Podcast – Yoga Peeps

A podcast about Yoga, Yogis and the yoga lifestyle. Find out more about us at http://yogapeeps.com

Episode 86: Tara Stiles

Episode 86 is with Tara Stiles is the founder of Strala Yoga.  This interview was revived from the Yoga Peeps Archive, in honor of the Tara’s new cookbook, launching in just over a week’s time on November 3rd. Strala is a Swedish word, that means “to radiate light”.  Its also a system of practice which guides people through yoga posses and movement, focusing on tuning inward and encouraging flowing with ease. Thousands of Strala yoga guides are leading Strala classes around the world in partner studios, and gyms including Sports Club/LA and CMG.  Tara and her husband Mike, teach trainings around the world, and in their studio on 623 Broadway, in New York City. Tara also partners with W Hotels on FIT with Tara Stiles — a global program bringing Strala Yoga classes and healthy recipes to W properties. She is a collaborator with Reebok, working closely with the design team on their Reebok Yoga lifestyle range. She has authored several books including Slim Calm Sexy Yoga, Yoga Cures, Make Your Own Rules Diet, and her newest, Make Your Own Rules Diet Cookbook, out November 3rd. Tara supports The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, President Clinton’s initiative to combat childhood obesity, bringing Strala classes to 20,000+ participating schools. Visit Tara at www.tarastiles.com. […]


Episode 85: Jennifer Wolfe Prenatal Yoga

In Yoga Peeps Episode 85, Jennifer Wolfe, Doula and Prenatal Yoga Instructor, discusses her best selling prenatal dvd, poses for breech baby turning, and ones to avoid, to set intentions, finding where the intensity is in a pose or in pregnancy, exploring with consciousness, the fear/tension/pain cycle, how pleasure reaches the brain before pain, knowing what?s best for you based on how it feels, the idea of oneness nonseparateness that we are all connected, and to listen to your own inner teachings. Listen Here: YogaPeeps_JenniferWolfe_080110.mp3 Subscribe with iTunes Show Notes


Episode 84: Clive Mayhew, Founder Yoga Aid

In Episode 84, Clive Mayhew, the Founder of Yoga Aid, and Lara talk about the cultural differences of giving, Yoga Aid in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Italy, US, Wanderlust in Tahoe in July, to raise money for Off the Mat into the World, how yoga has changed his life, and how making time for it changes everything, honesty, authenticity in your life, and how to enjoy life, by serving others. Listen Here: YogaPeeps_072110_CliveMayhew_YogaAid.mp3 Subscribe with iTunes Show Notes About Yoga Aid


Episode 83: Michael Taylor Strala Yoga NYC

In this episode, Michael and I talk about his desire to be for health instead of sickness, yoga connecting you to you, the best teachers connect you to you, how you tune into you, advice for teachers-Do a lot of yoga, tuning into yourself rather than tuning out, paying attention, to stop separating things into their parts, and instead see the whole – “eating the avocado”, music being a direct path in, a mood shaper, intellectualizing things can really stand in the way of actually experiencing them, when you can hear your own body it’s easier to take good care of yourself – yoga is a great tool for tuning in, the poses come from you when you’re ready, not from mimicking others, and lots more! Click the link below to listen and “tune in”. Listen to the Interview: YogaPeeps_MichaelTaylor_ 060910.mp3 Subscribe with iTunes Show Notes About Michael


Episode 82: Claire Missingham Vinyasa Flow UK

In this episode Claire and Lara talk about Sufism, seeing people as love – all consuming love, the wonderful discipline involved in a daily yoga practice, Tantra, to intend, parenthood improving her teaching, the feeling state – the bhavanam, feel yoga instead of “doing it”, to find the authenticity in each one of us, the most important point of the practice is union with the divine, to stay inspired, refining Vinyasa Flow Yoga, her work for Yoga Journal, Shaktified Women’s Retreat, Satya, Santosha, Sdvayaya, Surrendering, her inspirations, her dvd and her writing. Listen to the Interview: YogaPeeps_ClaireMissingham_051710.mp3 Subscribe with iTunes Show Notes About Claire


Episode 81: Eoin Finn Blissologist

In this episode Eoin and Lara talk about?Hammock Enlightment, Blissology – the art of being happy, balancing with the web of life, love as a force in the universe like gravity, his work with Lululemon and Olympic athletes, his new DVD The Pursuit of Happy Hips, as well as Everyday Yoga shot in Bali (coming soon), 200+hr Yoga Alliance Teacher’s Training on Vancouver Island, opening yourself up, getting into your natural environment, superflow – the practice of moving in ways that traditional yoga practice doesn’t allow, the chakra system, dealing with anger and conflict with Love, nature appreciation, seeing the light in people’s eyes, rating the prana in your food, gratitude, teaching in the US, and connection on Facebook. Hammock Enlightment, Blissology – the art of being happy, balancing with the web of life, love is a force in the universe, like gravity, his work with Lululemon and Olympic athletes, His new DVD The Pursuit of Happy Hips, Everyday Yoga shot in Bali, 200+hr Yoga Alliance Teacher’s Training on Vancouver Island, Opening yourself up, getting into your natural environment, superflow – moving in ways other than traditional yoga practice doesn’t allow, chakra system, dealing with anger and conflict with Love, […]


Episode 80: Dana Smith-Rogers

In this episode Dana and Lara talk about Thai Yoga Massage, being the Yoga Diva, a Reiki Master, her group Life Coaching online, starting where you are, being grateful for your experience, allowing your yoga to happen, challenge in Hanumasana, practicing detachment, ahimsa, Pranayama – to help and ease asthma, her message: the spiritual essense of yoga is you, to release judgements, and to seek the love and light in life. Listen to the Interview: YogaPeeps_DanaSmith-Rogers_050310.mp3 Subscribe with iTunes Shownotes About?Dana


Episode 79: Laura Colvin-Brown Flagstaff Yoga Festival

In this episode Laura and Lara talk about Kundalini, Tarot, Archatypes of Universal Experience, The Flagstaff Yoga Festival, childcare at the festival, making the festival accessible for everyone, parenting as the deepest yoga you can do, filling your own cup first, finding your own path in yoga, bringing in all types and paths of yoga, handstand difficulties/benefits, waking up the endocrine system, open your eyes and really listen to the truth being revealed, how can I serve?, bones growing in spirals, and your own experience being the mightiest. Listen to the Interview: YogaPeeps_042110_LauraBrown.mp3 Subscribe with iTunes Shownotes About Flagstaff Yoga Festival


Episode 78: Brian Ratte YogaVibes.com Audio

In this episode, Brian and Lara talk about www.yogavibes.com being the Netflix of Yoga, being a franchising partner for yoga teachers, vibrations that follow us everywhere, clearing your side of the street, finding your passion so you can share it and “Burn Brightly”, (Satya) Truth, Surrendering, and Pranayama. To listen click:YogaPeeps_032410_BrianRatte_YogaVibes.com_Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About?YogaVibes


Episode 77: Jane Austin Prenatal Audio

In this episode, Jane and Lara talk about Prenatal yoga, her new DVD, a time to slow down and atune with their bodies and the babies inside them, findng your passion, immediate relief for everyone, especially pregnant women, getting yoga access everywhere, letting go, softening, opening, birthing lessons applicable to mothering, silent meditation, creating sacredness in our lives, keep moving forward, and showing kindness and compassion to oneself. To listen click: YogaPeeps_031310_JaneAustinPrenatal_Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Jane


Episode 73: Maria Scrivan, Author: Dogi the Yogi

Episode 73 is an interview, with Maria Scrivan, of Stamford, Connecticut and Lara Hedin, Founder of Yoga Peeps. In this episode, Maria, author of Dogi the Yogi, and Lara talk about avoiding injuries, yoga as a full body massage, relaxing into your breath, let go to go deeper, staying with it, savasana just as important as the asana, meditation on a run, ride or swimming, brain drain through writing, Ahimsa, Svadhyaya ( the study of scriptures & self),The Peace Pilgrim, opening your mind, setting an intention and believing it will come true. To listen click: YogaPeeps_111509_MariaScrivan Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Maria


Episode 72: Elena Brower Audio Interview

Episode 72 is an interview, with Elena Brower, of New York City, and Lara Hedin, Founder of Yoga Peeps. In this episode, Elena and Lara talk about the height of hope, responsibility as a yoga teacher, teachers who care, helping to find the abundance that is already within you, being as authentic as possible, speaking from your notebook, preserving the purity of the Anusara tradition, meditation as the presence you cultivate in your everyday life, and the teachers, books and music she loves. To listen click: YogaPeeps_101509_ElenaBrower Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Elena


Episode 71: Faith Hunter Audio

Episode 71 is an interview, with Faith Hunter, of Washington, D.C. and Lara Hedin, Founder of Yoga Peeps. In this episode, Faith and Lara talk about working through pain to make us who we are and become stronger, teaching from your own practice, connection being the best thing about teaching, finding the time to practice, keeping the connection with the divine, sharing LOVE with everyone. To listen click: YogaPeeps_092009_Faith Hunter Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Faith


Episode 70: Arthur Klein YYoga Movie

Episode 70 is an interview with Arthur Klein, creator of YYoga Movie, and Lara Hedin, Founder of Yoga Peeps. In this episode, Arthur and Lara talk about how the yoga teacher is your guide – the yoga is your yoga, yoga as a personal experience, to keep coming back, as we age the practice is more meditative, life as a meditation, karmic bhakti style of yoga, YYoga movie, soldiers doing yoga in Iraq, and Pursuit of Happiness Yoga. To listen click: YogaPeeps_082909_ArthurKlein Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Arthur


Episode 69: AK Kennedy Hyde Clothing

Episode 69 is an interview, with AK Kennedy, of Hyde Organic Yoga Clothing, and Lara Hedin, Founder of Yoga Peeps. In this episode, AK and Lara talk about how she got started, about going organic, healing her running injury with yoga, her favorite teachers, satya and santosha. To listen click: YogaPeeps_061109_AKKennedy_HydeClothing Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About AK


Episode 67: Ayurveda Doshas – Finding Balance

Episode 67 is a discussion of the Ayurvedic Doshas, with James Bailey, Ayurvedic Doctor, in Santa Monica, California. In this episode, James and Lara talk about how yoga systematically smooths out the flows of prana, the doshas, finding balance, deranged doshas, pancha karma, vaiyus, prakriti and krititi. To listen click: YogaPeeps_051909_AyurvedicDoshas Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About James Previous Episode with James


Episode 66: Hala Khouri Audio

Yoga Peeps Episode 66 is an interview with Hala Khouri, of Exhale, Venice, California. In this episode, Hala and Lara talk about how yoga keeps her in check, being willing to take what arises in the practice, teaching at-risk-youth, all being one, not being interested in fancy yoga any more, as she’s gotten more advanced, she’s gotten simpler, and being present playing Legos. To listen click: YogaPeeps_042809_Hala Khouri Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Hala


Episode 65: Kathryn Nicolai Ethos Yoga Audio

Yoga Peeps Episode 65 is an interview with Kathryn Nicolai, of Ethos Yoga in Holly, Michigan. In this episode, Kathryn and Lara talk about, high rates of depression, unemployment and obesity in Holly and Flint, Michigan, with the yoga practice your bad habits drop you, recognizing the element of change, a new epiphany daily, everything is yoga…, tradition doesn’t make things right, it just makes it old. To listen click: YogaPeeps_040909_KathrynNicolai Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Kathryn


Episode 64: Chandra Om Audio

Yoga Peeps Episode 64 is an interview with Chandra Om, of Raleigh, North Carolina. In this episode, Chandra and Lara talk about, you already being perfect, self realization as the reason for living, mother as guru, staying clean, humble, and sweet, ahimsa, ishvara pranidhana, doing the practice because it has to be done, your practice upholding the eternal dharma, Self and oneness with the multiplicity of universes. To listen click: This post has been removed at the request of Chandra. Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Chandra


Episode 63: Wade Morrisette

Yoga Peeps Episode 63 is an interview with Wade Morissette, of Vancouver, Canada. In this episode, Wade and Lara talk about teaching as a meditation, his new albums, walks on the beach, hanging in the sauna, mantras in the head, jatha yoga, vipassana meditation, allowing the yoga to support your positive tendencies and evolution. To listen click: YogaPeeps_020409_Wade Morissette Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Wade


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