Radio Davos

How do we solve the world’s biggest challenges? From climate change to inequality; the rise of big tech and rapid changes in how we live and work. Radio Davos talks to the people who have the ideas, the passion and the power to make change happen in a way that benefits all of us.

How the 'Wild Wet West' was won: why the UN High Seas Treaty is big news

Up to now, the vast majority of the world’s ocean was not governed by a global treaty that would protect this vital part of the planet from pollution or over-exploitation - meaning the high seas were something of a Wild West. But that is all changing. After years of negotiations, member states of the United Nations have agreed the High Seas Treaty, ensuring the protection and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdictions. Almost two-thirds of the planet’s surface is ocean and the seas make up 95% of the Earth’s total habitat by volume. But, only 1% of the high seas has, up until now, been under any protection protocol and just 39% of the ocean falls under the national jurisdiction of individual countries. Kristian Teleki, Director of Ocean Action Agenda and Friends of Ocean Action at the World Economic Forum tells us what is in the treaty and why it’s such a big deal for the planet. Find out more: Friends of Ocean Action Further listening: Subscribe on any platform: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club Get all our podcasts at Radio Davos Agenda Dialogues Meet the Leader The World Economic Forum Book Club Podcast


Slow growth and the cost of debt: the World Bank's Chief Economist on the global outlook

"The global economy - it's a complicated picture, in the sense that it's doing better than we expected just six months ago but it's doing much worse than what it was doing six years ago." World Bank Chief Economist Indermit Gill gives his assessment of the 'glass half-full' global economy. And as the World Economic Forum publishes the latest edition of its Chief Economists Outlook, the Forum's Head of Economic Growth, Revival and Transformation, Aengus Collins, talks us through the highlights. Links: Chief Economists Outlook: Related podcasts: How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalise the poorest? Globalization is in transition - not retreat, says this analyst of global trade The long game: how to understand China and how it sees its role in the world Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


This Is Not Financial Advice: navigating the jungle of online investing

A new, critically acclaimed documentary follows the fortunes of online investors, including one who made - and lost - $3 million in cryptocurrency. The director of This Is Not Financial Advice hopes his movie will help people understand the risks and potential benefits of investing, and how they can educate themselves. Co-host: Meagan Andrews, Lead, Capital Market Initiatives, World Economic Forum Guest: Chris Temple, Film Director at Optimist Links: Centre for Financial and Monetary Systems: Film website: Related podcasts: Apps, bots and 'finfluencers': how to navigate the changing world of investing Financial inclusion - how increased access to banking is lifting people out of poverty Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


What role do investors have in ensuring AI is safe?

As investors pour money into companies developing or deploying artificial intelligence, what are the steps they should be taking to ensure that AI is safe and responsible? The Responsible AI Playbook for Investors published by the World Economic Forum and pension fund CPP Investments, sets out real-world examples of how investors can - and must - use their position to promote responsible AI. Guest: Judy Wade, Managing Director, Head of Strategy Execution & Relationship Management, CPP Investments Links: Responsible AI Playbook for Investors: Related podcasts: AI: Is 2024 the year that governance catches up with the tech? 'We have the most to benefit, but also the most to lose': how AI could transform human health Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


Breathe! The cities working together on air pollution and climate change

How can cities - with ever growing populations - tackle air deadly pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Breathe Cities is a global network of cities sharing data, expertise and experience to do just that. Guest: Jaime Pumarejo, Executive Director of Breathe Cities. Links: Breathe Cities: GAEA - Giving to Amplify Earth Action: Alliance for Clean Air: World Economic Forum Centre for Nature and Climate: Related podcasts: What are the 'positive tipping points' that could help us accelerate out of climate disaster? It's cheaper to save the world than destroy it: author Akshat Rathi on Climate Capitalism COP26: How cities are tackling pollution, congestion and the climate Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


'We have the most to benefit, but also the most to lose': how AI could transform human health

Artificial intelligence has the potential to massively improve human health: from developing new drugs to providing more accurate diagnoses and helping people who live with severe disabilities. But AI also has the potential, if used wrongly or governed badly, to make life worse for people dealing with health problems. In this episode, we hear from people on the front lines of the technology. This episode was first published on 29 May, 2024. Radio Davos will resume new weekly podcasts from September 2024. Speakers: Victor Pineda, president and founder of the Victor Pineda Foundation/World ENABLED Alexandra Reeve Givens , CEO, Center for Democracy and Technology Chris Mansi, CEO, Daphne Koller, founder and CEO of Insitro Links: Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: AI Governance Alliance: Centre for Health and Healthcare: Related podcasts: AI: Is 2024 the year that governance catches up with the tech? What's next for generative AI? Three pioneers on their Eureka moments Quality over quantity: why the time has come for 'value based health care' Special Meeting 2024: Bridging the Health Gap Special Meeting 2024: AI Powered Industries Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


In the age of the 'manosphere', what's the future for feminism? With Jude Kelly of the WOW Festival

Theatre director Jude Kelly founded the Women of the World (WOW) Festival almost two decades ago to spur conversations about women, men and feminism. WOW is now a global phenomenon, but does the rise of online misogyny pose a threat to progress on gender equality. Jude Kelly, who spoke to Radio Davos on World Women's Day 2024, says why it is vital to include men in the conversations about an issue that affects us all. This episode was first published on 28 March, 2024. Radio Davos will resume new weekly podcasts from September 2024. Links: WOW Foundation: Gender Gap Report: Podcasts: How COVID and cost of living hit progress on equality: the Global Gender Gap Report 2023 The future of jobs requires a ‘skills-first’ mindset - for employers and for you Democracy can’t flourish if women are excluded: Nazanin Boniadi on Iran at Davos 2023 Below the Belt: the movie that lifts the taboo on endometriosis Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


Meeting in the metaverse: Actor Rainn Wilson joins us on the virtual polar ice

What's Dwight from The Office doing in the metaverse? Actor Rainn Wilson joins us in avatar form to check out a virtual world created by the World Economic Forum that aims to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on the Arctic and the rest of the world. We also hear from Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter Business School, and Executive Director of Arctic Basecamp on her hopes for action to stop the Earth reaching disastrous tipping points. And Rebecca Ivey, head of the Global Collaboration Village, tells us how the metaverse can bring people together in a unique way. Watch the video: This episode was first published on 15 January, 2024. Radio Davos will resume new weekly podcasts from September 2024. Links: Global Collaboration Village: Arctic Basecamp: Related episodes: For a longer interview with Rainn Wilson and Gail Whiteman, listen to our sister podcast, Meet the Leader: Reach your changemakers: Arctic Basecamp's Gail Whiteman and Rainn Wilson Our visit into an earlier version of the Global Collaboration Village: Davos 2023 Day 3: global collaboration in the metaverse And more... Not just for gamers: how the metaverse might impact your life The metaverse: how to build something we can all gain from What 20 years of Second Life can teach us about the future of the metaverse So just what is the metaverse? Meta’s Nick Clegg at Davos 2022 More podcasts Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: World Economic Forum Book Club Podcast - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


AI vs Art: Will AI rip the soul out of music, movies and art, or help express our humanity?

For half a century, Nile Rodgers has been making hit records that have touched people's hearts around the world. The creative force behind disco pioneers Chic, and some of the best known songs of David Bowie, Madonna and Beyoncé, tells us the definition of an artist: someone whose work "speaks to the souls of a million strangers". But what if generative AI can make music that's just as good? Is AI a threat or a blessing to art and human expression? We also hear from the head of the Hollywood actors' union on why moviemakers went on strike over the threat posed by AI. And from Refik Anadol, a leading light in AI-generated art. This episode was first published on 4 April, 2024. Radio Davos will resume new weekly podcasts from September 2024. Guests: Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator of the actors’ union SAG-AFTRA Refik Anadol, Media Artist and Director, Refik Anadol Studio Nile Rodgers, musician and founder of the We Are Family Foundation Watch: Nile Rodgers interview: Podcasts: What's next for generative AI? Three pioneers on their Eureka moments AI: Is 2024 the year that governance catches up with the tech? AM24: The Expanding Universe of Generative Models 'AI will either compete with us or augment us' - so how do we pick the right path? Davos 2024: Technology in a Turbulent World AI - What could possibly go wrong?: Professor Stuart Russell Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalise the poorest?

Going green - in energy, agriculture, industry and elsewhere - will have costs and benefits, so how can we ensure the poorest don't pay the price or miss out on the opportunities? A new report from the World Economic Forum has defined six 'archetype' countries and looks at the differing challenges across the globe, and what policymakers need to know to achieve an 'equitable transition'. Guest: Tarini Fernando, Lead, Equitable Transition, World Economic Forum Links: Accelerating an Equitable Transition: A Data-Driven Approach: Related articles: How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalize the poorest? 5 key insights into how to accelerate an equitable energy transition: Why the global energy transition must be just and equitable: Why it's vital to take a people-centred approach to equitable energy transitions: Related podcasts: What are the 'positive tipping points' that could help us accelerate out of climate disaster? How chemicals companies are joining forces to become more sustainable Where are the innovations that can make mining more sustainable? Advanced Energy Solutions: scaling up the tech that can help us get to net zero No laughing matter: Can comedy help us tackle climate change?


How chemicals companies are joining forces to become more sustainable

Incubated at the World Economic Forum, the Global Impact Coalition (GIC) is an organisation that pools the resources of major chemicals companies to develop ways of making their industry more sustainable. We hear from Charlie Tan, CEO of the GIC, and from two technical experts at the GIC's Research and Development Hub at Netherlands-based research centre TNO. Speakers: Jan Harm Urbanus, Lead Scientist Circular Plastics, TNO Hella Koops, Senior Project Manager and Cluster Lead Circular Plastics, TNO Charlie Tan, CEO, Global Impact Coalition Links: Centre for Energy and Materials - World Economic Forum: GIC: TNO: Related podcasts: What are the 'positive tipping points' that could help us accelerate out of climate disaster? Where are the innovations that can make mining more sustainable? Advanced Energy Solutions: scaling up the tech that can help us get to net zero Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


"The Centre Must Hold" - what role can centrist politics play in a polarised world?

As populists are on the rise in many countries, how should the moderates respond? We hear from Yair Zivan, the author of a new book called "The Centre Must Hold", who argues that centrism is more than just the mid-point between two extremes, and can be a radical force for good. Links: “The Centre Must Hold: Why Centrism is the Answer to Extremism and Polarisation,” edited by Yair Zivan: Essay by World Economic Forum President Borge Brende: Why a centrist approach can restore global cooperation The Second Coming, poem by WB Yeats: Related podcasts: Global Risks Report: the big issues facing leaders at Davos 2024 Ian Bremmer, Rachel Botsman and Azeem Azhar: 3 experts on the state of the world in 2024 Why it's time for the 'middle powers' to step up on geopolitics Democracy can’t flourish if women are excluded: Nazanin Boniadi on Iran at Davos 2023 Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


No laughing matter: Can comedy help us tackle climate change?

Climate change is an extremely serious issue, but can comedy help us cope with - and communicate about - it? We hear from the University of Colorado, Boulder where students can take a course in ‘climate comedy’ that ends in them performing on stage in a comedy club. And we unpack the power of cartoons from the World Economic Forum’s climate ‘cartoonathon’. Thumbnail image: Wade Kimbrough (with the help of A.I.) The caption reads: "Changing paths? That's not in this quarter's budget." Guests: Beth Osnes, Professor, Director of Graduate Studies in Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder: Max Boykoff, Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder Gill Einhorn, Head, Innovation and Transformation, Centre for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum John Letzing, Digital Editor, Strategic Intelligence, World Economic Forum Links: Inside the Greenhouse: 2024 Inside the Greenhouse Climate Comedy Special: Earth Decides: Cartoonathon: Podcasts: Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


More than just a toothache: how to tackle the huge costs of poor oral health

What’s the health condition that affects us all, but is often seen as an add-on for healthcare - and how much is this neglect costing the economy? Oral diseases affect half the world's population and, according to a new report, have knock-on costs to the economy worth $710 billion every year. Marko Vujicic of the American Dental Association joins us to discuss 'The Economic Rationale for a Global Commitment to Invest in Oral Health'. Links: The Economic Rationale for a Global Commitment to Invest in Oral Health: Half the world is affected by oral disease – here’s how we can tackle this unmet healthcare need: Global Health Equity Network: Related podcasts: Quality over quantity: why the time has come for 'value based health care' 'We have the most to benefit, but also the most to lose': how AI could transform human health American Heart Association: How prosperity can bridge health equity gaps Antimicrobial resistance - how to stop a quiet pandemic Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


Globalisation is in transition - not retreat, says this analyst of global trade

Deglobalization, reglobalization, decoupling, de-risking, reshoring friend-shoring, export bans, tariffs and sanctions - is global trade going into reverse, or simply into a new phase? As the World Economic Forum hosts the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China, we ask an expert about the state of global trade and where it might be heading. Guest: Simon Evenett, founder of the St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity Through Trade. Links: Annual Meeting of the New Champions - Next Frontiers for Growth, 25–27 June, 2024, Dalian, China: Geopolitical Rivalry and Business: 10 Recommendations for Policy Design: Forum’s Global Future Council on the Future of Trade and Investment: Centre for Regions, Trade & Geopolitics: Related podcasts: Recharging Growth in China Why it's time for the 'middle powers' to step up on geopolitics Special Meeting 2024: What Kind of Growth Do We Need? 3 shifts all effective collaborators make Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


The long game: how to understand China and how it sees its role in the world

As the World Economic Forum convenes the 'Annual Meeting of the New Champions' in China, this expert helps us better understand how the Asian powerhouse sees its place in the world. With Markus Herrmann, the Swiss-Chinese co-founder of the China Macro Group consultancy. Links: Annual Meeting of the New Champions - Next Frontiers for Growth, 25–27 June 2024: Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics: Related podcasts: Recharging Growth in China Why it's time for the 'middle powers' to step up on geopolitics This founder climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro after a big pivot - and learned a key lesson about patience Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


Why we need a sprint towards gender parity: the Global Gender Gap Report 2024

The Global Gender Gap Index annually benchmarks the current state and evolution of gender parity across four key dimensions (Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment). It is the longest-standing index tracking the progress of numerous countries’ efforts towards closing these gaps over time since its inception in 2006. Forum Managing Director Saadia Zahidi talks us through the main finding of the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 and how she sees the progress and challenges in closing the gender gap worldwide. Links: Global Gender Gap Report 2024: Centre for New Economy and Society: Related podcasts: Recharging Growth in China Cyber has a skills gap. How approaches to tech, hiring – and retaining women - can help In the age of the 'manosphere', what's the future for feminism? With Jude Kelly of the WOW Festival What workers really want - and how it can bridge the gender gap: Reshma Saujani, Moms First Executive coaches share how promotions really happen - and what's needed to tackle the gender gap Davos 2023: Women’s Leadership: Towards Parity in Power Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


What are the 'positive tipping points' that could help us accelerate out of climate disaster?

Climate 'tipping points' are the dangerous phenomena that could suddenly make climate change even worse than it is already: melting ice sheets that could change ocean currents, thawing permafrost that releases vast amounts of methane, or rainforests turning into dry savannah - events that could completely destabilise the global environment and would be hard or impossible to reverse. But, according to a growing number of climate scientists, there is also the prospect of ‘positive tipping points’. Things that can happen to speed up the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in ways that humanity has so far failed to achieve. One of those is Tim Lenton, Professor of Climate Change and Earth System Science at the University of Exeter. As you will hear in the interview, other climate experts use terms such as 'social tipping points' or 'sensitive intervention points' - Professor Lenton says these are similar concepts that altogether should dispel the notion that we are doomed by climate change. Links: First Movers Coalition: Tim Lenton at the University of Exeter: Related Podcasts: Davos 2024: First Movers for Frontier Clean Technologies Advanced Energy Solutions: scaling up the tech that can help us get to net zero COP26: First Movers Coalition Davos 2024: Transforming Energy Demand How to talk to a climate change sceptic Related videos: Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


'We have the most to benefit, but also the most to lose': how AI could transform human health

Artificial intelligence has the potential to massively improve human health: from developing new drugs to providing more accurate diagnoses and helping people who live with severe disabilities. But AI also has the potential, if used wrongly or governed badly, to make life worse for people dealing with health problems. In this episode, we hear from people on the front lines of the technology. Speakers: Victor Pineda, president and founder of the Victor Pineda Foundation/World ENABLED Alexandra Reeve Givens , CEO, Center for Democracy and Technology Chris Mansi, CEO, Daphne Koller, founder and CEO of Insitro Links: Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: AI Governance Alliance: Centre for Health and Healthcare: Related podcasts: AI: Is 2024 the year that governance catches up with the tech? What's next for generative AI? Three pioneers on their Eureka moments Quality over quantity: why the time has come for 'value based health care' Special Meeting 2024: Bridging the Health Gap Special Meeting 2024: AI Powered Industries Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


Tourism is bouncing back - but can we make travel sustainable?

With the pandemic well behind us, international travel has bounced back. The World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Development Index, a major survey of the state of the sector, gives a clear picture of how things look around the world. Maksim Soshkim, who leads much of the Forum’s work on the issue tells us the headlines, and Jacqueline Gifford, Editor-in-Chief of Travel + Leisure magazine, gives her take on the state of the travel scene. One of the key areas the TTDI looks at is sustainability - the impact of travel and tourism on the environment and local communities. And in this episode we hear from two people engaged in making tourism more sustainable: a hotel company taking action across its supply chain, and the head of tourism for Rwanda, where income from foreign visitors helps conserve a unique ecosystem and its endangered mountain gorillas. Speakers: Maksim Soshkin, Centre for Energy and Materials, World Economic Forum Jacqueline Gifford, Editor-in-Chief, Travel + Leisure Neil Jacobs, CEO, Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas Michaella Rugwizangoga, Chief Tourism Officer, Rwanda Links: Travel and Tourism Development Index: Global Future Council on the Future of Sustainable Tourism: Related podcasts: Where are the innovations that can make mining more sustainable? It's cheaper to save the world than destroy it: author Akshat Rathi on Climate Capitalism "Not just sticks of carbon" - how growing trees for the climate must also benefit biodiversity Davos 2024: Addressing the North-South Schism Thumbnail photo: Samrat Khadka on Unsplash Check out all our podcasts on YouTube: - Radio Davos - subscribe: Meet the Leader - subscribe: Agenda Dialogues - subscribe: Join the World Economic Forum Podcast Club:


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