as insightful about the National Polygamy Advocate, himself. ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


The Books that Mark Henkel Read in 2023 - Dec 2023

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares a new celebration/wrap-up of the 22 books he read over the previous year - the books that the National Polygamy Advocate read in 2023. When anti-polygamists try to use a commonly-tried smear-tactic that attempts to suggest that pro-polygamists – or Mark Henkel, himself - are supposedly “uninformed, uneducated, or just downright stupid,” this Episode #302 demonstrates for all listeners (including such anti-polygamists) that such a smear-tactic is now evidentiarily, clearly, and provably false.“But wait! There’s more!” How so? Activists, supporters, and all listeners will certainly both find that answer and find a benefit by listening through to the end of this Episode #302 of December 27, 2023. ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:


Government Subterfuge of Anti-Polygamy Laws - The INTERIM - Dec 2023

National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel shares the INTERIM, defined as the period between The Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act of 1862 and the Supreme Court Decision of Reynolds v. United States of 1878. This episode begins with the history of US government through that period and then concludes with the rise of the new religion in the 1800s of what is commonly known as "the Mormons." Understanding this INTERIM provides listeners with the essential context of the period: from when the first anti-polygamy law was passed to when the Supreme Court later first affirmed it, all via the government subterfuge. Many listeners are apt to find this episode more enjoyably educational about the relevant history than they might have otherwise expected. --- Support this podcast:


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