Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Hello and welcome to “Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking.” My name is Teresa Hill-Putnam. I am an Author, Life & Wellness Coach, Show Director, Business Owner, Dance Instructor, Acting and Vocal Coach, Artist and Talent Manager, and Motivational speaker. Life has its ups and downs! Believe me, I have had my share. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Please join me, as I share the lessons and positive thoughts that have helped me to overcome my own obstacles. Everyone has a story... what's yours?

Living With A Chronic Illness: A Podcast by Teresa Hill-Putnam

Have you been diagnosed with a chronic illness? Are you frustrated and struggling to come to terms with it? Do you just want your life back? I get it! Since I live with a chronic neuromuscular disease (Myasthenia Gravis), I understand. I have spent the last 25 years learning to live my best life. I'd love to share with you the things I have learned! As a Life and Wellness Coach, I offer empowerment, direction, and support to other chronically ill patients. I offer private coaching, group coaching, and I love to speak at events. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com #lifecoaching #wellness #motivationalspeaker #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting #positivethinking #chronicdisease #chronicillness #positivethinking #livewithpurpose #inspiration #speaker


Be A Light: A Podcast- by Teresa Hill-Putnam

Our world is in trouble, and it is not going to fix itself. In order to make a change in the world, we must all consciously put forth the effort to fix it. But, what can we do? When you offer kindness, love, hope, encouragement, and compassion to others, you become a light in their darkness. Share your light with others and create a ripple effect. Let's light up the world!As a Life & Wellness Coach, I offer private coaching and group coaching. I also love to speak at events. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com #lifecoaching #wellness #motivationalspeaker #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting #positivethinking #rippleeffect #bealight #bethechange #nevergiveup #positivethinking #bethelight #worldproblems #livewithpurpose #makeadifference #lightuptheworld #kindness #kindnessmatters #ripple #inspiration


We Must Learn To Improvise: A Podcast by Teresa Hill-Putnam

There have been so many times in my life that I have had to improvise in order to survive. Improvisation is an important skill that everyone can use in everyday life. I believe that my improvisational training as a performer saved my life when I got sick. As a Life & Wellness Coach, I love being able to use my performing arts training to help my clients learn how to overcome their biggest obstacles. I offer private coaching and group coaching. I also love to speak at events. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com #lifecoaching #wellness #motivationalspeaker #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting #positivethinking #chronicillness #chronicdiseases #chronicdisease #nevergiveup #positivethinking #improvisation


Never Give Up: A Podcast- by Teresa Hill-Putnam

Many patients with chronic illnesses do not believe that they can still live the life they want to live. Sometimes they just need to find other ways to do the things they want to do. They must never give up on their dreams. As a Life & Wellness Coach, I love working with patients and helping them learn how to live their lives to the fullest. I offer private coaching and group coaching, and I love to speak at events. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com #lifecoaching #wellness #motivationalspeaker #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting #positivethinking #chronicillness #chronicdiseases #chronicdisease #nevergiveup #positivethinking


Life Is Unscripted: A Podcast- By Teresa Hill-Putnam

For better or for worse... life happens. We must learn how to navigate in the face of uncertainty. Life is unscripted and things never go exactly as we plan. But... we can do hard things. In the end, it is not what you have been through that defines who you are. It is how you got through it that has made you the person you are today, and the person you are capable of being tomorrow. As a Life & Wellness Coach, I love helping people navigate through their obstacles to create the lives that they want to live. I offer private coaching and group coaching, and I love to speak at events. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com #lifecoaching #wellness #motivationalspeaker #goals #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting #positivethinking


What is Life & Wellness Coaching? A Podcast- Teresa Hill-Putnam

Life & Wellness Coaches are not therapists, they are consultants. While therapy focuses on the past, Life & Wellness Coaching focuses on the future. Since life is unscripted, we ALL need a roadmap and a cheerleader to give us direction and help us to stay focused. This is why I became a Life & Wellness Coach and Motivational Speaker. I love helping people create the lives they want to live! For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com #lifecoaching #wellness #motivationalspeaker #goals #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting #positivethinking


Don't Let Obstacles Stand In Your Way: A Podcast by Teresa Hill-Putnam

Often times, getting a clear understanding of what you want in life is all that you need to conquer your dreams. I am a firm believer that if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen... regardless of whatever obstacles that stand in your way. Take control of your life. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


One Step A Time: A Podcast- Teresa Hill-Putnam

Are you feeling burned out? When life feels overwhelming, try to focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase. Be bold enough to choose your own path and strong enough to follow it. Just take one step at a time. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Just Be You: A Podcast- by Teresa Hill-Putnam

Children must never work for our love; they must rest in it. We need to emphasize, especially to our children, that people are loved because of WHO THEY ARE, and not for WHAT THEY DO. We need to build a firm foundation of unconditional love for our children and stop glamorizing overworking and perfectionism as being signs of "success." For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Make An Impact: A Podcast by Teresa Hill-Putnam

Imagine that every person on earth has a bucket that they need to fill each day. They need their buckets filled with love, attention, affection, and security. By helping people fill their buckets, we can help make a huge impact in the world. We can help change the world, one person at a time. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Impostor Syndrome: A Podcast by Teresa Hill- Putnam

Over the years, I have worked with many clients who do not feel that they are qualified or deserve to be successful. They have an internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud" or a "phony." People with Impostor Syndrome often feel that they have to be perfect in order to do great things. Since they are not perfect, they feel stuck. If you feel this way, you are not alone. Hopefully this podcast will help you realize how powerful you actually are. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Invisible: Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Have you ever felt invisible? Unloved? Unheard? Unwanted? If so, you are not alone. Especially in the world that we are living in today, it is easy to feel this way. We must do our part to help solve this problem. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Our Children Are Our Future- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Our children are our future, and we must empower them. Empowered kids are successful kids! They are more confident and have enhanced social skills. Empowered kids learn to better communicate their feelings and emotions. Empowered kids excel in school and other activities. They learn to have an overall positive, happy, and healthy outlook on life. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Introduction- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Welcome to “Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking.” My name is Teresa Hill-Putnam. I am an Author, Life & Wellness Coach, Show Director, Business Owner, Dance Instructor, Acting and Vocal Coach, Artist and Talent Manager, and Motivational speaker.     Life has its ups and downs!  Believe me, I have had my share!  I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason.  Let me help you, by showing you that you are not alone. Between running my own business, having three pre-mature babies, surviving two dysfunctional marriages which ended in divorce, my financial turmoil and bankruptcy, living with a chronic life-threatening illness, the death of my best friend at the age of 12, and raising three kids on my own as a single working mom… my life has been a roller coaster. I have even lived through a robbery, a fire, and a flood.  All in all, though, I wouldn’t change a thing!   I have three amazing children, four adorable grandsons, and a lifetime of wonderful, magical, and un-forgettable memories. So, join me as I share the lessons and positive thoughts that have helped me to overcome my own obstacles.  Everyone has a story… what’s yours? For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Find Your People- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Too many people in this world are lonely.  We need to change that!  I hope that the ideas I share in this podcast inspire you to go out and find your people. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Break The Cycle- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Be the person to break the cycle. Think about your own experiences.  Be mindful of how your actions make others feel.  If you have been judged, choose understanding.  If you have been rejected, choose acceptance. If you have been shamed, choose compassion.  Be the person that you needed when you were hurting.  Be the change you wish to see in the world.  For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Create Your Own Life- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Every day is an opportunity to begin a new journey. Strive to become the person you want to be.  Start wherever you are, and then work to create the life that you want to live.  You sometimes have to let go of the life you are familiar with, in order to make room for the life you dream about.  Learn to think outside of the box.  Make your own rules.  Be creative. Be flexible.  Be brave. Be yourself.  And.. Don't be afraid to make changes or start over when you need to. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Challenges- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

No one is immune to struggle.  Everyone has a story.  Without obstacles in life, there would be no purpose.  Growth comes from the challenges that we face.  What you DO with those challenges will dictate your future. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Our First Year In Hollywood- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

"Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream?  Everybody comes here.  This is Hollywood.... land of dreams.  Some dreams come true.  Some don't. But keep on dreamin'. This is Hollywood.  Always time to dream.  So keep on dreamin."  This is our story, "Our First Year in Hollywood." For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


Healthy Habits- Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking

Your health is ultimately your own responsibility.  You have the power to make choices every day that will affect your quality of life. Learn to listen to your body and make adjustments as you need to.  Developing healthy habits will help you to take charge of your life. For more information, please visit: https://www.spotlightperformers.com/


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