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Author: Renew Education

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A podcast for and about Christian education, but also covering topics related to parenting, cultural engagement, Christian worldview, faith formation, and book recommendations. RenewCast is the Podcast of Renew Education and hosted by Noah Brink. To Learn more about Renew Education, visit our website at
80 Episodes
We need breaks - not just in school life, but in all of life. Not only do these breaks provide bookends and rhythms for the academic calendar, they also say something about who we are and what we need as people. Host Noah Brink talks about the theology of rest and recreation to both provide greater context for understanding the need for these breaks, but also to encourage reflection in the normal day-to-day of our school weeks, days, and individual class periods or lessons. We were made for rest; spiritual formation requires pause, reflection, and solitude. So, how can we do a better job of weaving a theology of recreation and rest into the fabrics of our schools? that's the question and goal of this Episode. #christianeducation #christianschool #christianpodcast
What do we really want to see in our schools? What's the goal? Why do our schools exist? What do we want our students to learn? Far too often, we go through the motions of "doing school," yet we rarely consider how our philosophy and theology affect our approach to learning - both in the overall curricular program and in the day-to-day. Host Noah Brink concludes our six part series on learning by returning to essential questions about the purpose of our Christian schools. Christian schools ought rethink what it means to be an educated person and what's most important for our students to learn. Do our "Portraits of a Graduate" reveal a truly Christian commitment, or are they essentially the same as what we'd find in secular school? What do we mean by success? These struggles aren't aren't limited to the Christian Education sphere alone, but they reveal our general approach to "the Christian life." However, our task is to cling to what the Bible calls us toward, believing the gospel and accepting the unique realities of a gospel-immersed worldview. #christianeducation #portraitofagraduate #faithformation #spiritualformation #christianliving #christianschool #christianworldview #biblicalworldview #christianphilosophy #podcast #christianlearning #christianpodcast #educationpodcast #learning
A Conversation with Craig Harris When Craig Harris set out to plant new church in Yakima, Washington, he already had the intention of planting a Christian school as a ministry of his new church (St. Andrew's, Yakima). Three years later, Immanuel Classical School has a building, over 100 students, has begun the process of hiring its first Headmaster, and just graduated its first high school student. Host Noah Brink and Craig talk about the courageous story of starting a school right on the heals of starting a church - in the midst of a pandemic, none the less. This conversation not only should provide inspiration and encouragement for those considering starting a school, but also helps to recast the notion of the critical relationship between the local church and school and engage and shape the local community through this partnership. #schoolplanting #churchplanting #christianeducation #christianschool #christinculture #yakima #podcast #christianworldview #formation #faithformation #spiritualformation #discipleship #pca
Continuing our series on Learning, it's important to build structures (lessons, experiences, and assessments) with understanding as the goal. That starts by having a clear goal in mind - what we want our students to know/understand. These goals ought be consistent with our school mission, theological foundation, and philosophy of learning. From there, we must be willing to design our classrooms and curricula around a framework that is most likely to help students meet these goals. Host Noah Brink introduces the popular method Understanding by Design as a useful tool to help teachers and academic leaders build maps and frameworks to enable our students to meet these learning objectives. This model sets teachers along the right path to put student learning as a primary goal. #understandingbydesign #curriculum #studentlearning #christianworldview#biblicalworldview #christianeducator #christianeducation #christianteacher #christianschool #christianschools #reneweducation #noahbrink #christianpodcast #podcast #educationpodcas
Though not books about Christian education (or even education, specifically), both *The Anxious Generation* by   Jonathan Haidt  and *Hidden Potential* by  Adam Grant  are fabulous resources to help teachers and Christian educators in their roles. Host Noah Brink provides brief recommendations of each book, in hopes that teachers can find these books as useful tools for their jobs and ministries. Hidden Potential: The Anxious Generation;
Whether we realize it not, Christian schools are affected by a secular approach to education more deeply than we'd like to admit. This most shows up in our approach to learning which speaks volumes to what we believe about the purpose of education (and thus our schools) and what we fundamentally believe about our students. As the first in a multi-part series on learning, Host Noah Brink begins the conversation on learning by addressing the differences (and implications) between a secular approach to learning (instituted on the heals of the Industrial Revolution) and a spiritual approach, which focuses not on what a student knows, but on who a student becomes. That's the goal #christianeducation #christianschool #christianteacher #christianworldview #biblicalworldview #integrationoffaithandlearning #biblicalintegration #noahbrink #reneweducation
How do we think about behavior, rules, boundaries, and consequences in a gospel-centered way? Does it matter? Episode 5 briefly speaks to the reality that our students need boundaries that will help them see how life works best within a healthy learning community. But, they also need to consistent gospel-reminders that their obedience (or lack thereof) doesn't change their standing; it doesn't make them good or bad. Our task is to help them to gospel-prompted obedience and rescue them from their "default setting" which bends them toward moralism. To learn more about Renew Education, visit our website, or buy Noah's book, Jesus Above School.
It's not uncommon to hear people of faith say, "it's not about you." It's even the first sentence in Rich Warren's popular book, *The Purpose Driven Life.* But, this statement is more than a healthy reminder; in fact, it's a foundational aspect of the Christian worldview. #rickwarren #purposedrivenlife #christianworldview #christianphilosophy #biblicalworldview #christianity #faithformation #spiritualformation #lifeoffaith #christianliving
What should we do when a students ask their teachers whether or not Santa is real? It's especially complicated at the Elementary school grades, where parents have different perspectives, and teachers want to both respect those differences and capitalize on the opportunity for transformative learning. Actually, the conversation surrounding Santa Claus goes far beyond whether or not Santa Claus really exists. Host Noah Brink builds a case for why Christian teachers shouldn't shy away from Santa Claus conversations; they help us to embrace the power of stories and our need for hope, imagination, mystery and wonder. In the conversation, Noah provides some of the background legends and historical contexts that gave us our current Santa Claus, leaning heavily on G.K. Chesterton and Jesus Christ's insistence that we have faith like a child. Jesus Above School – #santaclaus #christianeducation #christmas #christianteacher #christianschool
At Christmastime, Christians talk about the importance and necessity of the Incarnation, and we celebrate Jesus as Immanuel. The words of Christmas bring wonder and thanksgiving, but they're also critical parts to seeing Christianity as a worldview. The realities of both "incarnation" and Immanuel" are worldview-shaping beliefs that should affect Christians' view of all things – not merely at Christmas, but every day. #christmas #incarnation #immanuel #godwithus #christianworldview #biblicalworldview #gospel #gospellife #goodnews #jesus #jesuschrist #oldtestament #newtestament #bethlehem
Thankfulness (both as a virtue and as an individual instance) reveal something about a worldview. Gratitude suggests that we know what we do and don't deserve ... that there's an "ought," and even a "something" to which this thanksgiving is owed. Deep down we know we ought to be thankful, and this reveals that we're hard-wired for recognizing who we are, in relation to the One who deserves our gratitude. As a result, people of faith ought to be the most thankful among all people and should model it for the onlooking world. #thanksgiving #thankfulness #gratitude #christianworldview #christianphilosophy #biblicalworldview #christianity #gospel #grace #christianvirtues
Yes, the world is not as it ought be. We see myriad instances of suffering, pain, loneliness, and sorrow. And yet, God continues to sustain the world through His goodness. It's God's common grace that we see at work - his blessings upon the entirety of his creation - whether His people or not. God's common grace is a vital aspect of the Christian worldview, giving us reason to find great value in all people and enabling us to celebrate the truth, beauty, and goodness we see at the hands and in the minds and words of others. #coommongrace #grace #graceofgod #godsgoodness #christianworldview #biblicalworldview #godscreation #christianity #lovinggod #godatwork #worldview #podcast #christianpodcast
We're continuing our series on learning and the Christian school by considering how the image of God affects our approach to learning. One of the clearest statements the Bible gives about the nature of humanity is that people are created in the image of God. Consequently, the notion that all people are created in God's image must be a core belief of the Christian school, and this belief has to be foundational to the school's philosophy and practice. Host Noah Brink discusses how seeing students as Rational, Relational, Moral, Spiritual, and Creative beings (a simple starting point for what it means to be image bearers) should radically affect our approach to learning, affecting not only our philosophy and mission, but the day-to-day learning activities of the school. Learn more about RenewEd at #podcast #christianpodcast #christianpodcastcommunity #christianeducator #christianeduaction #christianschool #christianteacher #learning #imageofgod #imagodei
A Conversation with John Roberts John Roberts, Head of School at Covenant Christian School in St. Louis joins the show to talk about the distinctiveness of the CCS curriculum. It's rare to find a Christian school (or any school for that matter) that can build its curriculum to fit its own mission and objectives. But, that's why John and his team at Covenant have been able to do. Rather than merely buying curriculum from various publishers, Covenant Christian School began a multi-year process of building a curriculum that fits its core distinctives. Host Noah Brink and John discuss the uniquenesses of Covenant's philosophy, program, and the process Covenant undertook to build a curriculum that fits the identity of the school. It's hard work, but listening to John should inspire and encourage any Christian school to set upon this journey. Learn more about Covenant Christian School #christianeducation #curriclumdesign #christianschool
When we begin to formulate a plan for building school wide frameworks for learning, there may be no better place to go than to the "Greatest Commandment." By calling people of faith to love God with all of our hearts, mind, and strength, Jesus is showing us what it looks like to love God with the totality of our natures, and it also gives us a foundation for what we should think about learning. Host Noah Brink uses this foundation to introduce several "Threefold" frameworks to guide a more biblical dependent approach to learning: Head, Hand, and Heart Inward, Upward, and Outward Prophet, Priest, and King Any of these three frameworks could be used as starting points for aligning our approach to learning with a more biblical model.
It's certainly a necessary step to create a school philosophy of learning that aligns with the school mission. But, having that in place, we have other make sure that this philosophy is actually supported by the school's practice (with its policies, procedures, and programs). Host Noah Brink uses Professor Lou Voskuil's Culture Box as an organizer and tool to help us ensure that there is consistency between our school artifacts and our beliefs. Unfortunately, we continue to underestimate the impact of well over a hundred years' commitment to a secular system and approach to education. But, if we're going to make progress, we have to start with honest reflection on our alignment. #christianworldview #biblicalworldview #learning #teachingandlearning #christianteacher #christianeducation
Paul Matthews joins our show to talk about his new book, A Time to Lead, his software to help teachers us A.I. to improve their practice (MyTeacherAide), and how teachers can develop a posture that enables them to embrace changes which helps them become better teachers. Even though the bulk of our conversation connect revolves around the topic of A.I., the main goal is helping teachers fulfill the great commission by more faithfully fulfilling their roles (without fear) so that our students can thrive. Paul is a wonderful resource for today's Christian school teachers, and it is our great joy to celebrate and recommend the great work he's doing. Find out more about his books and resources below. A Time to Lead (Amazon): A Time to Lead (Christian Schools International):
Every healthy school has a culture of faculty growth, where the school provides and encourages opportunities for teachers to grow in their philosophy and practice. And, these programs are often most effective when they're dependent upon internal leadership, rather than upon external programs. Even more healthy is a culture that nurtures growth in such a way that it's organically ongoing, because it's part of the habits, rhythms, and rituals of the school. Host Noah Brink offers two practical models to nurture a culture of regular reflection improvement among teachers and discusses a theological foundation for why schools should always be committed to professional development.
Brother Lawrence's Classic work *The Practice of the Presence of God* provides a helpful, practical starting point for beginning to experience the presence of God. And, this is something we need if we're going to see any progress in the area of Spiritual Formation, which has to be one of the greatest priorities in the life of the Christian School. Host Noah Brink discusses what it could look like for the Christian school or individual Christian school teacher to begin to use this teaching from Brother Lawrence and how to begin to put these into the habits and rhythms of the school and/or classroom.
Luke 15's parable of the two brothers (often referred to as the Parable of the Prodigal Son) has profound lessons for all Christians - but especially for those of us who work with Kids. Host Noah Brink discusses how this parable can help us think about our students and children in light of both brothers and the response of the Father. We aren't merely trying to nurture students toward conformity, but we want to see lasting change. That's central to Spiritual Formation, which is central to the mission of Christian education