Sideline Sisters

<div>Sideline Sisters is a show for no-bullshit women in midlife, middle years, 40s, 50s, confusion, perimenopause, menopause, transition years, purgatory, whatever you want to call it. This podcast is for moms, girlfriends, sisters, ladies who want to escape the mundane routine of their lives and be captivated by conversations that are fun, relevant, and juicy. <br />These interviews will take you into the lives of relatable women who've gone on a journey and lived to share the lessons. They will be funny, sad, scary, wise, encouraging, and real.<br />These are the conversations you want to hear.<br />This show is your invitation to take back your power, reignite your passions, and step off the sidelines!<br />LFG!</div>

39 - Stefanie Ignoffo talks about how eating plants saved her life and gave her purpose

In 2012, concerns about her daughter wanting to go vegan forced Stefanie Ignoffo to start researching and find that not only can we survive without consuming animals, we can thrive without them. After recognizing the negative effects of the standard American diet, in 2013 she transitioned herself and her family and they lost a total of 240 pounds with diet and lifestyle changes. After regaining her own health and reversing her own diseases, Stefanie earned her certificate in Plant Based Nutrition at eCornell and T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She also became a Licensed Food For Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine. Stefanie went on to complete the American College Lifestyle Medicine Coaching Program. Today Stefanie is a Plant Interventionist, Lifestyle Medicine Coach, Food For Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and founder of Plantspiration NFP Inc. Stefanie's passion is advocating and promoting Lifestyle Medicine by educating, motivating, and inspiring people to adapt a healthy plant-based lifestyle to prevent and reverse health issues, including heart disease, type two diabetes, certain cancers, auto immune disorders, obesity, and chronic illness.  Stefanie's Note's from the Sidelines: We are a culture that's comfortable being uncomfortable and sick. America is one of two countries that allows pharmaceutical commercials direct to consumers. If nothing changes, nothing changes. 8 of the top 10 deaths are food-related. Doctors give medications, partly, because they aren't taught that you can reverse conditions, and prevent them in the first place, with food. Take the shitty moments of your life and learn from them, and don't be so mad about them. We shouldn't be dying of chronic diseases. We should be dying of old age, like in the Blue Zones. Stefanie's attitude and method is accessible, attainable, and easy. The #1 change she's experienced since going plant-based is SELF-CONFIDENCE. You can do anything you want when you put your mind to it. Everyday we have an opportunity to become a better, healthier self, and IF IT DOESN'T EVOLVE YOU, IT SHOULDN'T INVOLVE YOU!!! PLANTSPIRATION website Plantspiration on Facebook Plantspiration on Instagram Plantspiration on YouTube - you need to watch the grocery hauls Plantspiration on TikTok The Blue Zones, and Dan Buettner Forks over Knives David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet My episode with Dotsie Bausch - vegan Olympian, activist, founder of Switch 4 Good 🔥⁠JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD⁠🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more! 🌐Check ⁠Jentle Coaching website⁠ Follow ⁠@jentlecoaching on Instagram⁠ 📣Join ⁠Sideline Sisters Facebook Group⁠ ☎️⁠Book a CONNECTION CALL⁠ ⭐️Get the ⁠newsletter⁠ 🕊Download ⁠FREE MEDITATION⁠ Sign up for ⁠Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course⁠ **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


38 - Mandy Salas talks about the life-changing trip at 16 that left her paralyzed

Mandy Salas has been a professional speaker since early 2023. Just over 30 years ago, she was an elite athlete with perfect grades, when she was injured in a catastrophic car accident that rendered her quadriplegic. Since then, she have learned endless, valuable lessons about resilience and how everyone has the power to shift S, and now is raising two wonderful children with her partner – all without any movement below her shoulders. Mandy's Notes from the Sidelines: Stigmas start early, so it is important to educate and increase perspective. Being in Argentina was the most soul-filling experience in her life, allowing her to receive many unquantifiable gifts. If science could take her out of her wheelchair, but take along with it all the experiences that came before today, she would pass up science, stay in the chair, and keep the richness of her time in Argentina. Don't let the inner negative voice keep you from not trying. If something is not meant to be, it is not going to happen, or it is meant to happen at a different time. Sit with your thoughts. Stay with the negative, challenges, anger, and adversity, and process them. Sit alone, have a spot and sit with thoughts. They will become clean in time. Try meditation and nature. Put the phone down. Be comfortable in your own skin. Phones, scrolling, and social media prevent us from doing this. Set a timer to help. Challenges are challenges, and they're big to whoever is experiencing them. We can't control challenges coming at us, but we can control our reactions. Process the icky so you can move past it. Focus on good stuff as you process the bad. Mandy's websiteMandy's Instagram Mandy's Facebook 🔥⁠JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD⁠🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more! 🌐Check ⁠Jentle Coaching website⁠ Follow ⁠@jentlecoaching on Instagram⁠ 📣Join ⁠Sideline Sisters Facebook Group⁠ ☎️⁠Book a CONNECTION CALL⁠ ⭐️Get the ⁠newsletter⁠ 🕊Download ⁠FREE MEDITATION⁠ Sign up for ⁠Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course⁠ **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


37 - Eileen Joy talks about comparisonitis and telling off the Joneses

Eileen Joy is the Money Coach for Moms, a Certified Financial Educator, the host of the Moms who Money podcast, and founder of Money School for Moms™. She helps moms stop stressing about money so they can stop living paycheck to paycheck and confidently invest and set themselves and their kids up to be millionaires! Her 12-year-old son knows more about money than most adults and is on track to be a multi-millionaire. Eileen created an easy system that any busy mom can follow and specializes in working with high achieving, professional moms who are committed to investing in themselves and their children and know that money is their next step. Eileen provides a safe and comfortable environment to learn about one of the most avoided and taboo subjects, money. No more Shame, Guilt, or embarrassment. Eileen's Notes from the Sideline's: Money is a taboo topic, like sex, politics, and religion that brings hatred or chaos in the world. Humans either run toward pleasure or away from pain. Since it's implied by society that men take care of money, that idea is living in the subconscious, so we spend without thinking then there's more month left at the end of the money resulting in scarcity and the feeling of "I can't" and "I should." Our money story, like all human conditioning, starts between birth and age seven, from parents and society. And we can rewrite our money story. They say the #1 cause of divorce is money, but it's actually communication about money, because we are afraid to talk about money and it's uncomfortable. In America, we're raised with the American Dream. We're trained to think we need all things and that we need them by "milestones," made up dates, which breed the disease of comparisonitis caused by the Joneses, a comic strip from 1913. Fun fact, 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. The system is broken and set up to make you fail, so it's not your fault. Let's change the framework to tune out the external noise and internalize the thinking to, "What do I want? What's important to me?" You are your own best investment. Eileen's website Eileen's free guide Eileen on Instagram Listen to Episode 34 about Tanya raising her family at sea 🔥⁠JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD⁠🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more! 🌐Check ⁠Jentle Coaching website⁠ Follow ⁠@jentlecoaching on Instagram⁠ 📣Join ⁠Sideline Sisters Facebook Group⁠ ☎️⁠Book a CONNECTION CALL⁠ ⭐️Get the ⁠newsletter⁠ 🕊Download ⁠FREE MEDITATION⁠ Sign up for ⁠Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course⁠ **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


36 - Deva Neely talks about suicide because ignoring it doesn't prevent it

Deva spent 20 years teaching music & French and running her own performance academy to young singers & actors. Life changed drastically for Deva when she lost her brother in 2013 to suicide. The trajectory of her life catapulted her into realms she wasn’t expecting. On her grief journey, she tapped back into a gift she had since childhood and it was her brother who helped her get it back. Deva is now a psychic medium & grief coach helping others on their grief journeys teaching people that death is not a finality. Deva helps people tap into their own intuitive abilities to communicate with departed loved ones, sealing the gap between the human & spirit worlds.Deva's Notes from the Sidelines: We add to the stigma when we censor suicide speech; ignoring doesn't make it go away. There is a suicide every 40 seconds in the world. Fear makes people do unbelievable things, like abandon friends and family who've experienced loss. There needs to be mental health awareness in schools. We need to address it, talk about it, equip teachers with resources, and put systems in place so when something happens, there is a plan. Unprocessed trauma in the world is showing up as hurting self and others. You can't force someone to heal, but it's a losing battle when you're not even offering resources. When you see the amazing gifts in the world, ask yourself, "Why not me?" We tell kids to dream big and that they can grow up to be and do anything, but we aren't modeling that mentality for them. We're unhappy adults putting  ourselves in boxes instead of looking at the limitless possibilities we could choose. Visualizing is a great way to get out aggression without inflicting violence. If you're struggling with emotional pain, find people who will love and support you without judgment; we need community to go through life. You will always survive, but you have an option to thrive. FacebookGrief Relief FB GroupInstagramTiktokLinkedInYouTubeWebsite Donate to Charlie's Team 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


35 - Stephany Ann talks about choosing not to be a victim anymore

Stephany Ann is an attorney, recipient of the governor's award for advocacy with survivors of domestic violence, and international best selling author who triumphed over narcissistic abuse. With two marriages to narcissists behind her, she’s harnessed the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and the power of thought and mindset on her path to healing and personal growth. Her transformation came when she shifted from “why me” to “for me”. Stephany's Notes from the Sidelines: If we're not going forwards, we're going backwards. Stop being a B actor in the story of your life; we should be the star of our life. When we're stuck in victim mindset, we can't see the lessons. When we don't know the lessons, we don't know what to heal and what to change. The power of "what if" is that you can think, "What if you were trying to help me and teach me?" Then "Why me?" becomes "For me." When we pray, it's us speaking to God. Our intuition is God speaking to us. Victim mindset makes it too noisy for us to hear God's voice. We are all connected to something bigger and greater; there is a consciousness that we all belong to, and you don't need God or religion to release victimhood. The more we learn about ourselves, the more we learn about our minds and thoughts, and it's easier to come to the place to have compassion and forgiveness for others and ourselves. God knows what we need, when we need it, if we're listening. You can't be an athlete or lose weight for good without breathwork. Life is like the Magic Kingdom. There are two lines -- the general admission line, and the Fast Pass. General admission sucks; we want Fast Pass, but there's a high price attached to it. Fast Pass in life requires doing inner work. People stay stuck struggle and victimhood because it's what's comfortable and familiar, and doing the inner work is hard. Growth happens in discomfort. You have to be disciplined, consistent, and persistent and you will discover the "for me" in everything you went through. Emotional Freedom TechniqueBiology of Belief book by Dr. Bruce Lipton 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


34 - Tanya Hackney talks about ditching tradition and raising her family at sea

Tanya Hackney graduated from Middlebury in 97 majoring in English + minoring in French + Educ. She married high school sweetheart + taught kindergarten in Atlanta before transitioning to homeschooling her 5 kids aboard sailing vessel Take Two. She has lived abroad, traveled + written for the Take Two blog for the last 15 years. She's always had a bad case of wanderlust, taking many childhood road trips, spending a college semester in Paris + honeymooning in Mexico. In 2021, she published award-winning memoir, Leaving the Safe Harbor: the Risks and Rewards of Raising a Family on a Boat. In her free time, she plays the ukulele, paints landscapes + kayaks.Tanya's Notes from the Sidelines: Ask why you're doing what you're doing + if you're happy. Paradigm shift: Have conflict to resolve problems, not to throw someone under the bus. Money can't buy joy, love + devotion, energy does. Replace nouns with verbs, + create memories instead of collecting stuff. The process of humbling yourself + apologizing is essential to making relationships work. The sandwich generation is midlife people stuck between raising kids + assisting aging parents. You can't run away from the past + your family. You have to figure out how to love people who hurt you + how to love people who you hurt. Instead of traditional celebrations + gifts, create a "fun fund." Use money that would have been spent on things + buy experiences. Advice for midlife women: Think of what your dreams were as a kid + make a list of things you always wanted to do. "What are some of the most important things you could be putting into your life to fulfill that list to keep the promises that you made to yourself + don't underestimate what you can do." Family dinner, no screens + reconnecting with family are not optional. Prioritize adventure, relationships + memories over stuff. You need to fill your cup. You can't pour from an empty cup. Morning routine can be done throughout the day. Ideas: gratitude, make bed, meditation, reading, prayer, exercise + self-development. Have forgiveness + let stuff go. BlogBookTake Two FacebookTake Two InstagramTake Two PinterestHal Elrod's book. 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


33 - Lauren Clack talks about overcoming the shame of being overweight

Lauren Clack is a business strategist and coach for female business owners looking to build businesses they love, and that love them back. She exited a multi 7-figure business that didn't hold her heart, to build and follow a passion and calling that absolutely does. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, she's a business owner, wife, and mother, always ready to have those deep conversations about life, business, and how we're all just doing our best.Lauren's Notes from the Sidelines: Truth bomb: No one likes to look at fat bodies, because we don't like to see what's uncomfortable. We're our own worst enemy. We don't need other people to add judgment on top. "Weight loss surgery is a tool. It's 1 thing. There's so much other work that you have to do to make it a success. It's not just that medical intervention." The aha moment for Lauren was when she realized it's about changing what you decide you're going to believe in about yourself. And that is so empowering. You can shake off the shame and limiting beliefs that are both self-imposed and coming from years of conditioning. Have the courage to have conversations with yourself about the truth. Ask yourself, "What's true for me," and challenge beliefs of what you always held firm, and think about where those beliefs came from. There's no excuse to not constantly be learning - read, listen to podcasts, ask for advice. Have a morning routine - something for your mind, your body, and something you can learn. Think about how you can look after yourself. You can journal, meditate, do breathwork, use visualization, speak affirmations, incorporate movement. Do what works for you. Have a gratitude practice. "Gratitude turns what you have into enough." (credit Anonymous) Follow Lauren on InstagramFollow Lauren on Facebook👸BE A BADASS VISION BOARD WORKSHOP ON AUGUST 18 @ 5PM EDT 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


32 - Neosho Ponder talks about surviving cancer with a sense of humor and rock and roll

A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Neosho C. Ponder is an Adjunct Professor at Trinity Washington University in Washington, DC. In April 2016, at the age of 36, just one year after completing her doctorate, Neosho was diagnosed with breast cancer. In 2021, while still looking for a full-time job following treatment, Neosho wrote a memoir about her breast cancer journey, GOD’S GOT JOKES: How I Used My Faith and God’s Humor to Survive Breast Cancer, that was released on February 1, 2022. Now in her 8th year of survivorship, Neosho is passionate about advocating for and supporting other survivors as the DMV Lead, ANGEL Advocate with the Tigerlily Foundation and active in the Young Survival Coalition DC and For the Breast of Us. She also loves rowing on the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers with WeCanRow DC. In addition to her doctorate in Communication, Culture, & Media, Neosho also earned a Master of Arts in Mass Communication & Media Studies, from Howard University and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from the University of Missouri - Kansas City.Neosho's Notes from the Sidelines: Imposter Syndrome is feeling like you are unworthy of your success. To all the women suffering from this unfortunate condition, Neosho says, "We have to have the confidence of a mediocre man."  To the men and women who feel regret, try to see those moments as motivating, because everything happens the way it is supposed to happen. The universe/God speaks to you, so listen with your entire being, especially at your most points. You never know how it will open doors for you. Life is hard for everyone, despite what social media has said. Listen to the world around you with your eyes, ears, heart, spirit, and mind - listen and laugh because laughter is the best medicine. Be kind to yourself. Neosho's websiteBUY THE BOOK directly from NeoshoCatch up on The Golden Girls 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


31 - Andrea talks about creating boundaries and healthy relationships

Andrea, pen name Cheydrea, is an author, savage poet, artist, book illustrator, photographer and yoga practitioner. She is excited and inspired by deep authentic conversations. She enjoys hiking, exploring trails, valleys, beaches, and cities where she can capture life in motion and inspiration for her words and art.She has two grown kids and a supportive husband. Together with them, and the people she loves, it makes waking up and painting the pages of life so much more colorful.She is always excited to meet anyone who shares her passion for authentic connection.@cheydreaAndrea's websiteGet Andrea's book - A Poet's PlaygroundThe Body Keeps the Score bookNedra Tawabb's Boundaries bookAndrea's Notes from the Sidelines: If you haven't healed the wounds from your past, they will show up in your life, in your relationships, and how you look at your self and others. We store our trauma in our bodies. Something may have happened in the past, but if we don't process it, it may manifest in the present. Being honest is the not the same as being mean. Boundaries are asking for what you want, need, and deserve. Healthy people will honor your boundaries. You set them, they honor them, and then you have a healthy relationship. Self-worth means having self-respect and dignity and knowing that you deserve to be treated a certain way. We all have younger versions of ourselves within us called inner children that are scarred from painful incidents. Through inner child healing work, we get to reparent and nurture these hurt parts of us so we can heal and grow. 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


30 - Laura Nunnelly talks about prioritizing hobbies for the sake of happiness

Laura Nunnelly is the founder and owner of Edara Apparel. Edara was born out of her need for attractive, comfortable and sun protective tennis apparel. Laura had a Stage 1 melanoma in 2017 which heightened her awareness of the importance of sun protection for overall well-being. She grew up in Pasadena, CA, attended Santa Clara University for undergrad and Georgetown University for graduate school, where she studied art history. Prior to starting Edara Apparel, she worked in the museum and art conservation fields for a decade. After having children, she worked in residential real estate for 7 years before making the leap of faith to start her own business.She is 40 years old and lives in Park City, UT with her husband and two daughters, ages 10 and 7. She loves playing tennis, skiing, hiking and is starting to play golf a bit more.Laura's Notes from the Sidelines: Look back at your younger years - some of your childhood hobbies and interests are what you gravitate toward as an adult career. Sports can help you through dark times and allow you to focus on your body and what's right in front of you, versus the overwhelming pain. What makes Edara different from other apparel companies is UPF fabric and the quality of touch, feel, and stretch; its universally-flattering silhouettes; and the basic design. Nurture your hobbies; you never know what could come from them or what it could lead to, but it will definitely keep you happy and healthy. Do you remember Fashion Plates from the 70s and 80s??? One of my favorite toys!Who's been watching Emma Navarro? She's a rock star!If you find yourself in Pasadena in the spring, check out the showcase house! Save 20% on your purchases at Edara Apparel using code SISTERS20!Edara on InstagramEdara on Facebook 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


29 - Stacey Paige talks about how hustle culture almost killed her

Stacey is a certified yoga teacher and licensed spiritual practitioner.  Through her workshops, courses, and individual coaching she has helped countless people on their journey to personal empowerment through the embodiment of spiritual principles and practices.  Stacey currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband and their rescue pets.Stacey's Notes from the Sidelines: Emotions have energy and will cause dis-ease in the body and destroy everything healthy until we process them and make space for healing. We take on keeping our voice quiet and not speaking our truth to keep us safe, so if we grew up in a strict house or classroom and find ourselves in dominant relationships, then we don't have tools to communicate kindly and properly to speak our needs; we need to learn how to do that, and opening up our throat chakra gives us a vehicle to use our voice. Our bodies hold all the information if we just allow and give space for the body to speak. It's a willingness to have a daily practice. 5, 10, 20 minutes per day of inner work on our inner world will allow our outer world to change in ways we can't imagine. There is information in what's stuck in the body. We will hear it, feel it, or see it when we start doing the inner work. Science backs up that our thoughts directly impact our beliefs, which directly impact what we are manifesting in the world, meaning our thoughts create our reality. DREAM BIG and hold the vision and know that the universe is supporting you. Do your inner work and the path lays out. Situations will happen that cause pain and grief and trauma. Process the pain, feel it, and see if the pain has a message for you, THEN LET IT GO. Know that the vision you are seeing is happening and is coming to be. It's a co-creation. You have to get out of your comfort zone and take action. When we go through hard times, we can allow the pain to inform our purpose and use it to heal and help others. We are our powerful beyond measure and design our lives. Walt Disney's visionHow Walt actually got the land - not as magical 😞Listen to Stacey's podcastFollow Stacey on InstagramCheck out Stacey's websit 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.



The show is REBRANDED! Sideline Sisters is a show for no-bullshit women in midlife, middle years, 40s, 50s, confusion, perimenopause, menopause, transition years, purgatory, whatever you want to call it. This podcast is for moms, girlfriends, sisters, ladies who want to escape the mundane routine of their lives and be captivated by conversations that are fun, relevant, and juicy. These interviews will take you into the lives of relatable women who've gone on a journey and lived to share the lessons. They will be funny, sad, scary, wise, encouraging, and real.These are the conversations you want to hear.This show is your invitation to take back your power, reignite your passions, and step off the sidelines!LFG! 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


28 - Deirdre Tindall talks about life lessons learned by playing sports

Deirdre Tindall is the owner and founder of Tind-All Creative Marketing. She is an entrepreneur who positively impacts the community.She loves hiking in the beautiful outdoors, connecting with nature, spending quality time with her large family, seeking new opportunities to learn and quench her thirst for knowledge, making positive changes in the world, engaging in fitness, and helping others.Deirdre's Notes from the Sidelines: Everything learned in sports carries over into professional and personal arenas: The values she learned from her dad about playing sports carried through her life:  There is no better learning group for serving others and helping others than being involved in sports; it teaches you how to treat people and be respectful of people. Being involved in sports means being around positive people; it helps you stay on the straight and narrow. When you're on a team, you're going to practice regularly, so it's harder to get involved in negative activities. Sports is great for physical fitness, stress reduction, and being social. Everyone needs one big break in life, someone who is rooting for them. Shout-out to the YMCAs of AmericaDeirdre's company Tind-All CreativeTind-All on FacebookTind-All on XTind-All on InstagramTind-All on LinkedIn 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


27 - Kris Batzner talks about feeling strong on and off the jiu jitsu mat

Kris Batzner is a yogi who has practiced yoga on and off for most of her life.  She has taught at fitness centers, schools, yoga studios, and in her community for over 20 years.  Now she offers her gifts online, so that people everywhere can benefit.As Kris was nearing 50, she realized yoga didn't offer her body the intensity she was seeking. She knew she needed something more, and found it with jiu jitsu.Kris's Notes from the Sideslines: Kris learned she can do a lot more than she gives herself credit for, and so can you. Every time she walks out on the mat is an opportunity to move past the stories in her head, like the inner mean girl Abbey Heagney talked about in episode 26. Even if Kris fails, she still showed up and learned from the experience. We all have an inner badass, a fierce warrior within us. Women are being called into the warrior role, so you must believe in yourself and do the things you didn't think you could do. We are responsible to step up and lead the way for the generations to come. Just because you were told to be one way doesn't mean you need to be that way. Trust your intuition. Listen to yourself and don't question it anymore, and actually take action. And if you are struggling to access your intuition, JENTLE COACHING can help.I used to think I didn't have an intuition, until I tried ⭐BREATHWORK⭐⭐Get your FREE BREATHWORK GIFT HERE!Kris's websitewhat is jiu jitsu?what is krav maga? 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


26 - Abbey Heagney talks about quieting the inner mean girl and gaining confidence

Abbey Heagney is a health and mindset coach and owner of Wellness with Abbey. Abbey believes that all women deserve to fell healthy and confident in their body - while living the life they love. Through her private coaching practice, Abbey works 1:1 with women to help them find their own unique confidence by creating simple and effective healthy habits that work for them, their lifestyle, and their goals. There is no one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach - she honors your individuality and believes so deeply that no matter where you are starting or what you've tried in the past, it's possible to achieve any goal you set for yourself.Abbey's Notes from the Sidelines: Recognize the voice in your head is a story that you have created over time, and the inner mean girl is just a primitive protector. Kids pick up on the energy of what we are BEING, so if we're confident, then they'll be that for someone else. Imagine the ripple of confidence spreading. Let go of the pressure of changing the negative stories in your mind and they will change on their own, and when they do, you will find that you can treat yourself better from an authentic place. Abbey's websiteAbbey's Instagram 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


25 - Dotsie Bausch talks about cycling her way to emotional and physical greatness

Dotsie Bausch is an Olympic silver medalist, activist, speaker, and nonprofit founder. After recovering from a life-threatening eating disorder, she found her love and talent for cycling, which led to a 14-year professional career concluding with a silver medal at the 2012 Olympics. She stars in the 2018 film “The Game Changers,” is featured in the Netflix documentary “Personal Gold,” and gave a TEDx Talk. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Switch4Good, a health and performance focused nonprofit that encourages all to Live Better. Do More. Dairy-Free.Dotsie's Notes from the Sidelines: Our bodies will regrow, regenerate, and rebuild with time, food, training, patience, and self-care. "I don't know if I'm gonna be here tomorrow," so her attitude is to change, inspire, be, and do more in this moment and the next. Animals are good at guiding us to the present. Nobody's worried about yesterday, or freaked out about tomorrow. We need to morph and grow, and we need to do better and be better. When asked to give advice to young girls, Dotsie said to trust yourself, trust your body, trust your decisions, and be you. She also advised girls to turn off their phones, because they destroy way more than they build up. Follow Dotsie's good work at Switch4Good on InstagramDotsie's websiteGamechangers movieSwitch4Good's websiteListen to the Switch4Good podcastSwitch4Good on YouTubeDotsie's Instagram (not so active)The Thrive Diet - book the Dotsie mentioned 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


24 - Katri Koehle talks about camaraderie, competition, and career in midlife rec tennis

Katri is an avid club player and certified tennis junkie. Katri lives by the mantra of, “Do whatever it takes to keep tennis fun. Sometimes it is playing more, sometimes it is buying a new tennis skirt.” Sportsmanship and fair play are of utmost importance, and promotion of the game of tennis is paramount. Katri is a native Texan, living in the mountains of Utah. Katri's Notes from the Sidelines: Tennis gives people a reason to come up and talk to you -- it's an invitation. Tennis is an opportunity to work through challenges in your personal life. There is such a thing as positive drama in tennis, and it looks like intensity in competition. Tennis can be healing for someone who has heartache or emotional distress in their life; they can use tennis as an outlet to make friends, feel better, get exercise, or even get sunshine. Katri lives by the mantra, "You do whatever it takes to keep tennis fun." There are so many options  with tennis, from drills at the club, hitting balls on the local courts, going on tennis vacations, to playing competitive leagues. Do what makes you happy to keep tennis in your life always. When Katri sat with the thought of, "What's the worst thing that could happen," she realized losing was the worst thing, and then her anxiety surfaced and she could conquer it and move forward with joy. Use your words to stick up for yourself. There is something about being creative that is healing. Try to have a good sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously. Follow Katri on Tennis YellowCheck out her sister-in-law's successful real estate businessWant to go to Laver Cup? 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


23 - Elizabeth Emery talks about the tangled web of issues in women's sports

Elizabeth Emery is a former pro cyclist and host of Hear Her Sports podcast. For almost 8 years, she's interviewed female athletes and women in sports about breaking barriers, speaking up, and living with power and confidence in today's changing world.  Her Notes from the Sidelines: It's a tangled web of issues in women's sports. Until women get in positions of power at athletic companies, the gear won't be designed and made to properly fit and honor women's bodies and needs. Lessons she's learned from her guests: In order to get more women's sports on air, when women's sports are available to watch , we must tune in. Women need to serve on boards and be CEOs. Let's buy merch!  Sports is a mirror for what's happening in the real world; it lets us talk about issues, like equity. Involvement in physical activity is an opportunity to learn about ourselves: our feelings about competition, beating someone, losing, being overpowered, and when the competitor is younger. It's less about being a gracious winner and more about how you be a good competitor without being a jerk and about being a good teammate. BREATHWORK GIFTHear Her Sports PodcastJesse Diggins' episodeElizabeth's websiteChristine Yu's book Up to Speed - the one about the sports bras and bike seatsCaitlin Clark merch 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


22 - Alison Gorrell talks about the stigma attached to sports psychology

Alison Gorrell grew up in Colorado playing tennis and basketball and went on to play Division I basketball in college. After graduating, while pursuing an advanced degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology, she played professional basketball overseas. Through her career, she learned how important the mental side of the game was to the overall success of a player. The psychology of athletes became a huge passion of hers, leading her to start her own coaching business.Alison's Notes from the Sidelines: There's a stigma to be strong in athletics and have your mind right, but athletes actually need to be taught the skills, tools, and techniques for success. Alison believes what makes a great basketball game is ball movement, action, team play, and competitiveness; a game where everyone is showing up ready to go and all players are looking to win a championship together is best, versus a game where players are looking to collect individual records. What's special about sports is being able to learn about athletes as individuals beyond the sport they play. We have a greater attachment as fans when we realize there is more to them than their athletic capabilities. Athletes are people, not just entertainers. They deal with all the same normal human emotions as everyone else, especially confidence. BREATHWORK GIFT Alison's websiteAlison's InstagramContact Alison by email at 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


21 - Mint Miller talks about the mental lessons of golf and applying them in the "real world"

Mint Miller is the creator and host of the BetterMint podcast. Mint’s podcast is meant to help others by letting her experience be their survival guide because in her stories and healing, she believes others will recognize their own. As a divorced, single mom of two young girls, Mint has felt stuck in her career for the past 20 years that triggers her anxiety. Compounded with the stress of divorce, the combination has caused that anxiety to become debilitating. It wasn’t until doing recent trauma healing work that she realized much of her anxiety is a trauma response to past experiences from childhood. She finally used what she learned in her healing journey and began to set limits and boundaries that changed the narrative of her life and allowed her to step into who she really is and the person she knows she was meant to be.  Mint feels that her practice of setting limits and boundaries has made such a profound impact on her life that she wants others to learn this practice and experience the same positivity and balance in theirs. She works with successful “go-to” women by coaching them through her “3 Yes Boundary Method” to help them identify what they value most, so they can say YES to what’s most important to them and have the confidence to say no to what isn’t. This approach also helps women understand their values and their worthiness. During her healing journey, Mint also opened up to the spiritual medium gifts she discovered she had as a very young child, and does Angel Card Readings for others in person (if local) or via Zoom.Mint's Note's from the Sidelines: Golf is a true test of mental stability. Mental strength can trump actual talent any day. It's easy to get in your head but even easier to let someone else get in your head. So many benefits of mindfulness practice, but the most integral one for Mint was a mantra to tune out the noise, "In with the good, out with the bad." It helped her regain focus and stay positive. The benefits of being involved in sports translate to the corporate world: focus, take criticism, work in groups/teamwork BetterMint podcastBetterMint facebook groupBetterMint on InstagramA MOMENT FOR MOTHERS event -- Saturday, May 11, 1pm EST -- CLICK TO REGISTER -- tell your friends and neighbors -- learn breathwork and strategie 🔥JOIN SIDELINE SISTERHOOD🔥Weekly support, guidance, breathwork & tools to FEEL calm, joyful, confident & more!🌐Check https://www.jentlecoaching.comFollow @jentlecoaching on Instagram📣Join Sideline Sisters Facebook Group☎️Book a CONNECTION CALL⭐️Get the newsletter🕊Download FREE MEDITATIONSign up for Podcast like a Mother: Podcast Creation Course**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; all information, content, and material on this site are for general informational purposes only. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience and enjoyment of the user.


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