DiscoverSwing State's PodcastEpisode 022 - The Team Loyalty Episode
Episode 022 - The Team Loyalty Episode

Episode 022 - The Team Loyalty Episode

Update: 2017-06-29


Geoff Ginter opens the episode ripping into Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) regarding the AHCA.

The full tirade can be viewed here, and really, everywhere on youtube.

AJ goes after the Bernie haters in his Broadside.

The guys talk more about the Senate's “health” care bill, the four potential Republican hold-outs, that mandates are basically back (except for businesses), and how many people the CBO estimates will lose coverage...

The guys discuss whether those still supporting the Republican party, particularly on health care are uninformed, simply devoted to their team, or so un-empathetic that people suffering is okay with them.

AJ looks at the poorest states in the US and notices that they're mostly Red states... and they're the ones that are likely to suffer most...

The guys talk some about Trump's lawyer, who is described as “...the Donald Trump of lawyers...” why that's the best Trump can get (because Trump doesn't pay and doesn't shut up) and how Trump being such a douchebag is destroying the entire country's reputation...

After the break, AJ talks about Deutsche Bank, Kushner, loans, and money laundering, and Lewayne speculates (again) on how the Right would respond to Hillary if the roles were reversed, AJ breaks down the “Fox News” defense of Trump, and Lewayne asks if anyone has an analysis of Trump Et Al's actions that doesn't point to criminal, possible treasonous activity.

The guys talk about teams, party loyalty, and psychology, and still can't figure out how someone can still back Trump's actions... especially since it looks like the road to totalitarianism...








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Episode 022 - The Team Loyalty Episode

Episode 022 - The Team Loyalty Episode

Swing State