Swing State's Podcast

Lewayne opens fire on Trump's cabinet with the Broadside. We shake our heads at the Electoral College Orwell gets a mention as we talk about “patriotism,” “freedom,” and protests. Shit Trump said – does he mean ANY of it? And, why do people fall for it? Survey results regarding Republican voter perception of Popular Vote winner. No, we don't think you're stupid. But, you voted for the guy who lied... a lot... We agree with the Right that we need to “drain the swamp.” We just disagree about how that'll happen... Rex Tillerson tells us that global climate change doesn't matter because we'll adapt... Which prompts a brief aside about the greatest movie of all time, “Waterworld.” Then we talk about political climate change efforts, and what happens to coasts when water rises. We also admit Tillerson has a point – engineering solutions. (Except we mean engineering alternative fuel sources.) AJ talks about his issues with entitlement, specifically corporate entitlement. We compare oils spills, solar spills, and wind spills. AJ talks about, “Merchants of Doubt,” by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway. https://www.amazon.com/Merchants-Doubt-Handful-Scientists-Obscured-ebook/dp/B003RRXXO8/ Kevin MacLeod's “Slow Burn” rounds out the episode. "Slow Burn"(incompetech.com) edited by Working Class Skeptic and licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Episode 0X - The Hiatus Episode

Because of some re-shuffling, we'll be on a short break. Thanks for your support, and keep an eye on our social media for the return of the show.


Episode 026 - The Nazi Episode

Schedule conflicts prevent a full show, but Trump's blatant love for Nazis requires comment. So, you get a double-blast of Broadsides...


Episode 025 - The Revolving Door Episode

No Broadside this episode. The guys go right into talking about Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts of America. http://time.com/4872118/trump-boy-scout-jamboree-speech-transcript/ Contrasted with Obama's message to the Scouts. http://time.com/4872425/boy-scouts-america-jamboree-donald-trump-barack-obama/ Then they talk about Trump's “policy change” via Twitter RE transgender military personnel. And follow up with a discussion of Trump's revolving door policy for his staff... Police officer speech clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvCQ807cEBc


Episode 024 - The Laundromat Episode

Lewayne opens the Broadside with a nod to The Terminator, then it's a discussion of Craig Unger's piece in the New Republic outlining Trump's association with all things Russia... https://newrepublic.com/article/143586/trumps-russian-laundromat-trump-tower-luxury-high-rises-dirty-money-international-crime-syndicate


Episode 023 - The Weekend Edition Episode

The guys spend a moment on Net Neutrality and Trumpcare round 3 then head into their performance art piece, “The Confession” by Donald Trump Jr. Then a Trump-Russia update, wherein the Right asks, “What about Hillary?” But some Republicans are beginning to turn on Trump... Good... After the break, the guys spend some time with a RawStory article about why rural, white, Christian Americans can't be reasoned with... http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/fundamentalism-racism-fear-and-propaganda-an-insider-explains-why-rural-christian-white-america-will-never-change/s


Episode 022 - The Team Loyalty Episode

Geoff Ginter opens the episode ripping into Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) regarding the AHCA. The full tirade can be viewed here, and really, everywhere on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TDkgIEn5Ac&t=28s AJ goes after the Bernie haters in his Broadside. The guys talk more about the Senate's “health” care bill, the four potential Republican hold-outs, that mandates are basically back (except for businesses), and how many people the CBO estimates will lose coverage... The guys discuss whether those still supporting the Republican party, particularly on health care are uninformed, simply devoted to their team, or so un-empathetic that people suffering is okay with them. AJ looks at the poorest states in the US and notices that they're mostly Red states... and they're the ones that are likely to suffer most... The guys talk some about Trump's lawyer, who is described as “...the Donald Trump of lawyers...” why that's the best Trump can get (because Trump doesn't pay and doesn't shut up) and how Trump being such a douchebag is destroying the entire country's reputation... After the break, AJ talks about Deutsche Bank, Kushner, loans, and money laundering, and Lewayne speculates (again) on how the Right would respond to Hillary if the roles were reversed, AJ breaks down the “Fox News” defense of Trump, and Lewayne asks if anyone has an analysis of Trump Et Al's actions that doesn't point to criminal, possible treasonous activity. The guys talk about teams, party loyalty, and psychology, and still can't figure out how someone can still back Trump's actions... especially since it looks like the road to totalitarianism...


Episode 021 - The Lawyering Up Episode

Mr. Miyagi opens the episode telling Daniel-san to focus past the fear. Which gives Lewayne the opportunity to talk about Democrats losing in special elections in the Broadside. The guys talk some about Trump-Russia, Trump confirming that he's under investigation, and how all of DC seems to be lawyering up. After the “commercial break,” the guys talk about the GA special election, gerrymandering, and Trumpcare... including quotes from Republicans trying to explain how the AHCA will be “better” for Americans... Then the guys call it a day before one of them has a rage-aneurysm.


Episode 020 - The Kegstanding On Kool-Aid Episode

Jeff Sessions starts off by forgetting everything. A.J. Opens fire on the stupidity and denial inherent in cult adoration, and the unwillingness of the cult members to abandon their leader when his fraud is revealed. Lewayne can't wait for Wolfenstein II, so he can start shooting (video game) Nazis in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHht8480cEo Trump has the creepiest cabinet meeting outside of North Korea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ARgUIpM6f0&t=2s There's mention made of the COVFEFE act, which aims to make Trump's tweets part of the presidential record, and a bi-partisan effort to keep Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia without Congressional oversight... Which sounds a lot like they suspect he's got questionable ties to Russia... https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-06-13/russian-breach-of-39-states-threatens-future-u-s-elections Which leads to talk about about Comey, Mueller, Russiagate, Watergate, etc. and Fox's Britt Hume tells us why even he thinks Mueller is a great choice for special investigator. The guys also discuss how Trump's personality keeps him from doing the smart thing… ANY smart thing... why Trump's hard-core base can't take their mouths off his cock, no matter what he does, and why, regardless of what your Libertarian uncle says, there ARE differences between Democrats and Republicans... Before they wrap up the show, AJ talks about the Senate Republicans' death – er, health bill...


Episode 019 - The Backchannels Episode

Charlton Heston emotes his way through the opening of the Broadside, and gives Lewayne a jumping off point to finally tell Trump voters what he really thinks. The guys talk about Trump's official first foreign visit, and how Der Speigel, and Europe in general view the current POTUS. Hint – Angela Merkel has been bumped to the position of “Leader Of The Free World.” Trump, himself, sums up everyone's view when he reminds us that “The world is laughing at us. They think we're stupid.” Little did he suspect that HE would be the reason... Link to Macron's diss of Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cahph7TR0YA Then things come around to Russia - specifically, Jared Kushner wanting access to Russia's backdoor... and how, if Hillary were in the same position, the right-wing media wouldn't have shut up about it. And, now, Trump's own lawyer has confirmed that he's been asked for information from Senate with regard to the Russia business, which leads AJ to talk about the “pattern or evidence,” and the “proper” response when the FBI comes sniffing around, and Trump reminds us that he thinks pleading the fifth is a sign of guilt. Lewayne reviews previous Presidential scandals and how they fare against the potential Trump/Russia situation, particularly with regard to how deep the hole goes within the Republican party... The guys get into the difference between them and Right-wing media RE speculation, and how perception is more important to the Right than reality... Then, well, then there's some interference...


Episode 018 - The Where Are We Now? Episode

AJ opens fire on the Right's increasing assaults on the free press, then the guys talk about Russian updates, and a mixed bag of other topics raised by those updates.


Episode 017 - The Greed & Disgust Episode

Paul Ryan – er – Patrick Bateman's spa visit kicks off the episode, and Lewayne asks how much money one has to make to stop being an asshole. https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf Then the guys spend a lot of time on the nightmare that is the AHCA/Trumpcare/Ryancare/Republicancare mess before getting into voter suppression, abortion, and other Republican shenanigans. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/05/branstad-signs-controversial-voter-id-bill-into-law/311568001/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonynitti/2017/03/13/gop-health-care-bill-will-result-in-a-huge-tax-cut-for-the-rich-24-million-without-insurance/#1f5ca72f6a2f https://www.vox.com/2017/3/13/14914062/republican-health-care-plan-cbo-redistribution-poor-medicaid Opening/closing music is Slow Burn and transitional music is Impact Moderato, both by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


Episode 016 - The Ignorance Episode

Bill O' Reilly and Neil Tyson discuss the tides to kick off the show. AJ's Broadside takes shots at O' Reilly and science ignorance. The guys discuss the Right Wing disinformation machine and Lewayne namedrops CASA. http://www.casaforchildren.org/site/c.mtJSJ7MPIsE/b.5301295/k.BE9A/Home.htm Trump realizes what everyone else already knew - being the POTUS is a lot harder than being a rich douchenozzle. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/28/us/politics/trump-interview-quotes.html?_r=0 The guys talk about North Korea, and lots of other things Trump doesn't know anything about. Lewayne plugs the Swing State media empire. The guys talk about Iowa, why educated people are leaving, and the Republican need to harm the people they're supposed to represent. Then, the guys call it a day. Opening/closing music is Slow Burn and transitional music is Impact Moderato, both by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


Episode 015 - The Morality Episode

Bill O' Reilly opens the show talking about the evils of Secular-Progressives, and the need for traditional values... like his... Which gives AJ room to fire all cannons at O' Reilly in the Broadside The guys talk more about O'Reilly and other political alpha males who treat women like sub-humans, and AJ performs a reading of an O'Reilly Caribbean sex fantasy transcript complete with falafal... er, loofah... Link to Bill's fiction book, “Those Who Trespass” https://www.amazon.com/Those-Who-Trespass-Television-Murder-ebook/dp/B000FC1AIY/ Which leads to a broader discussions about (predominantly) Republican hypocrisy when it comes to moral sexuality, and how they deal with the cognitive dissonance... The guys also talk about Fox's workplace safety, and how it looks to everyone when a company settles AT LEAST FIVE TIMES, and AJ reminds the Trumpkins about Trump “University.” Which segues into a discussion of Mike Pence and how he's the opposite of those Republicans... but, not really... Lewayne relates a story about lawyers peeing to illustrate how women can be excluded from participation in the “old BOYS network.” The guys talk about the upcoming Special Election in Georgia, and how they hope Jon Ossoff will signify a shift in the red states... Lewayne breaks down the experience of Ossoff and leading Republican opponent, Karen Handel, and why Ossoff seems like the better candidate. The guys also discuss why Special Elections, Hell, EVERY election matters when trying to stop the Republicans, and how the audience can help, even if they can't vote in the election itself. Link to info on upcoming Congressional Special Elections https://ballotpedia.org/Special_elections_to_the_115th_United_States_Congress_(2017-2018) Twitter: @swingstate_show Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swingstateshow/ Website: https://swingstateshow.wordpress.com/ Email: swingstateshow@gmail.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-qCpmt0A2HgrwhZerbsK7Q *Correction - The reference to a $50 million settlement should actually be $25 million.


Episode 014 - The Worst Spies Ever Episode

Breaking news alters the guys' plans again... And they end up talking about Nunez, Russia, and independent committees, and why government and business are veeeeery different creatures. AJ gets them back on track and they break down the Nunez developments, why they read like a cheap spy novel, why appearances of impropriety matter, and why it all feels like a Coen Brothers film. They also talk about Trump's failure, as a “smart” guy, to manage the AHCA debacle, that his only “successes” come because of executive orders, and how we've now seen that he can't even get something done when he owns the House. And it turns out his approval rating reflects that. Trump segues the show into the next segment by telling Bill O' Reilly and Matt Lauer about his buddy, Putin... AJ talks about thorn in Putin's side, Alexei Navalny, whose constant protest and exposure of Russian corruption will probably get him killed. Which leads the guys to talk about recent Republican attempts to crack down on protestors here in the US, and how Nixon at least pretended he was coming down on drugs instead of protestors. They discuss why Trump would admire someone like Putin, and how some modern Republicans, particularly in Trump's inner circle, seem to be drawing inspiration from the authoritarian handbook. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/senate-panel-plans-to-interview-trump-son-in-law-kushner-in-russia-probe/2017/03/27/84fe10ae-12f9-11e7-ada0-1489b735b3a3_story.html?utm_term=.e54a5a46cc4d http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39404985 Twitter: @swingstate_show Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swingstateshow/ Website: https://swingstateshow.wordpress.com/ Email:swingstateshow@gmail.com


Episode 014 - The Worst Spies Ever Episode

Breaking news alters the guys' plans again... And they end up talking about Nunez, Russia, and independent committees, and why government and business are veeeeery different creatures. AJ gets them back on track and they break down the Nunez developments, why they read like a cheap spy novel, why appearances of impropriety matter, and why it all feels like a Coen Brothers film. They also talk about Trump's failure, as a “smart” guy, to manage the AHCA debacle, that his only “successes” come because of executive orders, and how we've now seen that he can't even get something done when he owns the House. And it turns out his approval rating reflects that. Trump segues the show into the next segment by telling Bill O' Reilly and Matt Lauer about his buddy, Putin... AJ talks about thorn in Putin's side, Alexei Navalny, whose constant protest and exposure of Russian corruption will probably get him killed. Which leads the guys to talk about recent Republican attempts to crack down on protestors here in the US, and how Nixon at least pretended he was coming down on drugs instead of protestors. They discuss why Trump would admire someone like Putin, and how some modern Republicans, particularly in Trump's inner circle, seem to be drawing inspiration from the authoritarian handbook. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/senate-panel-plans-to-interview-trump-son-in-law-kushner-in-russia-probe/2017/03/27/84fe10ae-12f9-11e7-ada0-1489b735b3a3_story.html?utm_term=.e54a5a46cc4d http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39404985 Twitter: @swingstate_show Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swingstateshow/ Website: https://swingstateshow.wordpress.com/ Email:swingstateshow@gmail.com


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