Personal Trainer Daily

Join Chris Burgess as he tackles daily questions and provides rapid (and straight to the point) answers for Personal Trainers. Got a question you would like to have answered by Chris? Send him a message on instagram @burge_ltb

I've been cheating on you (coming clean)

In order to be a better example and someone you can take notes from, I have decided to make this podcast a weekly affair Having launched a podcast for my gym focussed on having great conversations with local people of interest, I am going to show you how we intend on using the power of podcast as a local marketing toolSo very soon we will rebrand to 'Personal Trainer Weekly' and I will be hosting some of my favourite people in fitness to have more conversations that you will love&n...


Moving to online coaching - What to do first

I get this question from time to time so I thought it'd be a useful one to talk about with you here In this episode I talk about Getting started and figuring it out as you go Why the market is noisy, but isn't oversaturatedWhy getting good at marketing protects your longer term interestsFor information on the resources I mention, head to or ping me an email


Sometimes this career choice can really suck

When clients leave it can sting When people take advantage of your goodwill, time and kindness it can hurt badly But there are clear things you can do in order to protect yourself from being hurt - and that comes from managing expectations in ways I suggest in this podcast If you like it, please do share it with the world on your IG! Burge


"I'm getting ghosted when I mention price" - How to deal with it

Getting ghosted when you mention price can be soul destroying but in this short podcast I will help you with some tools and processes to improve your chances of getting the sign up!If you like the idea of having me and my team helping in your PT career, please consider trying out LTB on our 2 week free trial!


How to help clients who are feeling a bit low at the moment

The world is a big ol' mess at the moment and plenty of clients are feeling low, feeling flat and it's leading to a lower show-up rate for many trainersSo in this episode I am going to tell you how I am navigating this tricky period Let me know how you get on with this advice over at


Back Pain assumptions - Daft stuff I used to believe

At some stage we all give out advice that we think makes sense, and in fact we desperately hope makes sense - when it's actually disempowering to the client because of language and assumptions In this episode I talk about my stance on Back Pain, FMS, and changing views in order to create a better service If you want to watch the Webinar I reference in this podcast then please get in touch


"Don't look at me that way, it was an honest mistake" Correcting the mistakes we make

I wish I didn't make so many mistakes and believe so much quackery back when I started, but the one thing that has seen me make it this far is the intention to do things right and a willingness to change course when neededLets talks about the ability to backtrack!


"I want my clients results more than they do" What to do if this is YOU

Clients not following your advice out of the gym but still turning up to sessions? Whilst it can be worrying, annoying or a happy little mix of the 2 - reframing things a little can really help you In this episode I talk about how to have a better initial conversation that can be referenced again if the client stops doing what they said they would If you enjoy this podcast, please ping me an email - I am needy like that aint I?!


YoR Not SucCEsSful UnLEsS u EaRn 6 FigGurs

Success is so subjective in Personal Training and in this episode I probe you with some questions about what you really want your job to look like Success is a process and needs constant checking in on If this episode resonates with you, ping me an email - I would love to hear from


I'm baaaack! Advice for Trainers who are doing their PT course (and a reminder for current trainers)

Welcome back. After a little hiatus away from the podcast world, I am back with some advice on getting started in this amazing industry I talk about 1) Why many trainers fail due to wanting to be paid to work in a gym2) Why you need to see something in yourself in order to bring it out in others3) Why you need to buy the thing you want to sellIt's good to be back - email me on for the new trainer startup guide


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 60 - Get 10% of your mojo back right now

When all is said and done, it's session quality, programme quality and get excited by another persons progress that gets us out of this. Here's another pep talk for your listening pleasure


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 59: Overwhelmed Undervalued and nothing is working

It's been such a tough year - and now with the latest social media changes it means we aren't getting the reach and interaction we used to eitherSo consider this a bit of a pep talk to support you to make positive steps forward


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 58 - 3 major stresses heading into 2021

3 Main issues we will all face early next year 1) Continuation of lockdowns2) What to do in terms of communication of any policy you or your gym has on the vaccine3) How to get your offering right to make January and Feb great months for sign ups


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 57 - Feeling overwhelmed and anxious about tiers and further lockdowns

Today I am joined by the amazing Claire Winter who gives calming words of advice and simple actions to reframe and step out from the shadow of anxiety. I have been down in the dumps for a while now and needed to hear her tell me what to do - and maybe you do too?Enjoy!


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 56- 2 Massively underrated marketing angles Personal Trainers ignore

The title says it all...Being a local legend and encouraging your clients to share you in their networks will NEVER leave you with a worse business....


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 55 - 2021 predictions for trainer skillsets

2020 might have some light at the end of the tunnel - but if you think that society will be any less settled for the first half of next year, I think you're massively mistakenIn this episode I talk about the skills I think we will all need in navigating the final stages of the pandemic


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 54 - "Is there a shelf life to this job?"

It's a common question: What should I do after life on the gym floorIn this episode I give a few thoughts on why you don't need to plan for life beyond the gym floor - but also what skillsets you might need if you want to stay in fitness but in other roles. Thanks for listening - Give this a share online if you enjoy it!


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 53 - The financial impact of Lockdown 1, and what lockdown 2 might bring

Lockdown 1 was brutal financially...but what will lockdown 2 bring for my Gym?In this episode I talk about what we will be repeating from the first lockdown, and what we'll be improving on


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 52 - No time to sulk Englanders, let's SMASH this new lockdown

My passionate plea to England based trainers about how we will navigate the new lockdown. Please listen, but importantly apply the message!


Personal Trainer Daily: Episode 51 - Building consistency on Social Media with special guest Stuart Aitken

This podcast sees me welcome my second ever guest to the PTD! Stu and I have a great discussion about online consistency and what trainers can do to be more consistent To Join Stu's challenge, simply head to


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