Running Form Fitness

Welcome to Running Form Fitness, where we lace up our shoes and dive deep into the world of women's running. Join us as we explore the unique challenges, triumphs, and experiences of female runners, from beginners to seasoned athletes. Join our passionate hosts - Carina and Cher - as they share their expertise, interview inspiring guests, and tackle a range of women's issues in running, from physical training tips and injury prevention strategies to mental health insights and empowering stories from fellow women runners.

Chasing the Finish Line: Insights from the Sydney Marathon

Summary In this episode, Cher and Carina discuss Carina's journey to the Sydney Marathon, including the challenges of long-distance travel, pre-race preparations, and the emotional experience of running the marathon. Carina shares insights on carb loading, race day strategies, and the importance of mental resilience during the race. The conversation culminates in reflections on the race experience and the lessons learned along the way. Takeaways Traveling to Australia for the marathon was a significant challenge due to time zone differences and long flights. Proper visa preparation is crucial for international travel. Carb loading is essential for marathon performance, but it can be challenging to achieve on a plane. Mental preparation and managing anxiety are key components of race day success. The emotional connection to running can enhance performance and provide motivation. Navigating the race course can be difficult, especially with unexpected weather conditions. Fueling strategies, including the use of gels and hydration, can impact race performance. Post-race recovery and finding family can be chaotic but is part of the experience. Every marathon is unique, and learning from each experience is vital for growth as a runner. The journey of running a marathon is as important as the race itself. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Marathon Excitement 05:02 Traveling to Australia: Tips and Challenges 12:01 Jet Lag and Pre-Race Preparation 17:52 Race Day: Strategies and Mindset 29:52 The Sydney Marathon Experience 45:01 Post-Race Reflections and Lessons Learned


From Strava to Self-Doubt: Managing Social Media Comparisons

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina discuss the challenges of comparing oneself to others on social media, particularly in the running community. They reflect on how social media has changed the way runners share their training and how it can lead to feelings of inadequacy. They also explore the balance between authenticity and portraying a positive image on social media. The conversation touches on the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing family, and being honest with oneself. They also briefly discuss the role of Strava in the running community and the potential benefits and drawbacks of using the platform. Takeaways Social media can amplify feelings of comparison and inadequacy, particularly in the running community. It's important to set boundaries and prioritize family and personal well-being over social media validation. Authenticity is valued, but there is a balance between sharing the highs and lows of training. Strava can be a useful tool for tracking and sharing running activities, but it can also contribute to comparison and pressure. Runners are resilient and dedicated individuals who push through challenges and keep commitments. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and the Impact of Social Media Comparison 12:49 The Evolution of Running and Social Media 19:04 Authenticity and Balancing Personal and Professional Life on Social Media 20:26 Exploring the Role of Strava in the Running Community 25:41 The Importance of Prioritizing Family and Setting Boundaries 30:24 The Resilience and Dedication of Runners 31:18 RFF Outro 45.wav


Training Fatigue: Overcoming the Marathon Burnout Phase

Summary In this episode, Cher and Carina discuss the mental and physical burnout that often occurs during marathon training. They share their own experiences and offer advice on how to push through the tough weeks of training. They emphasize the importance of staying mentally strong, trusting the process, and not letting negative thoughts derail your progress. They also discuss the significance of having a strong 'why' and a coach to help navigate the challenges. Overall, they highlight the valuable life lessons that marathon training teaches about perseverance and self-discovery. Takeaways Marathon training often involves a period of mental and physical burnout, typically around three to six weeks before the race. The mental toll of marathon training can be just as challenging as the physical demands. It's important to stay mentally strong and push through the tough weeks. Having a strong 'why' and a coach can help navigate the challenges and keep you motivated. Don't let negative thoughts and self-doubt derail your progress. Trust the process and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles. Marathon training teaches valuable life lessons about perseverance, self-discovery, and pushing beyond your perceived limits. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Explanation of the Topic 02:42 The Mental and Physical Burnout of Marathon Training 05:24 The Importance of Mindset and Staying Focused 09:43 Pushing Through the Tough Weeks of Training 12:30 The Role of Nutrition in Marathon Training 18:21 Lessons from the Long Run: Perseverance and Self-Discovery 25:29 The Inner Voice and Overcoming Mental Barriers 28:59 Conclusion and Call to Action 29:28 RFF Outro 45.wav


The Importance of Menstruation in Female Runners ft. Mary Black

Summary In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss women's health and its impact on athletes, specifically in the context of running. They are joined by Mary, who shares her personal journey of struggling with infertility while being a runner. Mary talks about her running background, her experience with infertility, and the steps she took to prioritize her health and eventually conceive. The conversation also touches on the importance of regular menstruation for female athletes, the risks of not having a period, and the need for patient advocacy and finding supportive healthcare providers. Takeaways Running can have an impact on women's health, especially in the context of fertility and menstruation. Maintaining a regular menstrual cycle is a sign of a healthy body, and irregularities or the absence of a period can indicate underlying issues. Women athletes should prioritize their overall health and well-being, including proper nutrition and rest, to support their bodies and maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. It is important to advocate for oneself and find healthcare providers who understand and support the unique needs of female athletes. Regular check-ups and open communication with healthcare providers can help address any concerns or issues related to women's health and running.


Race Day Realities: GI Issues, Recovery, and Celebrating Success

Summary Cher and Carina recap their recent half marathon race and discuss their individual experiences and achievements. Cher had a last-minute decision to participate in the race and exceeded her expectations by achieving a personal record (PR) and finishing under two hours. Carina, on the other hand, had high expectations for herself and finished in second place overall, but felt disappointed with her time. They discuss the challenges of racing, including GI issues and recovery. Despite the difficulties, they both feel motivated and excited for future races. Takeaways Participating in a race can provide valuable insights into training progress and boost confidence. Race day conditions and unforeseen variables can impact performance, but it's important to focus on personal goals and achievements. Recovery after a race, especially a half marathon, can take time and may require adjustments to training plans. Running is an individual sport, and each person's journey and progress are unique. Setting realistic expectations and celebrating personal achievements are key to maintaining motivation and enjoyment in running.


The Mental Shift in Marathon Training

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina provide updates on their respective running journeys. Cher discusses her progress in training for her first marathon, highlighting the mental shift she has experienced and the increasing ease of her runs. Carina shares her training for the Sydney Marathon and her goal to break the 2:55 barrier. Both Cher and Carina express their fears and anxieties about their upcoming races, emphasizing the importance of pushing through discomfort and enjoying the journey. They also discuss the benefits of having a coach and the life lessons that running teaches. Takeaways Training for a marathon involves a mental shift, where runs that were once challenging become easier over time. Having a coach can provide guidance and support in training for a marathon, especially for beginners. It is important to set realistic goals for your first marathon and focus on finishing rather than speed. Running marathons teaches valuable life lessons, such as perseverance, pushing through discomfort, and believing in oneself. Even experienced runners feel scared and anxious before races, but it is important to do it anyway and enjoy the journey.


Olympics, Controversy, & More

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina discuss various topics related to the Olympics. They start by talking about Simone Biles and her incredible story of overcoming trauma. They also discuss the challenges faced by athletes in the Tokyo Olympics, including the lack of audience and the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. The conversation then shifts to highlight other inspiring athletes, such as Ilona Mayer, who put USA Women's Rugby on the map, and Gabby Thomas, who won gold in the 200-meter race. They also mention the success of American athletes in various events, including the men's 1500-meter race and the pole vault. The episode concludes with a discussion about the importance of finding the right sport that matches an individual's body type and genetics. Takeaways Simone Biles' story of overcoming trauma is inspiring and highlights the importance of mental health in sports. The Tokyo Olympics presented unique challenges for athletes, including the lack of audience and strict COVID-19 restrictions. Ilona Mayer and Gabby Thomas are examples of athletes who have achieved great success and are inspiring role models. American athletes have performed exceptionally well in various events, showcasing their talent and dedication. Finding the right sport that matches an individual's body type and genetics is crucial for success in athletics.


Running Speak: What Are These Weird Words Anyway?

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina discuss running terms and jargon. Carina introduces common running terms and asks Cher for her thoughts on them. They cover acronyms like PB (personal best) and PR (personal record), as well as terms like DNS (did not start) and DNF (did not finish). They also discuss terms like starting corral, splits, taper, strides, and fartlek. Cher learns the meanings of these terms and finds the running jargon both amusing and educational. Takeaways Running has its own set of terms and jargon that may be unfamiliar to non-runners. Acronyms like PB and PR refer to personal best and personal record, respectively. DNS stands for did not start, indicating a runner who signed up for a race but couldn't participate. DNF stands for did not finish, indicating a runner who started a race but couldn't complete it. Starting corrals are used in larger races to organize runners based on their expected finish times. Splits refer to the time intervals in a run, often measured in miles. Tapering is the process of reducing mileage and intensity before a race to prepare the body for peak performance. Strides are short bursts of speed during a run, typically lasting 10-15 seconds. Fartlek is a type of interval workout with varying intervals and no specific structure. Understanding running terms and jargon can help runners communicate and navigate the running community. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Running Terms and Jargon 07:14 Understanding Starting Corrals and Waves 09:15 Decoding Splits and Tempo Runs 09:57 Tapering and Strides: Fine-tuning Your Training 12:12 The Quirky Side of Running: Fartlek Workouts


Running On Vacation

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina discuss the topic of running while on vacation. Carina shares her experience of running in different cities and offers tips for finding good running trails in new locations. They also talk about the importance of safety and cultural awareness when running in unfamiliar places. The conversation includes funny and extreme running stories, such as running in airports and getting lost in foreign countries. Overall, they emphasize the joy and benefits of running while traveling. Takeaways Running while on vacation allows you to explore new places and see famous landmarks in a different way. Google Maps and hotel concierges can help you find running trails and safe routes in unfamiliar cities. Be aware of the climate and adjust your running routine accordingly, especially in hot and humid destinations. Consider cultural norms and safety precautions when running in foreign countries. Running on vacation can help you maintain your routine and enhance your overall travel experience. Chapters 00:00 Introduction: Running on Vacation 03:51 Exploring New Places and Landmarks 08:27 Finding Running Trails in Different Cities 16:08 Extreme Running Stories: Flight Times and Layovers 24:42 Safety and Cultural Awareness When Running 27:59 Conclusion: Tips and Takeaways


Twenty One Run with Sylvia Bedford

Summary In this podcast episode, the hosts interview Sylvia Bedford, an experienced and accomplished runner who has participated in the Olympic trials and won the St. George Marathon multiple times. Sylvia shares her journey as a runner, her experiences at the Olympic trials, and her love for the St. George Marathon. She also discusses her new gym, Run 21, which is specifically designed for runners and offers coached interval classes, outdoor run clubs, and strength training programs.Keywordsrunning, marathon, Olympic trials, St. George Marathon, training, gym, interval classes, strength training Takeaways Sylvia Bedford is an experienced runner who has participated in the Olympic trials and won the St. George Marathon multiple times. Running in the Olympic trials is an amazing experience, with high-profile runners and a lot of excitement and energy. The St. George Marathon is Sylvia's favorite race, and she has won it four times. Sylvia's training routine includes two speed workouts per week, easy runs in between, and a long run on Saturdays. Sylvia and her business partners have opened a gym called Run 21, which offers coached interval classes, outdoor run clubs, and strength training programs. Run 21 provides a community setting for runners of all levels to train together and support each other. The gym uses heart rate-based training to ensure that everyone can work at their own level and effort. Strength training is an important component of running and can help prevent injuries and improve performance. Run 21 offers free trials for people to experience the gym and see if it's a good fit for them. Run 21: The Ultimate Gym for Runners Inside the Olympic Trials: Running with Elite Athletes "Sylvia Bedford is a phenomenal runner" "Running in the Olympic trials is insane" "Winning the St. George Marathon is awesome" Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction 01:36 Sylvia's Running Journey and Olympic Trials 06:59 Tips for Running the St. George Marathon 10:09 Sylvia's Training Routine 19:27 Coached Interval Classes and Strength Training at Run 21 24:37 Community and Outdoor Running at Run 21 27:56 Membership Options and Trying Out Run 21


Super Shoes & Cold Gear: Worth The Money?

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina discuss running gear and how it has evolved over the years. They talk about the importance of choosing high-quality running gear that is sweat-wicking and comfortable. They also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of super shoes, which are designed to make runners faster. The conversation then shifts to winter running gear, including shoes, leggings, socks, and gloves. They emphasize the importance of staying warm and dry during cold weather runs. In this conversation, Carina and Cher discuss various aspects of running gear and accessories. They talk about the importance of investing in the right gear, including ear warmers or hats for cold weather running. They also discuss the transition wear needed for changing seasons and the magic combination of shorts and long sleeves for spring running. They mention the need for gloves, sunglasses, and visors for sun protection, as well as the importance of reflective gear and lights for safety when running in the dark. They also touch on the use of GPS watches, hydration options, and the debate over wearing makeup while running. Takeaways Running gear has come a long way and there are now many high-quality options available. Super shoes can make a difference in performance, but they should be used with caution and proper training. Choosing the right gear for winter running is essential to stay warm and comfortable. Investing in good quality running gear is worth it for the benefits it provides during training and races. Investing in the right gear, such as ear warmers or hats, is important for comfortable running in cold weather. Transition wear, like shorts and long sleeves, is essential for running in changing seasons. Sunglasses, visors, and sunscreen are necessary for sun protection while running. Reflective gear and lights are crucial for safety when running in the dark. GPS watches provide valuable data and tracking for runners. Hydration options, such as handheld water bottles or hydration vests, are necessary for long runs. The debate over wearing makeup while running is a personal choice, but it may not withstand sweat and can be uncomfortable. Finding the right running gear and accessories is a continuous process, and it's important to share recommendations and tips with other runners.


Smart Recovery (feat. Justin w/ Athlecare)

Summary Justin Decker, owner of Atholicaire, discusses the importance of injury prevention and active recovery for athletes and anyone looking to stay active. He emphasizes the need for a foundation of rest, sleep, and nutrition to support the body's ability to recover and heal. Atholicaire makes active recovery accessible and affordable, offering services like hot/cold therapy, compression, and stretching. Justin believes in creating sustainable and long-term health practices, rather than relying on quick fixes or expensive treatments. He works with athletes of all levels, helping them achieve their goals and prioritize their mental and physical well-being. Athlecare focuses on full body optimization and long-term health rather than just symptom management. They believe that weight loss is a byproduct of overall improvement in performance and well-being. Athlecare offers personalized training plans and recovery services to help individuals achieve their goals and prevent injuries. They emphasize the importance of investing in preventive care and prioritizing long-term health over short-term fixes. The challenge lies in getting people emotionally invested in their own well-being and overcoming the mindset of reactive care. Takeaways Injury prevention and active recovery are essential for athletes and anyone looking to stay active. Rest, sleep, and nutrition are foundational for recovery and should not be overlooked. Atholicaire offers accessible and affordable active recovery services to help individuals optimize their performance and prevent injuries. Creating sustainable and long-term health practices is key, rather than relying on quick fixes or expensive treatments. Adaptation requires consistent effort over a period of time, with the right stimulus and a focus on full body optimization. Weight loss is a symptom of overall improvement in performance and well-being. Athlecare focuses on full body optimization and offers personalized training plans and recovery services. Preventive care is crucial for long-term health and injury prevention. Getting people emotionally invested in their own well-being is a challenge.


Running Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts!

Summary In this episode, Cher and Carina discuss running etiquette. They cover various categories of running etiquette, including road running, trail running, track etiquette, and race day etiquette. They emphasize the importance of running against traffic, running single file when necessary, and using sidewalks and crosswalks. They also discuss the need for communication and planning when running with others, as well as the importance of being visible and aware of your surroundings. They touch on the importance of keeping information shared during runs confidential and the need for runners to be considerate of other runners, bikers, and drivers on the road. They also mention the benefits of finding a running buddy and the importance of lining up correctly in race corrals. In this conversation, Cher and Carina discuss race and track etiquette for runners. They cover topics such as lining up correctly at the start, being aware of other runners, disposing of trash properly, and following the rules of the track. They also touch on the topic of bodily functions during a run and emphasize that it's a natural part of the sport. Takeaways Always run against traffic for safety Be aware of and follow the specific etiquette for different running environments Communicate and plan ahead when running with others Be visible and use sidewalks and crosswalks Keep information shared during runs confidential Be considerate of other runners, bikers, and drivers on the road Finding a running buddy can enhance the running experience Line up correctly in race corrals Lining up correctly at the start of a race is important to avoid congestion and potential accidents. Runners should be aware of their surroundings and be considerate of other runners on the course. Proper disposal of trash at aid stations is crucial to keep the race course clean and safe. On the track, runners should follow the correct direction and stay in their lanes. Bodily functions such as burping, farting, and snot rockets are a natural part of running and should not be a cause for embarrassment.


Running with Autoimmune Disease

Summary In this podcast episode, Cher and Carina discuss running with autoimmune disease, focusing on Carina's experience with ulcerative colitis. Carina shares her journey of being diagnosed with the disease and her initial struggles with medication. She then talks about seeking a more natural solution and working with a specialized health center. Carina also discusses the impact of ulcerative colitis on her running and the challenges she faced. The conversation shifts to the topic of breast implants and their potential connection to autoimmune disease. Carina shares her thoughts on getting her implants removed and the risks involved. The episode concludes with a call for others to share their experiences of running with autoimmune disease and the importance of community support. Takeaways Running with autoimmune disease can be challenging, but finding the right treatment and support can help manage symptoms. Medication for autoimmune disease may have side effects, and it's important to weigh the benefits and risks. Breast implants may be linked to autoimmune disease, and individuals should consider the potential risks before getting them. Sharing experiences and supporting each other in the running community can provide valuable insights and encouragement for those with autoimmune disease.


Project Cher Update 1

In this conversation, Cher and Carina provide updates on their running journeys. Cher discusses her progress in training, including her mileage and the challenges she has faced with glute activation. Carina shares her experience of hiring a running coach to help her overcome her tendency to overtrain. They both emphasize the importance of having a coach for accountability and objective guidance. They also discuss the mental and emotional aspects of running and the need for self-care and balance in training. Overall, they are excited about their upcoming races and the personal growth they will experience throughout their journeys.


Breaking the Silence: Disordered Eating and Running

In this episode, the hosts discuss the topic of body confidence and running, sharing personal experiences with eating disorders and the impact on their mindset. They highlight the importance of therapy and self-reflection in overcoming disordered eating and finding a healthy relationship with food and exercise. The hosts emphasize the need for open conversations about body image and eating disorders in order to raise awareness and support one another in the running community.


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