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Sorry My Anxiety Is Talking
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Sorry My Anxiety Is Talking

Author: Twigz

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I was diagnosed at 25 with anxiety/depression & I thought to myself, now what? I've been on the most beautiful, chaotic, confusing & overwhelming journey since then. Beginning your mental health chapter isn't easy & I am here to help, guide, inspire and remind you, that you are not alone. I'll be sharing what helped me, saved me, what worked & what didn't in my mental health whirlwind. All while still navigating my own mental health along with you guys. This podcast is for those lost & confused & not really sure where to begin to pick up the pieces or for those who finally want to take action in becoming the healthiest versions of themselves. We're in this together. My name is Twigz & welcome to Sorry My Anxiety Is Talking Podcast.
25 Episodes
Sometimes running away from our problems seems to be the answer right? What if I told you don't forget to stop & smell the roses?In this week's episode life decided to slap me upside the face & remind me that being grateful & present is IMPORTANT. When we are in a constant state of "what's next" we take everything we have for granted. Taking a moment to reflect on everything that has gotten you to this exact moment can bring you back to reality. So yes stop &a...
Live @ Treefort Music Fest on the mental health of musicians, artists, & creatives!If you weren't able to attend the show you can now listen to the live recording! But be sure to get your ass there next year ;) Joining me is the lead singer of Acid Tongue Guy Keltner, a psychedelic grunge Seattle-based band. Rahkeem a Boise local full-time DJ & Jesse Goodwin from the Boise local bands Cigs Inside & Bittermint.We dive into topics such as imposter syndrome, how to get involved ...
Your environment is everything. From living in a toxic environment to officially living on my own has been a complete whirlwind. I go into depth on what the grieving process of leaving something toxic was like for me & what mental clarity & positive changes have happened now that I live alone. This episode is a reminder nothing lasts forever & you're always one decision away from changing your life. If you've ever been in a toxic living situation or live with your ...
Finally! It's beginning to feel like the early 2000s again where less makeup & more natural beauty is IN. I share my experience on how stepping away from fake hair, fake lashes, dressing for comfort & less makeup has completely changed my idea of beauty & how I feel about myself in a more positive way.I hope this episode inspires more women, men, gays & theys to embrace our quirks & what we view as our flaws is actually what makes us uniquely beautiful. xoxo&nbs...
Sober Is Sexy

Sober Is Sexy


I just wrapped up celebrating Pride 2023 & it was hands down my best Pride yet! I asked myself why & it hit me... I did the entire weekend SOBER!In this episode, I break down how my relationship with alcohol has severely changed within the last year & how I have been slowly weening myself away. There are a lot of reasons as to why I believe we drink but it got to a point where my anxiety/depression episodes were spiraling out of control due to hangovers & alcohol bringin...
Part 3 is finally here!In the final series w Levi, he shares the story of his decision to finally leave the Mormon church & what the process what like in doing so. We discuss what his life was like after leaving which led to how he ultimately found himself & the search for his own happiness outside of organized religion. He gives advice to people who may currently be in a similar situation & tips in helping to find yourself/falling in love with yourself.I hope for everyo...
Birthday Blues

Birthday Blues


Why is it that every year when our birthday is nearing, we have an existential crisis?I call this, the birthday blues.In this week's episode, I discuss why I think this is. From the fear of aging, feeling like no one really cares or is excited for our birthday, seeing who are true friends are, or taking a look back over the year & feeling like we really haven't accomplished a goddamn thing. Whatever it may be we all experience it & I break it down in this episode as I had my year...
Why I Left Los Angeles

Why I Left Los Angeles


It's one of the number one questions I get asked, "Why'd you leave LA?"I took a trip recently back to LA & had a huge epiphany while I was there, along with a trip down memory lane. In this episode, I share what my experience was like living in LA for almost 3 years & what I feel no one else REALLY talks about aside from the glitz & glamor. This episode is great for anyone who is considering moving to LA or in general. I share what I appreciate the most since leaving LA ...
In PT 2- Levi shares very intimate details as to what led him to make the decision to go to conversion therapy & conversion therapy camp. He explains what his experience was like & what some of the exercises he & other camp attendees had to do while in this camp. We then talk about what his life was like after camp & the new journey of redemption he had ahead which included attending BYU & becoming a testimonial for an organization that promoted conversion t...
Levi Strasser, who is he? Why did I choose to have him on the podcast? Not only an incredibly dear friend of mine, he just filmed a documentary "Moved By Love" premiering at Sundance Next Year where he talks about his life growing up in the Mormon church, being gay, conversion therapy & so much more.In this PT 1 of 3 series- Levi gives us a better understanding of the Mormon religion/beliefs. What his childhood was like growing up religious & when he first initially knew he was g...
With Treefort Music Fest being a hectic time for everyone performing I have Dr. Sapiro break down stage fright/performance anxiety for all of us to understand better. How do we all physically/psychologically experience it? What's it deeply rooted from? How do we conquer it?Along with our discussion, we dive into finding self-confidence, self-worth, trusting yourself & realizing how special you really are in this world. Dr. Mike also goes into depth on his work with Ketamin...
What in the FUNK?!

What in the FUNK?!


Funks happen... at the most inconvenient times... & we're not exactly sure sometimes why they even happen. I recently had a funk where I instinctively knew what I needed to do in order to get out of it. In this episode, I break down some tips that have helped me get out of these ruts, but most importantly why I think they happen & ultimately finding a sense of purpose & passion is what brings us out of them. I hope this episode helps the next time you find yourself feeli...
We all do it, retail therapy. But a what point is it doing us more harm than good? Sometimes I believe we buy things to get a quick dopamine hit in hopes, it'll just maybe cure the depression we feel daily OR we constantly compete with our peers to look cool & trendy, no matter how much money is REALLY in the bank account lol. In this episode, I discuss a recent experience I had shopping at a flea market that led me to all of these emotions & feelings. Who are we b...
I hope you guys have enjoyed part 1 of my interview with Jake!In the second part of this interview, Jake gives us tips on how he personally deals with his mental health struggles & advice he has for anyone wanting to get into drag or come out if they may be afraid to do so. We get into the discussion of his hopes for the LGBTQ + scene in Boise & the community overall. As an ally myself, I ask him the question of how we can all be better allies within the community.We also discuss...
The wait is over! I am excited to announce the podcast officially has its first guest! Jake Salutregui aka Miss Denim Cain. Jake is an absolute sensation & voice here in Boise's Queer community & most recently a New York resident. His involvement, passion, & support for the community is something I look up to & admire most about him. It is the exact reason I wanted him on this podcast with the important discussions we'd be having involving the community/drag/mental health &...
Cue The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year by Andy Williams.It's here friends, the holidays are here, and the seasonal depression is in full force. In this episode, we talk about the annual seasonal depression & why I feel it personally happens to me every year. Good thing Christmas came early because I share all the tips that have been helping me this season! Including a major one, GIVING BACK! I go into depth about why giving back & not just for the holidays has helped m...
Let's talk about dating. As we all know dating can be rough, let alone, dating as an anxious & depressed person. I give you guys all my tips & advice on how to navigate dating while suffering from a mental illness, things to pay attention to and look for, & things that are really important when we do decide to date. We talk about how being picky in your dating choices & being upfront about your mental health is crucial. We also talk about attachment styles, love...
New Era Unlocked

New Era Unlocked


She has officially entered a new era!This week is a little mini-episode for you guys. I wanted to give you some life updates & where my head is at currently. I dive into the details of this new era I have stepped into along with learning the art of detachment in my life currently. We discuss how detachment & letting go have helped immensely with my depression/anxiety. I also remind yall to not give up hope, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If you are current...
This one is heavy yall & emotionally triggering for me. In this week's episode, I discuss the negative stigma I feel that most anxious/depressed people may receive. Along with my own personal experience of people's reactions/treatment towards me once knowing I suffer from mental illness. A lot goes down in this episode as it brought up some emotions for me. Buckle up, friends! Follow me on Instagram: @twiiggzzzFollow me on TikTok: @twiiigggzzz
Being an anxious party girl is hard. In this week's episode, I give a recap of how Pride weekend & many other weekends like this, send me into anxious overload. I recently discovered in the last year that any time there is an event/gathering/festival or celebration that is multiple days it brings on my anxiety/depression severely. I expect an episode EVERYTIME & is something I now have to prepare for. How incredibly frustrating ?!I give you guys some tips on what's helping me but...