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Reconnect Radio

Author: Tara Kemp, PhD

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Reconnect Radio is a show for mindful women seeking a more aligned life. Hosted by leading mental health expert, researcher, and coach Tara Kemp, PhD - each episode brings the latest evidence-based tools, practical tips, and personal stories to support you in building a healthy relationship with food, your body, and yourself. If you’re ready to do the inner work that will lead you to thrive in your most authentic and aligned life, hit the follow button and get ready to experience true healing and transformation.

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43 Episodes
Self-compassion is the single most important foundational skill/practice for all other inner work to happen. It’s what makes everything else possible. In fact, if I could give every single human on earth one skill, it would be this. I truly believe that self-compassion would not only be the most powerful tool for people to have for their own development and growth and success, but also would be the most powerful thing in creating more kindness and generosity and connection for humanity as a whole.    In this episode, I’ll explain why that is and give you an introductory lesson on how to begin practicing self-compassion in your life.  
I Don’t Belong Here

I Don’t Belong Here


I know that we all feel alone or like an outsider sometimes, but I literally do not fit in with a lot of this world. I fundamentally disagree with and choose to disengage from a large pile of societal norms, and throughout my life thus far I’ve learned how to make my own way in the world while still being part of it.    This episode is here to lend some insights and share some of what has helped me to happily and peacefully coexist in a world that does not feel like home to me. My goal is to encourage you to feel free to create your own path and life based on your values and what feels most true and right and good and meaningful to YOU. Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:  Tara’s Instagram:
You have probably heard many times the advice to “feel your feelings”... but has anyone ever explained to you what that really means and how to do it? In this episode, I’m here to do that for you.    While it sounds simple, truly experiencing and processing our emotions is far from easy or straightforward. Societal conditioning has trained most of us to live in a state of emotional disconnection and nervous system dysregulation. The latter is a key piece that is often missing from the discussion around being present with and processing your emotions – before you can feel your feelings, you must create safety in your body to be able to hold, see, and feel them.   I explain how coping mechanisms are often used to escape or distract from your emotions, and how to widen your window of tolerance to be able to choose differently in a moment of discomfort. Once you can actually access your feelings, I share the most common mistake people make when trying to “feel their feelings” and what to do instead.   It is so important, and for so many reasons, to be emotionally aware and present to your internal experience. If you’re like most people, you weren’t given the guidance to learn how to do this – but this episode will be a good start to that process. By applying compassion and curiosity to your experiences, you can begin to rewire your emotional habits and create a new normal for yourself, one that is more integrated and healthy.  Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:    Tara’s Instagram:   
Karmic Whole Theory

Karmic Whole Theory


So I have a theory; I call it the Karmic Whole. It explains the inherent balance happening  beneath all things. The yin yang we are all part of, even when we don’t realize it.   I hope it resonates, or at least gives you some good inspiration to find your own theories :) Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:    Tara’s Instagram:    Daily Affirmation Club:  
Awareness is Overrated

Awareness is Overrated


The Universe may be expanding, but the world is shrinking. Alongside the increasing interconnectedness of our world is a growing social expectation to stay informed of cultural/global issues. In this episode, I discuss this expectation to ‘be aware’ of what’s happening around the world, and why I believe it’s neither helpful nor healthy.   As part of the discussion, I cover ideas like cancel culture and performative activism, and why I have compassion for those who engage. I also share why I believe that from a mental health perspective, we should not be trying to carry the weight of the world in our heads or our hearts. Empathy is a beautiful thing, but it is not meant to be extended to everyone and everything in our lives to the same extent.   I recognize this is a nuanced topic, and I recognize that you might disagree with my take on things. That’s totally okay. I’m here for the discussion.   Grateful to have you here, always. Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:    Tara’s Instagram:    Daily Affirmation Club:
The existential crisis: Profound, yet universal. We’ve all had those moments lying awake at 2am wondering, “WTF?!” (i.e. What am I doing here? What’s the point of it all?). Typically, these existential questions leave you feeling lost in despair—we humans prefer to feel in control and in the know, after all. But what I’m here to share with you today is a different perspective, one in which your existential crisis is actually a GOOD sign, rather than a bad one. You see, I think it is a sign of sanity and wisdom to question everything every once in a while. Otherwise, you are probably living in an unconscious rut, to be frank. And sometimes, the best way to find yourself, is to get lost first ;) Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:    Tara’s Instagram:  Daily Affirmation Club:
We are ever-evolving beings with infinite potential. I feel it’s important to witness and honor my changing self, and stand in ownership of the version of myself that I am today.   One of the ways in which I do this is through a birthday tradition that I am sharing with you today. My birthday always feels like my personal new year, and it’s the perfect time to reintroduce myself – as I enter a new season of blossoming after a winter of introspection and restoration.   In today’s episode, I not only share that tradition but also, vulnerably, share my reintroduction itself (originally meant just for myself and my partner, but then expanded to a few close friends and now the whole internet haha).   I hope this episode inspires you to reflect on what you want to leave in the past and no longer carry with you in your own identity, as well as consider giving others the gift of seeing them for who they are in the present moment. Maybe you’ll even adopt this tradition and make it your own.   As always, thanks for listening. Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:    Tara’s Instagram:    Daily Affirmation Club:  
This episode is a peek into a personal practice of mine and some musings on what it means to live authentically. I share my new approach to authentic self-expression and what it means to me.    It’s a new form of podcast for me – short & sweet, and more personal – so let me know what you think! Tara’s Substack:    Application for Private Mentorship with Tara:    Tara’s Instagram:    Daily Affirmation Club:  
Kayli Anderson is a registered dietitian and women’s health expert who has been teaching and coaching women in the field of plant-based nutrition for over a decade. Kayli’s work was born from her own frustration of the lack of woman-centered resources in the plant-based nutrition and wellness worlds. She decided to fill the gap herself and now creates modern, empowering, and trustworthy health resources that consider the unique needs and experiences of women.   In this episode, we focus on pregnancy in particular. As I approach the season of motherhood in my own timeline, I find myself seeking more and more information not only about the science of how to optimize your body to build and birth a baby (women’s bodies are SO amazing!!!) but also–and perhaps more importantly–the personal stories and experiences of women who have gone through the initiation of motherhood.   This conversation covers all of the above. Kayli shares tips for how to prepare for pregnancy, what nutrients to consider, and how to take care of yourself through pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. She also reflects on her experience of the journey of pregnancy and motherhood (she is just about to hit one year postpartum) and what she learned along the way.   You’re going to love it! I certainly did. I’m so grateful that Kayli joined me to share her expertise with me and all of you. Women are incredible and it’s so important to honor what makes us unique!  Kayli’s website:    Kayli’s resources for pregnancy and postpartum:    Kayli’s instagram:    Tara’s Instagram:    Reconnect Academy:   Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
Katie Reines, MS, RD is a holistic health coach, self-proclaimed Superhero, and the driving force behind Feed Your Power, an initiative she founded in 2017 to empower young women with greater confidence and overall well-being. Katie is also a dietitian at Dr. Valter Longo's Create Cures Foundation Clinic, a certified plant-based chef, and author of the Heart Disease Cookbook.   In every facet of Katie’s work, she champions a holistic approach to building lifelong health. In today’s conversation we spend a lot of time talking about her expertise and experience with the Create Cures Foundation where she helps people to *reverse their biological age*. It might sound far out, but it’s neither pseudo-science nor bro-science biohacking, it’s evidence-based lifestyle approaches to support your body’s natural, optimal functioning.   We also discuss Katie’s journey in her own relationship with food and her body, in restoring her menstrual cycle, overcoming restrictive and binge eating patterns, and becoming the superhero self she’s proud to be today – and how that influences the way she counsels clients in their health journeys.   It’s such a fun, beautiful conversation and I’m so glad to be able to bring you this glowing human full of so much love, insight, and zest for life.  Katie’s Instagram:   Katie’s Website:   Free initial consult with Katie:   Tara’s Instagram:    Reconnect Academy:   Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
If you’re in that “New Year, New You” energy and want to focus on your health journey in 2024, this is a great place to start. Erin and Dusty Stanczyk are content creators, conscious parents, and a plant-based power couple on a mission to help you eat, move, and rest in ways that support you to thrive.    In this episode, they share their personal story of going from a myriad of health struggles in their mid-twenties, to feeling healthy in all realms of life today – and now with two children in tow (and another on the way!). We discuss how once you build the foundations for physical health, it often opens the door for you to explore and optimize your mental and spiritual health as well. I can definitely attest to this! Erin and Dusty share what they’ve learned along the way as they have dialed in their own routines, added kids to the mix, and now coach others to do the same.   This is a conversation full of wisdom that comes from years of experience and overcoming their own challenges along the way. Erin and Dusty are so down-to-earth and relatable in all that they share, and I’m sure you’ll finish this episode with lots of insights to ponder and action steps to take.    Erin & Dusty’s main website with all their offerings:   Erin & Dustry’s YouTube channel:   Erin & Dustry’s TikTok:   Erin’s Instagram:    Tara’s Instagram:    Reconnect Academy:   Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:
Nina is an Accredited Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist, and CrossFit coach and athlete, specialising in sports and performance nutrition, disordered eating and plant based diets.    She developed a big passion for all things nutrition (including how it affects ALL aspects of our lives) after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and struggling with an eating disorder throughout high school, and navigating the long journey of recovery and having to totally redefine what it means to be ‘healthy’. She has been working in private practice for over 5 years, seeing clients one-on-one worldwide both online and face-to-face.   In this episode, Nina shares the story of her recovery and how she came to land in the thriving life she has today. She reflects on her experience in treatment and the ways that it was, or was not, helpful for her – and how she views that in the grand scheme of her recovery journey. We also discuss how veganism and CrossFit were integral in that process, and continue to be healthy and purposeful parts of her relationship with food today. Plus, lots of other things related to food, recovery, & fueling oneself for optimal performance – not just in sport, but life in general.   I loved this conversation and it’s been a looong time coming so I’m extra excited to be finally sharing the marvelous Nina Gelbke with all of you! Xo   Follow Nina on Instagram @naturally_nina_    Nina’s website:    Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
Let me start by saying: I’m not the type of anti-diet coach who tells you that you’re not allowed to have weight loss goals. But I’m also not the type of food & body coach that supports your weight loss goals with no questions asked. I support you - I just have questions :)   Because… Weight loss is a nuanced topic. It has all sorts of layers that are important to explore and understand within yourself if you want to achieve your goals (and make them last).   Fact: Most weight loss goals fail. Most people end up not only gaining back what they lost, but often end up heavier than they started…And with lower self-confidence and self-esteem too. But it doesn’t have to be this way!! So this week I want to dive in on this topic and go through the layers with you, to help you understand: #1) How to make sure your weight loss goals are actually healthy for you, and #2) How to make those goals successful and sustainable. Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
SECRET: YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIKE YOUR BODY.  And trying to like your body might actually be the thing holding you back from feeling the confidence and peace you desire. (Yep, I said it. Because it’s true!). So, I officially give you permission to not like what your body looks like. AND, that doesn’t let you off the hook from taking good care of your body.   Enter: BODY NEUTRALITY!! This just might be the missing piece to help you finally take action in ways that you want to for your body. It’s the most accessible approach out there - any human in any body can relate to this perspective and use it to support your goals. I have seen this be the gamechanger for so many of my students, which is why I am so passionate about it, and why I’m so excited to teach you all about it   This episode is a brief introduction to the concept of body neutrality and it has a guided meditation to begin practicing the philosophy and shifting your relationship with your body. Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women: Daily Affirmation Club:
Attention athletes (especially plant-based women athletes): this one’s for you!!   Jackson holds a bachelor’s degree in Integrative Physiology from the University of Colorado, a master’s degree in Applied Nutrition, with a post-graduate diploma in Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition, and is a trained and accredited sports nutritionist through the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENr) of the British Dietetic Association. He has over 13 years of training and racing experience in cycling, skiing, and trail running, and followed a plant-based diet for 9 of those years. In this episode, we cover both Jackson’s big picture perspectives on fueling for movement in general (which I love and concur with entirely!), as well as some of the nitty gritty nutrition questions that came in for this interview. Part of what I appreciate about Jackson’s approach to nutrition is his ability to balance these zoomed out and zoomed in views! Some of the conversation topics include the issue of underfueling (which is the most common nutritional issue he sees in both his sports coaching & private nutrition practice), relative energy deficiency in sport (REDS), yay or nay on fasted workouts, iron & ferritin concerns for plant-based athletes, and how your menstrual cycle might influence your training and fueling. It’s a conversation that I feel does a great job of always coming back to the foundations that help you keep things in perspective and see the issues in the context of your whole self. Enjoy!!!  Jackson’s website and services:  The Mountain Athlete Journal:  Jackson’s podcast episode with @theperiodoftheperiod:  Follow Jackson on Instagram @intheflownutrition   Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
Laura is a Doctor of Naturopathy who specializes in mental health. Prior to starting her private practice, she was the attending physician for the mental and behavioral health clinic at her university, was the medical director for Wolfpack Consulting and Therapeutic Services, and was (and still is currently) on the board of directors for the Psychiatric Association for Naturopathic Physicians. Laura’s mission is to provide people who are desiring to heal with the courage and foundational tools needed to move through hard times. She supports her clients in returning to a sense of connection, harmony, and freedom within themselves.   Lately, she has been seeing an increasing interest and need for information regarding ADHD. For multiple reasons, ADHD diagnoses have skyrocketed since 2020 (we go into this briefly in the episode) and there is more conversation than ever about this condition.    Women with ADHD are more likely to struggle with binge eating, general overeating, nighttime eating, emotional eating, meal planning, and PMDD (severe PMS). So, it felt like an important topic to bring to the podcast!! I turned to Dr. Laura Gouge for that task because she’s the best expert I know, especially when it comes to understanding this issue with a whole-person perspective. In this episode, we not only discuss all of the above, but Laura also shares some of her own journey with ADHD & binge eating.   This episode is the perfect introduction to this topic and you will leave with a better understanding of ADHD in general, why you might struggle more with food if you also have ADHD, and how you can start taking better care of yourself if that’s the case.   I always appreciate Laura’s perspectives and value her wisdom so much. I know you will too! You can find Laura on Instagram @drlauragouge    Or TikTok @drlauragouge   For more information about working with Laura 1:1 or in her group program:   Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
Do you ever get invited to a dinner party and not know what to do? AKA you sit there with your thumbs hovering over the phone with indecision about how to respond to the text invite… trying to decide whether you just say yes and trust the universe to make it all work out, or let the host know your dietary preferences, or offer to bring something you know you’ll eat… or just say no and skip all the social stress altogether.   If you can relate, let me tell you, I FEEL YOU. I’ve been there. It can be mega awkward and uncomfortable. Especially if conversations about what you are (or aren’t) eating come up at the dinner table.   Thankfully, today it’s all easy breezy for me. I’ve learned how to navigate all sorts of scenarios that have to do with eating in public places. Whether it’s a spontaneous restaurant gathering with friends, or my boyfriend’s family reunion banquet dinner, I've learned how to hold true to my values while sharing in the experience with everyone. AND, how to get through any conversations or questions that people have about how, what, and why I eat what I do.   So in this episode, I share what I’ve learned and how I coach other women to their own place of peace and confidence when it comes to eating in social settings. Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
Emotional Eating Deep Dive

Emotional Eating Deep Dive


Women are EMOTIONAL BEINGS. All humans are emotional beings, but women are especially emotional beings. We feel deeply. And this is a beautiful, wonderful, necessary thing. But the world didn’t teach you how to regulate within your emotions… so you probably found other ways to do that. For many women, this means FOOD. Sad? …solution: food. Anxious? …solution: food. Stressed? …solution: food. Depressed? …solution: food. HAPPY?? CELEBRATING? … food!!   I’d been getting lots of questions about emotional eating so I decided to host one of my Wednesday live trainings on the topic, and we had so much interest and so many questions that we ended up doing a part 2. In this episode, you get to hear both combined into one big lesson, coaching, and Q&A on emotional eating.   We cover a lot of ground, including questions like: What specific tools can I use *IN THE MOMENT* to stop the behavior and choose differently? How can I handle my emotions in a better way? And, what creates LASTING change so that it doesn’t take soo much self-awareness and effort all the time??   I hope this gives you some deeper self-understanding and a guiding light for your healing path forward. Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
We all have what I call “pain stories”: stories that you have about who you are, that feel painful. The crux of the story might sound like: “I never follow through on the goals I set for myself.” Or “nobody will ever want to be with me.” Or perhaps, “I can’t trust myself with food, and it will always be this way.” (Those all sound pretty terrible… so if you resonate with any of them, it makes sense that you’re in pain!)   When you are living in the “pain story”, you are perpetuating it. No growth or progress happens there. In order to make any changes, you need to shift OUT of the pain story, and into your POWER. And in this week’s episode, I’m teaching you how to do exactly that. There’s a specific process and tools you can use to make that shift – and once you understand this process and know what tools to use, you become UNSTOPPABLE because the pain story becomes truly that… just a story. And any story can be rewritten ;)  Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  
This episode is with the amazing Sarah Shoumer, covering her journey from being stuck in her head to embracing & loving her authentic self. Sarah is an alumni of Reconnect Academy, and I’m soo proud of all the ways she has grown over the past two years since she went through the program. If you’ve ever wondered, “Does Reconnect Academy really work long term? Do the results last?” then listen in to this one! Sarah is a beautiful example of how much transformation can continue to happen after the program if you stay devoted to the path of growth and keep using the tools. Today, Sarah is thriving in college and pursuing her dreams of being a music artist, FREE of the old food fears and body image struggles that used to hold her back. Nothing makes me happier than to see the success of my students, embodying their truth and SHINING in their unique essence. Sarah is wise beyond her years and I know you will love this episode. We’ve already had lots of positive feedback from the live recording in our Facebook group! Enjoy ❤️   Follow Tara on Instagram @tarakemp_   Reconnect Academy:   Join my FREE Facebook community for plant-based women:   Daily Affirmation Club:  