Small But Mighty Agency

<p>If you want to grow an agency to seven figures and beyond without working more hours in your business, tune in. </p><p><br></p><p>I know your time is valuable, so I keep it practical and help you work smarter, not harder, in every episode. </p><p><br></p><p>I'm your host, Audrey Joy Kwan. I know what it takes to build an agency—including supporting an agency owner in selling and exiting, and consulting for 200-person agencies—because I've done it. </p><p><br></p><p>My team and I have coached and consulted with over 150 agency owners and have been behind the scenes of multiple seven-figure agencies. </p><p><br>All this to say, join us on the Small But Mighty Agency podcast to grow an agency with real-world experience and practical tips that help you to work less and earn more while leading with integrity. </p><p><br>Let's go! </p>

4 Perspectives On a 4-Day Work Week for Your Agency

If the thought of a 4 day work week has crossed your mind, my guess is that you’ve gone back and forth thinking about it. Implementing a four-day workweek takes thought and consideration – so in today’s episode of the Small But Mighty Agency Podcast – I bring along a few friends who have implemented four-day work weeks. You’ll get four different perspectives and four unique insights on this week's episode.This summer, we’re doing something different on the podcast by bringing ...


5 Advantages Niche Agency Owners Are Capitalizing On Today

To niche or not to niche? It’s a very relevant question to agency owners. As I started to think that the topic of niching was overdone, I started to see a pattern in conversations with agency owners pop up. Standing out is challenging because agencies compete for general attention instead of being specific. So, instead of creating better opportunities for niche clients to find you, you end up chasing and convincing clients – it takes much more work. In this week's podcast ...


How to know if a referral network is right for you?

How do you know if a referral network is right for you? Imagine having a network that’s not just another mastermind or course but a community focused on helping you grow through strategic collaborations and consistent referrals. Picture this: curated connections, referral pods, and collaboration events tailored to extend your reach and grow your business. At Agency Together, we’ve created a purposeful community where the intent is crystal clear: generating strategic collaborati...


How To Get More Consistent Referrals for Your Agency

Want more referrals and clients for your agency? Getting consistent referrals doesn't have to be a mystery. If you’ve been following our “How to Get More Referrals” series, you’re already on the path to leveraging a referral strategy that brings in consistent clients. Referrals aren’t just about asking for business—they're about creating a culture and ecosystem that naturally encourages and rewards the sharing of opportunities. Remember, 84% of B2B decision-makers start th...


4 Key Referral Channels: Are You Using Them to Get More Clients

How effectively are you leveraging referrals to get more clients? Hubspot Sales Trend Report emphasized the importance of referrals, especially when buyers are more cautious about spending money. Referrals are the top way to receive high-quality leads and shorten the sales cycle because it’s worth more in trust than a cold lead or sales rep.In part two of this mini-series on how to get more referrals, I unpack the top four referral sources every agency owner should know and include ...


5 Powerful Reasons Top Agencies Have Referral Programs (and why you need one)

he podcast, I’ll share: Five different types of referrals your business can leverage Actionable insights on optimizing your referral processBreakfree from the challenges of generating more referrals effectively Where to begin? Start with the first episode, where we explore why top agencies thrive with referral programs and why yours should too.Don't miss out on transforming how you think about referrals.Show LinksConnect with Audrey on Linkedin Join the Agency Togethe...


Escape the Daily Grind in Your Agency: Key Processes You’re Overlooking

Are you feeling overly involved in the day-to-day tasks of your business? If removing yourself from certain day-to-day processes or tasks isn’t getting easier, you might have overlooked some key processes. In this episode, we share the concept of “invisible work.”Invisible work is the critical yet often overlooked processes that you might be handling because you don’t know how to get it off your plate. Your invisible work wastes valuable time and keeps you working in your busin...


How to Empower Your Team and Let Go So You Don’t Burnout? [Case study]

Do you find yourself stepping back into the day-to-day of your business? You’re not alone. What if I told you that you might be creating more work for yourself by inserting yourself back into projects and that there is a better way? I get it. You’re an agency owner who fears that standards won’t be met without your direct involvement, clients will be unhappy, and relationships will deteriorate. It’s a common bottleneck, and in this episode, we’ll explore how to effectively...


Is the Pursuit of Quick Success Obscuring Your Strategic Vision? Here's How to Tell

How does the desire for quick success cloud long-term strategic thinking? It can appear as shiny distractions or band-aide approaches instead of dealing with the root cause. Why does this happen? It's a case of not seeing the forest from the trees because you’re standing among the trees. Ultimately, it makes your to-do list longer and your life harder as you go one step forward and two steps back.How can you tell if your pursuit of quick success obscures your strategic vision?S...


How to Prevent Shiny Distractions from Derailing Your Business Growth

Is it a great idea or a shiny distraction for your business? How do you decide?” I’ve seen business owners go all in on distractions at the expense of what is working in the business and derail their team because the shiny object syndrome is real. The one thing that entrepreneurs don’t lack is ideas and the tendency to be quick starts. Raise your hand if that’s you. New ideas can bring creativity and innovation and diversify opportunities – one hundred percent. But sh...


How to transfer niche knowledge to your team so you can scale

Have you struggled with letting go of client work and trusting your team to deliver? You might feel – even with processes – that your team can’t deliver at the level you want.It’s not unusual for agency owners to struggle with sharing their specialized knowledge with their team. The struggle is made more difficult when you don’t know or don’t solve the root of the issue. This misunderstanding leads to reliance on ineffective, "quick-fix" solutions. I often hear agency owners e...


How are successful niche agencies thinking and doing differently in the current economy?

What strategies are working for agencies that are leaders in their niche? ☝️It’s one thing to say that the riches are in the niches, but what are agencies that thrive in their niches doing differently than their counterparts? For one thing – they’re not scattering their efforts; niche agencies use laser focus to their advantage. Even if you specialize in an industry or sector, you still need to maximize what sets you apart, especially when niches are competitive and the economy...


What Are The Top Niches for Agency Success in The Current Economy?

What niches have the most opportunities for agencies right now? Yes, the riches are still in the niches. In other words, growth is most pronounced in specialization, not generalization, but not all niches are equal in this economy. Some niches are ripe with untapped opportunities for agency owners to carve out and tailor their expertise. So, what exactly are these lucrative niches? In this episode, I merge valuable insights from my work with niche-specific agencies a...


How to attract new clients on LinkedIn in 2024

What moves should you make on LinkedIn to attract clients effectively this year? With the platform constantly evolving, understanding the dos and don’ts of LinkedIn can feel like a puzzle. In this episode, you’ll hear from a LinkedIn Marketing Agency Owner on how to make LinkedIn work for you.We dive into what’s working for content creation and engagement and explore how to avoid mistakes users commonly make on Linkedin. Whether LinkedIn has been your playground for a while or ...


How I created a track record of tripling growth for agencies with this strategic system

What is the approach that has helped me build a track record for tripling growth for agency owners? Let’s start with what it’s not – it’s not about quick fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions. It's about a strategic system that has taken me years to distill into a lens (like a magnifying glass) you can use today.Like many experts, I had the expert’s curse, which means it's hard for me to step outside my brain to see how to distill my complex knowledge into more straightforward, more ...


The “Big 3” Pillars Agency Owners Need to Build a High-Performing Agency

What separates high-performing agencies from the rest? It's more than just having a great product or service. The secret lies in this asset: unlocking your team's potential and, by extension, your agency. A high-performing agency has healthy profit margins, retains phenomenal talent, has streamlined operations and enhanced brand reputation.I've seen firsthand how growing your people – not just your directors– leads to more profits and efficiencies. The framework I'm sharin...


5 Key Things Doers Have To Unlearn to Succeed as Leaders

What if the very skills that have made you successful might now be the ones you need to reassess and unlearn to become an effective leader?We've seen it firsthand with our clients – the satisfaction that comes from executing tasks with precision, solving problems swiftly, and managing time like a pro. But what happens when those very skills, which once propelled your business or career forward, become obstacles to growth? As you aim to build a scalable business or lead an agency bey...


How to grow the leaders that move your agency forward so you don’t burn out?

Do you need a strategy to elevate team members to leadership roles within your agency?How can you support your team in acquiring leadership skills and resilience beyond what you can teach them personally?If one or both questions resonate, this series is for you. Developing your rising leaders in your agency is required if you want to build a scalable business. I've walked the path from being an account coordinator to being an agency leader and helping agency owners scale and even ex...


Marcel Petitpas: The metrics that matter for profitability

What data do you need to look at in your agency to optimize profitability?In this episode, we examine the relationship between operations and finance in an agency and examine metrics that matter for profitability. You don’t need to be a CFO or COO to benefit from this episode; you just need to be curious about what metrics to track. You’ll gain a fundamental understanding in this episode ofWhat might be missing in your profit and loss statements, The importance of the delivery ...


Predictions: What is Required for Agency Success in 2024?

How can agencies navigate growth with more ease in 2024? I work closely with seven-figure agency owners, and I have the opportunity to see overarching trends and patterns. I know we have heightened noise, and it’s harder to break through. I know with the economic changes, buying decisions require more trust than ever. It isn’t negative; it just requires new ways of approaching your business I also know that the need for done-for-you services (agency services) is...


Mary M. Mary

It's the story of so many families. Kudos to Kara for doing business on her terms. #capacity #boundaries

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