Shiny New Clients!

<p><b>The marketing podcast that helps you attract shiny new clients to your business using social media, marketing strategies and a heaping scoop of fun (with episodes that are 20 minutes or less).<br><br>If you've got a business  -  this is the show you need to fill your calendar with perfect clients.</b></p>

Essential Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs (and why actors make fantastic business owners)

Did you know actors make fantastic business owners? Why? Because they have inherent traits that entrepreneurs need to succeed. In this episode I'll share what those traits are, so you can hone and harness them in your own business growth journey.I'll also share one of the WORST audition stories from my life as an actor, and a bit about why I now feel so much more empowered as a business owner, than I did in my past life as an actor. ✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get...


How to raise your rates as a solopreneur

OOF the age old question: How do you raise your rates for a client-based business? It's stressful, it makes imposter syndrome come a' calling and sometimes it feels weirdly illegal? (...just me?) In this episode, I'll be playing the role of your business/marketing coach and self employment bestie helping you sort through the mental ish surrounding raising your rates.We'll also strategize around what your next steps will be to make sure your new rates still align with your ideal client s...


From Solopreneur to Business Owner: How to hire your first employees

Don't make this hiring mistake when bringing people into your business... In this episode you'll hear simple stories that lead to big lessons in how to hire contractors and employees in your small business. If you don't wanna be a solopreneur forever, then you've gotta hire at some point.Whether that's months or years down the road from hiring your first employees, this episode will give you some anecdotes to help you find the right people sooner so you can scale your business faster and with...


This marketing mindset will take you to 6 figures and beyond

This is the marketing mindset pep talk you probably didn't know you needed... But it can help you do everything from writing better social media posts, to having more confidence on sales calls, to landing more leads directly from your social media content.In this episode we talk about the big mistakes service based business owners are making in how they approach social media, and their marketing content, and how to immediately reverse it.You'll hear about mindset shifts that will improve your...


How to SELL (without the slime 🫣)

Pushy sales tactics are OUT and selling a way that feels GOOD is in. Believe it or not, you can actually sell in a way that makes your audience scream "Take my money!" and in this episode you'll hear exactly how to do it.Forceful/pushy/masculine sales tactics are not my style and if thats your jam this podcast probably isn't for you.If you wanna figure out how to market your service-based business in a way that feels aligned and in integrity with your values... and creates a feeling of empowe...


Navigating Difficult Conversations with Your Clients (with guest expert Lana Saleh)

You started out as a business owner so you could do that thing you love to do... And ended up being a a marketer, salesperson, manager and... Mediator. Having difficult conversations with your team and with your clients is a necessary part of business growth. It takes skills, perspective and patience.In today's episode, Lawyer, Facilitator and Emotional Intelligence Educator Lana Saleh joins us to help you tackle these tricky chats head on. As Lana says, "Emotional Intelligence and relationsh...


7 Ways to grow your email list (including the BEST way)

No more gatekeeping. In this episode you'll hear why email marketing has some of the highest conversion rates, the email software I use and some key terminology to know, how often to email your list when you're just starting out, plus 7+ tactics for how to grow your email list... Including....The BEST way (imo) and how I've grow my email list by thousands without spending a dime.✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your...


Lessons From a $100k Lemonade Stand

It's so hard to look at your own business objectively... so let's look at someone else's instead. In this episode we talk about top of funnel marketing, scaling your business, playing off of the market to sell people what they want, and growing your big beautiful multiple six figure business.✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)" Tap h...


This Brain-Trick Will Make You Build Your Business FASTER

Build your business faster when you change how you think... I would be SHOCKED if this episode doesn't give you at least one lightbulb moment that helps you grow your business faster.With a special 90 second guest spot from Mindset Coach Alicia Wood this bite-sized episode about business mindset, marketing and growth might just transform the way you brainstorm.Follow Mindset Coach Alicia Wood HERE✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without was...


Google Ads for Beginners (Feat. Ex Google Employee Jyll Saskin Gales)

This intro to Google Ads will clarify so much for the beginner, and the advanced business owner, alike! Whether you're testing the waters to see if Google Ads are your next advertising venture, or just getting a feel for all your digital marketing options.... This quick, informative episode is the perfect gateway.Jyll Sasken Gales is an ex-Google employee, holds a Harvard MBA and is exceptional at making the sometimes-scary world of advertising clear and easy to understand.Follow Jyll Sasken ...


Niche? Positioning? Branding? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!? (I'll tell you)

There are a lot of buzzwords involved in marketing your service-based business, and some of them are less than helpful. So in today's episode, we OVER-simplify everything you need to know to get clients with your marketing.Will having a "niche", perfecting your "messaging" and creating a "brand" help you sell more? Yes. BUT only if you're not absolutely overwhelmed by all that jargon, in the first place.Let's talk about how to truly market your business, by reverse-engineering what makes you ...


Write words that SELL MORE with copywriting expert Laura Belgray

This episode will make you a better copywriter. Full stop. And business owners who write good copy, get more clients. Laura Belgray (co-creator of the Copy Cure with Marie Forleo) guests on today's episode and not only is she the most fun to listen to, she's also super generous with the writing tips she shares here.I counted at least 11 super actionable copywriting tips in this episode, plus a lot of laughter and we even debunk some Instagram myths to top it all off.If you have a business, an...


2 Free Automations Every Business Needs

Even if you hate learning new tech, these 2 social media marketing automations are free, easy, and gonna transform your social media lead generation. Trust me! You can set both of these up in a couple hours, and soon you'll consider them must-haves in the organic social media marketing strategy for your business.LATER: ✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued t...


Red Carpets, Panicking on Live TV and How To Muster the ✨Literal Audacity✨ To Ask For WHAT YOU WANT.

From interviewing A List celebrities on the red carpet, to anchoring live news on a National Network, Gina Phillips has mustered up confidence in seriously high pressure environments. In this episode she’ll share how you can brave-up, hold your ground, and have the ✨literal audacity✨ to ask for what you want (even if it’s asking an actual pop star if he’ll give you his tambourine). If you've ever struggled with confidence when it comes to your content creation, social situations or owning a b...


The 3 reasons people UNFOLLOW you (and exactly how to stop caring when they do)

You're about to become 100% resilient to social media unfollows. Seriously. You'll never fret about them again after you hear the REAL reason people unfollow your business on social media. Wanna know how many unfollows I got this week? I'll tell you... and it's probably hundreds more than you think. Yet to me, it's water off my back and your unfollows are gonna feel the same way after you stream this episode.I'll also talk about... Life as an actor and what it's like to hear NO lik...


Imposter Syndrome & Unconventional Affirmations

Struggling with imposter syndrome? Oof the struggle is real, especially for women in business. In this episode, I'll share 3 unconventional affirmations that have helped me at various stages in my business.From the early days when I thought I had no business being there... To the starter years when I was finding my way... To my most recent affirmations and how I use them to keep my goals in sight.✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting h...


An intro to Mindset, and Woo-Woo Business Strategies with Sam Garcia, Bestselling author of Regenerative Business

If you've heard the word "Mindset" tossed around in a business setting and wondered what the heck that means... This episode is for you. We talk about pricing your offers, embracing ‘seasons’ in your business and relieving the pressure to have to sell constantly, and how to map out your year and decide when to sell, and when to rest.Dive into the world of business mindset, and designing your ideal business, and future with special guest Samantha Garcia, Bestselling author of Regenerative Busi...


Ask Yourself THIS Question; And You'll Succeed At Everything You Do.

Your attitude has a direct impact on your outcomes... But knowing that fact isn't always enough to shake off imposter syndrome, worry, or the terror of taking on a new endeavour... Until now. Muahaha.In this episode, you'll be a fly on the wall of a Magic Marketing Machine coaching call! Program member and Macro Nutrition Coach, Neha Nautiyal, has generously let us share this excerpt with you, and I know you'll enjoy learning from her journey.Meet Neha Nautiyal on Instagram HERE✨Tap here to w...


How to have the most Lucrative year in your business

Are you determined to make this year a year of GROWTH for your business? That takes strategy, action, and the right business mindset - and in this episode I'll share one of my first experiences in my business where my mindset and outlook directly impacted my revenue.Whether you're an entrepreneur striving to get your biz off the ground, or hit that million-in-a-year mark, this mindset shift still applies (fascinating, right?)I hope the tale I tell today helps you expand your empire!✨Tap here ...


Exactly how you're gonna make bank in Q2 this year 💥

Ready for a challenge that's run, realistic, and could help your business revenue totally take off in Q2, this year? In this episode, I'll tell you about how a slight adjustment to my social media strategy culminated in a viral video and a $10k day in my business....And I dare you to apply the same system! Harness the energy of going into GROWTH MODE so future-you can reap the rewards of high levels of visibility for your business.✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Client...


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