DiscoverTell me what you really think
Tell me what you really think

Tell me what you really think

Author: Tell Me What You Really Think

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Angry? Pleased? Misinformed? Uniformed? Want to have your voice heard? Want to know more? . . . Then listen to this podcast where you control the narrative about politics, government and current affairs. This podcast was born from the magazine Know the Issues with Lisa Vallone - but unlike that outlet's mission to inform others of lesser covered bills this podcast has you voicing your opinions and showing off your knowledge with our trivia challenges. Support this podcast:
41 Episodes
Niki has been our champ for several games now but will her streak end?  Oh and there was a bit of cheating going on with this episode - but it was all in fun.  Come watch and play along. #trivia #government #politics #Republican #democrat #play #fun #champ #NY  --- Support this podcast:
On 3 February, a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. The train was carrying 11 harmful chemicals including  vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, benzene, ethyl hexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether.  Although these chemicals are known to have detrimental, and sometimes deadly, effects to one's health no one knows what effects they have once they are burned and become a gas as was the case in Palestine. Yet the President and VP have not been there to meet with the residents of this area or give any major announcements and it took the Transportation Secretary a couple of weeks to arrive.  --- Support this podcast:
Who doesn't love candy; but can you guess which candies bring in the most revenue for different states.  Play along and see if you can guess these. #candy #podcast #listen #please --- Support this podcast:
Or does home equity theft violate the Takings Clause?  The Supreme Court will be hearing this case soon.  Listen and find out more. #home #government #SupremeCourt #homeequitytheft --- Support this podcast:
Today's food for thought - would love your thoughts as well :) Regardless if one agrees with former Governor Mario Cuomo's politics or not, it is worth mentioning that he had done much in his life to be worthy of a bridge or a street to be named after him.  Just as anyone of note, who has worked to leave a positive imprint on our State is worthy of such naming.  But is the renaming of the Tappan Zee Bridge to be the Mario Cuomo Bridge the right fit?  Listen to the podcast as I and Tommy chat about our own feelings on the matter.  We would love to have you leave comments or write us at to request to be a guest. #tappanzeebridge #politics #NY --- Support this podcast:
Immigrants wanting to be citizens in the United States must be able to pass a test that will assess their knowledge on the history and current affairs of our great nation and the state in which they reside. Do you think you can pass it? In tonight's trivia, Niki and Tom find out how well they would do. Play along! #playalong #citizens #citizenship #test #history #currentaffairs #fun @spotify @pandora --- Support this podcast:
Unapproved use of an approved drug is often called “off-label” use.  How common are off label drugs? Are they safe? Are you currently taking an off label drug and unaware of it? In this episode we explore all these questions and give you the link so you can find out the serious adverse reactions to any prescription drug you may currently be taking. #drugs #pharmaceutical #Medicine #medical #offlabeldrugs #safety #adversereactions #findout  --- Support this podcast:
Do you know which President had 6 toes? hahaha ya me either. But those are the type of questions I will be asking. Play along and see if you can guess the answers. And for these games and more you can also visit our website as it has the game questions and answers in there and a whole lot more. #NY #game #trivia #Presidents #fun #play #laugh #Silly #laugh #government #politics #Republican #Democrat @Spotify #didyouknow --- Support this podcast:
As a teacher I attended periodic meetings on how to identify gang activity but never once was there a meeting to address how to identify depression in students.  With one suicide every 11.5 minutes in the United States, why is more funding not being given to suicide awareness and prevention.  And what can you do to help reduce these numbers - these loss of lives. Please join me and the CEO of in this discussion #depression #suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #education #government #mentalhealth --- Support this podcast:
All of us know where we were when the Towers were hit. I had friends and co-workers at the World Trade Center that thankfully made it out alive. One co-worker in particular, was a doctor, who stayed to help those injured and in need.  He was not alone. Through tragedy and chaos the world came together to help in whatever way they could. And I, like all other Americans, can not thank those enough for their help during our time of need. But is this bill that AOC introduced the right way to thank those who helped. It is designed to give illegal aliens who helped after 9/11 full citizenship. But it has some open language in it that can create problems.  Listen to the podcast and then let me know what you think. #aliens #undocumentedworkers #September11 #worldtradecenter #bill #legislation #AOC --- Support this podcast:
My heart goes out to everyone in need of an organ transplant.  I have many friends who have been fortunate enough to receive one.  But there is a shortage and doctors and lawmakers and organizations have to make tough choices on who receives one and where someone sits on the waiting list.  But do things such as learning disability and COVID vaccine status determine your ranking on this list.  Listen to find out and then comment. #organ #organtransplant #heart #lungs #kidney #medical #hospital #government #doctors  --- Support this podcast:
The attack at the Pelosi home was a horrific event that can never be tolerated.  Sadly this event is not an isolated one as recent history shows other attacks or potential for attacks on the person or name of those in elected office, regardless of their political affiliation. In this episode I ask for prayers to be extended to everyone who has suffered injury to their person or their name as well as giving a broad stroke blueprint on how America can pull itself out of this downward spiral of violence toward one another. #pelosi #government #stoptheviolence #america #civility #legislation #tolerance #respect #Tedcruz --- Support this podcast:
This is part 2 of the discussion on the regulaiton that NYS Supreme Court Judge Ronald Ploetz found invalid.   Learn more on the regulation and hear the primary source documents such as the wording in the Public Health Law, the State bill the regulation is said to have similarities to and more.  And then you voice your opinion on whether you would have sided with the position of the Judge or if you believe the regulation was well crafted and a necessary step. And remember this is a safe place to voice your opinion without anyone judging as this site does not take a position on this issue but rather want to provide some resources so you can think critically on the matter and learn to discuss it in your own words rather than in the narrative of others be that the Governor, Cox or anyone else in between.  And remember what Attorney Cox did is what this podcast asks everyone to do - let your voices be heard when you believe something is not right.  We at Tell Me What You Really Think believe that all in elected office work hard to craft regulations and legislation that they believe are in the best interest of their constituents but they cannot do it alone.  If you disagree with something they have penned let them or others know.  Only by working with each other can we create a better world in which to live. Oh and if you find issue with any of the sources we provide or can give more clarity on the matter please write and voice your opinion.  We are learning just as you are and welcome the chance to elevate our own understanding of the issues at hand.  Your comments and suggestions will be read in future podcasts to help frame this conversation better. #regulation #bill #legislation #NYS #newyork #publichalth #departmentofhealth #lawsuit #unconstitutional --- Support this podcast:
A NYS regulation was recently deemed invalid as it related to Isolation and Quarantine procedures.  But this regulation may be appealed soon. Come learn about the regulation and hear the primary source documents such as the wording in the Public Health Law, the regulation that was found to be invalid, the State bill it is said to have similarities to and more. And then you voice your opinion on whether you would have sided with the position of the Judge or if you believe the regulation was well crafted and a necessary step. And remember this is a safe place to voice your opinion without anyone judging as this site does not take a position on this issue but rather want to provide some resources so you can think critically on the matter and learn to discuss it in your own words rather than in the narrative of others.    We at "Tell Me What You Really Think" believe that all in elected office work hard to craft regulations and legislation that they believe are in the best interest of their constituents but they cannot do it alone.  If you disagree with something they have penned let them or others know.  Only by working with each other can we create a better world in which to live. Oh and if you find issue with any of the sources we provide or can give more clarity on the matter please write and voice your opinion.  We are learning just as you are and welcome the chance to elevate our own understanding of the issues at hand.  Your comments and suggestions will be read in future podcasts to help frame this conversation better.   --- Support this podcast:
Our children deserve the best life can offer and yet we as a society are failing them.   Stats from the OCFS state office reports on incidents of abuse or neglect in foster care which is way above the national average.  And every state in America reflects some level of abuse in foster care.  This should never happen.  What can be done through legislation that can change these horrifying stats.  (Primary source: #podcast #fostercare #abuse #neglect #savethechildren #America #NYS --- Support this podcast:
We all have ideas of bills we would like to see become law.  And we should never hold back on mentioning these ideas to our elected officials.  Here are three people's thoughts of bills they would introduce.  Tell me what you really think about it. #bill #Congress #USA #Democrat #Republican --- Support this podcast:
Every year, the United States uses more than 1.8 million tons of glyphosate - and Roundup is found in about 90% of food products tested by the U.S. government—including honey.  Should this chemical be banned or further limited with its use? --- Support this podcast:
Can a liberal or Conservative be revealed by asking one simple question and if so what would that question be. --- Support this podcast:
No one is immune from funny quotes.  Can you match the quote with the person? #trivia #challenge #fun --- Support this podcast:
No one is immune from making mistakes - do you know which famous people misspoke with these quotes - play along. #trivia #challenge #fun  --- Support this podcast: