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Slow Chinese Podcast - 慢速汉语 Learn Chinese 学中文
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Slow Chinese Podcast - 慢速汉语 Learn Chinese 学中文

Author: Learn Chinese with Mei

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Let’s learn both the Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast.
In this podcast, short stories/news/articles in different levels are told in very slow and clear Mandarin Chinese.
Video and Script PDF with Pinyin/English/Chinese/Thai are available.
Improving your Chinese reading, listening and speaking by practicing with it again and again!
Instagram/Youtube/Wechat Channel/Facebook page: Chinesewithmei
26 Episodes
Join the youtube membership or become a patron to download the scripts and audio. Ever wondered why chopsticks are the preferred utensils in Chinese dining? Curious about the do's and don'ts of using them effectively? Join us on a journey to unravel the secrets: How do Chinese use chopsticks? And what are the 14 essential do's and don'ts to elevate your dining etiquette? 👉 Instagram/YouTube/Patreon/Wechat : Chinesewithmei Daily Chinese videos : 👉 Instagram: Podcast:👉 Facebook Page:👉 About me: 🇨🇳 Mandarin Chinese Teacher. Confucius Institute Certified. 💪Cambridge English Examiner. 👸🏻Native Chinese. Also speak English, German, Thai. 👩🏻‍🏫 9+yrs Teaching Worldwide.
Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast. Do you know someone who always keeps a low profile and suddenly amazes everyone by a single act? In today's episode, we will learn a Chinese idiom called Yi Ming Jing Ren to describe this. And I hope one day you will amaze everyone by speaking fluent Chinese! Video with Full Script and PDF downloading please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday.(click here)  Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei (click here) Zhōngguó chéngyǔ gùshì:  yī míng jīng rén 中国成语故事:一鸣惊人 Chinese Idiom story: Yi Ming Jing Ren
If you have to apologize to someone, what would be the sincerest way you can think of? In today‘s episode, we will hear a story of a man who made a very humble apology and sincerely showed his guilt and regrets. Before we start, remember to download the scripts:  👉👉 Patreon:  . they are available in English and thai language. 00:00 - 01:00 Introduction 01:00 - 03:57 Slow Speed Story 03:57 - 13:11 Learn with English Explanations 13:11 - 15:51 Normal Speed 15:51 - 17:46 Examples. Daily Chinese videos : 👉 Instagram: Podcast:👉 search 'Slow Chinese Podcast 慢速汉语' on any podcast platform Facebook Page:👉 Tiktok in English:👉 Chinesewithmei Tiktok in Thai: 👉 Chinesewithmei_Thai Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语. Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood!
Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Full Script PDF  Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai script download here:   👉👉 Patreon: 00:00 - 00:53 Introduction 00:53 - 04:13 Slow Speed Story 04:13 - 11:58 Learn with English Explanations 11:58 - 14:45 Normal Speed  14:45 - 16:22 Examples. Have you ever tried Chinese dates, or jujube dates, a kind of crispy and sweet fruit? Today's idiom story is about a man eating the dates in a particular way which caused trouble for him. Make sure you don't make the same mistake!
Full video with scripts please watch here: Full Script PDF  Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai script download here:  👉 Patreon:  00:00 - 01:08 Introduction 01:08 - 03:22 Slow Speed Story 03:22 - 10:08 Learn with English Explanations 10:08 - 11:54 Normal Speed 11:54 - 14:03 Examples. When someone brags about how much he or she loves something, there is a great chance that might not be true. In today's episode, we will get to know a lover of dragon who freaked out when a real dragon showed up. Daily Chinese videos : 👉 Instagram: Podcast:👉 search 'Slow Chinese Podcast 慢速汉语' on any podcast platform Facebook Page:👉 Tiktok in English:👉 Chinesewithmei Tiktok in Thai: 👉 Chinesewithmei_Thai Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语. Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood!
Have you ever been caught up in a very critical moment where you have to make a choice otherwise there will be serious consequences? In today's episode, we will learn how to describe such moment with a Chinese idiom Qian Jun Yi Fa. Full Script PDF  Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai script download here:  👉 Patreon:   00:00 - 00:58 Introduction    00:58 - 03:25 Slow Speed Story    03:25 - 10:46 Learn with English Explanations    10:46 - 12:48 Normal Speed   12:48 - 15:02 Examples.   Daily Chinese videos : 👉 Instagram:   Podcast:👉 search 'Slow Chinese Podcast 慢速汉语' on any podcast platform   Facebook Page:👉   Tiktok in English:👉 Chinesewithmei   Tiktok in Thai: 👉 Chinesewithmei_Thai  Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语. Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood!
Full Script PDF  Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai script download here:  👉  Youtube video with scripts: Have you met someone who says he is going to do one thing, while he starts to do another which is totally the opposite? In today's Chinese idiom story, we will hear a similar story and you will know how to use Nan Yuan Bei Zhe to describe this situation. 00:00 - 01:01 Introduction   01:01 - 03:20 Slow Speed Story   03:20 - 08:40 Learn with English Explanations   08:40 - 10:22 Normal Speed           10:22 - 12:29 Examples.   Daily Chinese videos :  👉 Instagram:   Podcast: 👉 search 'Slow Chinese Podcast 慢速汉语' on any podcast platform   Facebook Page:👉   Tiktok: 👉 Chinesewithmei   Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast.   Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语.  Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood!  #chinesestory #slowchinese #成语故事 #chineseidioms
Full Script PDF  Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai script download here:  👉 Zhōngguó chéngyǔ gùshì: shuǐ dī shí chuān 中国成语故事:水滴石穿 Chinese Idiom story: Shui Di Shi Chuan Have you wondered what is harder than stone? Have you always considered water as gentle and soft? In today's idiom story - Shui Di Shi Chuan, you will find out sometimes, what is soft is actually strong.  00:00 - 01:01 Introduction    01:01 - 03:34 Slow Speed Story    03:34 - 10:25 Learn with English Explanations    10:25 - 12:22 Normal Speed    12:22 - 14:15 Examples. Video with Full Script and PDF downloading please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday.(click here)  Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei (click here)
Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Tiktok:👉 Chinesewithmei Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语. Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood! 00:00 - 01:09 Introduction 01:09 - 04:03 Slow Speed Story 04:03 - 10:48 Learn with English Explanations 10:48 - 12:33 Normal Speed 12:33 - 14:51 Examples.
Today we are going to introduce a Chinese idiom called Dui Niu Tan Qin. In the story, a man was trying to play Chinese lute, an ancient string instrument, for a cow. Guess what happened in the end? Let's find out together! Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  00:00 - 01:14 Introduction 01:14 - 04:50 Slow Speed Story 04:50 - 15:17 Learn with English Explanations 15:17 - 18:06 Normal Speed 18:06 - 19:25 Examples.
Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Tiktok:👉 Chinesewithmei Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语. Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood! 00:00 - 00:59 Introduction 00:59 - 05:08 Slow Speed Story 05:08 - 15:11 Learn with English Explanations 15:11 - 18:27 Normal Speed 18:27-  end Examples.
Don't miss this podcast if you enjoy learning Chinese with stories, and if you like to learn those Chinese idioms, aka Chengyu 成语. Those are stories that every Chinese knows since their childhood! Video with Full Script and PDF downloading please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday.(click here)  Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei (click here) 00:00 - 00:59 Introduction 00:59 - 04:32 Slow Speed Story 04:26 - 13:35 Learn with English Explanations 13:35 - 16:17 Normal Speed 16:17- 17:37 Examples. 三国时期,有一年夏天,曹操率领十万大军去打仗,这天天气非常非常热,士兵们都被晒得口干舌燥,汗水止不住地往下淌。 一个胖胖的士兵说:哎呀,这太阳就像一个大火盆,快要把我烤干了!其他士兵们听见后,也纷纷议论起来:是啊,是啊,我的汗把衣服都浸湿了,我现在快要渴死了。另一个士兵说:“啊,我渴得已经走不动路了。” 曹操看见士兵们一个个被太阳晒得东倒西歪,连忙说道,大家就地休息吧,我这就派人去找水源。 可是,不一会,派去找水源的人回来了,他趴在曹操的耳边说,将军,我找遍了方圆十里,根本找不到水源啊。 曹操看着天快要黑了,心想:如果我们不能在天黑之前离开这片荒地,那就危险了! 曹操想了一会,有了个好主意,他大声朝士兵们喊道:将士们,大家打起精神了,在前方不远处就有一片树林! 士兵问:树林?树林里有水吗? 曹操说:树林里没有水,但是结满了梅子,吃了保证能解渴! 士兵们听见后,纷纷从地上站了起来。一个士兵说,快起来,快起来,我们快赶路吧,前面有酸酸甜甜的梅子吃!另一个士兵说,啊,我听见梅子,就酸得流口水了! 士兵们来了精神,开始继续赶路了。因为大家流着口水,慢慢的也就不觉得渴了。 终于在天黑之前,走到了目的地! 例句 他没钱买别墅,只好天天看着房屋广告望梅止渴了。 这些珠宝在太贵了,她只能看看橱窗裡陈列的样品望梅止渴。
Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. (👈 click here) Welcome back to the second season! We will continue to explore great topics in the new episodes and we hope you like them more! Today we will start with a very interesting Chinese idiom story huà shé tiān zú and hope you enjoy it! 00:00 - 01:10 Introduction 01:10 - 04:26 Slow Speed Story 04:26 - 11:01 English Explanations 11:01 - 13:09 Normal Speed 13:09- 14:20 Examples Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Tiktok:👉 Chinesewithmei 古时候,有个大户人家。这天,主人赏给仆人们一壶酒。 可是仆人太多了,一壶酒根本不够分。 一个瘦瘦的仆人提议道:"我们一起在地上画蛇, 谁画得又快又好,就把酒给谁,怎么样?" 仆人乙说:"这个办法好!仆人丙说:太好了,我最会画蛇了!" 于是,仆人们就拿起树枝,在地上画起了蛇来。 那个痩仆人很快就画完了,他左看看,右瞧瞧, 发现其他人连一半都没画完,心里很得意: 哈哈哈,看到时间还多得很,不如我给蛇画上脚吧。 于是,瘦仆人很快地又给蛇画上了四只脚, 其他人还是没画完。他心里更得意了。 瘦仆人说:你们画得真是太慢了。 等了一会儿,其他仆人终于画好了, 瘦仆人连忙喊来大家欣赏自己的画。 瘦仆人说:"来来来!我是第一个画完的! 你们瞧,我的蛇画的是又快又好!这壶酒归我了!" 说完,瘦仆人立马拿起那壶酒。 大家上前看了他画的蛇之后,哈哈大笑:啊哈哈哈哈! 仆人乙说:"你没见过蛇吗?蛇哪有脚啊!" 仆人丙说:"就是就是!这壶酒可不能给你!" 大家抢过他手里的酒,给了第二个画完蛇的仆人。 瘦仆人非常懊悔:哎,我真不该自作聪明,给蛇画上脚啊!
00:00 - 04:44 Slow Speed Version 04:44 - 08:18 Normal speed version Description: Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast. If you ask a Chinese what is the hardest thing they’ve done in their life, the answer is probably Gaokao, or national college entrance examination. What is Gaokao and why it can be so important? Let‘s find out in today’s episode! Full Script PDF  Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai script download here: 👉 Patreon: Daily Chinese videos : 👉 Instagram: Podcast:👉 search 'Slow Chinese Podcast 慢速汉语' on any podcast platform Facebook Page:👉 Tiktok:👉Chinesewithmei对大部分的中国人来说,高考是人生中最重要的考试。 高考的全称是:普通高等学校招生全国统一考试。 高考是每年6月份举行,一般要考3天。 今年的高考有1000多万学生参加,竞争非常激烈。 考试的科目包括语文、数学、英语, 还有学生自己选择的理科科目或文科科目。 高考考得分数高,就可以去好的大学,毕业容易找到好的工作, 所以高中生都会为了这个考试拼命准备。 高考这么重要,很多明星都会在社交媒体平台为学生加油。 比如,去年,球星梅西在微博祝福学生“高考要加油,相信你最牛!” 考试当天,最紧张的可能不是学生,反而是他们的父母。 有的爸爸妈妈会一直在考场外面默默等待, 希望能给孩子精神支持; 有的妈妈在考试当天专门穿旗袍,因为旗袍意味着“旗开得胜”, 祝福孩子能够取得好成绩。 就在前几天,今年高考的成绩公布了,有人欢喜有人愁。 接下来学生们要面临一项更重要的任务:申请大学和选择专业。 你知道最受中国学生喜欢的大学专业是什么吗? 统计显示,在被录取的学生选择的专业中,前十名几乎都是理工科, 排名第一的是经济学专业,第二名是商务管理专业; 到了第11名才出现社会科学专业,比如新闻学。 看来,中国大学生都偏爱选择学习理工科专业。 中国以前还流行一句口号:“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕。” 你们国家有类似高考的考试吗?留言告诉我吧!
00:00 - 04:39 Slow Speed Version 04:39 - 07:47 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Tiktok:👉 Chinesewithmei 上周,我的一个前同事出车祸去世了,他才30岁。 他还很年轻,还没有结婚。 他微信的朋友圈里,最后一个帖子是在春节的时候, 镜头里,他开心地冲着镜头笑,因为终于放假了。 这条帖子到现在都还有很多留言, 很多人留言说不能接受这个事实, 还有人说,“你太过分了,但我会经常来看你。” 虽然他不在了,但是朋友圈仍然公开,成为了一个特殊的吊唁的地方。 大家在帖子底下留言,就好像他还能看到一样。 偶尔翻翻他以前的朋友圈,就好像他没有离开一样。 但是其实,我和他是前同事,虽然一直有联系,但也没有很熟。 他出事后,你知道我第一时间想的是什么吗? 我想的是,要不要把他从微信通讯录里删掉。 因为他的消息再也不会跳出来, 我也没有机会打开和他的对话框。 但后来我去看了他的朋友圈,就改变了主意。 电影《寻梦环游记》里说,一个人真正的死亡,是被人遗忘。 我们只是普通朋友,如果我删了他,用不了太久,我就会忘记他。 本来遗忘是不经意间发生的事情, 但是如果我“删除”他的微信账号,就好像亲自做了一个决定, 决定忘记他,我的心里会过意不去。 但是,即使我留着,我以后应该也不会随意点开他的名字。 亲爱的听众,如果是你,你会一直保留这位朋友的微信吗?
00:00 - 06:33 Slow Speed Version 06:33 - 10:54 Normal speed version Description: China's divorce rate has been increasing in recent years. News of celebrity's divorce or break-ups become trendy topics on Chinese social media in recent months. I feel sorry for them but I also bless them for a happier life after separation. People decided to end a relationship for many reasons and in today's episode, let's look at 5 most common reasons and hope you don't see yourself in any one of them! Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Tiktok:👉 Chinesewithmei
Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast. The Chinese young generation love to create new slangs when chatting online. Many of them are so simple and short, usually composed of pinyin initials of certain Chinese characters. You probably find them very confusing when you see them, yet very amusing once you understand what they mean. In today's episode, let's look at some of the most trendy ones and you could use one of them next time talking to your Chinese friends! 00:00 - 05:51 Slow Speed Version 05:51 - 09:33 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Tiktok:👉 Chinesewithmei
00:00 - 05:08 Slow Speed Version 05:08 - 08:41 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  每年的农历五月初五,是中国的传统节日,端午节。 今年的端午节是下周一,也就是阳历的6月14号。 你可能知道,中国人庆祝这个节日时,会吃粽子,赛龙舟, 但是,你知道这个节日的由来吗? 据说,这些庆祝活动是为了纪念一位诗人,他叫屈原。 他生活在中国古代的战国时期,大约公元前3世纪左右。 当时7个国家占据了中国这片土地。其中秦国的势力最强,总想吞并其他六个国家。 屈原是其中一个国家— 楚国的大臣。 当时,屈原提出了很多改革的方法。希望与其它国家联合起来,共同抵抗秦国。 但是楚王听信奸臣,不仅没有采纳屈原的建议,还把他赶出了楚国。 后来,流浪在外的屈原听说楚国被秦国打败了,非常悲痛和自责, 责怪自己没有能力拯救祖国,就跳进汨罗江自杀了。 人们听到屈原自杀的消息,都纷纷划船赶来打捞他的尸体,但是没有找到。 于是,为了不让鱼虾吃掉他的身体,人们就把食物扔进河里喂鱼虾。 并且每年的五月五日人们都这么做。 渐渐地,为了纪念这位伟大的爱国诗人,赛龙舟和吃粽子成为了这一天的习俗。 这一天,有的家庭会自己包粽子,有的则直接去超市买来吃。 粽子的花样也越来越多,一般都是用植物的叶子,把糯米包在里面, 再根据自己的喜好,加上红枣、蛋黄、腊肉、鸡肉、豆沙等等。 你吃过粽子吗?你喜欢吃什么样的粽子呢? 甜的还是咸的? 在评论区留言告诉我吧!
Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast. Children's day just passed! I wish everyone at all ages enjoyed yourselves. Today I'd like to share a story that I enjoyed very much when I was a kid, which is also a popular story that many Chinese kids have been read to before bed. It's about a couple of monkeys who wanted to rescue a moon out of a well. Did they succeed? Let's find out together! 00:00 - 05:04 Slow Speed Version 05:04 - 08:39 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  一天晚上,有只猴子在井边玩儿,它往井里一看,发现里边有个月亮。 小猴子马上叫了起来:“不好了,月亮掉进井里了!” 大猴子听见了,跑过来一看,也跟着叫了起来:“不好了,月亮掉进井里了!” 老猴子听见了,跑过来一看,也跟着叫了起来: “不好了,月亮掉进井里了!我们得想想办法,把它捞起来。” 于是,猴子们都爬上了井边的大树。 老猴子倒挂在树上,拉住大猴子的脚。 大猴子也倒挂着,拉住另一只猴子的脚。 猴子们就这样一只接一只,一直挂到井里头。 小猴子挂在最下面。它伸手去捞月亮。但手刚碰到水,月亮就碎成一片一片的了。 小猴子慌张地说:“糟糕,月亮被我抓破了!” 大家都埋怨起小猴子来。 过了一会儿,水面恢复了平静,井里又出现了一个又圆又亮的月亮。 小猴子再次伸出手去捞月亮,可是刚一碰到月亮,马上就又碎成一片一片。 猴子们捞了几次都没有成功。 大家嚷嚷着:“累死了,月亮还是捞不上来。我们不捞了。” 这时候,老猴子一抬头,看见月亮还在天上, 它喘着气说:“不用捞了,不用捞了,月亮好好的挂在天上呢, 井里的月亮是它的倒影。” 猴子们抬头看着月亮,都笑了起来。 这个故事告诉我们,做事要认真观察,仔细思考, 不要像猴子那样自作聪明,到头来白忙活一场。
00:00 - 05:52 Slow Speed Version 05:52 - 09:22 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast. Have you tried Chinese food? Most Chinese food smell and taste so good and many people fall in love with China because of its food. But there are exceptions. Some food stink terribly and you might want to cover your nose immediately once you smell it. If you have the courage to try, you probably will never regret because they actually taste delicious! In today's episode, let's find out what stinky food Chinese people like and I hope that will increase your appetite instead of reducing it! 中国的食物讲究色、香、味俱全,但也有例外。 有些食物很臭,闻到就想逃走, 但吃上一口又会觉得没那么可怕,甚至还会上瘾!比如说下面五种: 第一种,臭豆腐。 臭豆腐是一种发酵豆腐,有很浓的味道。 走在中国的小吃街上,寻着臭味的方向,一般就能找到臭豆腐。 大家都说“臭豆腐闻起来臭,吃起来香”。 制作的时候一般先把豆腐炸到金黄,再配上辣椒、香菜和蒜蓉。 它带来的丰富的味觉感受,不忍着臭味试试, 可是永远都不会体会到的呢! 第二种,螺蛳粉。 螺蛳粉是广西柳州的特色小吃。 它是一种带汤的米粉,汤里面有螺蛳、酸笋、辣椒等。 酸笋是腌过的,有种臭臭的味道。 现在的年轻人很喜欢吃螺蛳粉,网上还可以买到干的螺蛳粉, 自己用热水泡开,再加上配料就可以吃了。 第三种,皮蛋。 皮蛋一般是用鸭蛋做的,把鸭蛋裹上石灰泥和盐腌制, 两、三个月以后,蛋清就会变成黑色半透明的果冻形状, 而蛋黄则是半凝固的状态,口感软糯。 皮蛋可以直接吃,可以蘸醋和辣酱,也可以用来熬粥,都非常美味。 第四种,豆汁儿。 豆汁儿是北京人喜欢吃的早餐。 它和豆浆类似,但是豆浆是用黄豆做的,而豆汁儿则是用绿豆做的。 豆汁儿的味道有些酸,一般人很难接受。 有人说,如果喝不完一碗豆汁儿,那肯定不是北京人。 第五种,臭鳜鱼 这是安徽省的美食。鳜鱼是一种淡水鱼, 一百多年前,为了防止鱼在运输时变质, 渔夫把盐涂满鱼的全身,然后放在木桶里发酵。 这个过程中,鱼肉变得紧实,散发出特殊的味道, 再用姜、蒜和酱油炒一下,当时的皇帝都爱吃呢! 你们国家有闻起来臭,吃起来香的食物吗?