Episode 73: The Courage to Plant a Christian School
A Conversation with Craig Harris
When Craig Harris set out to plant new church in Yakima, Washington, he already had the intention of planting a Christian school as a ministry of his new church (St. Andrew's, Yakima). Three years later, Immanuel Classical School has a building, over 100 students, has begun the process of hiring its first Headmaster, and just graduated its first high school student.
Host Noah Brink and Craig talk about the courageous story of starting a school right on the heals of starting a church - in the midst of a pandemic, none the less. This conversation not only should provide inspiration and encouragement for those considering starting a school, but also helps to recast the notion of the critical relationship between the local church and school and engage and shape the local community through this partnership.
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https://www.saintandrewsyakima.org https://www.immanuelclassical.org/visionmission http://www.renew-education.org