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Talking Sense with Dr Martha
Author: Martha Deiros Collado
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© Martha Deiros Collado
Come and join Dr Martha Deiros Collado, clinical psychologist and mother, every Monday to get your parenting questions answered. Get a thought provoking lens on child behaviour that all parents witness and see every day and find ideas to support you and your child. Make sense of children’s behaviours, quirks, and communication, and notice how Talking Sense brings you closer to other parents and helps you feel that little bit less alone through this messy, yet beautiful, chapter we call childhood. Subscribe now and don’t miss an episode!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
56 Episodes
We often talk about bullying from the point of view of the victim, but what of the children who engage in bullying behaviour? This conversation can be confronting because it means deconstructing the narrative that child who bully are 'bad kids' and it means we need to look inwards - at ourselves, the adults who are around children - to consider what messages our words and actions are giving children, and explore with compassion what may be going on for a child who chooses to engage in bullying behaviour. Dr Martha sensitively walks you through this offering you ideas to guide your next steps to hopefully prevent bullying or stop it in its tracks.Pre-order my first book 'How To Be The Grown Up' here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first. No money gets taken out of your bank account until the day the book is launched.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
As a parent there are going to be times when you lose it, shout, say things you don't mean or put in actions you regret. This doesn't make you a bad parent, it makes you human. In these moments, repairing the relationship with your child is the step you need to take. But how do you do this when they are little and when they get older? What if your child doesn't seem to respond or even acknowledge your apology? What do you need to be mindful of and what work might you need to do to make repair a meaningful act, not just saying the words "I am sorry"? Dr Martha talks you through this with scripts, developmental science about children and things to reflect on to guide you next time.Pre-order my first book 'How To Be The Grown Up' here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first. No money gets taken out of your bank account until the day the book is launched.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
As a parent it is normal to want your child to be happy and have positive experiences. And one of the hardest things to learn is that you cannot make your child happy, and fixing their feelings is not your job. Dr Martha speaks about emotion to help you make sense of what your child means when they say "I feel sad", how to work with the emotion rather than trying to fix it or remove it, and the things to watch out for if sadness is getting stuck around your child and it's not longer a temporary emotion but low mood impacting on their quality of life.Pre-order my first book 'How To Be The Grown Up' here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first. No money gets taken out of your bank account until the day the book is launched.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We don't tend to talk about little ones' sexual behaviour. As adults we may find this is wrong or perverse, and yet there is a difference between 'sexual behaviour' that comes from curiosity and exploration and 'sexualised behaviour' with an intention for sex. Children are born wanting to explore the world and learning about their bodies is a part of it. When it comes to little ones masturbating this conversation is often taboo, can feel embarrassing or bring shame to adults. And yet - it is healthy and natural for children to explore their own bodies. There are however some 'red flags' to be aware of to differentiate developmentally appropriate behaviour from something that may need further professional guidance and support. Dr Martha talks about all these topics with sensitivity towards you, the adult navigating these situations, and appropriate developmental understanding of your child, to guide you to think about ways to set safe boundaries and explore conversations around privacy, consent, and safeguarding.Pre-order my first book 'How To Be The Grown Up' here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first. No money gets taken out of your bank account until the day the book is launched.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).The NSPCC "Pantosaurus" song I discuss on the podcast is linked below: of my favourite books on sex and bodies are linked below. For a full list of recommended books see: is a Funny Word:'s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent, and Respect: a Baby: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
With technology literally in our pockets it is no surprise children have access to porn easily. How can you talk about porn to your child in a way that is age appropriate and helpful rather than scary and shaming? Dr Martha talks you through some ideas of how to begin he conversation with your child, whether you have found they have watched porn or you want to prepare and educate them about it. Some of the guidance and ideas are to help you feel prepared and confident and small reminders that what you choose to talk about (and what you choose not to...) has a ripple effect into your child's future.Pre-order my first book 'How To Be The Grown Up' here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first. No money gets taken out of your bank account until the day the book is launched.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you have to repeat instructions to your child? Does it make moments throughout your day frustrating, such as mornings or evenings? If you have ever heard yourself say "please hang your coat up" more than 20 times (with no success in your child following through with this action), then this podcast is for you! Dr Martha discusses why older children struggle listening and following through with instructions and what you can do to make your requests more effective and less frustrating for all.Pre-order my first book 'How To Be The Grown Up' here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first. No money gets taken out of your bank account until the day the book is launched.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
To punish or not to punish, that is the question. In a society that continues to ask us to 'control our kids', it makes sense that punishments feel familiar, nearly instinctive to offer as a strategy for 'good discipline'. Dr Martha talks about punishments, the good the bad and the ugly, and the evidence base around their effectiveness. She offers non-judgmental ideas around punishment and explains why to be an effective parent making children feel bad first is not the most useful way.My first book ‘How To Be The Grown Up’ is available NOW for preorder here: are a ‘promise’ between you and me - that I will deliver a book that I think you will love and find useful, and you will support me by promising to buy it first.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We all want children to strive to. do their best. When we catch a glimpse of perfectionism we may think it's a 'good thing', that it will motivate them to push forwards towards a goal. However, if you spot the 'critical voice' that accompanies perfectionism that tells your child they are 'bad' at anything they can't do or when they make a mistake, then it may be time to look at perfectionism in a different way. Dr Martha talks about what perfectionism is (and is not) and how you can shrink its power over your child and offers actionable strategies you can put into place for you and for your child. The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Children sometimes want to quit doing things and knowing when to encourage them to persist and when to support them to keep going can feel like a tricky balance. Dr Martha offers a reframe on the idea of 'quitting' and guides you through some of the talking points that can help both you and your child come to a decision based on curiosity, understanding and problem solving. The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The climate crisis affects all of us and our children are going to hear about it and want to talk about it. How do we work through the worries they bring up without overwhelming them with the scale of the challenge? Dr Martha discusses ways to move through climate change anxiety (for you and your child) and take steps towards positive action that can have collective impact into the future.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Competition is everywhere and we need to help our children learn how to navigate the wins and the losses. Dr Martha discusses what competition can teach us all that is more than the ideas of 'winning vs losing'. With focus on how to reframe hardship into an opportunity to learn, grow and improve, Dr Martha shares some the areas you can focus on to teach a child resilience, grit, and a growth mindset.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Making the decision to separate as a couple is never an easy one. Considering how you share the new with your children show how much you care about the relationship you have with them and can help you all adjust to the changes a separation brings. Dr Martha talks through how to talk to children about an adult separation, the areas to consider for you and for them, as well as what to do when children witness adult conflict. Because your story is unique you will need to adapt the words and ideas suggested here but Dr Martha hopes it will offer you some comfort and grounding in the conversations. If you need further support there is help available:Divorce Aid: run page with information for parents, children and teensParent Line: 0808 800 2222Emotional support, information and guidance for parents going through family changesGingerbread: advice and practice support for single parents✨The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How do you speak about your body? We all have a self-critical voice and for some this is louder than others. How do you then respond when it's your child talking about their body as 'fat' in a way that is shaming or negative of themselves? Dr Martha talks about the importance of talking about 'fat' in ways that are neutral and helping children accept and value difference in themselves and others sharing ideas and strategies you can implement in every day life.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On this Special Episode of Talking Sense Dr Martha shares her favourite three podcasts from Blended, by Kate Ferdinand and discusses why she thinks they are a useful listen.i) The Mother's Day Episode - A moving listen on the lesser spoken stories of mothering. If mothers day is hard for you this may be a useful listen you wish to come back toii) The importance of embracing heritage with Adrienne Herbert - A deep dive into celebrating our cultural differences and why this matters for children.iii)How to effectively engage with our children with Dr Martha - In this episode Kate interviews Dr Martha on a range of topics ranging from anxiety, grief, imposter syndrome, and how to regulate our own emotions.Dr Martha warmly invites you to listen to all these episodes and more on Blended here:✨The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If you have more than one child do you see them fighting over toys, winding each other up, and/or competing about who 'wins' or gets to the swings first? Sibling rivalry is common and there is a reason why siblings wind each other up and have conflict. Dr Martha discusses sibling rivalry in this podcast, where it stems from, what it communicates, and the things you can do to manage it.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years (including sibling rivalry).Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
When children learn how to use the toilet they sometimes go through phases of 'not getting it quite right'. If your family has had a recent change, such as welcoming a new baby, then toileting accidents can be more likely, especially when a child is 'learning' this skill rather than fully mastered it. Dr Martha discusses what is happening for children at these times of family change and transition, and the more useful things you can do to support them to continue learning how to use the toilet which is a process that takes time.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. It has a chapter on 'Learning To Use The Toilet' that gives you a step-by-step guide of how to support your child through this.Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you think of your child as "shy"? What is the best way to respond to others when they call our child "shy"? And what is the best language to use around your child to promote confidence and help them overcome "shyness"? Dr Martha talks about "shyness" from a different perspective and answers all these questions to offer you practical strategies you can put into place right away. "Shyness" doesn't have to be something we think of as negative and Dr Martha will help you reframe this in a way that can support your to build your child's inner confidence.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Little boys gets taught from an early age the rigid rules of 'masculinity' in terms of what is acceptable to say, do, and like. This can turn toxic in the long term and have a detrimental impact on the health and well-being of men. Dr Martha discusses what 'toxic masculinity' is and how it differs from healthy masculine behaviours, she breaks down some for he stereotypes we have absorbed in Western Society and offers you ideas to reflect on and work with if you wish to break the cycle of 'toxic masculinity' for your child and for yourself.Dr Martha's Recommended Book list for book on this topic see 'Gender' here: Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
'Body Positivity' is a bit of a movement at the moment. The idea that feeling good about yourself comes within, not from how you look. There is a wealth of research on this topic and the things that support children in developing positive self-worth outside of what their physical appearance looks like. Dr Martha explores the main areas that you can focus on as parents and adults around children, and how working on developing body positive attitudes for you is the most powerful. The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Does your child ever seem to ignore you when you say "no" and keep asking or doing the thing you have asked them to not do? If your answer is "yes", you're not alone! There is a reason why children tend to ignore "no" that has nothing to do with stubbornness, defiance or rudeness. Dr Martha talks you through what is happening from a child's view and gives you actionable strategies to help you get heard more easily. For more support with challenging behaviours and strategies to guide your parenting check out Dr Martha's Confident Parent Course, details below.The Confident Parent course is out! Do you have, or look after, children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old? The Confident Parent is a practical, video-based course for parents and caregivers from Clinical Psychologist Dr Martha. Over eighty 3-6 minute videos to guide you through the main challenges of the early years. Learn more about the course and sign up here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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United States
where are you, Dr. Marha?we are eagerly waiting for you . Are you not planning to come back?
hi Dr. Martha. As I thank you for sharing your precious knowledge, I think that u have mistakenly uploaded the previous episode.Please replace it with the new one. because I' m impatiently waiting for that. Thanks again.
Great episode!!! Super useful!!!
Great episode!!! Super useful!!!